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Barmy army not to travel to Bangladesh citing security concerns


Apr 28, 2016
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The Barmy Army, a group of travelling England fans, has said it will not be following the team on tour in Bangladesh owing to prevailing security concerns. A statement on the group's website said that while the BCB had taken an interest in improving security for fans, the "measures do not yet go far enough to persuade us to go against FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) advice."

The development came two days after England ODI captain Eoin Morgan and opening batsman Alex Hales said they would not be travelling to Bangladesh either, despite the ECB saying the tour would go ahead, following an assessment of the security measures in place.

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The security situation isn't worse than Europe. However I understand their concern. In Europe The risk is diluted but In Bengal They attract attention being foreigners. That is the only difference. The IS of Bangladesh is at its Deathbed right now. I wont be surprised if they attempt to do something out of Ordinary.

However The players will be safe. Because Bangladesh IS doesn't have bombs that can kill hundreds or Automatic Rifles. Mere revolver Or hand made grenades wont stand a chance against a well trained Guards.
Who cares!

Tour will take place barmy army go or not.
@Loafer we get it. You're anti bd and anti Muslim above all. I respect your post on the security concern. But judging everyone with the same paint brush on your last para doesn't seem to be mature.
Good, Many lakhs Taka will be saved by us.Imagine all those security arrangement for protecting those 'white man' in a brown country.God saved us.:-)
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@Loafer we get it. You're anti bd and anti Muslim above all. I respect your post on the security concern. But judging everyone with the same paint brush on your last para doesn't seem to be mature.

Terrorism emanates from people practising the faith of Islam in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has no existence without Islam.

So it is justified.
Terrorism emanates from people practising the faith of Islam in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has no existence without Islam.

So it is justified.

Yeah some pictures of typical Muslim Bangladeshis practicing Islamic rules 'where terrorism emanates'.

Islamic Dress....I think this twelve year old is having just too good a time...

Some are burning idols....as prescribed in Islam

Some are destroying world's largest Alpana (these are against Islamic principles)...

Is that a proper Veiled woman painting a non-Islamic item? Astaghfirullah!!!!

Some also made foreigners wear Islamic dresses! How dare they?!?

My apologies to HE Dan Mozena, one time US ambassador and envoy to Bangladesh. Long may he live in Bangladeshi hearts. He is our friend.
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Every thread related to Bangladesh is a trollfest these days. WOW.
Yeah some pictures of typical Muslim Bangladeshis practicing Islamic rules 'where terrorism emanates'.

Islamic Dress....I think this twelve year old is having just too good a time...

Some are burning idols....as prescribed in Islam

Some are destroying world's largest Alpana (these are against Islamic principles)...

Is that a proper Veiled woman painting a non-Islamic item? Astaghfirullah!!!!

Some also made foreigners wear Islamic dresses! How dare they?!?

My apologies to HE Dan Mozena, one time US ambassador and envoy to Bangladesh. Long may he live in Bangladeshi hearts. He is our friend.

Don't waste your time on indians who live in RSS asram. Better spend that time on Bengali Indians, more enlightened than the rest.
This is just a troll thread. What difference does it make if some people don't go out of security concern?
why travel if haseena bans flags rising:lol:
Stop your hasina obsession. Just cause shes not bowing down to you self proclaimed "land of pure" lol. It doesnt mean she's bad or you pakistanis have to hate her. Stop going with the flow, and hypothetically hating on Hasina who hasn't done anything to your nation. First be a man and apologize to Bangladesh then come talk about whos right or wrong in BD politics. As far as we are concerned your pakistani opinions matters a big fat ZERO to us.

Every thread related to Bangladesh is a trollfest these days. WOW.
Yeah. True but it goes to show the mods are not doing their job fairly.

I request the mods to be bit consistent, for the sake of God. Trolls coming from all angles BD section and the mods turning a blind eye to it. Where is the consistency?
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