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Barak-8 is India's answer to Pakistan's Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile

not to forget the range of JF-17 will come sharply down when flying at very low level + the fact every indian navy battle group has its own dedicated force helli based AWACs which will be another challenge to tacle + the fact that since pakistani air bases are just 50-150 KM away all there activities are already moniterred and if they launch any such strike mission even before they are owt of pakistani land mass fighter from mainland india and carrier battle groups will be alerted and scrambelled to detect and angage them :sniper: :butcher:

The engagement would be done more on Pakistani coasts than open seas- So I would doubt PN or PAF having any dedicated deep sea strike squadron for such mission- simply not feasible due to overwhelming numerical superiority of Indian forces-

JF-17 or F-16 isn't capable of deep sea strike operation- neither have they been used as such- I don't even know PN/PAF have had any practice or exercises for such mission-
Highly unlikely that Pakistan would field an AWACS close to an Indian SAG[Surface Action Group].
Any Indian SAG would have air cover from a Carrier fleet.

No nation brings its AWACS so close to a flotilla if the flotilla has air cover.

Pakistan would have to depend on launching missiles at their maximum detection range(not launch range).

I don't know why the article is making such a big deal - India had Barak SAM system as a point defense system for close to a decade now. Harpoon's et all (subsonic Cruise and Anti-ship missiles) are pretty much covered.

These Barak 8's are for fleet air defense which would be required in a high seas combat scenario. Where the ship protects not just itself but also the entire fleet behind it. And when there are multiple ships with Barak 8 located in the same theater, it forms a potent air screening barrier for a CBG to conduct ops.

Criticism - the Barak 8 has a range of 100kms. The cutting edge of active engagement is now closer to 120-150 kms for AAW.

An AWACS doesn't need to be in the kill zone to detect ships or jets.. With long detection ranges it will always be safe .. Aswell as protected by fighters.
People forget that anti ship missiles can be made to stealth configurations of F22 and then some due to even a smaller physical footprint and passive hunting options....... therefore, unless you design a radar that can actually detect an F22, the holy grail of stealth, you are left with no other option but CIWS and SRSAMS.

There are far-far better solution electronic rail gun turret on combat planes along with solid state laser turrets-
An AWACS doesn't need to be in the kill zone to detect ships or jets.. With long detection ranges it will always be safe .. Aswell as protected by fighters.
so you think somehow onli you have AWACS and fighters to escort it :azn: :haha:
Yes common sense seems short in supply when you take into account trying to detect and intercept a missile travelling at hypersonic speed with Barak-8 trying to intercept with a range of less than 100km.

Detect is more than 100km for CM400AKG- Its around the launch point with the platform-
The engagement would be done more on Pakistani coasts than open seas- So I would doubt PN or PAF having any dedicated deep sea strike squadron for such mission- simply not feasible due to overwhelming numerical superiority of Indian forces-

JF-17 or F-16 isn't capable of deep sea strike operation- neither have they been used as such- I don't even know PN/PAF have had any practice or exercises for such mission-
that is where they think they have worlds best ACML raad and worlds best CM the babur which can break indian defnces :sarcastic:

while they forget in case of a war the first indian job will be to knock owt pakistani radar installations , then there fighters and AWACS and then there air bases which will be followed by a very huge barrage of bhramos, prithvi prahar , smerch and pinaka to gring all bridges , roads , sea ports , feul and ammo dumps which then would be ... khair jane do i guess im getting carried away :sarcastic:
CM 400 is not a risk ,barak 8 is developed to counter much more sophisticated threats & its speed is mach 4+ not 2 ,Barak 8 land version would be a serious threat to their air force ,even there latest f 16 have no defense against it

F-16s & JF-17s are flying around with one of the best US and European EW suites for a reason.

Also it's an interceptor missile not sure if it can shoot down a jet.. But apart from that why would PAF jets launch a 300 km ranged missile from 100km (within the interception range).. When they can support guiding the missile from long ranges or with backup from an AWACS!

that is where they think they have worlds best ACML raad and worlds best CM the babur which can break indian defnces :sarcastic:

while they forget in case of a war the first indian job will be to knock owt pakistani radar installations , then there fighters and AWACS and then there air bases which will be followed by a very huge barrage of bhramos, prithvi prahar , smerch and pinaka to gring all bridges , roads , sea ports , feul and ammo dumps which then would be ... khair jane do i guess im getting carried away :sarcastic:

Putar looks like you play lots of video games ..
The engagement would be done more on Pakistani coasts than open seas- So I would doubt PN or PAF having any dedicated deep sea strike squadron for such mission- simply not feasible due to overwhelming numerical superiority of Indian forces-

JF-17 or F-16 isn't capable of deep sea strike operation- neither have they been used as such- I don't even know PN/PAF have had any practice or exercises for such mission-
One more thing detecting Indian stealth warship ,Indian MPA assets couldn't detect INS shivalik from more than 100km away, how JF 17 gonna do it while being detected by MF star way before
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Anti-Anti-Ship missile? What's next: Anti-Anti-Anti-Ship missile.

Jokes aside, this will push IN's advantage further until PN itself acquires counter-measures.

More important than the missile itself is how often can the system be updated.

Typically, you would have counter measures. Then counter to counter measures..so on and so forth. They would have numbering assigned to them. Mainly, this will be logic and sometimes hardware to prevent ecm. So let's say Pak deploys an ECM against Barak 8 in a missile. Then India deploys a counter to that ECM in the Barak 8. PN then counters that. So on and so forth.

This could be confirmed probably by @gambit or @amardeep mishra
Anti-Anti-Ship missile? What's next: Anti-Anti-Anti-Ship missile.

Jokes aside, this will push IN's advantage further until PN itself acquires counter-measures.

More important than the missile itself is how often can the system be updated.

Typically, you would have counter measures. Then counter to counter measures..so on and so forth. They would have numbering assigned to them. Mainly, this will be logic and sometimes hardware to prevent ecm. So let's say Pak deploys an ECM against Barak 8 in a missile. Then India deploys a counter to that ECM in the Barak 8. PN then counters that. So on and so forth.

This could be confirmed probably by @gambit or @amardeep mishra
PN also have block-2 harpoons which are designed to handle anti missile systems, also PN will have support of other more deadly missiles in near future like YJ-18, while C-602s (latest version) C-802s (different variants) and CM-400AKG (High Supersonic) and Ra' ad (ALCM with stealthy features) are also available for PN support.

Barak 1 is sufficient for all the above. barak 8 is a Differnt game.
Its for Barhmos Itself !

Btw, WTF is "High" Supersonic ? lol
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F-16s & JF-17s are flying around with one of the best US and European EW suites for a reason.

Also it's an interceptor missile not sure if it can shoot down a jet.. But apart from that why would PAF jets launch a 300 km ranged missile from 100km (within the interception range).. When they can support guiding the missile from long ranges or with backup from an AWACS!

Putar looks like you play lots of video games ..
1. forget USA & euorope do you have anything close to what even india has in this department ... i mean EW, ECM, Jammers

2.thing is you are next door to us and all your assets are already been tracked meaning we will detect if you launch any such missiles as soon as they are launched and take countermeasures for it

what will you do then :haha:

Keep your cavities closed if you can't comprehend simple English.
kya hua sirji ... ye kiss tarah ki language hai apke school me ye hi sikhaya gaya thaa kay aapko :astagh: :sarcastic:

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