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Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

Indeed. The entire Muslim world would be very different, if that simple advice was heeded. So many wars, deaths and destruction the entire humanity could be spared from, if people stopped caring what Mr X thought about Mr Y's opinion on Mr Z 1400 years ago.

Stop caring about what medeival scriptures prescribe, and instead care about the people who are alive NOW, and the future generations to come.
Pakistanis as a nation has to answer this if they wish to get tangled in solving this medevil sectarian /ethinic issues or If they decide to move on .. In my opinion we should move the fck on

Order Rangers in Karachi to kill every TTP terrorist like Aslam Chaudhry used to do. Kill terrorists whenever you get a chance instead of waiting for them to attack our soldiers. Force govt to start hanging TTP terrorists that are present in our prisons. Force govt to be more offensive on the diplomatic level. Andthen finally the NWA operation. Take the war to TTP instead of getting killed like ducks. Learn from Indian generals if they want an example. :)

Sleeper cells like lash kar e tayaba will invoke a full scale war there are more than a million trained men and that was a decade ago under current circumstances x 3 times that's the sort of insurgent force we are dealing with .. It would be an all out civil war .. I thinks that's what the generals are trying to avoid
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Sleeper cells like lash kar e tayaba will invoke a full scale war there are more than a million trained men and that was a decade ago under current circumstances x 3 times that's the sort of insurgent force we are dealing with .. It would be an all out civil war .. I thinks that's what the generals are trying to avoid

Sooner or later we would have to go this way. These TTP thugs are fighting to occupy Pakistan. They are not fighting just for FATA or NWA. First FATA. Then KPK. Then Karachi. And then finally Punjab.

Now it is up to our general whether they would sit watching this country getting teared apart by jahil mullahs or take the war to the enemy before it is too late.
I just want to know why always it is the duty of an American drone to eliminate a TTP chief. Cowardice perhaps.

Do you have any idea about ground realities ? the terrain , the challenges involved ?

Forget him, he is repeating his ayatullis narrative just like zarvan does his mullahs. Different sides of same coin.

I dont follow any Ayutulli or Mullah , no need to go retard
What ground terrain stops a PAF F16 from bombing the house where that rat Fazlullah is hiding?

You mean carpet bombing his suspected hide outs ?? What about the collateral damage ??
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You mean carpet bombing his supposed hide outs ?? What about the collateral damage ??
No pinpoint his hide out and take it out. Use your Burraq. Ask help from Chinese if you don't have an armed drone. Use Cobras if you are wary of collateral damage. Show intent instead of behaving like a loser.
No pinpoint his hide out and take it out. Use your Burraq. Ask help from Chinese if you don't have an armed drone. Use Cobras if you are wary of collateral damage. Show intent instead of behaving like a loser.

That is only possible when whole nation is standing behind PA and our politicians declare a war against TTP !!
We are not willing to own this war , why blame PA ??
Their spy network is marvelous in every aspect, they have the funds, the reconnaissance, the strategy,the manpower, the connects, the hardware. We dont have any of that. Its not easy for the army with its hands tied after a dictator overthrow, political awareness and a media with a mind of its own. So be patients there will be military operation. Just not yet.

Forget him, he is repeating his ayatullis narrative just like zarvan does his mullahs. Different sides of same coin.

Shahid ullah Shahid frequently contacts media persons, recently he contacted Javed chaudhry on his live show last week. Is our SIGINT so pathetic they are not able to trace his signal? Even India has the ability to intercept SAT phone which we don't have even after 11 years in WoT

No pinpoint his hide out and take it out. Use your Burraq. Ask help from Chinese if you don't have an armed drone. Use Cobras if you are wary of collateral damage. Show intent instead of behaving like a loser.

. Last year botch operation of Orakzai clearly shows how It's not an easy task to do an op mountainous region
. Last year botch operation of Orakzai clearly shows how It's not an easy task to do an op mountainous region

That's why I said to use aerial power against major targets like Fazlullah, Umar Khalid, Shahid ullah Shahid. Kill the leaders, the army troops would take care of the foot soldiers.
Shahid ullah Shahid frequently contacts media persons, recently he contacted Javed chaudhry on his live show last week. Is our SIGINT so pathetic they are not able to trace his signal? Even India has the ability to intercept SAT phone which we don't have even after 11 years in WoT

. Last year botch operation of Orakzai clearly shows how It's not an easy task to do an op mountainous region

They all using Afghan sims. Not as easy since we arent allowed to their networks.
never seen a image of 5 childs dead or 2 womens can you show me please? they were animals since thousands of years and will remain semi himan

this look to you human ?

they take bath with blood daily what lanat can do to them ?

why do you even argue with Zarvan?

He is on the side of the people that kills little children.

Treats Women even below their farm animals.

Even if your Army take him out still this war will never end and they will keep fighting back those ignorant who don't have any clue about this area talk like that go their bomb them wipe them out what the hell do you think USA is trying to do Man you are a true genius :omghaha:

The glee with which you support the killers of your brave soldiers is disturbing to say the least.

Have some respect to those who died protecting your right to insult their memories sitting behind a monitor.

Why don't you leave the keyboard and join your Jihadi brothers?
That's why I said to use aerial power against major targets like Fazlullah, Umar Khalid, Shahid ullah Shahid. Kill the leaders, the army troops would take care of the foot soldiers.

a bunch of cave rats are going to besiege a nuclear powered and 7th largest army ... he forgot that army has a back up of 180 million people
A large and well equipped army. They just need to decide they are tired of a rag-tag militia making fools of them. I'm sure they can do it when they get the politicians to back them.
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