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Bangladesh to hounour Indira Gandhi for her support in 1971 war

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Indira Gandhi had one thing,which no Indian PM has had since her.GUTS.I totally salute this gutsy lady not just for bangladesh,but for being what she was.I think Bangladesh feels the same about her.:)
u r rite
aftr her der has been no one as strightforward nd bold as her
der was a glimpse in rajiv but he cudnt last
but yes a gud gesture from BD
(at a time wen sum of our countrymen toss her around as sum1 who crunched our freedom nd economy)
Indira Gandhi had one thing,which no Indian PM has had since her.GUTS.I totally salute this gutsy lady not just for bangladesh,but for being what she was.I think Bangladesh feels the same about her.:)

U should include Vajpayye also as a gutsy PM
so honoring the great lady who risked the wrath of USA to save a nation in trouble is seen as the surrender of sovereignty. remember, if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have had any sovereignty in the first place.

Tell me, how exactly is your sovereignty surrendered if you just acknowledge her role in your independence? I just want to hear the logic behind your claim, if there was any.

Without doubt Indira Gandhi was one of the great leaders and personalities of South Asia and of the world during the 20th Century. Her father was also without question one of the top 50 personages of the last century. However, Indira Gandhi involved India in the war purely out of her nations own interests and it had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations as claimed. In fact, she was instrumental in dismantling Pakistan but merely to strengthen India's hand. She had no care for the people of East Pakistan. Her whole objective was to undermine both the wings of Pakistan and thereby dominate South Asia. I respect her for her intelligence, vision, cunning and ruthlessness but I oppose her hegemonic and domineering agenda. If only Bangladesh could produce someone like her we would teach India a lesson.
Without doubt Indira Gandhi was one of the great leaders and personalities of South Asia and of the world during the 20th Century. Her father was also without question one of the top 50 personages of the last century. However, Indira Gandhi involved India in the war purely out of her nations own interests and it had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations as claimed. In fact, she was instrumental in dismantling Pakistan but merely to strengthen India's hand. She had no care for the people of East Pakistan. Her whole objective was to undermine both the wings of Pakistan and thereby dominate South Asia. I respect her for her intelligence, vision, cunning and ruthlessness but I oppose her hegemonic and domineering agenda. If only Bangladesh could produce someone like her we would teach India a lesson.

It may be recalled IG was the PM of India so rightfully she should have & did think of Indian interests 1st always & every time.

In so doing ppl of other nations also benefited. In international polity,nothing happens for ' humanitarian considerations' unless its a Tsunami.

The highlighted part is laughable. BD must produce someone like IG to teach India a lesson ! Petty jealousy at best.

Where would one get the economic & military might to match ones aspirations with actions on the ground ?
Without doubt Indira Gandhi was one of the great leaders and personalities of South Asia and of the world during the 20th Century. Her father was also without question one of the top 50 personages of the last century. However, Indira Gandhi involved India in the war purely out of her nations own interests and it had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations as claimed. In fact, she was instrumental in dismantling Pakistan but merely to strengthen India's hand. She had no care for the people of East Pakistan. Her whole objective was to undermine both the wings of Pakistan and thereby dominate South Asia. I respect her for her intelligence, vision, cunning and ruthlessness but I oppose her hegemonic and domineering agenda. If only Bangladesh could produce someone like her we would teach India a lesson.

Im no IG fan..but this is funny. IG helped BD to become a free nation whether by default or design. Her intentions are pure conjecture...the point is..you have to judge her by her actions...from a BD perspective...they helped BD...so what lesson would you teach her.

If she had made BD part of India then your grouse would have been valid...in my opinion 71 was a missed opportunity by IG to solve the India-Pak isssue and surrender by Pak was not taken well by them and we know whats happened since 71.So in a way..BD is the birthplace of Taliban and AQ. Moot point.
Without doubt Indira Gandhi was one of the great leaders and personalities of South Asia and of the world during the 20th Century. Her father was also without question one of the top 50 personages of the last century. However, Indira Gandhi involved India in the war purely out of her nations own interests and it had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations as claimed. In fact, she was instrumental in dismantling Pakistan but merely to strengthen India's hand. She had no care for the people of East Pakistan. Her whole objective was to undermine both the wings of Pakistan and thereby dominate South Asia. I respect her for her intelligence, vision, cunning and ruthlessness but I oppose her hegemonic and domineering agenda. If only Bangladesh could produce someone like her we would teach India a lesson.
So be it. Didn't you gain your own country out of it? So why are you complaining?
I object to her being made into some kind of saint. Her intentions were despicable but that is what India is about. At the same time you have to admire her single mindedness and toughness.
Without doubt Indira Gandhi was one of the great leaders and personalities of South Asia and of the world during the 20th Century. Her father was also without question one of the top 50 personages of the last century. However, Indira Gandhi involved India in the war purely out of her nations own interests and it had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations as claimed. In fact, she was instrumental in dismantling Pakistan but merely to strengthen India's hand. She had no care for the people of East Pakistan. Her whole objective was to undermine both the wings of Pakistan and thereby dominate South Asia. I respect her for her intelligence, vision, cunning and ruthlessness but I oppose her hegemonic and domineering agenda. If only Bangladesh could produce someone like her we would teach India a lesson.

Well i do agree that Mrs Gandhi's reasons were mainly to cripple an enemy, but I disagree that she didnt care about Bangladeshis. Millions of refugees were allowed into India, and the refugees were the cause india stepped in.

by all means, it would have been easier and cheaper to close our borders to East Pakistani refugees and just fund and arm Mukthi Bahini without stepping in directly, and watch Pakistanis kill each other. Would have resulted in the civil war dragging on, and the cost to Pakistan in terms of men, material and money would have been MUCH higher. All we would have had to do was sit and watch. Wait till both countries were sevrely weakend before attacking. and if we had any intention to occupy, that would have been the time.

But instead India stepped in and directly intervened. And together with the Mukthi Bahini we liberated east Pakistan. And if you recall, we didn't overstay our welcome. If ever there was a time to subjugate Bangladesh to Indian interest, that was it. yet, we left as soon as you were independent.

So its not Bangladeshi sovereignty that flew out of the window. Its your baseless argument.
No actually the refugees were a pretext and a means to train,arm and infiltrate East Pakistan. Why do you think your army has lost all the 1971 war documents. You Indians have a lot to hide.
No actually the refugees were a pretext and a means to train,arm and infiltrate East Pakistan. Why do you think your army has lost all the 1971 war documents. You Indians have a lot to hide.

well i didnt know the army had lost all 1971 documents. please provide a neutral link to back up the claim.

we didnt need a pretext to arm and train mukthi bahini. we could have shut our borders and still continued arming the mukthi bahini. remember this was 1970s. everyone knew Pakistan was our enemy and whether we had a pretext to arm Mukthi Bahini or not, wouldn't have made a difference. The refugee problem was a reason for direct intervention, not a reason for arming Mukthi Bahini

And after that, we could have just sat back and watched Pakistanis tear each other apart. we could have let it just drag on. And let East Pakistan pull all of pakistan down. that would have been the most effective and efficient way to hurt Pakistan, if that was our sole aim.

Instead we spend our money and sacrificed our soldiers to intervene, so that more innocents don't die. and in the process we actually did Pakistan a favour. we ended their civil war. if we had decided to wait a year before stepping in, it would have caused way more damage to both sides, and less damage to us (since Pak military would have been weaker).
I am not sure why IN members think that she was bleeding heart for BD Ppls. She had the bleeding heart for her country. PK gave her chance on gold platter and she grabbed it with both hands. Period.

MBI, I am not able to understand your PoV also. Are you happy for BD getting sovernity or not? You know "Enemy of your enemy is your friend".

Forget IN of today, in '71 IN helped BD and Indira and her team was instrumental in that. Whats wrong if BD's leaders want to facilitate Indira for that. Do you think that her actions caused problem for BD. Remember, I am talking abt '71 not 2010. Whatever your viewpoints on today's Indian ambition, her actions benefited your fellow countrymen.

On Indira, well there is rumor, didn't know how true. Its said she was born man. ;)
Without doubt Indira Gandhi was one of the great leaders and personalities of South Asia and of the world during the 20th Century. Her father was also without question one of the top 50 personages of the last century. However, Indira Gandhi involved India in the war purely out of her nations own interests and it had nothing to do with humanitarian considerations as claimed. In fact, she was instrumental in dismantling Pakistan but merely to strengthen India's hand. She had no care for the people of East Pakistan. Her whole objective was to undermine both the wings of Pakistan and thereby dominate South Asia. I respect her for her intelligence, vision, cunning and ruthlessness but I oppose her hegemonic and domineering agenda. If only Bangladesh could produce someone like her we would teach India a lesson.
Naaaa...we should have just let the refugee situation continue. I mean...it's completetly sinful to even think that millions of bangladeshi refugees would eventually break our economy coz we were a poor country. Countries who are not 'despicable' don't do that. They just accept you with both their arms while the sheer scale of your problems breaks them, makes them poor and destabilizes them and let wayward generals in another part of pakistan can keep bragging about their martial prowess. Sorry we thoght those things...but that's what India is about isn't it???

Wakey wakey. Welcome to the real world.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Well the old *****/whore got what she deserved.Shot dead by her own guards.Good Riddance.
You are talking about a superior leader of a superior nation.
1) Indira Gandhi was reponsible for directing RAW to fund, train and arm CHT insurgency. As a result thousanda of Bangladeshi and army lost their life.

2) Indira Gandhi is the one who directed indian navy to occupy Bangladeshi Island of south Talpatti.

3) Indira Gandhi is know to have directed assasination of Bangladesh president Ziaur Rahman.

Now, Awami stooges honoring Indira Gandhi will further expose their support for Indira Gandhi's action against Bangladesh and Bangladeshis. And its proves beyond saying Awami regime is dedicated to be indian stooge.
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