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Bangladeshis hold mass prayer to support Blasphemy laws


Anyway now come to the main point... if any atheist have done anything against the law he/she can be punished according to the law but it does not allow anyone to go against Shahbagh movement which is not only concentrated in Shahbagh anymore but people of Bangladeshi origin all across the world supported and have shown solidarity with it's main demand to hang all the war criminals of Jamaat. Terming all the Shabagh protesters as nastic is in fact a Jamaati propaganda later also endorsed by Khaleda Zia. This is the same leader who supported Shahbagh movement when it started demanding capital punishment of the war criminals.

This is indeed quite a large gathering. Who are funding them??? If I am not wrong I read somewhere that the top leader of this group is somehow connected to Jamaat and even one of the leader recieved 50 cr taka from Jamaat for his madrasa. Any info on this will be highly appreciated.

শাহবাগের কথিত জাগরণ মঞ্চকে ইসলাম এবং দেশের স্বাধীনতা-সার্বভৌমত্বের বিরুদ্ধে এক গভীর ষড়যন্ত্র উল্লেখ করে সমাবেশে অন্য বক্তারা বলেন, শাহবাগে যুবক-যুবতীরা যেভাবে একত্রে রাত যাপন করেছে তা এদেশের কোনো সংস্কৃতি নয়, এটা জানোয়ারের সংস্কৃতি। এসব নাস্তিক ব্লগারকে পক্ষাবলম্বন করে সেখানে ফরিদ উদ্দিন মাসউদসহ কিছু আলেম গিয়ে একাত্মতা প্রকাশ করে মুসলমানদের হৃদয়ে আঘাত করেছেন। গতকাল রাজধানীর মতিঝিলে ইসলামী আন্দোলনের জাতীয় মহাসমাবেশে সভাপতির বক্তব্য রাখেন চরমোনাই পীর মুফতি সৈয়দ মোহাম্মদ রেজাউল করিম।

Is it your own writing or you copy pasted it from some Jamaat/shibir pages???

Anyway now come to the main point... if any atheist have done anything against the law he/she can be punished according to the law but it does not allow anyone to go against Shahbagh movement which is not only concentrated in Shahbagh anymore but people of Bangladeshi origin all across the world supported and have shown solidarity with it's main demand to hang all the war criminals of Jamaat. Terming all the Shabagh protesters as nastic is in fact a Jamaati propaganda later also endorsed by Khaleda Zia. This is the same leader who supported Shahbagh movement when it started demanding capital punishment of the war criminals.

This is indeed quite a large gathering. Who are funding them??? If I am not wrong I read somewhere that the top leader of this group is somehow connected to Jamaat and even one of the leader recieved 50 cr taka from Jamaat for his madrasa. Any info on this will be highly appreciated.

Is it your own writing or you copy pasted it from some Jamaat/shibir pages???


if you are okay with bdnews24, then amardesh is ok too, no???

btw this thread is not about khaleda zia

if you are okay with bdnews24, then amardesh is ok too, no???

btw this thread is not about khaleda zia

No Amardesh is not ok!!! It is more or less a propaganda outlet and nothing apart from rant the kind of idune uses. No one can expect anything apart from it. Amardesh has no comparison with Prothom-alo or even bdnews24...

Mahmudur Rahman is now directly affiliated with Jamaat and his and Amardesh's agenda just to publish trash on behalf of the war criminals of Jamaat.

What you posted if really has been published by Amardesh then no offense but it has gone below the level of shibir propaganda page basherkella.

জামায়াতের কোন মিছিল-মিটিং-এ এত লোক কিভাবে আনা হয় জানতে চান?
জানতে চান কি, মাহমুদুর রহমান কিভাবে জামাতীদের সাপোর্ট নেন?
আর জামায়াত কি কি পন্থায় লোকজন আমদানি করে? কথোপকথনটি শুনুন, দেখুন তাদের কীর্তি। মানুষ আর এত বোকা না, মানুষকে কিভাবে লোভে ফেলা হয়, দেখুন। বাকিটা আপনাদের।
বিস্তারিত জানতে দেখুনঃ


ইউটিউব ভিডিওঃ

গুগল ড্রাইভ এর অডিও + ভিডিও আপলোড হচ্ছে।

যারা MP3 ফরম্যাট এ চান তারা অপেক্ষায় থাকুন।

জামায়াত ২৮ তারিখের সাংবাদিক সম্মেলনে মাহমুদুর রহমানের পক্ষে কথা বলার জন্য কিছু সাংবাদিককে টাকার বিনিময়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া হচ্ছে।
মাহমুদুর রহমানের জন্য জামায়াত কেন টাকা খরচ করছে কিছু বুঝতে পারছেন? কেন লোকজন ভাড়া করে নিয়ে আসছেন সেটাও কি বুঝেছেন?
জামায়াত তলে তলে কিছু গণমাধ্যম কর্মীকে কেনার চেষ্টা করছেন, ভিডিওটি দেখুন, শুনুন, শেয়ার করুন।

ইউটিউব ভিডিওঃ

MP3 ফরম্যাটঃ https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9sIsfGuAXJ3U2dBLWNCT1N6REk/edit?usp=sharing

থাকবেন www.facebook.com/Bangla.Leaks.Page এর সাথে।
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Just a quick Question does Bangladesh has no law for blashphemy or hurtimg others religious sentiments ?

-double post -
No Amardesh is not ok!!! It is more or less a propaganda outlet and nothing apart from rant the kind of idune uses. No one can expect anything apart from it. Amardesh has no comparison with Prothom-alo or even bdnews24...


bdnews24?? did you see how they rigged poll??

people still trust awami media .... :what: mairala amre mairala
Tens of thousands of Islamic activists hold prayers on streets of Bangladesh capital to call for new blasphemy laws | Mail Online

Tens of thousands of Islamic activists prayed on the streets of the Bangladeshi capital today during a rally calling for the introduction of blaspemy laws and the restoration of a caretaker government.
Members of the Islami Andolan Bangladesh are demanding the arrest of 'atheist bloggers who insulted Islam' and to pass laws punishing those who 'insulted Islam in the parliament'.
They have announced plans to 'lay siege' to the office of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on April 25 if their demands are not met.



They include the restoration of the phrase 'absolute trust and faith upon Almighty Allah' in basic principles of the constitution; passing laws to punish atheists; holding of national elections under an impartial government; ensuring good governance and justice, uprooting terrorism and corruption; and establishing Islamic rule for a prosperous and welfare state.
According to The Daily Star | Your Right To Know, the party's Amir Mufti Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karimalso told the rally: 'The incumbent and previous governments have nurtured corruption, violence, nepotism and other different evil practices during last few decades.

'Islami Andolan Bangladesh should be voted to power to get rid of this situation.'
Meanwhile, clashes between police and supporters of the country's biggest Islamic party left five dead on Friday during protests linked to ongoing war crimes trials, police and media said.



Jamaat-e-Islami activists have been staging countrywide strikes and rallies for months to protest against the trials which have placed nearly their entire party leadership in the dock, in cases dating back to the 1971 independence war.
Friday's first incident occurred when lawmakers entered a village in northwestern Chapainawabganj district to arrest party activists accused of torching a power plant in such a protest last month.
About 6,000 villagers gathered to try and prevent the arrests, leading police to open fire.
'We at first used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the mob, but they attacked us with hand bombs, sticks and bricks, forcing us to open fire,' deputy district police chief Motiur Rahman told AFP.
'We have heard the news of three men killed, but we have not seen any dead bodies,' he said.



Local media reports quoted villagers saying three Jamaat supporters were killed, two on the spot and one on the way to hospital.
In a separate but similar wave of protests in northwestern Sirajganj district, two Jamaat supporters died after being hit with bullets, local police chief Shamsul Huq told AFP.
Police officers went to arrest an activist also accused of violence last month while protesting against the war crimes trial, but they too faced defiance from several thousand villagers.
With the latest deaths, 94 people have now been killed in clashes linked to the trials since the war crimes court handed down the first of its verdicts in January over atrocities during Bangladesh's independence struggle from Pakistan.
Two Jamaat leaders have already been convicted by the tribunal, which critics accuse of trumping up charges in a bid by the government to settle political scores, rather than deliver justice.
The government says the trials are needed to heal the wounds of the 1971 war in which it says three million people were killed and 200,000 women raped.
Independent estimates put the death toll between 300,000 and 500,000.

Read more: Tens of thousands of Islamic activists hold prayers on streets of Bangladesh capital to call for new blasphemy laws | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

শাহবাগের কথিত জাগরণ মঞ্চকে ইসলাম এবং দেশের স্বাধীনতা-সার্বভৌমত্বের বিরুদ্ধে এক গভীর ষড়যন্ত্র উল্লেখ করে সমাবেশে অন্য বক্তারা বলেন, শাহবাগে যুবক-যুবতীরা যেভাবে একত্রে রাত যাপন করেছে তা এদেশের কোনো সংস্কৃতি নয়, এটা জানোয়ারের সংস্কৃতি। এসব নাস্তিক ব্লগারকে পক্ষাবলম্বন করে সেখানে ফরিদ উদ্দিন মাসউদসহ কিছু আলেম গিয়ে একাত্মতা প্রকাশ করে মুসলমানদের হৃদয়ে আঘাত করেছেন। গতকাল রাজধানীর মতিঝিলে ইসলামী আন্দোলনের জাতীয় মহাসমাবেশে সভাপতির বক্তব্য রাখেন চরমোনাই পীর মুফতি সৈয়দ মোহাম্মদ রেজাউল করিম।

Subhanallah! Now this is what I call mass human gathering.Well done Islami andolan. Keep it up until Hasina leave the country.

bdnews24?? did you see how they rigged poll??

No I have not. If it publish any propaganda news then just point it out. But quite sure you wont be able to compare the trash and rant of Amardesh with bdnews24!!! If you would be moderator how you would rate the rant of amardesh that you said earlier you posted from amardesh??? I wont disagree bdnews24 is BAL leaning media and omit government criticism in many cases but does it post rant and low level propaganda like that of amardesh?? Amardesh is basically now read by the less educated and mostly jamat/shibir masses!!! But prothom-alo is read by people of all classes and of all party and so is bdnews24.
All this mullah natunki taking the name of islam for vote bank politics !

You are talking of your experience and trying run a broad brush here and that is irrelevant. One can understand your frustration but you or anyone critical of your people also need to take into consideration how much they have suffered under WoT, drone and what not. And then compare that era when there was none of that. These are offtopic discussion so please don't derail this thread.
No I have not. If it publish any propaganda news then just point it out. But quite sure you wont be able to compare the trash and rant of Amardesh with bdnews24!!! If you would be moderator how you would rate the rant of amardesh that you said earlier you posted from amardesh??? I wont disagree bdnews24 is BAL leaning media and omit government criticism in many cases but does it post rant and low level propaganda like that of amardesh?? Amardesh is basically now read by the less educated and mostly jamat/shibir masses!!! But prothom-alo is read by people of all classes and of all party and so is bdnews24.

amardesh propaganda?? except for that kaba news i couldnt find any wrong info... p.alo also made such mistakes like ISI gave money to Baluch national party, not BNP of BD. could you please open my eyes by providing proof against amardesh??
and i used to think BNP Jamat folks are more educated than Awamileague.... They read amardesh... P.alo and daily star left leaning.. Leftist are over-educated lol, P.alo is still balanced.... BDnews is popular because it was the first english online news source... Bdnews24 and banglanews got no competitors yet.....
No I have not. If it publish any propaganda news then just point it out. But quite sure you wont be able to compare the trash and rant of Amardesh with bdnews24!!! If you would be moderator how you would rate the rant of amardesh that you said earlier you posted from amardesh??? I wont disagree bdnews24 is BAL leaning media and omit government criticism in many cases but does it post rant and low level propaganda like that of amardesh?? Amardesh is basically now read by the less educated and mostly jamat/shibir masses!!! But prothom-alo is read by people of all classes and of all party and so is bdnews24.

Take your frustration where it belongs, that is your ideology, party and its thugs. Amardesh is not the issue because it exposed people you follow ideologically.And we know Prothom Alo "class" they belong to fascist, atheist roamed in Shahbagh calling to kill people and destroy business. Besides, you need to live within your favorite fascist, atheist and Awami class, this place should be way overrated for you.

Here are remarks from Awami League head honchos. Before anyone else these should be arrested first.

Take your frustration where it belongs, that is your ideology, party and its thugs. Amardesh is not the issue because it exposed people you follow ideologically.And we know Prothom Alo "class" they belong to fascist, atheist roamed in Shahbagh calling to kill people and destroy business. Besides, you need to live within your favorite fascist, atheist and Awami class, this place should be way overrated for you.

Kill people or capital punishment against the Jamaati war criminals!!! N yes Prothom-alo belong to fascist and atheist class and it is read by more then 8 million people of Bangladesh each day... so assuming all these more then 8 million soul belongs to the class. Amardesh has no comparison to that of prothom-alo which publish criticism both against BNP, BAL.
If "Ulama-e-soo" Farid uddin masood has any humility left then he will not show his face in public after this mass gathering organized by "Islami andolon". Beta ekta asta gardav.

I am expecting greater gathering on April 6th organized by "Hefazat-e-Islam".
and i used to think BNP Jamat folks are more educated than Awamileague.... They read amardesh... P.alo and daily star left leaning.. Leftist are over-educated lol, P.alo is still balanced.... BDnews is popular because it was the first english online news source... Bdnews24 and banglanews got no competitors yet.....

Trying to associate whole shahbagh movement as atheist movement and printing cheap rant like what you posted is itself a propaganda which was mostly meant for the illiterate and jamaat/shibir masses. How many atheists are there in Shahbagh movement??? It wont even be .00001% and even you were also part of it as you also went there!!! Most importantly when it was supported by people of Bangladesh from all across the world. No wonder Mahmudur Rahman was doing to favor Jamaat/shibir as it is quite likely he received fund from them and obviously a cheap way to get publicity and coming to the lime light which weekly blitz was doing.
Kill people or capital punishment against the Jamaati war criminals!!! N yes Prothom-alo belong to fascist and atheist class and it is read by more then 8 million people of Bangladesh each day... so assuming all these more then 8 million soul belongs to the class. Amardesh has no comparison to that of prothom-alo which publish criticism both against BNP, BAL.

Go to Bangladesh media watch thread ... Leave this thread for islamists and atheists
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