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Banned Dutch MP "Geert Wilders" to be sent home


Mar 6, 2008
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Banned Dutch MP to be sent home

Thursday, 12 February 2009

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Dutch MP refused entry to Britain

A Dutch MP who called the Koran a "fascist book" is to be sent back to the Netherlands after attempting to defy a ban on entering the UK.

Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders had been invited to show his controversial film - which links the Islamic holy book to terrorism - in the UK's House of Lords.

But Mr Wilders, who faces trial in his own country for inciting hatred, has been denied entry by the Home Office.

He told the BBC it was a "very sad day" for UK democracy.

The Dutch ambassador was also at Heathrow to make clear his government's opposition to the ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK.

'Free speech'

Mr Wilders' film Fitna caused outrage across the Muslim world when it was posted on the internet last year.

After being questioned at Heathrow, the MP said he had been to the House of Lords two weeks ago and there had been "no problem".

He added: "I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm not protesting or running through the streets of London."

Mr Wilders added: "Democracy means differences and debate. It's a very sad day when the UK bans an elected parliamentarian... Of course I will come back."

He said the government's actions had proved that Gordon Brown was the "biggest coward in Europe".

Mr Brown's spokesman said the prime minister "fully supports the decision" taken by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

Mr Wilders was invited to the House of Lords for a screening of Fitna by the UK Independence Party's Lord Pearson.

The peer said it was a "matter of free speech", telling the BBC: "We are going to show it anyway because we think MPs and peers should see this film."

'No purpose'

He added: "The film isn't offensive unless you are a violent Islamist. Most of my Muslim friends think it's a very good film."

Fitna's opening scenes show a copy of the Koran followed by footage of the 9/11 attacks in the US and the bombings in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005.

The Lords screening went ahead as planned, despite Mr Wilder's non-attendance.

BBC political correspondent Iain Watson said about 30 people had been at the screening and had given a round of applause, while calling for a debate on the issues raised.

The Dutch prime minister has said the film serves "no purpose other than to offend".

Foreign Secretary David Miliband told the BBC's Hardtalk: "The home secretary made a decision on an individual case as she is required to do."

He added that the film contained "extreme anti-Muslim hate and we have very clear laws in this country".

Mr Miliband also said: "We have profound commitment to freedom of speech but there is no freedom to cry 'fire' in a crowded theatre and there is no freedom to stir up hate, religious and racial hatred, according to the laws of the land."

The Home Office said there was a blanket ban on Mr Wilders entering the UK under EU laws enabling member states to exclude someone whose presence could threaten public security.

'No respect'

"The government opposes extremism in all forms," it said in a statement, adding that it had tightened up rules on excluding those engaging in "unacceptable behaviour" in October.

The home secretary has the power to stop people entering the UK if she believes there is a threat to national security, public order or the safety of UK citizens, but she cannot exclude people simply because of their views.

Earlier this year, a Dutch court ordered prosecutors to put the MP on trial for inciting hatred and discrimination by making anti-Islamic statements.

Labour peer Lord Ahmed, who expressed his concerns to the parliamentary authorities about Mr Wilders' visit, told the BBC: "This man doesn't have any respect for law. He's doing this for publicity and he's seeking that and getting that."

He added: "If this man was allowed into this country it would certainly cause problems within communities around Britain."

The Muslim Council of Britain said Mr Wilders was "an open and relentless preacher of hate".

Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Chris Huhne said: "Freedom of speech is our most precious freedom of all, because all the other freedoms depend on it.

"But there is a line to be drawn even with freedom of speech, and that is where it is likely to incite violence or hatred against someone or some group."

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Yeah I seen it on TV, he was giving a press conference on how he received his ticket and showed his passport and told the journalists and reporters that he would board the plane and try and set foot in the U.K.
How desperate, if one makes such blatant and disgraceful statements like he does about Islam, he must also bear with the consequenses of his actions and his words.
I think the authorities are going to wait for him to land and then send him back immediately.
All for becoming Famous..you know the easiest formula.:tsk:
Good work done by Britain.
He should be sent to hell, not home

The guy's a RAGING moron. He thought he was providing a service to the world by providing "Universal Hatred". Now that he's gotten a taste of failure, he's questioning the British democracy.

What an Idiot!
I just read on a dutch news website that Mr. Wilders has been detained and put into a small room where someone from the British immigration service had a short talk with him letting him know that he wasn't welcome.
He's now on his way back to the Netherlands in plane BD111.
Wilders said he was angry at the way he was detained and treated during that moment, it only lasted 47 seconds, they didn't even let him finish his words and took him right with them LOL.
Anyways, the idiot, he said he still hoped that the U.K. government would change its mind over this.

Wilders Engeland uitgezet - Binnenland - Telegraaf.nl [24 uur actueel, ook mobiel] [binnenland]
I have seen some members here say pretty much the same thing as what Mr Wilders claims.

Only thing is they say the same approvingly. Things like God will not think twice about killing all infidels of the world for the sake of one Muslim etc.!
Only thing is they say the same approvingly. Things like God will not think twice about killing all infidels of the world for the sake of one Muslim etc.!

again distorting the truth. maybe you should become his co-editor, would get paid at least.
I have seen some members here say pretty much the same thing as what Mr Wilders claims.

Only thing is they say the same approvingly. Things like God will not think twice about killing all infidels of the world for the sake of one Muslim etc.!

If that was the case, God would not provide you, me and everyone else on earth with life, sustenance, family, hapiness, wealth, etc. even though a majority of people may deny him, or even abuse him.

God's mercy is manifest.
Personally, I wouldn't have done the same.

If I stop his freedom to criticize me then whats stopping someone else to stop my freedom to criticize someone else?

He is a raging moron and I would've owned him left n right, but would I gag him? I like to give the enemy a fair fight and then beat him at it.
He's some Israeli nerd (yes I know he's dutch before some bright spark points it out).
Britain has acted this way when it concerns so called 'Preachers of Hate' of Muslim origin (albeit belatedly).

Louis Farrakhan was also denied entry, if I remember correctly.

It is only natural that someone whose actions/words can damage the woven fabric of the muticultural society of Britain, is not welcome.

Some people used the same freedom of speech argument regarding HItler's hate message, and look where that ended up.
I would be lying if i said this man's work(thrash as it may be..) didn't upset me but it's people like him who give free advertising to Islam.9/11 exposed the lies of a particular government.Same is the case with the geert wielders of the world.their just doing their job in spreading malice about Islam and being exposed in the process.
They say God works in mysterious ways,well here the falsehood of these mischief makers brings others to the truth.So don't allow these people to upset you...use their lies to your own advantage to spread the true image of Islam.
I have seen some members here say pretty much the same thing as what Mr Wilders claims.

Only thing is they say the same approvingly. Things like God will not think twice about killing all infidels of the world for the sake of one Muslim etc.!

where? from the first post down to yours, the comments didn't even touch the borderline of "extremism". no words like "killing" are used. you're blind and you're deaf without knowing it.

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