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Bangladeshi protesters burnt Pakistani flag outside HC in Dhaka

Dont make sweeping statements please, all Bangladeshis are not same.

And BAL is the enemy for the integrity and peace for BD. Even common people are fighting against BAL and it's master India now. Everyday many Bangladeshis are dying here at the hand of terrorist BAL.

The best bet for PK is wait, watch and have balance.
all the best bangladesh i hope they make it through this.

they hindus anyways in this pic.
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Bangladesh should provide all sort of security to Pakistan Consulate at every cost ...

Come on Bangalio , there are so many protest in your country about this incident ... shameless people ....

someone really said it right, if you see bangali and snake together first kill the bangali as he is more dangerous than snake ...
you are nothing but an idiot :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::angry::angry:...... bloody emotional:guns::guns::guns::guns: :sniper:civilians:sniper: ......BTW i don't belong to ary

means army...
Bangladesh has been a massive headache before 1971 and after !! The root of the problem is awami League and its so called intellectual thugs !!
I have always maintain one thing about Bengalis that I wish them good luck as a nation and as a Pakistani ""Good Riddence"" !!
So no India /raw conspirasy?
Where r your jamati friemds idune & party. Ur not showing any love to them..

Ur govt showing solidarity with jamatis ..like u were showing on pdf. Why u u-turn...

And which flag do Pakistan is burn now. Indian or BangladeshI?

We fully support the Bangladeshi people and will help them defeat the Indian invasion, however our support has to be covert. Indians will have to pay...one way or another.
Bangladesh should provide all sort of security to Pakistan Consulate at every cost ...

Come on Bangalio , there are so many protest in your country about this incident ... shameless people ....

someone really said it right, if you see bangali and snake together first kill the bangali as he is more dangerous than snake ...
shameless black people blockhead.

why being racist retard?
There has been a lot of talk here about the futility of the concept of Ummah and that it's a failed concept. This is exactly the kind of mentality that Indians want to promote between the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh. On their front, Indians are having a full onslaught of Bengali Culture (with Hindu overtones) on the people of Bangladesh.

The prime reason for creating the myth of 3 Million deaths in 1971 was only to negate the theory of a Muslim Nation (or Ummah) in the sub-continent; the obvious reaction of Bangladeshi nation was to stick closely to it's cultural roots and develop a deep-seated, almost permanent, aversion to Pakistan and everything Pakistani.

So, all the Pakistanis and Bangladeshi people who are posting, thinking and acting negativities against each other are, infact, working towards the ulterior motives of a Nation which dreams of an 'Akhand Bharat' everyday. Look who's winning!

About the concept of 'A single Muslim Ummah', I would say that this is the concept that was revealed to us in the book which is a Guidance for us till the end of humanity. As a believer, I can not think of anything against it.

We also need to understand that such idealistic notions are, in fact, idealistic in nature. There are the ultimate perfection; these are the ideals that one (a person or people) aspires to achieve. They are almost always a work in progress.

For example:

On 4th of July, 1776, Thomas Jefferson procalimed, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

Then, he went home and pro-created with one (Sally Hemmings) of many slaves he owned, these slaves neither had equality nor any form of liberty. Was this guy a hypocrite? Or was it that the social milieu did not allow him to proclaim 'Universal Emancipation' at that time. He might have treated his slaves well and he had offspring from one of them. Eventually, the words of his proclamation had a part in the emancipation of slaves and it was not achieved overnight. Thomas Jefferson planted a hope of equality which was fulfilled one day.

Looking at India, always trumpeted as the largest democracy in World, Just one family – Nehru -Gandhi Dynasty – has ruled the country for 40 years. That is more time than there were Army rulers in Pakistan. One elitist family has ruled the country during most of it's existence, but, most Indians believe in democracy and are proud of it, they are aware of the paradox, but hope that it will be over sometime.

Staying inside India, Mahatma Gandhi had said, 'The first service is latrine cleaning”. But, most of the foreigners who visit India complain about the filthiness of toilets in India. One Mr. French visited the Sabarmati Asharam of Mahatma Gandhi. There were “bubbling urinals splashed over your feet, excrement smeared holes on the ground, redundant tins full of ash and stub”. Mr. French had following conversation with Mr. Modi, the Asharam Secretary:

Mr. French: Who cleans the toilet at the Asharm?

Mr. Modi: A sweeper woman comes, but she leaves after an hour, so it becomes dirty.

Mr. French: But don't you – as a Gandhian – clean the toilets yourself, in accordance with his teachings?

Mr. Modi: We all clean toilets together on Gandhi-Ji's birthday as a symbol to show that we understand his message?

The Message is that as long as the message of Mahatma Gandhi is alive, one fateful day, all the Gandhians will unite and clean the latrines.

Whether it is big or small, the good ideas are to be kept alive so when the 'doers' take the place of 'talkers' they know what needs to be done.
Uncle Analyst? That is a new one for me. I am not complaining, just wondering.

I was merely pointing out the futility of heated exchanges. After a while, tables would have been turned. People supporting AL govt would be dissing the non-AL govt with equal gusto.

Pakistan & Bangladesh have a history between them. It is only natural that there would be periods when both the countries would get into verbal spats. It is equally natural that there would be times when both the countries would get along very well. However it is interesting to note that verbal spats happen only during Haseena's tenures, not otherwise. For her it is a matter of policy to drag Pakistan in all sorts of ways. When Pakistan lost a match to Bangladesh, she said that their team has taken revenge. When they loose, she acts like a bad looser and her minions make all sorts of threats. I realize her need to score points against Pakistan to cuddle with India, but really it is very bad leaders that divide their nation as unwisely as she has done. Whatever that is happening in Bangladesh today is her responsibility. Hartals, killings, demos, etc... How would you assess her leadership qualities, given that none of this needed to happen?
Why single out Haseena. The same cuddling you guyz get when Khaleda Zia is in power. Simple as it gets.

And just like some fundamentalist, dont put the onus on Haseena. Its natural of extrimists to disregard human value for personal orgasms. No one asked them to kill innocent just coz of some Molla getting hanged. Hell, even Indians revolutionaries never killed innocent people but British officers in similar case. No justification is valid no matter what happens if even single innocent looses hi life. And as far as I understand, thats teaching of Quran rite? Does these zamatis have different version of Quran or are they rightly so, FAKE ISLAMISTS ?
I again call on Govt of Pakistan , to DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL BANGLADESHIS IN PAKISTAN, around 1.6 million are living Illegally there.. Throw them out !!!
Anyways, Bangladesh has much more Muslim population. Hindus are reduced to very small percentage. I don't know why people are dragging BD Hindus. They are already scared and hiding because of Jamaat supporters.
I again call on Govt of Pakistan , to DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL BANGLADESHIS IN PAKISTAN, around 1.6 million are living Illegally there.. Throw them out !!!

well few years before they were much more . but our gov will say they are their bhais :lol: karachi is full of bengalis one can clearly seen :hitwall:
@Leviza, @StandForInsaf, Please watch your words. That is how we lost East Pakistan. Negative blanket statements help no one. If you feel like venting your feelings, pls beat a pillow or something, and keep the forum clean. Racist BS does not help Pakistan. I've known some Bangladeshi brothers (and sisters) who remain the finest people I have known.

Instead of merely pulling them up dont such comments deserve more ?
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