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Bangladesh's Refugees Dream Of Pakistan


Feb 12, 2006
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Bangladesh's Refugees Dream Of Pakistan

Associated Press Writer

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) - They call themselves the forgotten refugees, dreaming of a land many have never seen - Pakistan.

Crowded into impoverished shanty camps across Bangladesh, they are remnants of the mass migration that accompanied the break-up of the Indian subcontinent along religious lines at independence from Britain in 1947.

Bangladesh is often the forgotten third country of partition. The departing British lumped what is now Bangladesh together with Pakistan because of their shared Islamic religion. But the two regions are more than 1,600 miles apart on either side of India and have a different languages, cultures and histories.

Bangladesh - then known as East Pakistan - revolted and won its independence with India's help in 1971. The nine-month conflict pitted East Pakistan's Bangla-speaking majority against Urdu-speaking Muslims who had fled from India at partition and wanted to remain part of Pakistan.

Calling themselves ``stranded Pakistanis,'' about 500,000 Urdu-speakers decided to depart for Pakistan rather than join newly independent Bangladesh. But in 1993, Pakistan halted the repatriation process, saying it did not have the money or land to house them.

That left some 250,000 refugees and their descendants to languish in 70 government-run camps across Bangladesh. They are not citizens and cannot vote or apply for government jobs.

``I've been dreaming of going to Pakistan for years,'' said Mosammat Rahima, 50, standing outside the tiny hut she shares with seven other family members. ``There they speak my language, Urdu.''

Rahima's camp has become another sprawling slum in the capital of Dhaka, a city of 10 million people. Many live without electricity, water or adequate health care. Illiteracy, unemployment and malnutrition are rampant.

``Can you imagine, we have only 150 toilets for 25,000 people of the camp?'' says Abdul Jabbar Khan, who has led protests and a media campaign for repatriation to Pakistan.

``Nobody thinks of us, not Bangladesh, not Pakistan,'' he added. ``We know there's no hill of gold for us in Pakistan. But still we want to try our fate there. We aren't accepted here, we'll never be.''

Barred from applying for government jobs, many in the camp eke out livings as day laborers or cleaners.

Rahima and her 60-year-old husband often sleep outside when their shack becomes too crowded on muggy nights.

``Do you think we're human beings?'' she said. ``Even dogs at many homes in this city live in better places.''

Bangladesh and Pakistan say they are looking for a solution, though it appears remote.

``Both governments believe that we need to resolve this issue,'' Iftekhar A. Chowdhury, foreign affairs adviser to Bangladesh's interim government said. ``On a recent visit to Pakistan, I raised the issue with my Pakistan counterpart, and he was of the same opinion.''

As the years pass with no solution, however, the dream of Pakistan grows increasingly less appealing to younger generations. Many youth now speak Bangla and feel accepting Bangladeshi citizenship would give them a chance at a better life.

``Why shall we call ourselves Pakistanis? This is absurd,'' says Sahid Ali Babul, 25. ``We should be given Bangladeshi nationality, since we were born and brought up here.''

These guys refused to betray Pakistan, left their homes & living like sh*t in camps, what have we ever done for them? The best thing e can do it to atleast let them walk on the Pakistani soil since they have suffered for so long.

how about writing Musharraf a letter?


sample of one letter, written by maglomanic of PDF:

Dear Mr President,
We just celebrated our 60th independence day and i think it is our duty to look back and see where we stand and what needs to be corrected. The single most tragic issue that still lingers on is the issue of 250,000 or so Pakistanis in Bangaldeshi refugee camps. Too much time has passed by and i think it's about time that Pakistan at the bare minimum acknowledge this issue and try to alleviate immense problems of this diaspora. We cannot deny the right of these Pakistanis and still be proud of our nation and country.
I can understand that there are political sensibilities involved which might hinder any efforts to solve this problem namely the concern of different ethinic groups who feel that mass inflow of these people might change their demographics. But that should not be an excuse to not help these people. We can start by actively engaging them where they are. Some kind of setup that imparts training,education and tries to create some semblence of health services in the camps where they are living in miserable conditions. You can appeal to other people and i am sure if we mobilize our people and make them realize about the plight of these Pakistanis they too will want to help out.Later on gradual migration over a long period of time can help us get them to the country they have been waiting for so long.

Mr. President after three decades of neglect even now if we cannnot come to terms with reality of our forgotten people and do something about it then there is nothing to be proud of the country and nation these people have sacrificed so much for.
Please take 5 minute to write a letter, send it to NGo's, editors, lobby goups. etc.

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Some of those images remind me of the untermenschen camps where people were crammed into the same 8ft * 8ft rooms. They should be given full citizenship in Pakistan because they certainly won't get it from Bangladesh, I would suggest a straightforward swap of 1 illegal Bangladeshi for 1 Bihari. Or just remove citizenship from some Bangladeshis living legally in Pakistan and give it to these guys, since that is what the Bangladeshi government is doing to these people by not giving them full citizenship rights. It seems like they're treated worse than dogs.
Why are'nt we accepting them... a strain on our economy maybe ... but if they view themselves as pakistani we must give them the right to return. It is our responsibilty. I can't believe they are living like this and yet there are many people even in pakistan who live in these conditions daily... will we be able to help them?

If god had just given us the power and resources to help these people... if there is anything that hurts me most its to see my ppl suffer like this.

Our world really is a forsaken place... i hope i die bf4 i lose all hope.
The recent governments in both countries are trying to resolve these issues, but its tough.

A long time since 71. Repatriation should be opened for at most one more year people should be a given a take it or leave it option. Reason being who knows who all will be coming in under the guise of a Bihari.
. Reason being who knows who all will be coming in under the guise of a Bihari.

that's true. don't think Pakistan should trust the camp leaders on this or bangladeshi government. who knows who they will send over. Perhaps paternity tests yo establish direct line from the known original bihari group in east pakistan. would need money though.
We have 6 million Afghani refugees who have done nothing for Pakistan besides importing Ak-47, Extremism & opium.

While these guys refused to betray Pakistan, left their homes & living like sh*t in camps, what have we ever done for them? The best thing e can do it to atleast let them walk on the Pakistani soil since they have suffered for so long.

how about writing Musharraf a letter?


sample of one letter, written by maglomanic of PDF:

I think I'd have to disagree with Maglo's letter. The point raised before about who really is in the camps now is a fair one. And if Pakistan starts accepting people slowly, Bengalis and others might just slip through also causing an endless stream of fake "Biharis". But anyone who was genuine and descended from the Biharis of East Pakistan should be given citizenship in Pakistan if it can be proved they really are genuine.
Bangladesh has offered them citizenship but older generation biharis dont accept it, they want pakistani citizenship, which i think pakistan should give them. otherwise these people won't have full rights in neither country.
Bangladesh has offered them citizenship but older generation biharis dont accept it, they want pakistani citizenship, which i think pakistan should give them. otherwise these people won't have full rights in neither country.

Isnt it that Bangladesh is not giving them full citizenship that is the reason they don't accept?
Isnt it that Bangladesh is not giving them full citizenship that is the reason they don't accept?

Look they are not Bangladesh's headache they are Pakistan's & Pakistan must take care of them they supported Pakistan in 71 they are Urdu speaking people who left India for Pakistan after the partition it is Pakistan's obligation to take them it is in fact has been a generosity of the govt of the peoples republic of Bangladesh who have been taking care of them for so long Bangladesh should also charge Pakistan the amount spend on stranded Pakistanis on Bangladesh's soil Bangladesh if necessary should take the matter to the U.N if Pakistan doesn't pay the due attention to the matter. as a Canadian citizen and a member of amnesty international i appeal to the govt of CANADA too look into the matter along with our allies U.S.A, U.K, INDIA, ISRAEL, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA.
Look they are not Bangladesh's headache they are Pakistan's & Pakistan must take care of them they supported Pakistan in 71 it is Pakistan's obligation to take them it is in fact has been a generosity of the govt of the peoples republic of Bangladesh who have been taking care of them for so long Bangladesh should also charge Pakistan the amount spend on stranded Pakistanis on Bangladesh's soil Bangladesh if necessary should take the matter to the U.N if Pakistan doesn't pay the due attention to the matter. as a Canadian citizen a member of amnesty international i appeal to the govt of CANADA a too look into the matter along with our allies U.S.A, U.K, INDIA, ISRAEL, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA.

for a Muslim Bharati you've sure got a familiar sound to you. :coffee:

But this is irrelevant, pretension is fine. What you seem to be implying in your post is that the people in the camps are Pakistani citizens or automatically became Pakistan's citizens following the formations of Bangladesh. You will find no lawyer or independent person agreeing. The people in the camps were citizens of Pakistan, until Bangladesh was formed. Then they ceased to become Pakistani citizens because the whole of East Pakistan had its citizenship revoked. From there they had to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship (or Pakistani (west) citizenship). Pakistan (former West) took its quota of Biharis, but there seems to be many more stranded in these sub-human camps. Why are they not being provided full citizenship in Bangladesh, when they were a part of the East Bengali community? Is this not discrimination? Why should they apply for Bangladeshi citizenship when they would be disciminated against by the system? If anything, this should be reported to the UN as violation of their rights and state apartheid (as should the whole of Bharat).

Bangladesh has refused to provide full citizenship to the Bihari due to their previous support of Western Pakistan
Refugees International: Countries

Then tell me. Would you apply for citizenship to a country where it would be legal to discriminate against you? Didnt think so.
for a Muslim Bharati you've sure got a familiar sound to you. :coffee:

But this is irrelevant, pretension is fine. What you seem to be implying in your post is that the people in the camps are Pakistani citizens or automatically became Pakistan's citizens following the formations of Bangladesh. You will find no lawyer or independent person agreeing. The people in the camps were citizens of Pakistan, until Bangladesh was formed. Then they ceased to become Pakistani citizens because the whole of East Pakistan had its citizenship revoked. From there they had to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship (or Pakistani (west) citizenship). Pakistan (former West) took its quota of Biharis, but there seems to be many more stranded in these sub-human camps. Why are they not being provided full citizenship in Bangladesh, when they were a part of the East Bengali community? Is this not discrimination? Why should they apply for Bangladeshi citizenship when they would be disciminated against by the system? If anything, this should be reported to the UN as violation of their rights and state apartheid (as should the whole of Bharat).

Bangladesh has refused to provide full citizenship to the Bihari due to their previous support of Western Pakistan
Refugees International: Countries

Then tell me. Would you apply for citizenship to a country where it would be legal to discriminate against you? Didnt think so.

And as an ignorant & foolish person i cant expect anything logical from you all you do is:blah::blah: :argh: i said this because you are calling me a bharti:hitwall: where as i am a CANADIAN take a good look at my country flag
now coming down to your level to answer your post that is
exactly why the hell should Bangladesh give them citizenship when they belongs to Pakistan asking Bangladesh to grant them citizenship is like asking India to give citizenship to the the 93,000 POWs from the Pakistan army the Bhutto govt took back the soldiers but dint took the civilian Urdu speaking Pakistani citizens they should also be taken by Pakistan plain and simple as it sounds see Pakistan which was created for the Muslims of India in 1947 & the beharis or stranded Pakistanis as they are known opted for Pakistan & mind you not Bangladesh was created for the Bengali populations who fought for Bangladesh took part in the bangla language movements then why should the Bangladeshi govt should give Pakistan's left over patriotic citizens Bangladeshi citizenship what nonsense they are your people take care of them sorry their is no such thing as a free lunch i hope you got the point.
Stop messing Genmirajborgza!

Roadrunner i can't stay quiet anymore...if they are loyal to us why shoud we leave them there... Man i see them as my own people! If they want to come back to us then why shud we throw them away saying they are Bangladeshes responsibility! Okay, it is going to stretch us if we bring them back for example resources, crime etc. but they are our own people... i think our denying people to come to our nation who think of our country as a haven is wrong... infact if i had the power i would pay for them to return and pay for their education etc.

This attitude discourages people from coming to our nation man! Comeon, we can't betray all those who have forsaken everything just for this nation and think of pakistan as a safe-haven. We cannot deny them their right to return and make a living here!

It is'nt a great thing for us Pakistanis to argue with each other but i don't agree with you here!

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