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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

If BD generals are sure of a winning in a limited war, then they should brush aside all our bickering women politicians and seek a war, and then teach the Burmese Junta a lesson so that the Burmese population throw them away. With this Junta in power, BD cannot expect anything positive. They never have reciprocated our goodwill gestures in the past.

Also now, when our little Dipu Moni asked the Burmese FM about the mobilization, he denied everything on her face. What a mannerless pig is this FM. When our BDR DG sent a letter to Burma requesting for a meeting, 10 days have passed, but that Pig Junta has not yet cared to give an answer to that request.

One of their army spokesmen only said that their army is helping NASAKA to erect the fence. By law, army cannot move beyond the 5 km limit. It is an act of aggression. But, the Burmese talk as if their army troops are there for a PICNIC.

No I shall wait till our generals are confident enough taking over Arakan state. You can not wage a war without anticipating a good return of investment. We need Arakan for the Rohingiya and for the people who will be dislocated by the global warming. We can sell this idea under the table to both Western countries as well as to some of our neighbours.:coffee:

PS: With Arakan in our hand burmese will loose their legitimacy on in Bay of Bengal. :lol:
Burma's Mig29's can be used for ground attacks but they'll most likely use them as escorts for their cheap fighters which will bomb the targets inside BD where as Mig29's will protect them providing escort.They also have Nanchang Q-5 which can carry massive load.So a war is not going to be small.Both countries are very strong in a sense that they can bomb each other military targets but no civilian targets as both have limited ammo unless Burmese generals gets crazy.We can't really comment on air force performance as BDAF has never been in combat.I think BD should buy a squardon of Gripen NG Fighter equipped with AIM120 which if based on Cox's bazar or flying near burma's air space can kill Burma's fighters during take off and recovery.

This Q-5 can carry no more than 0.5 tons of explosive.
hang on ,any news about the kidnapped fishermen?
Don't we have a Coast Guard?how come they don't protect out fisherment along the Naf River?

This shouldn't be a lesson just for the armed forces but for the security services as well.
hang on ,any news about the kidnapped fishermen?
Don't we have a Coast Guard?how come they don't protect out fisherment along the Naf River?

This shouldn't be a lesson just for the armed forces but for the security services as well.

The fishermen were thrown in deep sea,not in Naf.Besides our coast guard is too poorly equipped to take on NASAKA.So yes,all this should be a lesson to strengthen our weak points.All we can do here is to pray that those responsible to strengthen our military,have learnt the lesson.
I hope so bro.India is one thing,they are a fully functioning state but Burma is another thing.

If we can't neutralize the aerial threats then it wouldn't be unwise to use warships and army forces to capture airfields,Sitwee specifically.

So far violations within BD territory:

1)Burmese engineers/infantry infiltrating in our territory
2)Rohingyas pushed in/back
3)maritime area(not disputed ) violation,kidnapping of fishermen.This has been done a lot in the past and this fishermen's plights have been ignored.

for the last part don't we have ANY security forces within the vicinity?I guess it's like a peninsula right where the Naf divides BD and Myanmar?

BTW I was referring to the article in DS about fishermen kidnapped and four swimming ashore.were they the same who were thrown in deep sea?
Loss of fish but if those fishermen were recovered then there's some good news.

are there warships stationed near St.Martin ?In the event it does fall into Burmese hands,do we have measures to take our island back?does BD army and navy have such training for amphibious landings?
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Warlike situation on BD-Myanmar border-Myanmar army prepares 8-km minefield
Around 5,500 to 6,000 Myanmarese soldiers were deployed across the Bangladesh border

Sunday October 18 2009 23:23:46 PM BDT

A warlike situation prevails on the Bangladesh-Myanmar frontier as Myanmar's army was learnt to have prepared an eight-kilometer minefield and evacuated around 500 people from their bordering villages, apparently as disputes over ownership of a part of the Bay of Bengal heightened.(UNB, Dhaka)

Sources from the country's southeastern frontier told UNB Sunday evening that around 5,500 to 6,000 Myanmarese soldiers were deployed across the Bangladesh border. Myanmar also shored up its naval strength in the sea area.

The contentions compounded when Bangladesh is leasing out offshore gas blocks to two foreign companies for exploration within the country's territorial waters in the Bay.

One source apprehends that the Myanmar military may invade the lower tip (Dumdunia under Noapara union) of Teknaf as a strategy of putting up bargain with Bangladesh on the disputed maritime boundary, as Dhaka took the demarcation issue up for UN arbitration alongside negotiations with the claimant neighbors. A reliable source from the frontier town of Teknaf said three battalions of Bangladesh army today (Sunday) conducted recce in Gundum, Chakdal and Marichapalong areas of Teknaf to locate the strategic positions.

However, the source said, "Preparation on the Bangladesh side is not strong enough compared to the Myanmar side."

The sources said the strength of Bangladesh navy and army combined is greater than those of Myanmar, but the Bangladesh side needs adequate preparation to face any eventuality.

They said Myanmar authorities are erecting barbed-wire fences within their territory across the Bangladesh border. On the sidelines of ACD meeting in Colombo, the Myanmar Foreign Minister and Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni had a meeting last Friday when the former said their troops were doing "routine work".

Last week, State Minister for Home Affairs Shamsul Huq Tuku ruled out reasons for getting worried but said there must be alert in place over the reported Myanmar security buildups.

I hope all those Generals,admirals,commodores/air marshals ,politicians know what they are doing.
In case of war.I think BDAF should do pre-emptive strikes on BUrma Air Force base to mainly kill those mig29's.Much better to kill on ground then air.
Warlike situation on BD-Myanmar border-Myanmar army prepares 8-km minefield

Around 5,500 to 6,000 Myanmarese soldiers were deployed across the Bangladesh border

An Air Force helicopter of Myanmar on patrol in it’s border area during curfew on Sunday afternoon. Photo: Banglar Chokh

Warlike situation on BD-Myanmar border-Myanmar army prepares 8-km minefield

Around 5,500 to 6,000 Myanmarese soldiers were deployed across the Bangladesh border

A warlike situation prevails on the Bangladesh-Myanmar frontier as Myanmar's army was learnt to have prepared an eight-kilometer minefield and evacuated around 500 people from their bordering villages, apparently as disputes over ownership of a part of the Bay of Bengal heightened.(UNB, Dhaka)

Sources from the country's southeastern frontier told UNB Sunday evening that around 5,500 to 6,000 Myanmarese soldiers were deployed across the Bangladesh border. Myanmar also shored up its naval strength in the sea area.

The contentions compounded when Bangladesh is leasing out offshore gas blocks to two foreign companies for exploration within the country's territorial waters in the Bay.

One source apprehends that the Myanmar military may invade the lower tip (Dumdunia under Noapara union) of Teknaf as a strategy of putting up bargain with Bangladesh on the disputed maritime boundary, as Dhaka took the demarcation issue up for UN arbitration alongside negotiations with the claimant neighbors. A reliable source from the frontier town of Teknaf said three battalions of Bangladesh army today (Sunday) conducted recce in Gundum, Chakdal and Marichapalong areas of Teknaf to locate the strategic positions.

However, the source said, "Preparation on the Bangladesh side is not strong enough compared to the Myanmar side."

The sources said the strength of Bangladesh navy and army combined is greater than those of Myanmar, but the Bangladesh side needs adequate preparation to face any eventuality.

They said Myanmar authorities are erecting barbed-wire fences within their territory across the Bangladesh border. On the sidelines of ACD meeting in Colombo, the Myanmar Foreign Minister and Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni had a meeting last Friday when the former said their troops were doing "routine work".

Last week, State Minister for Home Affairs Shamsul Huq Tuku ruled out reasons for getting worried but said there must be alert in place over the reported Myanmar security buildups.

Border tension: Nasaka moves ahead with barbed wire fencing

The border security force of Myanmar - Nasaka is preparing for extending its barbed wire fencing project to Chakdala from Rejuamtal along the border line in Naikhongchari. Similar moves by the Nasaka were stalled twice in March and August this year in the wake of strong protest from the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) here in Tekhnaf and Bandarban.

The Myanmar government first initiated fencing of its border along Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in early November last year when a frigate of Myanmar Navy entered the water territory of Bangladesh and came under strong chase of Bangladesh Navy.

According to people living in bordering areas the Nasaka men under the direct supervision of the Myanmar military are now cleaning jungles near Walidong hills with the intention of expanding its fencing project in Chakdala, Ashartari and Fultali borderline.

Myanmar troops with relatively heavier and long-range firearms have been mobilised along the border belts and massive trenching by the troops at strategic places were in progress.

Earlier, Nasaka built more than 118 kilometers barbed fence of the 288 kilometers borderline without discussing with Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) creating tension in the border areas.

BDR has also strengthened its vigilance along the border apart from mobilising logistics and reorganizing border observation points (BOP).

Battalion Commander of the BDR in Naikhongchari Lieutenant Colonel Saiful Azam told reporters that his battalion has been on top alert for any situation.

In the mean time, some of the recent intruders, mainly from Arakan province of Myanmar told reporters that the Myanmar government might carry out a population census in their province tentatively after the ongoing fencing projects.

It is assumed that the Myanmar government will ultimately disown the population out of the census while the pushing back of the already intruded Rohingya population to Myanmar might become difficult because of the barbed fencing.

Though official number of Rohingya population took refuge in different areas in the hills and the border belts in Tekhnaf and Cox's Bazar are 250 thousand, actual population size is feared more than double the number.

Political analysts here in the port city apprehended the ill intention of grabbing the mineral rich areas in the Bay by pushing Bangladesh into uncomfortable situation.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Myanmar militant held in Bandarban
A member of Democratic Party of Arakan, a militant group of Myanmar, was arrested in Ruma upazila in Bandarban yesterday.
He was identified as Kew Ba Mong, 35.
Sources said local people caught Kew at Banchar Dai indigenous village near Ruma upazila sadar on late Saturday and handed him over to the army yesterday.
Locals alleged that Kew Ba Mong was involved with kidnapping people for ransom.
Recently he created a heavy pressure on the locals for huge amount of toll to buy firearms for his party, a villager said.
In this situation, they caught and handed him over to the law enforcement agency, he added.
Mig-29s can perform both fighter and bomber role.They are air superiority fighters,not interceptors.

And about BD migs,the number is conflicted.It is widely believed we have 8 not 16.
Even wiki says of 16 units of Mig. In some other forum I have seen the photograph of a few migs behind whom there is a shed. I believe, in mig sheds only migs take shelter. I saw shelter No. 14. But there seems to be other sheds also. So, I assumed the number to be 16. Jane's can give correct figure. There are some pakistani posters who were also telling of 16 migs in some other threads.

Neither BD govt nor its military publishes any important purchase news for security reasons.
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^and yet in spite of that Indians and other countries know our orbats really well.

I am not sure whether that claim that we are stronger is accurate at all.

BTW,could they be building a dam to stop the flow of the Naf river?I think they tried this once if I remember correctly.Or their motive could entirely be to push back the Muslims.I am not sure whether they are so bold or have such backing to take St.Martin but it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

we should build that air force base.I hope the civilian leadership does not cave in to these threats.
This has been my point from the start. I have been also advising the army that for every division sent to Burma another division must be raised to replace it for guarding our borders with India. I am concerned, however, that if Burma attacks BD then AL will invite Indian troops into BD as part of this plan.

Excuse me, are you here to make a mockery on defence matters? You claim yourself as a DOCTRINAIRE, and this is your level of knowledge! It surprised not only me, it shocked many others. Why you people are here in a foreign forum to degrade my country?

First, be a Bangladeshi patriot, then talk about its welfare. You have certainly exceeded the limit of a mockery. This mockery is unfit for you. Do you want us to believe that you are an ADVISER to the army? Do you have that kind of deep knowledge about procurement and strategy? Please do not claim absurd things. It only tells that you are cheap.
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In case of war.I think BDAF should do pre-emptive strikes on BUrma Air Force base to mainly kill those mig29's.Much better to kill on ground then air.
Yes, our jets should make a southward low flight over the sea at night, then turn east and hit the Burmese jets on the runway or in the shelters. A preemptive strike will weaken the Burmese air-strength.
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