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Before He Died, A Kargil Soldier Wrote This Letter To His Parents


Jun 2, 2016
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Published September 9, 2017


In Letters from Kargil, Diksha Dwivedi tells the story of the Kargil war through the letters of the soldiers who fought it.

Major Ritesh Sharma of 17 Jat had cut short his leave to be on the war front. He was the company commander in the attack on a prominent peak, Pimple 2, in July 1999. During the assault, he was injured heavily and had to be left behind, but only after he ensured that his second in command, Anuj Nayyar, was in a position to lead the battalion to victory. Captain Nayyar lost his life in this battle, and Major Sharma passed away a few months later, but in the interim period, he spent every waking hour at war trying to avenge his friend’s death. Following the capture of Pimple 2, he wrote this moving letter to his parents.

Respected Mom and Dad,

Sadar Charan Sparsh

News is that I am perfectly fine here and you do not have to be worried with me in mind constantly. When we spoke on the call yesterday you seemed scared. By the time this letter reaches you, the fight might’ve ended.

We defeated the Pakistani 12 NLI Bn badly. The final blow to the enemy was given on Pimple 2 by my Charlie C coy. A splinter went through my right heel near the artillery shelling. It did not touch any bone and so I’m alright. It was good that it went through my foot or I would’ve had to go through an operation. Your courageous son did not return till he got all the other injured soldiers from the artillery shelling, gave them first aid and sent them back. I couldn’t save the life of one of them, but I saved a dozen other injured ones. Only when my CO ordered me to come back and I was assured that Anuj would lead us to victory had I retired. But sadly, four hours after I left, Anuj had attained martyrdom. After this massive fight, the enemy knew where he stood and decided that backing off was the wisest thing he could do. You might’ve imagined the extent to which our army has made the nation and world proud through this victory by looking at the news coverage on Star News or India Today. It was only because of your blessings that were with me that an artillery shell blasted near me but I escaped. Please don’t be more afraid after reading all of this. The fight is already over and our posting is out for Lucknow and we all will soon complete our 2 years and be back. Given the public hysteria that is developing, people will soon forget the soldiers again. When there was victory – the cavalier claimed it outright, the gunner boasted of his caliber, the signalmen and engineers published their worth, but the INFANTRY MAN stood silently with victory under his feet.

– Maj. Ritesh Sharma
surprised he didnt mentioned he regretted joining the indian army which provided inadequate fire support
Only a blackguard would concoct a fictitious situation to imply that a soldier who died for his country, and whose letter quoted here is imbued with loyalty and self-sacrifice, actually regretted joining the military.

Worse than a blackguard.
Much worse than even the Hlinka actually.
Respect to the honorable uniformed fighting men of India. Nothing but respect. Your vows to your nation are as sacred as ours, and I know a true soldier desires nothing but to sacrifice themselves to defend their nation.

Again, I say to those who mock the soldiers of any country, any man in uniform who conducts himself with honour, courage and discipline is worthy of respect.
Only a blackguard would concoct a fictitious situation to imply that a soldier who died for his country, and whose letter quoted here is imbued with loyalty and self-sacrifice, actually regretted joining the military.

Worse than a blackguard.

Gandhi is a pacifist anyway.
I totally disagree with you.

Clowns please people, they make people laugh.

What was I thinking!

I apologize. I am really, really sorry. I apologize unreservedly. I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by ignorance, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused real clowns, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.

(Slightly altered from the clip below.)


I'm sorry, did I sound very pompous? My excuse is that I was deeply shaken up and very, very upset. Sorry to have been such a stuffed shirt.

I'm sorry, did I sound very pompous? My excuse is that I was deeply shaken up and very, very upset. Sorry to have been such a stuffed shirt.

I was joking. I don't know if the video appeared properly. I was trying to link to a hilarious movie clip of John Cleese "apologizing" in a lawyerly fashion.

The larger point though, is that this "singaporeguy" has been polluting every thread relating to Indian military affairs, trying his best to say insensitive things. I called him a clown, but as you rightly pointed out, that was an insult to clowns. Mea Culpa.
I was joking. I don't know if the video appeared properly. I was trying to link to a hilarious movie clip of John Cleese "apologizing" in a lawyerly fashion.

The larger point though, is that this "singaporeguy" has been polluting every thread relating to Indian military affairs, trying his best to say insensitive things. I called him a clown, but as you rightly pointed out, that was an insult to clowns. Mea Culpa.

I can't get over his two insults in quick succession. First that vile implication about a dead man, soon another horrible comment about a widow who got through OTA and is now an officer.

Something snapped inside me.

I was joking. I don't know if the video appeared properly. I was trying to link to a hilarious movie clip of John Cleese "apologizing" in a lawyerly fashion.

The larger point though, is that this "singaporeguy" has been polluting every thread relating to Indian military affairs, trying his best to say insensitive things. I called him a clown, but as you rightly pointed out, that was an insult to clowns. Mea Culpa.

Oh Heavens, yes! I saw the movie years ago, but was unable to connect to it just now.
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