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Barack Obama Declares War on Pakistan


Aug 26, 2006
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“Obama has lost the control, his presidency has been hijacked by those who are never visible but rule through deception. In what Obama is doing or being made to do is a complete recipe for disaster not only for this region but for the whole world including the United States.

The recent actions of Obama have driven the Pakistani public further away from America, once those moderates who use to be American assets have also turned hostile to American actions in ****** that is driving Pakistan to a level where the pressure would mount on the Government and the Army to confront the US and NATO troops operating here. If this happens, American global superiority would be lost in this theatre thereby triggering America’s downfall as is being mentioned by several writers.

Blackwater, a CIA operative to whom this war has been outsourced is seen to be funded and financed by Israel and India therefore most of their operations are directed against Pakistan, a most trusted and dependable ally of the US. Now a days no day goes by when some Blackwater operation is not reported in some part of the country. The latest attack on Peshawar Press Club is also reported to be a Blackwater Operation.

If the hostilities break out between Pakistan, a nuclear country and the US, the theatre would expand much beyond this region. Possibly when it sees a threat to Chinese Economic interests, new groupings would take place to counter the US. In such an eventuality, the use of nuclear weapons can not be ruled out. Such actions of America, where they are letting Israel and India play with their national interests would compel Pakistan, China and Iran to come into an alliance to defend their vital national interests.

The only power to stop such a catastrophe, are the American public who do not want war. Maybe this is the right time for such anti-war groups to come out more aggressively and avert this disaster and also save their great country, once a symbol of peace and freedom from going into oblivion.” ………Raja Mujtaba

Obama’s West Point speech of December 1 represents far more than the obvious brutal escalation in Afghanistan — it is nothing less than a declaration of all-out war by the United States against Pakistan. This is a brand-new war, a much wider war now targeting Pakistan, a country of 160 million people armed with nuclear weapons. In the process, Afghanistan is scheduled to be broken up. This is no longer the Bush Cheney Afghan war we have known in the past. This is something immensely bigger: the attempt to destroy the Pakistani central government in Islamabad and to sink that country into a chaos of civil war, Balkanization, subdivision and general mayhem. The chosen strategy is to massively export the Afghan civil war into Pakistan and beyond, fracturing Pakistan along ethnic lines. It is an oblique war using fourth-generation or guerrilla warfare techniques to assail a country which the United States and its associates in aggression are far too weak to attack directly. In this war, the Taliban are employed as US proxies. This aggression against Pakistan is Obama’s attempt to wage the Great Game against the hub of Central Asia and Eurasia or more generally.

US Deterred From Open War By Pakistan’s Nukes

The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan is merely a pretext, a cover story designed to provide the United States with a springboard for a geopolitical destabilization campaign in the entire region which cannot be publicly avowed. In the blunt cynical world of imperialist aggression à la Bush and Cheney, a pretext might have been manufactured to attack Pakistan directly. But Pakistan is far too large and the United States is far too weak and too bankrupt for such an undertaking. In addition, Pakistan is a nuclear power, possessing atomic bombs and medium range missiles needed to deliver them. What we are seeing is a novel case of nuclear deterrence in action. The US cannot send an invasion fleet or set up airbases nearby because Pakistani nuclear weapons might destroy them. To this extent, the efforts of Ali Bhutto and A.Q. Khan to provide Pakistan a deterrent capability have been vindicated. But the US answer is to find ways to attack Pakistan below the nuclear threshold, and even below the conventional threshold.

This is where the tactic of exporting the Afghan civil war to Pakistan comes in.

The architect of the new Pakistani civil war is US Special Forces General Stanley McChrystal, who organized the infamous network of US torture chambers in Iraq. McChrystal’s specific credential for the Pakistani civil war is his role in unleashing the Iraqi civil war of Sunnis versus Shiites by creating “al Qaeda in Iraq” under the infamous and now departed double agent Zarkawi. If Iraqi society as a whole had lined up against the US invaders, the occupiers would have soon been driven out. The counter-gang known as “Al Qaeda in Iraq” avoided that possibility by killing Shiites, and thus calling forth massive retaliation in the form of a civil war. These tactics are drawn from the work of British General Frank Kitson, who wrote about them in his book Low Intensity Warfare. If the United States possesses a modern analogue to Heinrich Himmler of the SS, it is surely General McChrystal, Obama’s hand-picked choice. McChrystal’s superior, Gen Petraeus, wants to be the new Field Marshal von Hindenburg – in other words, he wants to be the next US president.

The vulnerability of Pakistan which the US and its NATO associates are seeking to exploit can best be understood using a map of the prevalent ethnic groups of Afghanistan, Pakistan , Iran , and India . Most maps show only political borders which date back to the time of British imperialism, and therefore fail to reflect the principal ethnic groups of the region. For the purposes of this analysis, we must start by recognizing a number of groups. First is the Pashtun people, located mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then we have the Baluchis, located primarily in Pakistan and Iran. The Punjabis inhabit Pakistan, as do the Sindhis. The Bhutto family came from Sind.


The US and NATO strategy begins with the Pashtuns, the ethnic group from which the so-called Taliban are largely drawn. The Pashtuns represent a substantial portion of the population of Afghanistan, but here they are alienated from the central government under President Karzai in Kabul, even though the US puppet Karzai passes for a Pashtun himself. The issue involves the Afghan National Army, which was created by the United States after the 2001 invasion. The Afghan officer corps are largely Tajiks drawn from the Northern Alliance that allied with the United States against the Pashtun Talibans. The Tajiks speak Dari, sometimes known as eastern Persian. Other Afghan officers come from the Hazara people. The important thing is that the Pashtuns feel shut out.

The US strategy can best be understood as a deliberate effort at persecuting, harassing, antagonizing, strafing, repressing, and murdering the Pashtuns. The additional 40,000 US and NATO forces which Obama demands for Afghanistan will concentrate in Helmand province and other areas where the Pashtuns are in the majority. The net effect will be to increase the rebellion of the fiercely independent Pashtuns against Kabul and the foreign occupation, and at the same time to push many of these newly radicalized mujaheddin fighters across the border into Pakistan, where they can wage war against the central government in Islamabad. US aid will flow directly to war lords and drug lords, increasing the centrifugal tendencies.

On the Pakistani side, the Pashtuns are also alienated from the central government. Islamabad and the army are seen by them as too much the creatures of the Punjabis, with some input from the Sindhis. On the Pakistani side of the Pashtun territory, US operations include wholesale assassinations from unmanned aerial vehicles or drones, murders by CIA and reportedly Blackwater snipers, plus blind terrorist massacres like the recent ones in Peshawar which the Pakistani Taliban are blaming on Blackwater, acting as a subcontractor of the CIA. These actions are intolerable and humiliating for a proud sovereign state. Every time the Pashtuns are clobbered, they blame the Punjabis in Islamabad for the dirty deals with the US that allow this to happen. The most immediate goal of Obama’s Afghan-Pakistan escalation is therefore to promote a general secessionist uprising of the entire Pashtun people under Taliban auspices, which would already have the effect of destroying the national unity of both Kabul and Islamabad.


The other ethnic group which the Obama strategy seeks to goad into insurrection and secession is the Baluchis. The Baluchis have their own grievances against the Iranian central government in Tehran, which they see as being dominated by Persians. An integral part of the new Obama policy is to expand the deadly flights of the CIA Predators and other assassination drones into Baluchistan. One pretext for this is the report, peddled for example by Michael Ware of CNN, that Osama bin Laden and his MI-6 sidekick Zawahiri are both holed up in the Baluchi city of Quetta, where they operate as the kingpins of the so-called “Quetta Shura.” Blackwater teams cannot be far behind. In Iranian Baluchistan, the CIA is funding the murderous Jundullah organization, which was recently denounced by Teheran for the murder of a number of top officials of the Iranian Pasdaran Revolutionary guards. The rebellion of Baluchistan would smash the national unity of both Pakistan and Iran, thus helping to destroy two of the leading targets of US policy.

Obama’s Rube Goldberg Strategy

Even Chris Matthews of MSNBC, normally a devoted acolyte of Obama, pointed out that the US strategy as announced at West Point very much resembles a Rube Goldberg contraption. (In the real world, “al Qaeda” is of course the CIA’s own Arab and terrorist legion.) In the world of official US myth, the enemy is supposed to be “Al Qaeda.” But, even according to the US government, there are precious few “Al Qaeda” fighters left in Afghanistan. Why then, asked Matthews, concentrate US forces in Afghanistan where “Al Qaeda” is not, rather than in Pakistan where “Al Qaeda” is now alleged to be?

One elected official who has criticized this incongruous mismatch is Democratic Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, who said in a television interview that ‘Pakistan, in the border region near Afghanistan, is perhaps the epicenter [of global terrorism], although al Qaida is operating all over the world, in Yemen, in Somalia, in northern Africa, affiliates in Southeast Asia. Why would we build up 100,000 or more troops in parts of Afghanistan included that are not even near the border? You know, this buildup is in Helmand Province. That’s not next door to Waziristan. So I’m wondering, what exactly is this strategy, given the fact that we have seen that there is a minimal presence of Al Qaida in Afghanistan, but a significant presence in Pakistan? It just defies common sense that a huge boots on the ground presence in a place where these people are not is the right strategy. It doesn’t make any sense to me.’ Indeed. ‘The Wisconsin Democrat also warned that U.S. policy in Afghanistan could actually push terrorists and extremists into Pakistan and, as a consequence, further destabilize the region: “You know, I asked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, and Mr. Holbrooke, our envoy over there, a while ago, you know, is there a risk that if we build up troops in Afghanistan, that will push more extremists into Pakistan?” he told ABC. “They couldn’t deny it, and this week, Prime Minister Gilani of Pakistan specifically said that his concern about the build-up is that it will drive more extremists into Pakistan, so I think it’s just the opposite, that this boots-on-the-ground approach alienates the Afghan population and specifically encourages the Taliban to further coalesce with Al Qaida, which is the complete opposite of our national security interest.”’[1] Of course, this is all intentional and motivated by US imperialist raison d’état. .

Malick: “Did Obama Declare War On Pakistan ?”

Obama’s speech did everything possible to blur the distinction between Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are after all two sovereign states and both members of the United Nations in their own right. Ibrahim Sajid Malick, US correspondent for Samaa TV, one of the largest Pakistan television networks, called attention to this ploy: ‘Speaking to a hall full of cadets at the US Military Academy of West Point, President Barack Obama almost seemed like he might be declaring war on Pakistan. Every time he mentioned Afghanistan, Pakistan preceded mention…. Sitting at the back benches of the hall at one point I almost jumped out of my chair when he said: “the stakes are even higher within a nuclear-armed Pakistan, because we know that al Qaeda and other extremists seek nuclear weapons, and we have every reason to believe that they would use them.” I was shocked because a succession of American officials recently confirmed that the Pakistani arsenal is secure.’[2] This article is entitled “Did Obama Declare War On Pakistan?”, and we can chalk the question mark up to diplomatic discretion. During congressional hearings involving General McChrystal and US Ambassador Eikenberry, Afghanistan and Pakistan were simply fused into one sinister entity known as “Afpak” or even “Afpakia.”

In the summer of 2007, Obama, coached by Zbigniew Brzezinski and other controllers, was the originator of the unilateral US policy of using Predator drones for political assassinations inside Pakistan. This assassination policy is now being massively escalated along with the troop strength: “Two weeks ago in Pakistan, Central Intelligence Agency sharpshooters killed eight people suspected of being militants of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and wounded two others in a compound that was said to be used for terrorist training…. The White House has authorized an expansion of the C.I.A.’s drone program in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas, officials said this week, to parallel the president’s decision…to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. American officials are talking with Pakistan about the possibility of striking in Baluchistan for the first time — a controversial move since it is outside the tribal areas — because that is where Afghan Taliban leaders are believed to hide.”[3] The US is now training more Predator operators than combat pilots.

Blackwater Accused In Peshawar Massacre Of Women And Children

The CIA, the Pentagon, and their various contractors among the private military firms are now on a murder spree across Pakistan, attacking peaceful villages and wedding parties, among other targets. Blackwater, now calling itself Xe Services and Total Intelligence Solutions, is heavily involved: ‘At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, “snatch and grabs” of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan, an investigation by The Nation has found. The Blackwater operatives also assist in gathering intelligence and help direct a secret US military drone bombing campaign that runs parallel to the well-documented CIA predator strikes, according to a well-placed source within the US military intelligence apparatus.’ [4]

As shocking as Scahill’s report is, it must nevertheless be viewed as a limited hangout, since there is no mention of the persistent charges that a large part of the deadly bombings in Peshawar and other Pakistani cities are being carried out by Blackwater, as this news item suggests: “ISLAMABAD Oct. 29 (Xinhua) — Chief of Taliban movement in Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsud has blamed the controversial American private firm Blackwater for the bomb blast in Peshawar which killed 108 people, local news agency NNI reported Thursday.”[5] This was blind terrorism designed for maximum slaughter, especially among women and children.

US Also At War With Uzbekistan?

Scahill’s report also suggests that US black ops have reached into Uzbekistan, a post-Soviet country of 25 million which borders Afghanistan to the north: ‘In addition to planning drone strikes and operations against suspected Al Qaeda and Taliban forces in Pakistan for both JSOC and the CIA, the Blackwater team in Karachi also helps plan missions for JSOC inside Uzbekistan against the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, according to the military intelligence source. Blackwater does not actually carry out the operations, he said, which are executed on the ground by JSOC forces. “That piqued my curiosity and really worries me because I don’t know if you noticed but I was never told we are at war with Uzbekistan,” he said. “So, did I miss something, did Rumsfeld come back into power?”’ [6] Such are the ways of hope and change.

The role of US intelligence in fomenting the Baluchistan rebellion for the purpose of breaking Pakistan apart is also confirmed by Professor Chossudovsky: ‘Already in 2005, a report by the US National Intelligence Council and the CIA forecast a “Yugoslav-like fate” for Pakistan “in a decade with the country driven by civil war, bloodshed and inter-provincial rivalries, as seen recently in Baluchistan.” (Energy Compass, 2 March 2005). According to the NIC-CIA, Pakistan is slated to become a “failed state” by 2015, “as it would be affected by civil war, complete Talibanization and struggle for control of its nuclear weapons”. (Quoted by former Pakistan High Commissioner to UK, Wajid Shamsul Hasan, Times of India, 13 February 2005)…. Washington favours the creation of a “Greater Baluchistan” which would integrate the Baluch areas of Pakistan with those of Iran and possibly the Southern tip of Afghanistan, thereby leading to a process of political fracturing in both Iran and Pakistan.’[7] The Iranians, for their part, are adamant that the US is committing acts of war on their territory in Baluchistan : “ TEHRAN , Oct. 29 (Xinhua) — Iran ’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said …that there are some concrete evidences showing U.S. involvement in recent deadly bomb explosions in the country’s Sistan-Baluchistan province, the official IRNA news agency reported. …. The deadly suicide attack by Sunni rebel group Jundallah (God’s soldiers) occurred on Oct. 18 in Iran ’s Sistan-Baluchistan province near the border with Pakistan when the local officials were preparing a ceremony in which the local tribal leaders were to meet the military commanders of Iran ’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).[8]

US Goal: Cut The Pakistan Energy Corridor Between Iran, China

Why would the United States be so obsessed with the breakup of Pakistan? One reason is that Pakistan is traditionally a strategic ally and economic partner of China , a country which the US and British are determined to oppose and contain on the world stage. Specifically, Pakistan could function as an energy corridor linking the oil fields of Iran and possibly even Iraq with the Chinese market by means of a pipeline that would cross the Himalayas above Kashmir. This is the so-called “Pipelinestan” issue. This would give China a guaranteed land-based oil supply not subject to Anglo-American naval superiority, while also cutting out the 12,000 mile tanker route around the southern rim of Asia. As a recent news report points out: ‘Beijing has been pressuring Tehran for China ’s participation in the pipeline project and Islamabad , while willing to sign a bilateral agreement with Iran , has also welcomed China ’s participation. According to an estimate, such a pipeline would result in Pakistan getting $200 million to $500 million annually in transit fees alone. China and Pakistan are already working on a proposal for laying a trans-Himalayan pipeline to carry Middle Eastern crude oil to western China. Pakistan provides China the shortest possible route to import oil from the Gulf countries…. The pipeline, which would run from the southern Pakistan port of Gwadar and follow the Karakoram highway, would be partly financed by Beijing. The Chinese are also building a refinery at Gwadar. Imports using the pipeline would allow Beijing to reduce the portion of its oil shipped through the narrow and unsafe Strait of Malacca, which at present carries up to 80% of its oil imports. Islamabad also plans to extend a railway track to China to connect it to Gwadar. The port is also considered the likely terminus of proposed multibillion-dollar gas pipelines reaching from the South Pars fields in Iran or from Qatar, and from the Daulatabad fields in Turkmenistan for export to world markets. Syed Fazl-e-Haider, “Pakistan, Iran sign gas pipeline deal,” Asia Times, 27 May 2009.[9] This is the normal, peaceful economic progress and cooperation which the Anglo-Americans are hell-bent on stopping.

Oil and natural gas pipelines from Iran across Pakistan and into China would carry energy resources into the Middle Kingdom, and would also serve as conveyor belts for Chinese economic influence into the Middle East. This would make Anglo-American dominion increasingly tenuous in a part of the world which London and Washington have traditionally sought to control as part of their overall strategy of world domination.

US domestic propaganda is already portraying Pakistan as the new home base of terrorism. The four pathetic patsies going on trial for an alleged plot to bomb a synagogue in the Riverdale neighbourhood of the Bronx in New York City had been carefully sheep-dipped to associate them with the shadowy and suspicious Jaish-e-Mohammad, allegedly a Pakistani terrorist group. The same goes for the five ******* from Northern Virginia who have just been arrested near Lahore in Pakistan
We the Pakistani nation will give Americans soldiers a warm welcome and will make them the toughest time which they never had before. Pakistan Army knows how to give life and how to take life. We as nation are standing after our defense forces and we will give America that taste that they will die spitting that taste out of their mouth.

God bless Pakistan
Long live Pakistan

Like the myth of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda headquartered in FATA, another absurd claim has been made that Mullah Omar along with his Shura is based in Quetta, Pakistan. This story woven by spin doctors has caught the imagination of policy makers in Washington and they are playing it impishly. Pakistani leaders already harassed by never ending allegations are at a loss how to respond to the latest assault since denials make no impression on the accusers. After repeating the story several times, US officials laid bare their actual motive by mentioning their flaming desire to employ the horrible drones in Balochistan including its capital as well. Let us carryout a dispassionate appraisal of this claim. It is now a well known reality that Afghan Taliban hold control of nearly 80% Afghan Territory and wield complete sway in southern, eastern and to some extent western Afghanistan. These regions provide them a secured base to operate into western, central and northern Afghanistan and return back. Had their hold over southern and eastern Afghanistan been weak, it was logical to assume that they might have made FATA or Pashtun belt of Balochistan adjacent to Helmand Province as their bases of operation. Now that over 30000 troops of Pakistan Army have taken full control of South Waziristan (SW) and division plus force is in North Waziristan (NW), part of which is in Makeen area, any possibility of Afghan Taliban operating from these regions is ruled out.

The same scenario is applicable to Al-Qaeda. The only possible space which still requires further scanning is the countryside west of Ladha and Makeen in SW towards Afghanistan border. Using boots on ground strategy, our troops are gradually clearing these areas as well. Within Afghanistan, morale of US-Nato forces has sunk low and bunker mentality has crept in due to sudden increase in casualty rate. Karzai regime has no control over state affairs and his credibility after August fraudulent election has eroded further. The Afghan National Army and Police are in bad shape and operationally unfit to confront Taliban challenge, even after years of training and billions of US dollars spent.Afghan Pashtuns hate Americans and are supportive of Taliban. Gulbadin Hikmatyar, and Jalaluddin Haqqani are also anti-American and anti-Karzai. Given the favourable operational environment in Afghanistan for the Taliban, it will be utterly foolish on part of Mullah Omar and his Shura to abandon the fully secured bases in Afghanistan and opt for insecure base in Quetta where CIA, FBI, US Marines, Blackwater, MI-6, RAW, and shady Baloch separatist groups command strong influence.Target killings by Baloch terrorist groups in Quetta and other parts of Balochistan have become a norm. Jacobabad and Pasni air bases in this region of Pakistan are still under the operational control of US troops. Shamsi base near Kharan has also been in use for launching drones where reportedly Blackwater elements are employed. Quetta being a capital city is too open and conspicuous for Mullah Omar to hide particularly with a large bounty on his head. ...................
US looking for attack on Pakistan - By Asif Haroon Raja @ Pakistan Herald
who think US is the best ally of pakistan thy are biggest TERRORIST of our COUNTRY!
i have this doubt!!!!blackwater is supposed to be a secret service agency ....and they are actually good at what they do! so how come they get exposed on a daily basis !!!!!dont you think its bs !!
besides the blackwater is under CIA contract and then how are they supposed to be funded by india and israel.......
lets see what you politicians / media have be telling you

1)india sponscers TTP terrorists !
2)india then sponcers blackwater ! an agency that is under CIA

why the heck do we have to do that when RAW agents are widely available in pakistan (a lot of whom have been supposedly arrested according to some news paper reports but have not been heard off or no photo's released ever ! they just come as a flash report that you have to see then curse the RAW and India then resume back to your normal life without following up if the arrested were even indians in the first place!)

some funny stuff by your ministers recently....

news report:day one
rehman malik : "we have proof of india's involvement and we have given it to the foreign ministry"

public reaction:this is followed by india bashing ! and cursing!

on the same day in another part of the same city
foreign minister-qureshi:"we dont have any credible eveidence against india ..some foreign country is most probably involved but we dont have any proof!"

the public reaction: no body cares to read what qureshi has said!

day 2:

news report: "Malik to be arrested for corruption charges and 8000 cases to be reopened agaisnt him -supreme court cancels NRO"

public reaction: hail!!!!supreme court......ang Malik cursing!!!!!! but we still believe what he said about evidence on india to be true!we didnt hear any thing that qureshi said yesterday....you know it was to noisy and we could not hear anything!!!!

who think US is the best ally of pakistan thy are biggest TERRORIST of our COUNTRY!

I guess your whole country used to be and at present i see some of the pakistani citizens in this forums believe this and moreover your complete GOP.

But US just gave a stabbed at back on Pakistan, Its not Pakistan mistake. Hope for the future Pakistan will be more careful.

US tried to do this with india with 123 N deal, But india was cunning enough to make the deal with russia and france and kick the US *** with only 30% of total fuel to be taken from US.
i have this doubt!!!!blackwater is supposed to be a secret service agency ....and they are actually good at what they do! so how come they get exposed on a daily basis !!!!!dont you think its bs !!
besides the blackwater is under CIA contract and then how are they supposed to be funded by india and israel.......
lets see what you politicians / media have be telling you

1)india sponscers TTP terrorists !
2)india then sponcers blackwater ! an agency that is under CIA

why the heck do we have to do that when RAW agents are widely available in pakistan (a lot of whom have been supposedly arrested according to some news paper reports but have not been heard off or no photo's released ever ! they just come as a flash report that you have to see then curse the RAW and India then resume back to your normal life without following up if the arrested were even indians in the first place!)

some funny stuff by your ministers recently....

news report:day one
rehman malik : "we have proof of india's involvement and we have given it to the foreign ministry"

public reaction:this is followed by india bashing ! and cursing!

on the same day in another part of the same city
foreign minister-qureshi:"we dont have any credible eveidence against india ..some foreign country is most probably involved but we dont have any proof!"

the public reaction: no body cares to read what qureshi has said!

day 2:

news report: "Malik to be arrested for corruption charges and 8000 cases to be reopened agaisnt him -supreme court cancels NRO"

public reaction: hail!!!!supreme court......ang Malik cursing!!!!!! but we still believe what he said about evidence on india to be true!we didnt hear any thing that qureshi said yesterday....you know it was to noisy and we could not hear anything!!!!

Source: Pakistan Daily
Content: BS, in line with the rest of the crap on that website.

Actually the guy is right on many accounts and has valid points, although he comes off pretty inflamatory, you can't shrug off some of his claims as simple bs.

Pak's historical alliance with US was based on threat posed by Russia. However with the demise of USSR, and the day Pak conducted Nukes lead to a massive policy shift in Washington and much of the western world where zionists dominate medias and have trigger on people's emotions.

How could one explain such open US support for Zardari against the mighty PA? What about the drone attacks that keep violating the air space, and reluctance to share or give drones to the PA? Micro managing billions of dollars in aid? US naval warships docking at Balochistan ports without govn'ts permission?

There are so many questions yet to be answered.

It's clearly a prolonged covert war to economically and socially weaken the state Pakistan. Which we're seeing before our eyes.
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