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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

The Council for Deccan Independence is now operating in Hyderabad and Saudi Arabia. This will be register soon.

We will notify our members of expansion in other Countries. We acknoledge the support in Pakistan especially from Karachi where large number of migrants from Hyderabad fled after the 1948 Indian invasion but will give only observor positions for people who identify themself as Pakistani Nationals but not Deccan Nationals.

Membership is open for Deccan people who support our rightous cause for seeking liberation from the Indian forces who seek to destroy the Islamic Identity and are mismanaging the country and its resources and mistreating innocent muslims and poor in the areas of what they now call Andhra Pradesh.

Members of the Azad Deccan Movement have already started signing forms for the Council for Deccan Independence. Primary membership will be available to people who have worked hard for the movement and have significant achievement for it through volunteering, aid or donations. The rest will be given Secondary membership.

Observer status can also be granted to guest expectaters and people who want to look at the workings of our organization and support or have a sympathy for the Azad Deccan Movement. Pakistanis, Khalistanis can join the Council for Deccan Independence as observers.

It is wise to join this movement because the Council of Deccan Independence plans to get the information about missing people in Hyderabad kidnapped by police or intelligence agencies and information about riot victims. This will be more organized and managed well with big investment by us and manager, information person and spokesman than the Azad Deccan Movement which still exist. Azad Deccan Movement still exist.

Council for Deccan Independence | Azad Deccan Movement

For heavens sake please think like a Think Tank.

Is this your idea of a ' Rebellion" !!

Whats next .. the local flower show or ladies club ?
My signature is for all bigots, of any hue.


Bigotry is ugly. I have nothing against ugly people personally. I just wish they would not wave it into my face.
A person tries hard to hide his ugly side but some where he shows his ugly filthy face

Unintelligent and boring bigots are cordially invited to come sit on my pappu and spin

Don't quote me further.
A person tries hard to hide his ugly side but some where he shows his ugly filthy face

Unintelligent and boring bigots are cordially invited to come sit on my pappu and spin

Don't quote me further.

My pappu is a lot less ugly than the bigotry I see here from certain quarters.

Even if I do say so myself ....

I was ignoring you in case you did not pick up on it. The quoting was all from your side. One way.

Cheers, Doc
As far as I know (I would be happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable folk), Arabia never had cows native to the land. Camels yes. Horses too.

Neither Iran, to which it spread next.

So where did the practice of cutting cows come into the theology from?

Surely could not have been native to the land of its birth or origin. So was it ever a part of the original religion, or an geographical/regional adaptation that came later?

If it came later, then its not really Islam, is it? Because from what I've learned over the years, what came first was the final word. Never-changing.

Its a serious question, and I would prefer potentially butthurt bigots to take cognizance of my signature.

There is nothing in Islam that prohibits me from consuming beef, the ones that are forbidden are clearly mentioned. Cow is not forbidden, as a Muslim I would respect anyone's religious sentiments if he is going to ask me politely and requests me not to perform certain action (which is not necessary to follow in my faith) because it hurts his religious beliefs and is offensive, but if some bigoted person / nation tries to force something on me then it is a different matter, it is no more about respecting that bigots religious sentiments now it is more about protecting my religious freedom and fight the oppression.

And for your signature, give me a break does it even function now? :-)no: no tries at being teenager again, and I know you are going to reply me after a dose of viagra but I would suggest refrain from that). The other day you said something about cutting nunnies by bearded people, let me tell you something it does not suit you playing with nunnies and pappus in this age, you are not a teenager any more, grow up and act like a grown up, otherwise don't think that other's will keep ignoring shit you keep posting from time to time about their beliefs. Now get your bigoted papu some rest your health and age does not allow it to spin.:no: I said don't even think about proving it, not possible without viagra :no:.
For heavens sake please think like a Think Tank.

Is this your idea of a ' Rebellion" !!

Whats next .. the local flower show or ladies club ?
I just gave what someone asked for... no offense intended.
I just gave what someone asked for... no offense intended.
No offense taken at all.

I had asked you to share a link for the Muslims in India being on the ' verge of rebellion" hence was curious to know where you got your inputs from.
I just asked you about taru and vulture post if you prove i post i will quite this forum
What about your signatures is that a well mannered thing.
Unintelligent and boring bigots are cordially invited to come sit on my pappu and spin
In this thread u post without tagging me but i can feel it is for me you refer on your signatures which i tagged mods.

kindly quote the full sentence or nothing at all.. and which went like this:
".... Lahore, my grand father used to tell me me, was one of the most liberal and neo-ethinic cities of the undivided India. He graduated as a lawyer from there in the early 1930's. Ever since independence, islam has been radicalised and its essence of peace, hospitality and Grandeur is now but a sad relic due to the deliberate decimation of its leadership to suit the interest of the few influential ones.."
beef ban is just the beginning, a lot more will bring back Dogra rule memories if they jihad.
Then remind one thing how your so called rule were crushed by handful poonchians in year 1947.
Dogra Memories. :haha:
Be informed we liberated Azad Kshmir to liberate Jammu and Kashmir,i warned you to quit J&K otherwise we Ajkians will host more training camps.:guns:

Well this cowardice is a result of poor policy making in our Islamabad. Why did Pakistan close its borders to migrants in 62 before all migrants had even arrived in Pakistan. Why did we migrants treat the relatives left in Indian occupied parts differently and why did we not adopt a more patriotic stance towards Pakistan rather than ask for more.

I think we need to take some serious steps to win muslims left there. We unfortunately treat them as outsiders.
If we allowed all migrants to enter our territory then it will be a stupid decision.
In the name of migrants many raw agents can easily infiltrate into our territory for covert operations.

I'm not a Hindu. My religion has nothing about not eating beef. But I am part of a people who venerate and worship the cow.

Therefore the way we are brought up, it would be extremely rude and disrespectful to my brothers to go out and cut something holy to them to eat it.

India is the ancestral land of Hindus and other Dharmic faiths.

Get over it people. Migrate to a more beef friendly land if your tastebuds demand it.

There will be no beef here. And Kashmir is here. In India.
Eid ul Azha is not far. In Kashmir We will see how well your ban law exists. Happiness is when kashmiris raise our flag in your territory and you cannot stop them. :partay:
If we allowed all migrants to enter our territory then it will be a stupid decision.
In the name of migrants many raw agents can easily infiltrate into our territory for covert operations.

Eid ul Azha is not far. In Kashmir We will see how well your ban law exists. Happiness is when kashmiris raise our flag in your territory and you cannot stop them. :partay:
RAW was formed in '68.....6 years after 62
If we allowed all migrants to enter our territory then it will be a stupid decision.
In the name of migrants many raw agents can easily infiltrate into our territory for covert operations.
Well that is something to be worried aboutbut RAW agents have already infiltrated FIA, make fake videos to frame Pakistanis, are raping people in a hospital... there is a lot of information I have about that that has made me look at things a little differently. But all of us migrants can't be RAW agents can we. For example my grandfather from mothers side kept supporting Pakistan while staying in Lucknow. Wouldn't it have been right for him to be brought to Pakistan-to live in the country he strived for and loved. It is a huge injustice that loyalists to Pakistan are not allowed to enter Pakistan. For example look at what we did to biharis.
Well that is something to be worried aboutbut RAW agents have already infiltrated FIA, make fake videos to frame Pakistanis, are raping people in a hospital... there is a lot of information I have about that that has made me look at things a little differently. But all of us migrants can't be RAW agents can we. For example my grandfather from mothers side kept supporting Pakistan while staying in Lucknow. Wouldn't it have been right for him to be brought to Pakistan-to live in the country he strived for and loved. It is a huge injustice that loyalists to Pakistan are not allowed to enter Pakistan. For example look at what we did to biharis.
Yes we have some administration issues but it doesn't mean we hate or ignored muslims of India.
Look Kashmiri muslims are fighting for their rights since 1828,then why Indian muslims are living a miserable life and don;t fight against radical hindus. Many indian muslims support ban beef is it a good turn?While after ban in Kashmir,they slaughtered dozen cows openly and posted their videos in social media.
Asiya Andrabi slaughterd cow in protest for banning beef in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir | Breaking News | Latest News

RAW was formed in '68.....6 years after 62
Intelligence bureau.
Intelligence Bureau (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as I know (I would be happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable folk), Arabia never had cows native to the land. Camels yes. Horses too.

Neither Iran, to which it spread next.

So where did the practice of cutting cows come into the theology from?

Surely could not have been native to the land of its birth or origin. So was it ever a part of the original religion, or an geographical/regional adaptation that came later?

If it came later, then its not really Islam, is it? Because from what I've learned over the years, what came first was the final word. Never-changing.

Its a serious question, and I would prefer potentially butthurt bigots to take cognizance of my signature.
Your knowledge is limited.
I refer you to read this in torah and bible.

Musa (Moses) - The Story of the Israelites and the Cow



Beef is banned and 88000000 army is here to enforce it.
Not in a million years. :D
Asiya Andrabi slaughterd cow in protest for banning beef in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir | Breaking News | Latest News

:D LOL. Muslims celebrating homelessness of non Muslims. Why am I not surprised? :)

For your info, Dogras are still there. :tup:
I am talking about Dogra rule not Dogras.

Birds of a feather.

Eid ul Azha is not far. In Kashmir We will see how well your ban law exists. Happiness is when kashmiris raise our flag in your territory and you cannot stop them. :partay:

Engineer, happiness is when we hold the nunni.

And it shakes when we want it to. Where we want it to. How we want it to.
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