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Banned Outfit ASWJ’s Chief Boasts About Persecuting Pakistan’s Shia Community

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May 21, 2010
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Ludhianvi was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride

Ludhianvi was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride

Banned Outfit ASWJ’s Chief Boasts About Persecuting Pakistan’s Shia Community

A video of Muhammad Ahmad Ludhianvi, current chief of the proscribed sectarian group Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at (ASWJ) is circulating on social media in which he recalls the environment of fear his organisation had successfully created in the 1990s for the Shia Muslim community in Pakistan.
Ludhianvi, who is addressing a public meeting, was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride.
“This organization has been fighting alone, no one joined us,” he said. “This organization was left alone by even religious scholars. I do not say this with resentment, it was in fact a blessing.”
Ludhianvi said, “Even though we, with a very limited organization, ran this movement alone – and those who remember 1990s will confirm what I am saying – we reduced the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to the level where they removed their flags from their homes. We reduced them to such a level that they removed plaques carrying their names Naqvi, Takwi from their houses. We reduced them to the level where they stopped wearing black on their way to demonstrations; these black clothes would be packed in shopping bags. They wore white wear clothes on the way to their demonstrations, then changed into black and then returned wearing white again. If we, a limited organization, could confront such a powerful force and reduce them to this level, we would not be seeing this day if our ulema had stood with us.”

The ASWJ chief was removed from the Fourth Schedule in 2018. The Fourth Schedule is a section of the Anti-Terrorism Act under which someone suspected of terrorism is kept under observation; it is mandatory for him or her to register his or her attendance with the local police regularly.

The Fourth Schedule also includes elements found to be or suspected to be involved in anti-state activities, delivering hate speeches and/or activists of religious outfits not yet banned but related to militancy in some way.

Our national action plan is joke. We ban organizations but they still block roads, contest elections and even continue to do whatever they want. TLP is out there doing what they do, ASWJ is still there,MQM london elements are still free. Terrible !
Ludhianvi was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride

Ludhianvi was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride

Banned Outfit ASWJ’s Chief Boasts About Persecuting Pakistan’s Shia Community

A video of Muhammad Ahmad Ludhianvi, current chief of the proscribed sectarian group Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at (ASWJ) is circulating on social media in which he recalls the environment of fear his organisation had successfully created in the 1990s for the Shia Muslim community in Pakistan.
Ludhianvi, who is addressing a public meeting, was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride.
“This organization has been fighting alone, no one joined us,” he said. “This organization was left alone by even religious scholars. I do not say this with resentment, it was in fact a blessing.”
Ludhianvi said, “Even though we, with a very limited organization, ran this movement alone – and those who remember 1990s will confirm what I am saying – we reduced the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to the level where they removed their flags from their homes. We reduced them to such a level that they removed plaques carrying their names Naqvi, Takwi from their houses. We reduced them to the level where they stopped wearing black on their way to demonstrations; these black clothes would be packed in shopping bags. They wore white wear clothes on the way to their demonstrations, then changed into black and then returned wearing white again. If we, a limited organization, could confront such a powerful force and reduce them to this level, we would not be seeing this day if our ulema had stood with us.”

The ASWJ chief was removed from the Fourth Schedule in 2018. The Fourth Schedule is a section of the Anti-Terrorism Act under which someone suspected of terrorism is kept under observation; it is mandatory for him or her to register his or her attendance with the local police regularly.

The Fourth Schedule also includes elements found to be or suspected to be involved in anti-state activities, delivering hate speeches and/or activists of religious outfits not yet banned but related to militancy in some way.

Then we cry alot when we are branded as terrorists
Fatmiyun and zwnabiyun have also been operating and recruiting openly and many of their fighters have returned back.
Where did he talk about so called shia persecution or did I miss something?
Wait, why on Earth was he invited by the Army and the Police? That's just shameful.
Not supporting harming or threatening someone for their sect or religion, but What is being said in Shia imam bargahs is even more horrendous. There's no check and balance over there just on sinnis.
The entire shia population has been converted to being Iranians while being Pakistani citizens and living in Pakistan.
Shia ulema openly threatened Pakistan after that Sulamani guy's assassination in Syria.
But hey, we sunni wahabi are the demons.
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Shias are both in MQM and PPP...If you go to Sindh secretariat , every other dude is a shia.

I don't understand the banner of Shia persecution. They are everywhere with good jobs. Contrast it with Iran and the treatment of Sunnis... Sunnis are not even allowed to operate a single mosque in Tehran yet we have imam bargah everywhere and one of the only two serving 4 star general in the Army...
Just disagreeing with them., asking them not to insult our beloved صحابہ کرام، asking them not hold large public gatherings during pandemic, and criticising Iran counts as "Shia persecution ".
Where did he talk about so called shia persecution or did I miss something?
His second speech. But nothing new ... he always endorses shia killing .. but it's very strange police and army entertaining such people. Even in US, there is a massive following among Pakistanis, some mosques even distribute anti-shia pamphlets. My sunni friends actually used to give me when back from Juma prayer ..........shahji aa wakhoo sadda molvi ki waand raya ayy ... lol

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Why this thread is not locked yet ? The sectarian issue is nothing new in Pakistan...Iranian expansionism since the time of Khomenai is not hidden from anyone...nowadays ...both Sunnis and Shias clerics are openly insulting Islam by defaming Ahlebait and Sheikhain...But if Pakdef is the place to discuss it unilaterally ...then the admins must announce it so. Else, wait for me and my commentary with some evidence of Pro Iranians terrorists in the guise of Zakireen and Pro Saudis thugs wearing the cloak tailored out of dollars ...24 hours to lock this thread :butcher:
Ludhianvi was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride

Ludhianvi was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride

Banned Outfit ASWJ’s Chief Boasts About Persecuting Pakistan’s Shia Community

A video of Muhammad Ahmad Ludhianvi, current chief of the proscribed sectarian group Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at (ASWJ) is circulating on social media in which he recalls the environment of fear his organisation had successfully created in the 1990s for the Shia Muslim community in Pakistan.
Ludhianvi, who is addressing a public meeting, was lamenting that his organization stood alone in its movement against “enemies of Islam,” but remembered ASWJ’s efforts with pride.
“This organization has been fighting alone, no one joined us,” he said. “This organization was left alone by even religious scholars. I do not say this with resentment, it was in fact a blessing.”
Ludhianvi said, “Even though we, with a very limited organization, ran this movement alone – and those who remember 1990s will confirm what I am saying – we reduced the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to the level where they removed their flags from their homes. We reduced them to such a level that they removed plaques carrying their names Naqvi, Takwi from their houses. We reduced them to the level where they stopped wearing black on their way to demonstrations; these black clothes would be packed in shopping bags. They wore white wear clothes on the way to their demonstrations, then changed into black and then returned wearing white again. If we, a limited organization, could confront such a powerful force and reduce them to this level, we would not be seeing this day if our ulema had stood with us.”

The ASWJ chief was removed from the Fourth Schedule in 2018. The Fourth Schedule is a section of the Anti-Terrorism Act under which someone suspected of terrorism is kept under observation; it is mandatory for him or her to register his or her attendance with the local police regularly.

The Fourth Schedule also includes elements found to be or suspected to be involved in anti-state activities, delivering hate speeches and/or activists of religious outfits not yet banned but related to militancy in some way.

he is a takfiri scumbag . his party has affiliations and roots with LeJ, Daesh and TTP that are sworn enemies of the state of Pakistan.
he continues to exist for the same reason why the Molana Aziz of Red Mosque exists to taunt and mock the state,
Not supporting harming or threatening someone for their sect or religion, but What is being said in Shia imam bargahs is even more horrendous. There's no check and balance over there just on sinnis.
The entire shia population has been converted to being Iranians while being Pakistani citizens and living in Pakistan.
Shia ulema openly threatened Pakistan after that Sulamani guy's assassination in Syria.
But hey, we sunni wahabi are the demons.

we are neither Saudis nor Iranians.. we shall prevail by Grace of Allah.

no shia or sunni Alim can compare to what these takifiri scumbags have done and said to Pakistan.
we are Sunnis , true followers of Muhammad PBUH and His family and His Loyal Sahabis may Allah be Pleased with them all.

what you say is not wrong. illiterate and mischievous people exist among all communities and must be confronted even if they belong to our own sect.

the peaceful and loving Sunni faith has been attacked by this narrow minded hateful takfiri fitna that claims to be Sunni but it belongs to the group that was termed as hounds of Hell by the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

I mean as Sunni we have to apologize and explain that we are Sunnis even if we openly Praise Hazrat Ali RA... Why? because this group has poisoned the minds that only shias follow and praise Hazrat Ali RA.
the fact is Hazrat Ali RA is the follower and Supporter of Hazrat Ummar Farooq RA and a great Sunni.
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