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Battle of Longewala- This day...41 years ago!

War of 1971 is filled with stories of valour and incompetence on both PA and IA side . On one side, Pak Army was bogged down in such circumstances and on the other side Brigadir Tajammul Malik with 3000 soldiers hold 20,000 Soldiers of Indian army and complete ariel spport of IAF without any resistance from PAF in battle of Hilli for straight 3 weeks until Fake tiger niazi order the surrender. Hands off to Indian soldiers for utilizing a strong position efficiently and displaying extra valour and courage in Burewala bu
Thats valour deserves more awards and appreciation than the battle of longewala.
comparison can be made in a sense if i make valor of Brigadir Tajammul Malik as sun then Major kuldip singh chandpuri's valour will be like a lamp.
You got your arses spanked in all wars and we know it gives you sleepless nights. Live with it ! P@kis are really very insane:disagree:

Another brain farts n brainwashed Enemy individual.
We won 1948 war and 1965 war u had only won 1971 1999 was just a conflict at its best not a full scale war still the result was not very decisive as Pakistan in the end held on to he tiger hill that it had captured during conflict, which is the highest point in the area n gives a massive advantage to its beholder.So now we can launch again an attack better by utilizing this advantage in future inshallah!!!
Leave it guys. Why do you all want to hear excuses and comparison with people who don't see the obvious difference between two armies with no civilians vs militant attack and hostage situation ?

Sometimes Indian leaders' and security forces' words are taken as gospel whereas they discard it when its against them and weaken their point. :D

Its just face saving contest for them. Indian soldiers at Longewala never surrendered even when they were just 120 whereas 90,000 surrendered.
Another brain farts n brainwashed Enemy individual.
We won 1948 war and 1965 war u had only won 1971 1999 was just a conflict at its best not a full scale war still the result was not very decisive as Pakistan in the end held on to he tiger hill that it had captured during conflict, which is the highest point in the area n gives a massive advantage to its beholder.So now we can launch again an attack better by utilizing this advantage in future inshallah!!!

No man you won 1971, the comparable courage of fight as same as Longevala is 93k man strategically surrendered and was not paid even a penny to go to west pakistan from east pakistan. Damn adventage..
The gaps in your comparison are pretty obvious. Longewala and Siachen are both military against military in a war zone where as 26/11 was a guerrilla attack/ Hostage situation. Air force played a crucial role in both Longewala and Siachen where as its role was non existent in 26/11. And finally in Longewala and Siachen the defenders managed to hold out against the attacking force where as in 26/11 (just like in GHQ, Mehran and Kamra attacks) the guerrilla force that was holding out got eventually vanquished..
Mehran and kamra raids were nothing in comparison to 26/11. 26/11 guys attacked in different country where as mehran terrorists attacked in their own.I still agree with G.Parthasarthy that 26/11 was military attack which was termed as terror attack to brush under the carpet just like other terror attacks.hence it is comparable to longewala and kargil and siachen.

Bharti Propganda Busted.

The battle of Longewala is an inspiring tale of courage, determination and grit against all odds. JP Dutta captured this story in his film �Border� that was highly appreciated. But some war veterans have challenged this story after 37 years.

THE BATTLE of Longewala is part of army folklore. This is a fairy tale of 100 odd soldiers and their steely resolve, which forced an entire Pakistani brigade, backed by an armoured regiment of 45 tanks, to retreat in the 1971 war. This fascinating story was also captured on celluloid in the film ‘Border’, directed by JP Dutta. The battle of Longewala has been told and retold in military journals and is held out as a shining example to students graduating from the military academies. The sheer valour displayed by Major Kuldeep Singh Chandpuri and his alpha team is just an unmatched feat.

But some war veterans have challenged this story after 37 years. Major General (retd), Atma Singh Hansara, told Hindustan Times in an interview, “I dispute the ground battle completely. It is mockery of army ethos. No ground battle was fought and the army had merely rehearsed it on a sand model after the ceasefire to cover up the incompetence of senior military commanders.”

Air marshal, MS Bawa, who was directly involved in the war, also agrees with Hansara. He says, “This is a challenge. There was no contact between the enemy and the army.” He further said that the Pakistani thrust was blunted entirely by air action alone.

This controversy made me go through some facts related to the battle. It is very hard for me to believe, as the story of Longewala has motivated several youngsters to join the forces. I tried to read the available journals, articles, magazines and accounts of war heroes to know the truth.
So someone gave terrorists military training for 26/11. I wonder why they defend against allegations of involvement of state actors in 26/11 ? Who could have trained Kasab and his buddies ?

Now same people who question Indian army general's statement over state supported terrorism by neighbor, they discard it and ask for proof, whereas deny the Patton tanks' wreckage. :rofl:

This thread is turning in funny direction.
26/11 and Mehran can't be compared. One involved attack by terrorists on a HOTEL with civilians with minimum security while other was attack on a MILITARY base which is supposed to be guarded with maximum security.

Bharti Propganda Busted.

He further said that the Pakistani thrust was blunted entirely by air action alone.
Thats what i said before that IAF saved the days for IA at longowala.
As for Indian war time propaganda,its nothing new.Indians have habit of making border type movies on propaganda stories like one was made on prathvi raj chauhan in which it was shown he kills Ghauri in the end.Indians have habit to make heros out of zeros.
I think you expect too much from your enemies...

Its only back stabbing if we were your friends...enemies are meant to **** you up...and we did exactly that...

As for blocking air and sea routes....do you really expect Indians to fight on your terms?
We hit u where it hurts...thats why it hurts...

The problem with Pakistanis is that instead of accepting that you were truly beaten by a superior and organized force and take learnings for future, some of you try to rationalize your loss...
Indians have to accept their defeat by the Chonese....we did exactly that...learned from our mistakes...

Its time you do the same instead of whining..
Yes yr right u people ie Hindu Baniya r well known for yr arrogance and immoral acts.
We dont expect u to fight on our terms and conditions.

But when u say the bold part then we just laugh at u because yr army was only able to win by just stabbing into our backs n blocking our supplies, it had failed or knew that it cant win against us in the fair basis ie Man to Man basis, like how it had failed in 1965 by fighting Man to Man or Eye to Eye!!!!!

But cant digest the same fact when Pakistan does the same in Occupied Kashmir (which is our land too)that yr Gov did in East Pakistan.
Mehran and kamra raids were nothing in comparison to 26/11. 26/11 guys attacked in different country where as mehran terrorists attacked in their own.I still agree with G.Parthasarthy that 26/11 was military attack which was termed as terror attack to brush under the carpet just like other terror attacks.hence it is comparable to longewala and kargil and siachen.

So your contention is that Kasab and team were Pakistani Army ?? Even then, while Longewala, Kargil and Siachen were force on force engagements, Kamran, GHQ, Mehran and 26/11 were guerilla attacks.. Hence the difference

btw, its really sad when you guys have to stoop down to the level of taking credit of terror strikes in the enemy country as a military attack by your forces. More than anything, you do disservice to the brave lads of Pakistani Army...
I think you expect too much from your enemies...

Its only back stabbing if we were your friends...enemies are meant to **** you up...and we did exactly that...

As for blocking air and sea routes....do you really expect Indians to fight on your terms?
We hit u where it hurts...thats why it hurts...

The problem with Pakistanis is that instead of accepting that you were truly beaten by a superior and organized force and take learnings for future, some of you try to rationalize your loss...
Indians have to accept their defeat by the Chonese....we did exactly that...learned from our mistakes...

Its time you do the same instead of whining..
Yes yr right u people ie Hindu Baniya r well known for yr arrogance and immoral acts.
We dont expect u to fight on our terms and conditions.

But when u say the bold part then we just laugh at u because yr army was only able to win by just stabbing into our backs n blocking our supplies, it had failed or knew that it cant win against us in the fair basis ie Man to Man basis, like how it had failed in 1965 by fighting Man to Man or Eye to Eye!!!!!

But cant digest the same fact when Pakistan does the same in Occupied Kashmir (which is our land too)that yr Gov did in East Pakistan.
@ajtr do u have trouble comprehending English??? I want to reply to ur last post but wonder if u will read it rationally or not, Anyways, a last try.................

longewala 120 well entrenched men of IA delayed PA advance till morning even when numbers and equipment were in favour of PA.

PA strength = 2800 + 65 tanks

while IA strength = 120 + 1 Anti tank vehicle

Simple Maths - There were 23+ PA soldiers for every IA soldier not to mention the unopposed tank superiority enjoyed by PA.

NOW, what great entrenchment did IA employed that stopped 2800 PA soldiers from killing just 120 IA soldiers for six complete hours???

I mean both were on same ground, seeing eye to eye.

26/11- 8 men well entrenched in taj and oberoi hotels and chabbad house held on against whole mumbai police, IA,NSG,MARCOS for almost 3 days.

It was not possible to just kill the terrorists for the Indian forces, they were holding there positions for 3 days b'coz:

1. Indian forces priority was to save human life while terrorists were hiding behind civilians, India is not SL such that we don't kill our own people.

2. Surprise factor, such that for 1st day or so it was the fight b/w fully trained terrorists to that of Mumbai police.

3. There are more than 550 rooms in both Trident & Taj hotels, & NSG had to secure each & every room, thus unlike longewala enemy was taking human & infrastructure shield.

Kargil-NLI men were so well entrenched that it took whole might of IA and IAF to clear them in almost 3 months.

As i said earlier they were on high grounds easily targeting Indian positions + neither IA nor IAF's whole might was employed for Kargil.

Again can't compare to Longewalla since this time enemy was placed in strategically superior position.

Now do you see the similarities.

The only similarity i see are the words "well entranched" put in place only to prove ur fundamentally flawed point Right, oh & u have Bold it also, thanks otherwise i would not have seen it :D
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Thats what i said before that IAF saved the days for IA at longowala.
As for Indian war time propaganda,its nothing new.Indians have habit of making border type movies on propaganda stories like one was made on prathvi raj chauhan in which it was shown he kills Ghauri in the end.Indians have habit to make heros out of zeros.

Even the IAF is highly exaggerating the claims.....The Pakistan General, Muqeem, in his book ‘Crisis of Leadership in Pakistan’, mentions that large number of vehicles, tanks and guns got bogged in sand. The enemy destroyed 18 tanks and other vehicles .
Now compare that figure with the 45 Tanks claimed in the article...........Internet Hindus. !!! :lol:
26/11 and Mehran can't be compared. One involved attack by terrorists on a HOTEL with civilians with minimum security while other was attack on a MILITARY base which is supposed to be guarded with maximum security.
you have to appriciate that SSG cleared the base with in 6 hrs where india's top commandos took 3 days.....says a lot about the capability isnt it?
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