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Beaking News..Indian Army Planning of Armoured Attack From Famous Chawinda Sector...!

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Actually false flag will be the start of war. it will not be like India will take 12 days to get ready ...this why they are building the Integrated Battle groups to go into action as soon as possible.

False flag will be used to start the cold start doctrine where the already amassed Indian troops will pour across the border and the polity of bilateral will be used by the time International community 'wakes' up.
@Vergennes is not an Indian

He is a French citizen of Pakistani origin.

In the past he use to have another user with both French and Pakistani flags.

The issue has already been discussed mate and he apologized.

No i'm 100% French. I think you are mistaking me for a former respected member called @Taygibay who's,sadly,not active anymore. BTW,he had a Pakistani flag,but he explained it was more something as respect than actually being Pakistani.
It is such a pity that at such a critical juncture of our history we are being ruled by incompetent pacifists. All of the wars we had fought before (except Yahya) we had good, aggressive military leaders like Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq or even Musharraf during WOT.

Can't believe we will be fighting war on our own territory and not take the war to India inside their territory. Which actually means that we will be fighting in our cities. God forbid! We know that India will wage a war but still same old BS of appealing to bloody International community nonsense. Fighting on our territory means loss of lives will be ten times higher as well.

This bloody democracy will destroy Pakistan ultimately.
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The issue has already been discussed mate and he apologized.

No i'm 100% French. I think you are mistaking me for a former respected member called **** who's,sadly,not active anymore. BTW,he had a Pakistani flag,but he explained it was more something as respect than actually being Pakistani.

Sorry! My intention was not to blow up your cover. I respect people's concern and right to privacy. This is reason why I did not mention the user name.

But of course, we know all 6Vectors of Hybridwar on Pakistan are activated... FuzlaGangsters still doing dallas and then we have to listen daily to Bakarri Billo... NanniTweetni just doing stealth actions via NaracoLeague...

JudicialMaffia did two frontal attacks on PakArmedForces pushing for stronger reaction i.e. MartialLaw... we escaped by the skin of our teeth....

We knows, we knows... we knows..
Yes they are pushing harder.. but still the government is not giving enough reason to the supporters of Indian assets to revolt. Actually we are trying to calm the khota supporters even more by giving in to the illogical demands.

But what if tomorrow someone kills a prominent politician in Pakistan whose supporters are capable of creating mayhem.
GanguFacistRegime is creating 71 type situation in OurLand with
Problem for them is that they have created a situation in their own country too.. first by removing 370, and then through NRC.

Modi alone is fighting our war in India for us.

This will be the open declaration of War on Pakistan.
What if that politician dies in a jail under mysterious circumstances?
Indian Army is not breaching any Pakistani territory as of now, this is offensive defense there are huge number of pakistani, afgani and kashmiri terrorists stationed near to LOC by Pakistan Army from couple of months now and multiple attempts have been made to cross over to Indian side, but no large scale infiltration were successful that is mainly because Indian Army has started using guided artillery and in some cases guided MRLS to target launch pads.
God forbids if these terrorists cross over and repeat pulwana type attack it will be impossible to deescalate and likely response with be cold start from Indian Military which will result in LOC to be shifted further west in positions where it can be sustained.

Pakistan Army is slowly dragging the region to war multiple back channels are hot now hopefully PA understands than no positives will be achieved by going back to 1990s even Indian Kashmiri muslims who basically hate India will not be welcoming the days of 90s.

Only solution is to reverse the policy of Pak Army of armed guerrilla fighting and freeze the current hostilities and leave the solution to future generations there might be a chance in future(50-100 years) that these issues might automatically gets solved.
Time to invest in economic frontiers more.
Many Pakistani thinks that India will be bigger loser in conflict due to bigger economy no both India and Pakistan will lose and kashmir will still get unresolved but both India and Pakistan will be more pathetic after fighting than we currently are.
The kind of analysis you made , may Allah have mercy on the likes of you .
Indian troops will be foreign as well..

But my point is that India will have to create a situation as it created in 1971 to change international border.
nahi yaar consider it this way ....
India have 4 votes in their favour in Security Council who are above any international norm or law .... so no ill will come to Indian way from UN

But all this will happen if we give up on any military response due to depletion of arm resources or lost of political will to fight back which I don't see happening
Indian Army is not breaching any Pakistani territory as of now, this is offensive defense there are huge number of pakistani, afgani and kashmiri terrorists stationed near to LOC by Pakistan Army from couple of months now and multiple attempts have been made to cross over to Indian side, but no large scale infiltration were successful that is mainly because Indian Army has started using guided artillery and in some cases guided MRLS to target launch pads.
God forbids if these terrorists cross over and repeat pulwana type attack it will be impossible to deescalate and likely response with be cold start from Indian Military which will result in LOC to be shifted further west in positions where it can be sustained.

Pakistan Army is slowly dragging the region to war multiple back channels are hot now hopefully PA understands than no positives will be achieved by going back to 1990s even Indian Kashmiri muslims who basically hate India will not be welcoming the days of 90s.

Only solution is to reverse the policy of Pak Army of armed guerrilla fighting and freeze the current hostilities and leave the solution to future generations there might be a chance in future(50-100 years) that these issues might automatically gets solved.
Time to invest in economic frontiers more.
Many Pakistani thinks that India will be bigger loser in conflict due to bigger economy no both India and Pakistan will lose and kashmir will still get unresolved but both India and Pakistan will be more pathetic after fighting than we currently are.

Cross border terrorism and sending terrorists backed by military is Indian domain, not Pakistan’s. India has successfully conducted cross border terrorism through terror launching pads of mukti bahini all around east Pakistan border in 1971.

Even if Indian media is brainwashing you - remember India conducts a strategy, then blames Pakistan for it. Yadav, the Indian military spy, the everyday slap on India’s face is yet another testimony how much India itself relies on cross border terrorism through its lessons learnt in 1971. Then the likes of Baloch liberation Front etc are another faction on which India depends to create unrest in Pakistan through collaboration with Yadav before he was captured and insulted India through out the world. The other spies that India sent to create unrest In Pakistan, movies have been made on them.

So before you talk about cross border terrorism again about Pakistan - always keep in mind that India is a Champion of cross border terrorism. No country in subcontinent can even close to India in terrorism.

While India media may scream about terrorism by Pakistan - Yadav is a living proof how India successfully conducts cross border terrorism in Pakistan.
All this urgency shown by PDF posters is not mirrored by the government of Pakistan which renders all this discussion as futile and just fantasy talk.

Instead of this fan talk. Point me towards 1 measure taken by the GoP with respect to Kashmir policy and appraising International forums for the continued escalations with India.
Does the intl. Community gives a damn ? .
Does the intl. Community gives a damn ? .

Why take the risk in finding it out?

GoP is not serious about Indian aggression. It had long placed all her eggs in Trumps mediation basket.
The Indians have just learned Russian air platforms are utter junk and no match for western ones,the reason such emphasis is being put on the Rafale.

Knowledgeable Indians always new that Russian equipment are a piece of junk. There is no surprise here.

The main issue was/is to do with the Indian politics.

Indian Congress party is a Soviet/Russia leaning party. So they had inducted all equipment from USSR/Russia for many decades now. But since they knew that the Russian equipment will not be able to take on US & EU origin equipment being used by Pakistani military, they had always steered away from getting into a fight with Pakistan.

On the other hand, BJP is a US/West leaning party. So now they want replace all Soviet/Russia equipment with US/EU equipment. To do that first they have to malign and demonstrate to the Indian public that Soviet/Russia equipment are a piece of junk and they need to be replaced with the US/EU equipment.

This is the reason why in spite of knowing fulling well that Indian military is ill equipped to take on Pakistan's military, BJP keeps taking actions time and again to get India into a battle with Pakistan and India ending up losing it.
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