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BBC panorama - Muslim first British second

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Well I was not aware of it.
However, after 2005, so much water has flown under the themes river/
Situation is even worse now.
This is something that one must admit - vis a vis this issue.
Whites are getting furious

Seeing is believing right?

No it's not worse now. you haven't got any idea what you are talking about. Firstly the major hate preaches have been deported and their disgusting movements banned.

Also why are you posting shots of women showing their breasts with "no shariah" written on them. These women are not from the UK and are continental based, who take their inspiration from the "Femen" movement in Ukraine.
Sometimes i really think that the powers that be are egging for a race/cultural war just in case the economy goes down south.

I mean,it would be so easy to clamp down on the few hundreds,maybe thousands loonatics and than the majority of the natives and the peacefull majority of the muslim community can get on with their lives.But no...
Sometimes i really think that the powers that be are egging for a race/cultural war just in case the economy goes down south.

I mean,it would be so easy to clamp down on the few hundreds,maybe thousands loonatics and than the majority of the natives and the peacefull majority of the muslim community can get on with their lives.But no...
muslims are in good position both in conservative and labour parties. There is no such conspiracy as I understand. :p:
The next london mayor is most probably going to be a muslim of pakistani descent.(labour candidate)
Logic: No Sharia, let's get naked to protest against it.

I just hope they don't catch a cold trying to show off their good-stuffs :-)
muslims are in good position both in conservative and labour parties. There is no such conspiracy as I understand. :p:
The next london mayor is most probably going to be a muslim of pakistani descent.(labour candidate)
muslims are in good position both in conservative and labour parties. There is no such conspiracy as I understand. :p:
The next london mayor is most probably going to be a muslim of pakistani descent.(labour candidate)

That's actually good news,the educated,normal muslim elites should get more coverage instead of the loonatics and hopefully in time the last ones will be marginalised altogether.

I still don't get it why the Anjem Choudary and "sharia for UK types" aren't handled more firmly.
That's actually good news,the educated,normal muslim elites should get more coverage instead of the loonatics and hopefully in time the last ones will be marginalised altogether.

I still don't get it why the Anjem Choudary and "sharia for UK types" aren't handled more firmly.
because UK follows european law. They cannot possibly jail him without violating some european human rights law or other. Thats an issue anti european politicians are milking now (we dont even have rights to jail terror sympathizers is what they say).
I still don't get it why the Anjem Choudary and "sharia for UK types" aren't handled more firmly.
Because enough UK Muslims support fools like him- that's why.

I'm sorry but the Muslims (mostly of Pakistani and Bangladeshi decent) in the UK have been given a free hand for too long as far as organised crime being committed by those identifying themselves as Muslims is concerned. The Liberals/left are too reluctant to call a spade a spade and openly state that there is an issue within certain communities which they later have to admit.
because UK follows european law. They cannot possibly jail him without violating some european human rights law or other. Thats an issue anti european politicians are milking now (we dont even have rights to jail terror sympathizers is what they say).

european law...more like seppuku...
Because enough UK Muslims support fools like him- that's why.

I'm sorry but the Muslims (mostly of Pakistani and Bangladeshi decent) in the UK have been given a free hand for too long as far as organised crime being committed by those identifying themselves as Muslims is concerned. The Liberals/left are too reluctant to call a spade a spade and openly state that there is an issue within certain communities which they later have to admit.
that is not true. I mean UK govt is not reluctant to act because anjem has support within muslims of pakistani or bangladeshi descent. They might have but thats not the main issue.
Anjem is british, he is not an immigrant that can be shipped away (unlike abu qatada). British govt has no right to pass new law that contravenes laws made in brussels. Thats the main issue.

european law...more like seppuku...
its going to be a major issue in coming election. Already an anti EU party is gaining support. In a recent debate UKIP's Farage (who never stops telling how romanians and bulgarians will invade UK) won a debate conclusively against deputy PM.
its going to be a major issue in coming election. Already an anti EU party is gaining support. In a recent debate UKIP's Farage (who never stops telling how romanians and bulgarians will invade UK) won a debate conclusively against deputy PM.

Romanians and Bulgarians are fair game because they're europeans.

It may sound funny but part of the problem is somehow in the lines of....


This goes for whole Europa...
Because enough UK Muslims support fools like him- that's why.

I'm sorry but the Muslims (mostly of Pakistani and Bangladeshi decent) in the UK have been given a free hand for too long as far as organised crime being committed by those identifying themselves as Muslims is concerned. The Liberals/left are too reluctant to call a spade a spade and openly state that there is an issue within certain communities which they later have to admit.

You need to make specific accusations with examples, without that it amounts to ranting.
Islamic extremism needs to be curbed.
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