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Bangladesh to go into nationwide hard lockdown from June 28


Aug 2, 2018
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Bangladesh to go into nationwide hard lockdown from June 28

All offices will remain closed until further notice, says the government

Amid the dramatic surge in coronavirus infections, Bangladesh is going into a nationwide hard lockdown from Monday (June 28) until further notice.

In a notification on Friday, the Information Ministry said that all government and private offices, except for emergency services will remained closed during the lockdown.

All kinds of transportations, apart from those transporting goods will remained suspended, it said before adding ambulances and vehicles used for healthcare services can operate.

Citizens have been asked to not leave their homes unless it was an emergency.

The Cabinet Division will issue a detailed notification on Saturday, reads the notification by Information Ministry.

More to follow...

Bangladesh to go into nationwide hard lockdown from June 28

All offices will remain closed until further notice, says the government

Amid the dramatic surge in coronavirus infections, Bangladesh is going into a nationwide hard lockdown from Monday (June 28) until further notice.

In a notification on Friday, the Information Ministry said that all government and private offices, except for emergency services will remained closed during the lockdown.

All kinds of transportations, apart from those transporting goods will remained suspended, it said before adding ambulances and vehicles used for healthcare services can operate.

Citizens have been asked to not leave their homes unless it was an emergency.

The Cabinet Division will issue a detailed notification on Saturday, reads the notification by Information Ministry.

More to follow...

Going into lockdown is only one half of the solution.

The other half is massive vaccination drives, sometimes with incentives. In California people were given all sorts of gifts, even Amazon gift cards amounting to $20 or so, to encourage people to come take vaccines.

In Bangladesh, Ruti-Halwa packet incentive may work.
Going into lockdown is only one half of the solution.

The other half is massive vaccination drives, sometimes with incentives. In California people were given all sorts of gifts, even Amazon gift cards amounting to $20 or so, to encourage people to come take vaccines.

In Bangladesh, Ruti-Halwa packet incentive may work.
লকডাউন হলে তো অর্ধেক সমাধান হবে। সিলেক্টিভ কিছু ছবি দেখিয়ে প্রচার করলেই তো আর ভাই সেটাকে লকডাউন বলে না। বাস্তবে কোন লকডাউন হয় না , কারন লকডাউন কার্যকর করতে গেলে তো ভাই ভাতের ব্যবস্থা করা লাগে। ঘরে বসে থাকলে দিন এনে দিন খাওয়া মানুষ গুলো খাবে কী? ২০২০ সালে তাও কিছু ত্রাণের নাটক দেখেছি, এবার তো সেটাও নেই!

কল্পনায় রাজা উজির মারা খুব সোজা কাজ, বাস্তবে মাছি তাড়ানো আর চাপাবাজি করা ছাড়া এরা আর কিছু করছে না কিছুদিন হল।
In Bangladesh, Ruti-Halwa packet incentive may work.
রুটি হালুয়া যদি দেয়ার টাকাও থাকে , জনগন পায় কই? পায় তো দলীয় লোকজন ! জনতা পায় সামান্য উচ্ছিষ্ট! ২০২০ সালে আমার এলাকায় ১৫ কেজি করে চাল দিয়েছিল সাথে সামান্য ডাল আর রান্না করতে যা যা লাগে , সেটাও আবার দুই বারে ভাগ করে । প্রথম বারে ১০ কেজি চাল , ২য় বার ৫ কেজি। এই জিনিস দিয়ে ২/৩ মাস চলে কারো?
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@Bilal9 bhai, now look at the consequence of declaring shutdown 2 days ago. If there is shutdown it should be declared at midnight, so that next day no one can leave place. But every time GoB declare it 2/3 days before and people start gathering. Actually what govt want to do? Are they taking revenge on people?

@bluesky and other Bangladeshi brothers do you have any opinion? Is it a way to make transport owners more rich?
Breaking news.

Well finally a very good news. If really military will be deployed, then I am sure if govt give reliefs to people then everyone will get the reliefs, so if lockdown is extended people won't suffer.

I want massive number of army should be deployed and all reliefs should be distributed by army, not by any BAL ,BCL goons.

Thanks to Allah that finally army will be deployed. I hope this decision won't be changed again.

Ok finally declaration came. Now let's see how hard it will be!
A lot of people do get very "hard" during lockdown. The Directorate General of Family Planning should step up its game to encourage use of protection measures in order to prevent another population explosion.
A lot of people do get very "hard" during lockdown. The Directorate General of Family Planning should step up its game to encourage use of protection measures in order to prevent another population explosion.
Indeed. Govt should heavily work on family planning. Instead govt decided to suck Mullah dick to stay in power forever.

However retired colonel Oli Ahmed directly proposed national unity govt.

So I think we have a hope for such govt.

Oli Ahmed doesn't talk through air you know.

The bottom line is , political govt is no longer effective in Bangladesh , as they have to suck various dicks to stay in power.
Indian variant is no joke. Stay safe.

I caught the Indian variant... Still recovering.. I'm a healthy young guy but I got it really bad and it brought me to my knees... Still recovering..

One wonders what happens in a country like Bangladesh where the healthcare system is extremely weak..

I hope the worst doesn't come to pass.

The Indian variant is indeed no joke.
Bangladesh to go into nationwide hard lockdown from June 28

All offices will remain closed until further notice, says the government

Amid the dramatic surge in coronavirus infections, Bangladesh is going into a nationwide hard lockdown from Monday (June 28) until further notice.

In a notification on Friday, the Information Ministry said that all government and private offices, except for emergency services will remained closed during the lockdown.

All kinds of transportations, apart from those transporting goods will remained suspended, it said before adding ambulances and vehicles used for healthcare services can operate.

Citizens have been asked to not leave their homes unless it was an emergency.

The Cabinet Division will issue a detailed notification on Saturday, reads the notification by Information Ministry.

More to follow...

Idiotic move. Muslims are immune to COVID-19.
I caught the Indian variant... Still recovering.. I'm a healthy young guy but I got it really bad and it brought me to my knees... Still recovering..

One wonders what happens in a country like Bangladesh where the healthcare system is extremely weak..

I hope the worst doesn't come to pass.

The Indian variant is indeed no joke.
hope you recover soon.
Breaking news.

Well finally a very good news. If really military will be deployed, then I am sure if govt give reliefs to people then everyone will get the reliefs, so if lockdown is extended people won't suffer.

I want massive number of army should be deployed and all reliefs should be distributed by army, not by any BAL ,BCL goons.

Thanks to Allah that finally army will be deployed. I hope this decision won't be changed again.

One the one hand - great news that Miliatry is being deployed. Tough times call for tough measures.

But it is a sad, sad realization that our country does not have capable leadership (as a group) that is accountable and responsible other than our military (which is of course very capable to handle emergency scenarios like this).
hope you recover soon.

Hear hear, @DalalErMaNodi bhai take care of yourself and recover soon.
A lot of people do get very "hard" during lockdown. The Directorate General of Family Planning should step up its game to encourage use of protection measures in order to prevent another population explosion.

Nei kaj to khoi bhaj. 8-)

They used to give out defective 'Raja' prophylactics and 'Maya' pills for free back in the day, I heard. Don't know if those are still available.
@Bilal9 bhai, now look at the consequence of declaring shutdown 2 days ago. If there is shutdown it should be declared at midnight, so that next day no one can leave place. But every time GoB declare it 2/3 days before and people start gathering. Actually what govt want to do? Are they taking revenge on people?

@bluesky and other Bangladeshi brothers do you have any opinion? Is it a way to make transport owners more rich?

Unthinking idiots as usual. What can one say....

Gramer manushkey shobguli COVID diya ashbey...
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