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BBC Hard Talk - Fawad Chaudhry - May 28, 2021

tbh, goglu handled it quite well. Felt like the questions weren't that hard. The anchors seems to have old info, quoting old surveys and stuff.
He did well but fumbled on the question about freedom and Internet. Its ridiculous to suggest laws against hate speech, terrorism, anti Islamic material and national security are restrictive. He should have asked Sackur if his employers or his government would allow footage of British nuclear weapons or air defence sites or the inside of weapons hangars or locations of nuclear submarines be transmitted?
What an arrogant prick this Stephen Sackur is. Pakistanis should not bother going on his show. Fawad did the best he could. But English is not his first language, so that alone put him at a big disadvantage.

Also, the fact that the host can make unsubstantiated accusations, then interrupt the guest whenever he tries to rebut or refute the accusations means that he (the host) can control the messaging, and that will never be in favour of Pakistan.

Its time we get an official spokesperson to do this job, not the information minister. Our ministers should resist the temptation of appearing on Western media outlets, hoping that they will be given a fair chance to explain their positions.

Its their game, their turf, their rules. We can't beat them at it. We must make them play on our terms. Something along the lines of how China does it - press conferences in your own language, limited questions, and never get into arguments.
you know there soooooooooo many UK Pakistani's who know how the world works and especially how the western world works. most importantly they can combine sentences and deal with the likes of bbc etc etc.

why not tap in their potential? I swear anyone who reps Pakistan fails at getting their point across! That is the failure of Pakistan.
Lol..fawad Chaudharyclearly out of touch here ...I mean speaking lie has to be in limits ..200 million votes 😂😂
They invited guy who was slapping around journalists about freedom of journalism and other snow flake issues. Lmao

I do think Fawad Chaudhary is a good information minister. Better than that pind ki phape kutni aunty Firdus Ashiq Awan.

Do you think Asad Toor, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir and Talat Hussain are journalists? They are prostitutes.

Of the list above, Talat Hussain disappoints me the most. He was so bright. Before he became Nooni, he was so well prepared in his questions and was very clear and objective. Alas, everyone has a selling price!
Listen to Stephen Sackur questions. This is West's narrative about Pakistan. This narrative keeps country like our in the permanent shit list of the West. When we agree to do their shit, they then remove some of the objections or agree to overlook them while we do their dirty work.

The IMF figures he quoted are those that will keep Pakistan in permanent IMF clutches. These reports are read by foreign investors who then abstain from investing in Pakistan. So the diabolical cycle continues - no investment so no growth in economy, hence IMF and stringent conditions.

The media freedom is the air created by the paid touts of the West in Pakistan. Media like BBC then amplifies their voice and tell the rest of the world - oh look! its ISI which is muffling and suffocating freedom.

And the analysis of the 'independent' thinktank like Chatham House are so lazy. They keep regurgitating whats in vogue about the country without objectively countering it.

It lies with us improving our economy so that we dont have depend on handouts from West.
Do you think Asad Toor, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir and Talat Hussain are journalists? They are prostitutes.

Of the list above, Talat Hussain disappoints me the most. He was so bright. Before he became Nooni, he was so well prepared in his questions and was very clear and objective. Alas, everyone has a selling price!
I remember he tossed NS very well in interview but later he joined NS media cell
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