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Beef Eating in Hinduism

While eating Tandoori Chicken,Lord Raam came to me and asked Boiler hai ya Gawthi, and i was:o::o::o:

it is said that Lord Ram's fav dish was roast wild boar. Wild boar is not a pig, for those who do not know or cannot understand the difference. and Lord Ram was a kshyatriya. kshyatriyas always had the "freedom" to eat meat.

i have heard that wild boars are like heavenly..who'se gonna get me wild boar in a city ? in my to eat list it shall lie.
it is said that Lord Ram's fav dish was roast wild boar. Wild boar is not a pig, for those who do not know or cannot understand the difference. and Lord Ram was a kshyatriya. kshyatriyas always had the "freedom" to eat meat.

i have heard that wild boars are like heavenly..who'se gonna get me wild boar in a city ? in my to eat list it shall lie.
mene khaya hae,,,:tup:
i had a close friend from portblair who also told me the same. it's the tastiest meat he has had..crocodile meat is also very tasty it seems. local poaching..

is that how your forefather accepted islam in his heart too ?

can't delete that image from your mind ? seek counselling.

No he conquered your people :D
As I believe the status if of the cow came from its relative throughput to the ancient Indian society. From large quantities of milk compared to its intake along with its faeces(which is also useful) the animal would have held importance in ancient Indian society of the time and hence slaughtering or eating it(compared to other animals) would have been prohibited for the benefit of society. Is the same true today? that is a different question.

True but that's a question that can be asked about religion itself. The logic that applied at the time of their creation/ascendancy is not the same today, is it?
he conquered you. see where and who you are and where and who we are.

you. :D

No buddy we werent the ones who were selling our women to Mughals... The Hindus were...

Yes, see where we are and you are... Lol
To OP, what is your point?
there is no point.
OP is self proclaimed atheist but is citing hindu religious text to justify beef consumption,,,,irony eh :)
on top of that few hindu zealots declared him kafir :D
full bakwas,,,u can join too
Chachoo you have been eating the wrong Sajji :mad:
lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz eheheheheheeheeeeeeeeeeeee......mod pissed somone insult the dish....lolzzzzzzz

Yaar Saji of chicken is quite famous in Lahore it is sold at many places I have hardly seen Sajji of Beef
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Feeling Hungary
nude chicken .....thats chicken ****

I believe it Indian start eating meat , we all starved then. Because daily hundreds of cows from India smuggle in Pakistan
lol...hindus were not selling women to anybody buddy.

is it too diabolical/horrifying to accept that it actually happened to you ? that the truth might be different than what you keep telling each other in public ? the beef being stuffed down your ancestors throat till they accept islam..the image of your women of present day punjab? present day sindh gang raped and being thrown in your conquerer's harem where who cares if she accepts islam or not...

i can get it. the shame is huge and social in nature. buddy.

LOL buddy you are really funny. You are basically taking Hindu history and turning it flip side... Funny Hindutvas can't seem to accept the fact that their ancestors were merely cockroaches infront of mine. I still think you are cockroaches buddy.

lolz and hindus should put pork meat in Muslims mouth ? not cool dude

Some midget Hindu is not gonna put shit in people's mouths buddy.. Remember your history
Dear friend, are you aware of Kapila Hrishi? Let me introduce him to you.

1. Sage Kapila is mentioned by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita:

"Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Narada. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.(10.26)?"

2. In Indian Mythology, Kapila is a major figure in the story associated with the descent of the Ganges (Goddess Ganga) river from heaven.

3. There are many temples of Kapila in India.

4. Sankhya philosophy is one of the six (original) schools of Hindu philosophy and classical Indian philosophy. Sage Kapila is traditionally credited as a founder of the Samkhya school.

5. Indian philosopher Swami Vivekananda considered Kapila "the greatest psychologist of the world has ever known" and told, "there is no philosophy in the world that is not indebted to Kapila."

Now after reading above facts , hope you will agree on the fact that sage Kapila was a prominent Hindu and a leading ancient Hindu philosopher?

Now Can you believe that Kapila was an atheist and he created a school of philosophy (Sankhya) which is considered as Atheist philosophy?

Sankhya accepts the notion of higher selves or perfected beings but rejects the notion of God. Classical Samkhya argues against the existence of God on metaphysical grounds. Samkhya theorists argue that an unchanging God cannot be the source of an ever changing world and that God was only a necessary metaphysical assumption demanded by circumstances. Samkhya philosophers were against the idea of an eternal, self-caused, creator God.

If you read Sankhya, you will find that the arguments were extremely complex and extremely difficult to contradict. You may not agree with it but must be proud that such level of philosophical height was achieved in India 2500 years back. You and many of us have problem to accept atheists as Hindu in this twenty first century. But just imagine that Hindu religion was open enough to accept such idea 2500 years back. I am proud to see the openness , liberal nature and built in pluralism of original Hinduism

If Kapila like atheist was considered as a greatest philosopher in Hindu scriptures, it is evident that atheists had a respectable position in ancient Hindu society.

Hope you will appreciate the facts provided above

Really Im mesmerized by these facts. Hinduism amazes me much. I find those ancient Hindu traditions so much forward looking and above than its time.

Alas today in India there is a lack of high moral ground.
What do u Minority minds wants to prove ... U want us Hindus to eat Holy Cow and prove our secularism ... by random internet search and Anti-Hindu blogs and websites u want to teach us Hindus ... what is Hinduism ...

U better search on net and find answers for how the Bibelic Adam and Eves two sons Kane and Abel repopulated the earth without women...

Get a Life and dont try to justify ur Crime of killing innocent animals for food...and pointing Hindus did the same..

No we are not like u... we dont share anything with u neither our culture nor religion... ur way of thinking and behavior is alien to us and our Country ... what we share with u is just the Nationality ... U better adapt quickly understanding the sense of Change in the country ...

Who are 'we'? Please speak for youself. Very less educated people in this country would share the same view as yours.
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