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Battle of Bach Dang River (938) | Vietnam-China Sea Battle

If that is how you want to reason it, then why should VN be friendly to China? After all, China have had a much more colorful history with VN than the US did.

Colorful history indeed and not simply black and white. Vietnam borrowed culture and technology from China for much of its history and benefited greatly from it.
The West colonised Vietnam soon after first contact, brutalised Vietnamese people and waged a war akin to extermination (Agent orange, napalm, fletchetes etc). Vietnam should remember that it was China who came to Vietnams aid immediately after the end of the Korean war to assist in expelling the French oppressors and later, American butchers.
Vietnamese might not like to admit it but their country is culturally and historically bound to China - for better or worst.
Colorful history indeed and not simply black and white. Vietnam borrowed culture and technology from China for much of its history and benefited greatly from it.
The West colonised Vietnam soon after first contact, brutalised Vietnamese people and waged a war akin to extermination (Agent orange, napalm, fletchetes etc). Vietnam should remember that it was China who came to Vietnams aid immediately after the end of the Korean war to assist in expelling the French oppressors and later, American butchers.
Vietnamese might not like to admit it but their country is culturally and historically bound to China - for better or worst.

culture and technology in the past belong to peoples in the world, China copied it and lies that belong to them own.
China did it until now. Today, China is lack in technology in comparation with Korea and Japan in Asia.
In time of cold war, westerner countries helped South Vietnam people in the difficult time after Geneva 1954.
culture and technology in the past belong to peoples in the world, China copied it and lies that belong to them own.
China did it until now. Today, China is lack in technology in comparation with Korea and Japan in Asia.
In time of cold war, westerner countries helped South Vietnam people in the difficult time after Geneva 1954.

Only country with no culture says something like "culture and technology in the past belong to peoples in the world"

Westerners love Vietnamese so much in fact, they went back some 10 years later and killed about a million.
culture and technology in the past belong to peoples in the world, China copied it and lies that belong to them own.
China did it until now. Today, China is lack in technology in comparation with Korea and Japan in Asia.
In time of cold war, westerner countries helped South Vietnam people in the difficult time after Geneva 1954.

Culture and Technology in the past belong to peoples in this world...that powerfull statement issue by Da-Viet to the world :blink: lol: we did indeed claim what ever Vietnamese's inventions belong to China because we owned Da-Viet as our Vessel state.
Only country with no culture says something like "culture and technology in the past belong to peoples in the world"

Westerners love Vietnamese so much in fact, they went back some 10 years later and killed about a million.

How many Chinese were killed by westerners or invaders in the last centuries ?

Culture and Technology in the past belong to peoples in this world...that powerfull statement issue by Da-Viet to the world :blink: lol: we did indeed claim what ever Vietnamese's inventions belong to China because we owned Da-Viet as our Vessel state.

Chinese invaded in to Vietnam, we have been beating you ran away. Chinese were ruled by other invaders: Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britain. China was vessel state of Soviet Union from 1950 and changed to Uncle Sam from 1972.:enjoy:

Only country with no culture says something like "culture and technology in the past belong to peoples in the world"

Westerners love Vietnamese so much in fact, they went back some 10 years later and killed about a million.

How many Chinese were killed by westerners or invaders in the last centuries ?

Culture and Technology in the past belong to peoples in this world...that powerfull statement issue by Da-Viet to the world :blink: lol: we did indeed claim what ever Vietnamese's inventions belong to China because we owned Da-Viet as our Vessel state.

Chinese invaded in to Vietnam, we have been beating you ran away. Chinese were ruled by other invaders: Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britain. China was vessel state of Soviet Union from 1950 and changed to Uncle Sam from 1972.:enjoy:
How many Chinese were killed by westerners or invaders in the last centuries ?

Millions? At least we don't call them daddies like the Vietnamese.

Can't continue the discussion if you don't stick to the facts, care to show some source? here is mine.

Vietnam was part of various Chinese dynasties and kingdoms for approximately 900 years before gaining independence in the 10th century.

Vietnam was also heavily Sinicized, using Classical Chinese as its official literary language and adopting most aspects of Chinese culture, including the administrative system, architecture, philosophy, religion, literature of China, and even a general cultural outlook

Sinocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chinese invaded in to Vietnam, we have been beating you ran away. Chinese were ruled by other invaders: Mongolian, Manchus, Japanese and Britain.

Mongolian and Manchus are part of the Chinese ethnic groups, just like Indian's Mughul and German's Prussia.
As for Japan and Britian, China did lose some territory to them, but China never lose the whole country, different from its neighbors.
China was vessel state of Soviet Union from 1950 and changed to Uncle Sam from 1972.:enjoy:

China never be vessel state of any nations, also different from its neighbors.
Millions? At least we don't call them daddies like the Vietnamese.

Can't continue the discussion if you don't stick to the facts, care to show some source? here is mine.

Vietnam was part of various Chinese dynasties and kingdoms for approximately 900 years before gaining independence in the 10th century.

Vietnam was also heavily Sinicized, using Classical Chinese as its official literary language and adopting most aspects of Chinese culture, including the administrative system, architecture, philosophy, religion, literature of China, and even a general cultural outlook

Sinocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the past, chinese invaded in to Vietnam as dirty aggressors, after 900 years Viets regained our independence at final victory by year 938 years. It was ashameful for China, nothing for Chinese today saying about it.
Chinese Cultural and political was influenced from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and cultural assimilation, there are part of the of the culture of Asia in the past.

Mongolian and Manchus are part of the Chinese ethnic groups, just like Indian's Mughul and German's Prussia.
As for Japan and Britian, China did lose some territory to them, but China never lose the whole country, different from its neighbors.

China never be vessel state of any nations, also different from its neighbors.

Chinese has a habitat that they accepted invaders the winners to be to your masters, tried lying about the nature of facts that you are ruled by Mongolian ans Manchus. Mongolian and machus were living in northern area of Great Wall, buit from time of Qin Dynasty.
China lost whole independence in Yuan and Man Quing Dynasty period. Before Manchus invaded in to China Song's Emperor of China accepted Man ruler as his father and gave tribute to them to got peace. It's truth.
Chinese has a habitat that they accepted invaders the winners to be to your masters, tried lying about the nature of facts that you are ruled by Mongolian ans Manchus. Mongolian and machus were living in northern area of Great Wall, buit from time of Qin Dynasty.
China lost whole independence in Yuan and Man Quing Dynasty period. Before Manchus invaded in to China Song's Emperor of China accepted Man ruler as his father and gave tribute to them to got peace. It's truth.

Your narrow sight still cannot accept any common sense.
Chinese are not Vietnamese, they don't have such thing of "Main Ethnic". They don't only accept Viet's history as their only history.
And now you bring up the Great wall as an issue again. There is another great wall built by Roman in Britain. According to your logic, Scottish is not Britain nor belongs to the British history.

There is "Man" during the Song Dynasty you say? Again please learn some common sense.
Besides, Jin and Song were both Ancient Chinese countries.

You still cannot against with this fact:
[Mongolian and Manchus are part of the Chinese ethnic groups, just like Indian's Mughul and German's Prussia.]

Germany never accept such concept of "Prussian history = whole German History";
China never accept such concept of "Han history = whole Chinese History";
India never accept such concept of "Mughal is not belong to India" (habitat you said);
In Vietnam, you only accept "Viet", that is the difference.
Please, stop using your narrow sight to see our big world.
In the past, chinese invaded in to Vietnam as dirty aggressors, after 900 years Viets regained our independence at final victory by year 938 years. It was ashameful for China, nothing for Chinese today saying about it.
Chinese Cultural and political was influenced from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and cultural assimilation, there are part of the of the culture of Asia in the past.

Chinese has a habitat that they accepted invaders the winners to be to your masters, tried lying about the nature of facts that you are ruled by Mongolian ans Manchus. Mongolian and machus were living in northern area of Great Wall, buit from time of Qin Dynasty.
China lost whole independence in Yuan and Man Quing Dynasty period. Before Manchus invaded in to China Song's Emperor of China accepted Man ruler as his father and gave tribute to them to got peace. It's truth.

Yes, I am not ashamed to say Vietnamese called us masters and knelt down before us for some more than 900 years. and who rules the Manchus and Mongolians now? Seriously did you learn that from Vietnamese school? or is the Vietnamese government lying to you too.:coffee:
By 938 Viets ended 1000 year rule by Chinese. Instead, they became a under dog relying on Chinese protection. It's funny enough that they have to learn Chinese language to study their history. To the proudly viets, pls stop selling of your virgin girls to China. Thanks
Timeline of Vietnamese War History:

# 111 BC: The Nam Viet kingdom (spreading from the Red River delta to north of Canton) is annexed by the Han and becomes the Chinese district of Giao-chi. The next thousand years is marked by progress in civilization, but also in the national sentiment. Numerous uprisings most notably the Trung sisters (40-43) and Ly Bon (542-545) rebellions, are crushed. During the entire Vietnam history, China remains both a model and a threat.

# 602: Chinese rule is now a protectorate, the capital being Dai La Thanh (Hanoi)

# 939: Ngo Quyen frees the country (Dai Co Viet) by vanquishing Chinese armies at the Bach Dang River.

# 968: Dinh Bo Linh pacifies the country, and reorganizes it following the Chinese model. Mandarins are recruited by literary contests from 1075 (Van Mieu temple) to 1919. The capital moves to Hoa Lu with the Dinh and first Le dynasties.

# 1010: The Ly dynasty moves the capital to Thanh Long (Hanoi). During their reign, Chinese, Khmer, and Cham attacks are repelled (most notably by Ly Thuong Kiet). The expansion towards the South begins, with territories conquered from the Cham (this resulted in the destruction of their culture).

# 1226: Tran dynasty.

# 1288: After thirty years of periodic invasions, the Mongols are defeated by Tran Hung Dao at the Bach Dang River.

# 1407: Chinese occupation Ming.

# 1428: After his victory against the Chinese armies, with the aid of Nguyen Trai, Le Loi begins the second Le dynasty, which sees further annexations in the South.
# 1524: Beginning of a long period of political instability. While the Le governs only nominally, a feudal war rages between the Trinh from the North (Thang Long) and the Nguyen from the South (Hue).

# 1651: Jesuit Alexandres de Rhodes publishes in Roma a Latin Vietnamese catechism and creates the Ngoc Ngu, the roman-based script currently used for Vietnamese (Vietnam is only one of three countries in Asia which uses a roman-based script).

# 1771: The Tay Son brothers start a rebellion causing heavy warfare in the next thirty years. One of the brothers, Nguyen Hue, reigns as Quang Trung and defeats the Chinese army at Dong Da.

# 1802: After pushing back the Tay Son with the help of French mercenaries recruited by Jesuit Pigneau de Behaine, Nguyen Anh (the only survivor from the massacre of the Nguyens by the Tay Son brothers) changes his name to Gia Long and starts the Nguyen dynasty. The capital of the unified country is now Hue.

# 1858: The French navy attacks Da Nang.

# 1867: Cochinchina (the South) becomes a French Colony.

# 1883: Tonkin (the North) and Annam (the Center) become French protectorates.

# 1887: Creation of the Indochina Union, Cochinchina, Annam, Tonkin, Cambodia, and latter Laos.

# 1932: Bao Dai, the last emperor, begins his reign as an infant.

# 1940: Invasion of Indochina by Japan. The French administrations collaborate and continue to run the government.

# 1941: Ho Chi Minh starts the Viet Minh. Leninism is thought of as an ideological weapon to serve Vietnamese nationalism against French colonialism.

# 1945 (March 9): The Japanese end up French authority. (Aug 19): The Viet Minh starts a general popular insurrection. Bao Dai abdicates. (Sept 2): Ho Chi Minh declares independence in Hanoi. US agents stand at his side. (Sept 23): The French authorities reoccupy the South.

# 1946: After the failed Fontainebleau conference between Ho Chi Minh and the French government, notably about the question of the status of Cochinchina, and the bombing of Haiphong (6000 civilians killed), the war between the French troops and the Viet Minh for the control of Vietnam begins.

# 1954: The bulk of the French army is defeated at Dien Bien Phu. This is the first time in history a colonial power is militarily defeated, a massive decolonization follows worldwide. At the Geneva conference, the country is partitioned at the 17th parallel as an interim stage. The North becomes the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, a communist state supported by China and the USSR. The strict communist ideology began to prevail at the 2nd congress of the Vietnamese labor party in 1951.

# 1955: Refusing to implement the Geneva accords, Ngo Dinh Diem proclaims himself president of the Republic of South Vietnam with backing from the West.

# 1959: The communist party decides to start military
operations in the South. Construction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

# 1961: Kennedy increases US military aid to South Vietnam, first in the form of military advisors (16000 by 1965).

# 1963: Ngo Dinh Diem is assassinated in a US-initiated coup.
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Yes, I am not ashamed to say Vietnamese called us masters and knelt down before us for some more than 900 years. and who rules the Manchus and Mongolians now? Seriously did you learn that from Vietnamese school? or is the Vietnamese government lying to you too.:coffee:

Dont be ashamed of using viets, they are born to be used, every one is using them so we might as well do the same

In the past, chinese invaded in to Vietnam as dirty aggressors, after 900 years Viets regained our independence at final victory by year 938 years. It was ashameful for China, nothing for Chinese today saying about it.
Chinese Cultural and political was influenced from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and cultural assimilation, there are part of the of the culture of Asia in the past.

Chinese has a habitat that they accepted invaders the winners to be to your masters, tried lying about the nature of facts that you are ruled by Mongolian ans Manchus. Mongolian and machus were living in northern area of Great Wall, buit from time of Qin Dynasty.
China lost whole independence in Yuan and Man Quing Dynasty period. Before Manchus invaded in to China Song's Emperor of China accepted Man ruler as his father and gave tribute to them to got peace. It's truth.

Oh we ruled by mongols? and now half of mongolia belong to china :rofl:and manchus dont even exist now aday hahaha stupid fool please use your brain not your assss to post :lol:
Yeh...as Henry A. Kissinger states correctly:

"China's imperial expansion has historically been achieved by osmosis rather than conquest, or by the conversion to Chinese culture of conquerors who then added their own territories to the Chinese domain."

Ha ha who ever ruled China, became Chinese. We will see what happens when the Japanese or Americans conquer China in the future, if they become the new Master of China. :rofl:
Yeh...as Henry A. Kissinger states correctly:

"China's imperial expansion has historically been achieved by osmosis rather than conquest, or by the conversion to Chinese culture of conquerors who then added their own territories to the Chinese domain."

Ha ha who ever ruled China, became Chinese. We will see what happens when the Japanese or Americans conquer China in the future, if they become the new Master of China. :rofl:

Nah, that was the old school of thought. The modern Chinese hegemony is through reversed demographic and cultural assimilation. The new migratory of Chinese nationals add to the already existed Chinese Diaspora will soon dominate the Southeast Asian regions. If motherland China maintains the trajectory rise, economically and militarily, I would be surprised this region will becomes part of Greater China in the next hundred years or so.
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