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Bangladesh Prepares to Get Indian Electricity

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Why you need to trust Bhrarat? Why dont you just trust your own countryment? And let the business go as usual.
You are a electrical engineer as you said. Did you pay attention to how inter connectivity done? May be not.. The landing station will be in Bangladesh, where Bharati electricity will land then converted to DC (direct current) then again re convert to AC (Alternate Current) and synchronized with our voltage and frequency. So our national grid is not directly connected to the national grid of India and there is no way India could subotage our system. On the contrary the grid line going out from Bangladesh will be directly connected to Indian National grid and India in the other hand open to sabotage from Bangladeshi engineers.. ;)

So No worry brother Zakir, afterall Bengalis are more criminal or somewhat smarter than your Chankya Bharatis.. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Fine but do you not think that instead of spending our money to connect with Bharat, it would be better off if we build our own power station in side our Territory. 100% percents in our control. I just don't like to contribute even one penny to bharti economy, if you get my drift. :smokin:

---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

first of all your post has been reported i warned you many times not to use Munafiq. Secondly grow up and go read the Quran again. You really have no idea what Islam is.

Yes! I will and thank you for the nice advice. :)
Fine but do you not think that instead of spending our money to connect with Bharat, it would be better off if we build our own power station in side our Territory. 100% percents in our control. I just don't like to contribute even one penny to bharti economy, if you get my drift. :smokin:

---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

Yes! I will and thank you for the nice advice. :)

No.. we need Bharati interconnectivity as we want a piece of Bhutanis and Nepalis hydrau electric projects. To do that we need inter connectivity with Bharati grid first. Its not that we are dying for Bhrati power but in the long run we will be banking on cheap Bhutanis power and we dont want Indians to take that all... ;)
Another indian deception to hide indian cohorts. Here is the meaning of "stooge", its an identity based on action NOT any attack.

Stooge (n)
1. The partner in a comedy team who feeds lines to the other comedian; a straight man.
2. One who allows oneself to be used for another's profit or advantage; a puppet.

stooge - definition of stooge by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

dont explain these dictionary meaning to us.
a thief in the church cant become an angel.

post comments on the thread in context.
Another indian deception to hide indian cohorts. Here is the meaning of "stooge", its an identity based on action NOT any attack.

Stooge (n)
1. The partner in a comedy team who feeds lines to the other comedian; a straight man.
2. One who allows oneself to be used for another's profit or advantage; a puppet.

stooge - definition of stooge by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

If anyone call you a joker/comedian and your posts as jokes/comedies/laughing stories, will you consider that as personal attack? :rolleyes:

Went to search dictionary for meaning? Do you know what is the meaning of 'deception'? Its your post.... check the dictionary again, its free.
I believe that there is a national security concern if we are to depend on bharat for electricity simply becasue we can not trust bharat. Bharati is acting nice now because awami in power. If awami lose next election and BNP come back in power then Bharati will disrupt the flow of electricity just to harm the BNP government. Bharat relation limited to Awami leauge my friend and not with the country. You can talk all nice you want and paint a rosy picture from canada but that will not change the mindset of vast mjority Bangladeshis. I happen to be one.

How is not valid point from Bangladesh prospective:coffee:

China is the time tested friend of Bangladesh while only awami trust Bharat. :smokin:

you still dont make sense, you look more like BNP's paid crusader rather than someone who is looking out for Bangladesh. You and your friend Idune's hate for the Awami league is quite obvious. It seems that India is just an excuse to corner the Awami League.
No.. we need Bharati interconnectivity as we want a piece of Bhutanis and Nepalis hydrau electric projects. To do that we need inter connectivity with Bharati grid first. Its not that we are dying for Bhrati power but in the long run we will be banking on cheap Bhutanis power and we dont want Indians to take that all... ;)

What make you think that Bharati will allow us to bank on Bhutanis electricity when Bharat is dire need of electricity from it's internal demand?

We our to devolpe our own internal source first before look into international import. I believe we have ample of natural dydraulic soruce to produce enough electricity for our internal demand. Think of high tech jobs. What do you think?

I think we are to invest(private or government) on small solar power station all around the country that can meet the residential demand. I forgot the name of the company but these guys are already in production. More high tech jobs. We do not need to shake hand with shitan as of now bro.
No.. we need Bharati interconnectivity as we want a piece of Bhutanis and Nepalis hydrau electric projects.

Water Grabber (India) & Nuclear War - II

In Pakistan, Nepal, China, India and Bangladesh burning territorial and water disputes are interconnected and hanging with each other since their inceptions. The water dispute is the major problem which influences the remaining regional issues too.

World community remained concern over water conflicts since it could be one of the causes of breaking out of future war. Thus, obviously chances of conversion of traditional to nuclear war increase manifold, when rivals are nuclear powers and equipped with all sort of nuclear arsenals. Pakistan and China always tried to avoid war over water issue despite knowing that India never paid any heed to the demands of neighbouring countries. New Delhi always remained irrational and adopted ridiculous approach in resolving the corps regional issues. It is interesting to know that water grabber India is breaching almost water of 95 rivers in entire South Asia and proved herself a "World Largest Water Grabber". The major sufferers of her grabbing are Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Bangladesh has serious conflict over water sharing issues of two prominent rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra which comes out from Himalayan river systems. Farakka Barrage (FB), Teesta Barrage (TB and Riparian River Linking (Link Canal) are the burning issue between India and Bangladesh since the mid-sixties. India violated the norms and treaty through constructing a barrage at Farakka, 18 kilometers upstream from the border resulted into reduced flow of water which caused both immediate and long-term effects including lower agricultural and industrial production, diminution of ground water reserves, affecting soil moisture and its structure. The long-term effects involve changes in the environmental sciences and ecology of delta basin, changes in the hydraulic characters of its rivers and reduced navigation depth.

India has diverted the Gnaga's water flow to her river Bhagirathi to increase navigability of the Calcutta Port. Bangladesh, however, realized it in 1974 that the Ganges flow due to construction of FB, only 11 miles off the border started scaling down the water flow to Bangladesh by half and at times almost at zero level. Similarly, she has also constructed two link canals, (1) Upper Riparian Rivers Linking: It means linking of 14 Himalayan rivers in Northern India (2) Lower Riparian Rivers Linking: This project involves 16 peninsular rivers including the Ganges and Brahmaputra. The project has virtually cast its eyes for withdrawal of Brahmaputra water for diversion to the water hungry provinces of UP, Bihar, MP, Andhra, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Chennai. Bangladesh launched proteseted number of times at various fora but New Delhi never bordered about international laws and rights of her neighbour.

In 2003, Tipaimukh Dam was proposed for the location at ½ km downstream from the confluence of Barak River and Tuivai River lying on the S-W corner of Manipur state. Due to outcry against negative impacts of the Dam across the border as well as within Manipur and Mizoram states of India, construction of the Dam could not make any headway. Again, India in 2004, however, guaranteed Bangladesh that no further steps would be taken up without any consultation with Bangladesh, but India floated a tender in 2005, opened it in 2006, finalized the design and drawing in 2008, obtained environmental clearance and inaugurated foundation stone laying in 2008. As result of breach of water 80 rivers have started drying-up and 11 rivers have been dead in Bangladesh. It has virtually destroyed the deltaic basin in Bangladesh.

Similarly, India has again involved in water and energy sharing conflict with Nepal too. The Mahakali River is originating in Nepal and flowing into India. 21 Nepalese rivers have a marvelous potential ability to generate 83000 MW electricity through hydro can be exported to neighbours, but due to lack of funds and technology Nepalese were unable to launch large projects. Indian power deficit in northern India is around 9,500 MW. The shortfall can be completed through construction of power projects over Nepalese rives but Nepalese have some serious reservations over India and very rightly feel that they have not been treated equitably under the various water-resource development agreements with India, including Sarada (1920), Kosi (1954) and Gandak (1959).

In fact, India has deliberately made an attempt to put Bangladesh and Nepal at a distance by designing two hydropower projects in Nepal. She was the only country which proven to be a beneficiary of the said projects because of their constructional sites and designs. In this connection she has carried out the augmentation of water for the Ganges to divert water through the link canal to South India. Whereas Nepal has contributed sites for the dams just to complete her genuine need of resolving power problem. Thus, crookedness of Indian engineers Nepal failed to obtain desired advantages of tackling her energy crises. At the same time Bangladesh has started moving towards high-dried scenario, which resulted into tense relations with Nepal. It is point to be noted here that Bangladeshi present government is taking lenient view of major water issues with India probably because of some political compulsions which amount to guarding Indian interest only.

Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo) and Salween are two free-flowing, un-dammed major rivers in Tibet. The construction of dam over Brahmaputra River has caused tension between India and China and could be a flashpoint for two of the world's biggest armies. In 2000, India accused China of not sharing information of the river's status in the run up to landslides in Tibet which caused floods in northeastern India and Bangladesh. Chinese proposals to divert the river have concerned Delhi, whereas china has denied of stopping water. Already strained relations between two nuclear powers (China and India) over territorial issue getting further deteriorated once India alleged China for constructing six dams of over Brahmaputra . Both the countries have fought war in 1962. India has become American ally after disintegration of USSR. To curtail China's emerging global role, New Delhi in collaboration with US and Israel has launched anti China campaign. It is an open secret now that US has nominated India as her regional vice in Asia. Mrs. Clinton's in her recent visit addressed India as global power.

Now lets discuss the core issue of two traditional rivals of South Asia. It is a proved fact that after the partition, India went to war against Pakistan to maintain illegitimate occupation of Kashmir which continued in one form or the other from October 1947 until January 1949. Meanwhile, acting upon her shrewd diplomacy, India deliberately stopped the flow of Pakistan's rivers which originate from the controlled territories of Kashmir. Even at that time, Indian rulers had used water as a tool of political coercion against Pakistan. On the other side, Pakistan sought the help of international arbitration. Consequently, Indus Basin Water Treaty between both the states was signed in 1960 and the World Bank, itself, is the mediator and signatory. The treaty which is still in force, allocates waters of three western rivers of Indus, Jhelum and Chenab to Pakistan while India has rights over eastern rivers of Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. Since the settlement of the dispute, India has always violated the treaty intermittently to create economic crisis in Pakistan.

A controversy arose between the two neighbouring states in 1984 when India started construction of the Wullar Barrage on river Jhelum in its part of Kashmir. New Delhi stopped construction work in 1987 after Pakistan lodged a strong protest over the project, objecting that it violated the Indus Water Treaty. The issue of Wullar Barrage has also been discussed in various rounds of the composite dialogue process between the two adversaries. In the mid 1990s India started another violation by constructing the Baglihar Dam on the Chenab River. In 2005 Pakistan had again sought the World Bank's intervention to stop construction of the Baglihar dam. Although WB allowed India to go ahead with the project after a few minor modifications, yet it did not permit the interruption of the agreed quota of water flow to Pakistan. Quite contrarily, Indian present tact to reduce the flow of water is a blatant violation of the Indus Basin Treaty.

Regarding negative effects on Pakistan, Syed Jamaat Ali Shah while talking to a daily pointed out that India has deliberately interfered with the flow of river Chenab. He further said that reduced water inflows would bring about huge loss to cropped areas of Punjab, besides causing early depletion of Mangla Dam. He elaborated that India had violated the treaty provisions by putting the water inflow below 55000 cusec in Chenab River at Maralla Headworks. There are also some other fundamental reasons behind Indian shrewd diplomacy by using water dispute against Pakistan. India wants to keep her control on Kashmir which is located in the Indus River basin area, thus contributing to the flow of all the major rivers which enter Pakistan. A report in "New Scientist", published in 2005 indicated a number of issues in relation to Pakistan. It wrote that Indian violation of the Indus Basin Treaty could lead to widespread famine, and further inflame the ongoing conflict over Kashmir-Pakistan relies on the Indus River and its tributaries for almost half of its irrigation supplies, and to generate up to half of its electricity. Pakistan also fears that India would use various dams as a coercive tool by causing floods in Pakistan through sudden release of waters.

These effects of the report have already been experienced by our country in the past. Unlike India, Pakistan is highly dependent on agriculture, which in turn is dependent on water. Without any doubt, almost 80% of Pakistan's agriculture is dependent on irrigation. Many of Pakistan's industries are agro-based such as the textiles industry. Moreover, 70% of Pakistan's food needs are fulfilled domestically. But India has always dishonoured the accord from time to time to create economic crisis in Pakistan. It is worth mentioning here that Indus Basin treaty over distribution of water resources was concluded after 23 years of Pakistani struggle but once again after 23 years or so controversy rose up in 1984 when India violated the laws of the agreement and started construction of Wullar barrage, India will be having a strategic edge, during a military confrontation, enabling it to control the mobility and recoil of Pakistani troops and enhancing the maneuverability of Indian troops.

It is mentionable here that India is already weakening Pakistan by sending miscreants from Afghanistan, who are creating unrest through bomb blasts and suicide attacks in wake of already strained relations between Islamabad and New Delhi. In these adverse circumstances, by employing water as a political instrument of shrewd diplomacy, India continues to intensify various political, economic and social crises in Pakistan. She has the support of tripartite alliance of the US, Israel and India is against Pakistan and they have now started propaganda that Pakistan's nuclear programme is not in safe hands. The fact is that highest rate of nuclear proliferation have even been noticed only in the case of India. There were total 152 theft cases of uranium which include even disappearance of complete shipment. Murders and abduction of number nuclear scientists and staff have also left a big question mark over the safety of nuclear arsenals too.

The world seems standing at the brink of another world war because of failure of emerging weak role of UNO and uni-polar system. The power relations are defining the world as an 'overruling cleavage' of the international system. The unfair race of economic growth in terms of capturing natural resources, unequal division of wealth, global wave of organizational and state terrorism, selfish policies of super power, craving smaller sates, current financial global crunch and the collapse of the Soviet Empire are the factors which are accelerating the time so rapidly that destruction of world seem to be very nearer.

The dramatic political and strategic changes of Asia related to South Asian region in latter half of the twentieth century has further deteriorated the world peace. The main characters of prevailing insecure environment and regional instability are, India, US, Afghanistan's puppet government, America, Israel and some of European allies. The capturing of natural resources for enhancing economic growth is basically a power thirst of US and her Police Watch Man (India). According to Indian philosophy wealth obtaining and power seeking are interlinked and two sides of the same coin. The Indian unflinching quest of grabbing natural particularly water resources are seem to be putting devastating effects on her neighbours, Pakistan , Bangladesh and Nepal , thus pushing South Asian Region into war. We all knew that still China and the Eastern Asian region are major center of 'expanded reproduction' even when America is facing the worst financial crises of her history. Washington in collaboration with India is on the policy of capturing oil rich central Asian Regions, containment of China, suppressing Iran , capturing Asian Market to boost her economy and supporting Israel on Palestine Issue . Her Police Man (India) increased the insecurity in the context of state collapse, terrorism, fundamentalisms, humanitarian disasters in South Asia, Regional Water conflicts, economical and finical crises are going to be catastrophe for the people and likelihood of a serious inter-state armed conflict over water resources will be soon. To avoid disaster UNO should interfere and should devise some regional policy of using natural resources. At the same time, there is a need to condemn Indian nefarious hegemony design to enhance the regional economic growth and prosperity.

Here is a very famous saying, 'Why bomb military installations, bridges, ports, fuel depots incurring humongous monetary costs and retaliation, when ends can be achieved by merely turning off the tap?' Water has always been a social weapon of control and exploitation. Jawaharlal Nehru called dams the "temples of modern India." Today's India sees these 'temples' as tools of war. Let's not forget our identity and culture as a Pakistani and let's not be a puppet in the hands of foreign antagonists. The looming water crisis, if unattended, will prove fatal for Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Nepal and India too. Now choice is with delinquent child (India) to implement the international laws and respect the already concluded pacts.

Recently, US Assistant Secretary of State Robert Blake said India might make agreement for buying nuclear plants and 126 fighter jets from the US, worth about $20 billion. The purchase of the said armaments and already presence of nuclear weapons shows the ulterior and exterior motives of Asian Water Grabber. There is need to stop India from further snatching, seize and confiscating of other regional countries. The territorial disputes, water issues, Indian policy of storming terrorism are leading towards the war. At the end, I again emphasize that if war brake out then it would be converted into Nuclear War since survival of the Pakistan depends upon the use of nuclear arsenals in her self defence. Thus, SAARC, ASEAN and UNO should play their roles to resolve regional burning issues like Kashmir and Water problems of Asian countries

Water Grabber (India) & Nuclear War - II | Pakistan Think Tank
No.. we need Bharati interconnectivity as we want a piece of Bhutanis and Nepalis hydrau electric projects.

That is complete and utter lie and deception, only Indian dalals will try to sell to people. Bangladesh in last 25-30 years asked to develop regional effort to explore hydro potential in Nepal and Bhutan. But India using its influence blocked such effort and only wants to benefit from Nepal and Bhutan potentials keeping Bangladesh out of it. In fact there is not a single inch of progress in last one and half year Awami stooge regime is in power.
No.. we need Bharati interconnectivity as we want a piece of Bhutanis and Nepalis hydrau electric projects. To do that we need inter connectivity with Bharati grid first. Its not that we are dying for Bhrati power but in the long run we will be banking on cheap Bhutanis power and we dont want Indians to take that all... ;)

Great thinking! As well, we can stop taking Bharati power whenever we want - last time I checked they have not imposed any unreasonable terms & conditions on this one. So nothing to worry about. In fact, we are already reciprocating by allowing transit of power plant machineries to Tripura through our territory.

To Indo-BD Friendship.:cheers:
Water Grabber (India) & Nuclear War - II

In Pakistan, Nepal, China, India and Bangladesh burning territorial and water disputes are interconnected and hanging with each other since their inceptions. The water dispute is the major problem which influences the remaining regional issues too.

World community remained concern over water conflicts since it could be one of the causes of breaking out of future war. Thus, obviously chances of conversion of traditional to nuclear war increase manifold, when rivals are nuclear powers and equipped with all sort of nuclear arsenals. Pakistan and China always tried to avoid war over water issue despite knowing that India never paid any heed to the demands of neighbouring countries. New Delhi always remained irrational and adopted ridiculous approach in resolving the corps regional issues. It is interesting to know that water grabber India is breaching almost water of 95 rivers in entire South Asia and proved herself a "World Largest Water Grabber". The major sufferers of her grabbing are Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Bangladesh has serious conflict over water sharing issues of two prominent rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra which comes out from Himalayan river systems. Farakka Barrage (FB), Teesta Barrage (TB and Riparian River Linking (Link Canal) are the burning issue between India and Bangladesh since the mid-sixties. India violated the norms and treaty through constructing a barrage at Farakka, 18 kilometers upstream from the border resulted into reduced flow of water which caused both immediate and long-term effects including lower agricultural and industrial production, diminution of ground water reserves, affecting soil moisture and its structure. The long-term effects involve changes in the environmental sciences and ecology of delta basin, changes in the hydraulic characters of its rivers and reduced navigation depth.

India has diverted the Gnaga's water flow to her river Bhagirathi to increase navigability of the Calcutta Port. Bangladesh, however, realized it in 1974 that the Ganges flow due to construction of FB, only 11 miles off the border started scaling down the water flow to Bangladesh by half and at times almost at zero level. Similarly, she has also constructed two link canals, (1) Upper Riparian Rivers Linking: It means linking of 14 Himalayan rivers in Northern India (2) Lower Riparian Rivers Linking: This project involves 16 peninsular rivers including the Ganges and Brahmaputra. The project has virtually cast its eyes for withdrawal of Brahmaputra water for diversion to the water hungry provinces of UP, Bihar, MP, Andhra, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Chennai. Bangladesh launched proteseted number of times at various fora but New Delhi never bordered about international laws and rights of her neighbour.

In 2003, Tipaimukh Dam was proposed for the location at ½ km downstream from the confluence of Barak River and Tuivai River lying on the S-W corner of Manipur state. Due to outcry against negative impacts of the Dam across the border as well as within Manipur and Mizoram states of India, construction of the Dam could not make any headway. Again, India in 2004, however, guaranteed Bangladesh that no further steps would be taken up without any consultation with Bangladesh, but India floated a tender in 2005, opened it in 2006, finalized the design and drawing in 2008, obtained environmental clearance and inaugurated foundation stone laying in 2008. As result of breach of water 80 rivers have started drying-up and 11 rivers have been dead in Bangladesh. It has virtually destroyed the deltaic basin in Bangladesh.

Similarly, India has again involved in water and energy sharing conflict with Nepal too. The Mahakali River is originating in Nepal and flowing into India. 21 Nepalese rivers have a marvelous potential ability to generate 83000 MW electricity through hydro can be exported to neighbours, but due to lack of funds and technology Nepalese were unable to launch large projects. Indian power deficit in northern India is around 9,500 MW. The shortfall can be completed through construction of power projects over Nepalese rives but Nepalese have some serious reservations over India and very rightly feel that they have not been treated equitably under the various water-resource development agreements with India, including Sarada (1920), Kosi (1954) and Gandak (1959).

In fact, India has deliberately made an attempt to put Bangladesh and Nepal at a distance by designing two hydropower projects in Nepal. She was the only country which proven to be a beneficiary of the said projects because of their constructional sites and designs. In this connection she has carried out the augmentation of water for the Ganges to divert water through the link canal to South India. Whereas Nepal has contributed sites for the dams just to complete her genuine need of resolving power problem. Thus, crookedness of Indian engineers Nepal failed to obtain desired advantages of tackling her energy crises. At the same time Bangladesh has started moving towards high-dried scenario, which resulted into tense relations with Nepal. It is point to be noted here that Bangladeshi present government is taking lenient view of major water issues with India probably because of some political compulsions which amount to guarding Indian interest only.

Brahmaputra (Yarlung Tsangpo) and Salween are two free-flowing, un-dammed major rivers in Tibet. The construction of dam over Brahmaputra River has caused tension between India and China and could be a flashpoint for two of the world's biggest armies. In 2000, India accused China of not sharing information of the river's status in the run up to landslides in Tibet which caused floods in northeastern India and Bangladesh. Chinese proposals to divert the river have concerned Delhi, whereas china has denied of stopping water. Already strained relations between two nuclear powers (China and India) over territorial issue getting further deteriorated once India alleged China for constructing six dams of over Brahmaputra . Both the countries have fought war in 1962. India has become American ally after disintegration of USSR. To curtail China's emerging global role, New Delhi in collaboration with US and Israel has launched anti China campaign. It is an open secret now that US has nominated India as her regional vice in Asia. Mrs. Clinton's in her recent visit addressed India as global power.

Now lets discuss the core issue of two traditional rivals of South Asia. It is a proved fact that after the partition, India went to war against Pakistan to maintain illegitimate occupation of Kashmir which continued in one form or the other from October 1947 until January 1949. Meanwhile, acting upon her shrewd diplomacy, India deliberately stopped the flow of Pakistan's rivers which originate from the controlled territories of Kashmir. Even at that time, Indian rulers had used water as a tool of political coercion against Pakistan. On the other side, Pakistan sought the help of international arbitration. Consequently, Indus Basin Water Treaty between both the states was signed in 1960 and the World Bank, itself, is the mediator and signatory. The treaty which is still in force, allocates waters of three western rivers of Indus, Jhelum and Chenab to Pakistan while India has rights over eastern rivers of Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. Since the settlement of the dispute, India has always violated the treaty intermittently to create economic crisis in Pakistan.

A controversy arose between the two neighbouring states in 1984 when India started construction of the Wullar Barrage on river Jhelum in its part of Kashmir. New Delhi stopped construction work in 1987 after Pakistan lodged a strong protest over the project, objecting that it violated the Indus Water Treaty. The issue of Wullar Barrage has also been discussed in various rounds of the composite dialogue process between the two adversaries. In the mid 1990s India started another violation by constructing the Baglihar Dam on the Chenab River. In 2005 Pakistan had again sought the World Bank's intervention to stop construction of the Baglihar dam. Although WB allowed India to go ahead with the project after a few minor modifications, yet it did not permit the interruption of the agreed quota of water flow to Pakistan. Quite contrarily, Indian present tact to reduce the flow of water is a blatant violation of the Indus Basin Treaty.

Regarding negative effects on Pakistan, Syed Jamaat Ali Shah while talking to a daily pointed out that India has deliberately interfered with the flow of river Chenab. He further said that reduced water inflows would bring about huge loss to cropped areas of Punjab, besides causing early depletion of Mangla Dam. He elaborated that India had violated the treaty provisions by putting the water inflow below 55000 cusec in Chenab River at Maralla Headworks. There are also some other fundamental reasons behind Indian shrewd diplomacy by using water dispute against Pakistan. India wants to keep her control on Kashmir which is located in the Indus River basin area, thus contributing to the flow of all the major rivers which enter Pakistan. A report in "New Scientist", published in 2005 indicated a number of issues in relation to Pakistan. It wrote that Indian violation of the Indus Basin Treaty could lead to widespread famine, and further inflame the ongoing conflict over Kashmir-Pakistan relies on the Indus River and its tributaries for almost half of its irrigation supplies, and to generate up to half of its electricity. Pakistan also fears that India would use various dams as a coercive tool by causing floods in Pakistan through sudden release of waters.

These effects of the report have already been experienced by our country in the past. Unlike India, Pakistan is highly dependent on agriculture, which in turn is dependent on water. Without any doubt, almost 80% of Pakistan's agriculture is dependent on irrigation. Many of Pakistan's industries are agro-based such as the textiles industry. Moreover, 70% of Pakistan's food needs are fulfilled domestically. But India has always dishonoured the accord from time to time to create economic crisis in Pakistan. It is worth mentioning here that Indus Basin treaty over distribution of water resources was concluded after 23 years of Pakistani struggle but once again after 23 years or so controversy rose up in 1984 when India violated the laws of the agreement and started construction of Wullar barrage, India will be having a strategic edge, during a military confrontation, enabling it to control the mobility and recoil of Pakistani troops and enhancing the maneuverability of Indian troops.

It is mentionable here that India is already weakening Pakistan by sending miscreants from Afghanistan, who are creating unrest through bomb blasts and suicide attacks in wake of already strained relations between Islamabad and New Delhi. In these adverse circumstances, by employing water as a political instrument of shrewd diplomacy, India continues to intensify various political, economic and social crises in Pakistan. She has the support of tripartite alliance of the US, Israel and India is against Pakistan and they have now started propaganda that Pakistan's nuclear programme is not in safe hands. The fact is that highest rate of nuclear proliferation have even been noticed only in the case of India. There were total 152 theft cases of uranium which include even disappearance of complete shipment. Murders and abduction of number nuclear scientists and staff have also left a big question mark over the safety of nuclear arsenals too.

The world seems standing at the brink of another world war because of failure of emerging weak role of UNO and uni-polar system. The power relations are defining the world as an 'overruling cleavage' of the international system. The unfair race of economic growth in terms of capturing natural resources, unequal division of wealth, global wave of organizational and state terrorism, selfish policies of super power, craving smaller sates, current financial global crunch and the collapse of the Soviet Empire are the factors which are accelerating the time so rapidly that destruction of world seem to be very nearer.

The dramatic political and strategic changes of Asia related to South Asian region in latter half of the twentieth century has further deteriorated the world peace. The main characters of prevailing insecure environment and regional instability are, India, US, Afghanistan's puppet government, America, Israel and some of European allies. The capturing of natural resources for enhancing economic growth is basically a power thirst of US and her Police Watch Man (India). According to Indian philosophy wealth obtaining and power seeking are interlinked and two sides of the same coin. The Indian unflinching quest of grabbing natural particularly water resources are seem to be putting devastating effects on her neighbours, Pakistan , Bangladesh and Nepal , thus pushing South Asian Region into war. We all knew that still China and the Eastern Asian region are major center of 'expanded reproduction' even when America is facing the worst financial crises of her history. Washington in collaboration with India is on the policy of capturing oil rich central Asian Regions, containment of China, suppressing Iran , capturing Asian Market to boost her economy and supporting Israel on Palestine Issue . Her Police Man (India) increased the insecurity in the context of state collapse, terrorism, fundamentalisms, humanitarian disasters in South Asia, Regional Water conflicts, economical and finical crises are going to be catastrophe for the people and likelihood of a serious inter-state armed conflict over water resources will be soon. To avoid disaster UNO should interfere and should devise some regional policy of using natural resources. At the same time, there is a need to condemn Indian nefarious hegemony design to enhance the regional economic growth and prosperity.

Here is a very famous saying, 'Why bomb military installations, bridges, ports, fuel depots incurring humongous monetary costs and retaliation, when ends can be achieved by merely turning off the tap?' Water has always been a social weapon of control and exploitation. Jawaharlal Nehru called dams the "temples of modern India." Today's India sees these 'temples' as tools of war. Let's not forget our identity and culture as a Pakistani and let's not be a puppet in the hands of foreign antagonists. The looming water crisis, if unattended, will prove fatal for Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Nepal and India too. Now choice is with delinquent child (India) to implement the international laws and respect the already concluded pacts.

Recently, US Assistant Secretary of State Robert Blake said India might make agreement for buying nuclear plants and 126 fighter jets from the US, worth about $20 billion. The purchase of the said armaments and already presence of nuclear weapons shows the ulterior and exterior motives of Asian Water Grabber. There is need to stop India from further snatching, seize and confiscating of other regional countries. The territorial disputes, water issues, Indian policy of storming terrorism are leading towards the war. At the end, I again emphasize that if war brake out then it would be converted into Nuclear War since survival of the Pakistan depends upon the use of nuclear arsenals in her self defence. Thus, SAARC, ASEAN and UNO should play their roles to resolve regional burning issues like Kashmir and Water problems of Asian countries

Water Grabber (India) & Nuclear War - II | Pakistan Think Tank

pakistanthinktank.org - do we really need to talk about its credibility ? This has been discussed many times and it has been proved that India is not stealing anything. Raise the issue internationally if you are so confident.

April 5th, 2010


Nepal is the second richest in water resources in the world which covers 45% total quantity of water of the river Ganges and 70 % of the total quantity of static water of India. Nepal has the capacity of producing 85,000 MW of electricity as an alternative source to fossil energy. But due to the sabotage acts of India through agreements, treaties and MOU’s when the weak government prevails, has compelled Nepal to long for water & electricity both for her inhabitants & the soil to remain arid. India has ventured the scheme of its chicaneries fulfilled through the politicians of Nepal on whom the ‘RAW” has done major investment. What ever the projects or the dams / bunds have been built by India are due to the consent of the parliamentarians of Nepal because India does not want Nepal to utilize its water resources on its own or with the financial and technical support of other countries. India plays a major role in sabotaging some major hydro-projects initiated by Nepal. However Nepal is in a position to harness merely 1% of its total water quantity. In short ‘RAW’ and Indian bureaucrats are planning to grasp Nepal’s water resources at any cost and the Nepalese political godfathers are dancing on the disastrous melody of “His Master’s Voice’.


It has been long time since India has shown great love for Nepal’s water resources in order to meet its own demand for potable water, irrigation and electricity because of the electricity generated from coal and uranium can not last India for more than half a century. India has made political investments to the bosses of the political parties and hence has succeeded in utilizing the water resources of Nepal in the best interest of India. The rosy dreams painted by India are viewed by the intellectuals of Nepal, like generating millions of dollars of revenue to Nepal through the export of hydro electricity, irrigation and potable water to India has been an innovative idea which could never come in to force because of India’s dirty water politics in the region to which each neighbouring country is suffering. It has adversely affected Nepal’s politics and economics making it to be the inherent cause of problems for the country associated with continuous interference by India. Nepal’s hydro-power has given the boost to India’s development project. India is also interested in small and medium projects and would like to obtain Karnali, Upper Tamakosi and Upper Karnali the earliest for its usage in India. India contends that Nepal does not require much water for irrigation and that it is only India which needs water for consumption purposes. This argument is linked to the Bhutan model and India’s river-linking project. India has strategic plans to ensure its access to river water in order to meet the needs of the vast, yet not irrigated, agricultural lands in the Northern and Southern provinces. India has never fulfilled its commitments or obligations both at the national or international forums. India is never ready to discuss matters relating to climate, environment and natural disasters. Indian experts have repeatedly argued that India can not meet its energy needs from other sources, however, the country has no other option but to harness Nepal’s water sources. Nepal is aware of this menace but wishes to retain on a rational basis its ownership over water resources and subsequent revenues. Contrary to this India wishes to obtain ownership through coercive measures, hence the conflict arises because that surely jeopardizes the independence and sovereignty of Nepal.


India is trying its best to churn the wheel of water and course to strengthen her strategic position to cement her defense corridors linking to the neighbouring countries apart from using the water for drinking or agricultural lands. The Indian ‘Interlinking project’ mainly concerns the irrigation, portable and power production purposes as advocates India but surely it is done keeping in view the strategic and defense requirements. The project which is estimated to cost over US $ 118 billion is primarily expected to provide internal water security to the Indian’s and water-induced disasters. Indian authorities envisage to bring around 35 to 37 million of hectares of farm- land under irrigation to generate 34 billion KW of electricity, control floods in flood-prone state and also enhance the country’s navigational efficiency. Some elements argue that the inter-linking of rivers is purely a scheme made to benefit various bureaucrats, Army Generals and the politicians having lands in the vicinity. The scheme tempering with the natural river systems can pose a threat to the region but India will never listen to this alarming situation causing damage to the rest. Ever since the beginning of the feasibility studies, India has been in confrontation with the environmentalists who oppose the construction of large dams and embankments. The neighbouring countries only complain asking India to display ethics and act upon rule of law but being the vagabond of South Asia she turns deaf ears to the requests made by Bangladesh, Nepal, China Bhutan and Pakistan. Strategic and Defense orientation by India while taming rivers to change courses, creating embankments and huge bunds to inundate the soil of the neighbouring countries is a ****** game of using water as a weapon against these countries.


India has been constructing the embankments and dams throughout its northern border without any consultation with Nepal. The water is used for irrigation in Indian farmlands. The embankments and the dams thus built form lakes inside Nepal. This will inundate the low land in Nepal. House and farm lands will also be submerged. Fisheries will be destroyed. It will be difficult to make to and from across the rivers. The construction causes floods in Nepal since the flood water over flows the canal and get in to the farm land and villages of Nepal, ultimately submerging them. This has in turn triggered land slides and cause losses of top soil, productivity and property worth million of rupees. Every year the nation becomes forced to cope with problems of floods, famine and epidemic. And also India often keeps its barrage gates closed during the rainy season when the chances of floods are very high. Due to such very reasons, the Nepalese in the border areas are forced to live a life full of hardships and difficulties. The government faces embarrassment before the nation each year due to all these chicaneries caused by India while creating harassment in the country.

Tarai region of Nepal lies at higher altitude as compared to the Indian Territory. Had there been no embankment the river water could have spread over the land in a uniform fashion, and Nepal would not have faced the problem of inundation or water logging. Besides destruction of forests, mainly the dense forest known as CHARKOSHI JHADI, has intensified the problem of floods and land slides. As the dams on the KOSHI, GANDAKI and MAHAKALI rivers built in keeping with the bilateral agreements mainly dominated by Indian interests were built else where instead of being constructed at the meeting point of Tarai and hills, or at Brahachhetra of Koshi, Devghat of Gandaki and Brahmadevmandi of Mahakali. India has criminally assaulted the interests of Nepal while leaving Nepal in troubles but this episode is the joint venture of India’s hegemonic design surely supported by the politicians of Nepal. The Chure forests more or less have been destroyed by India. The landslide in the Chure hills is intensifying.

India has ensured the protection of life and property of her people by building subject dams close to the border areas, but it seems oblivious of the fact that the same number of people on the Nepal side have had to suffer the loss of life and the property. India pays no heed to the losses on the Nepal side as that has no meaning to her. Having no respect for the international laws, India has constructed the dams to the extent of hurting national integrity of Nepal.



The Bagmati is a medium river originating from the Mahabharat range. This very dam built by India across the Bagmati River causes water logging in Nepal. The Check Dam in Bagmati alone has affected 30 VDC s including Bagmati and Bakaiya. The inundation has turned settlements and rolling land in to waste land. The people in the surroundings are compelled to leave their villages and live as refugees. The height of the dam constructed across the border near Bairganiya ranges from 10 to 21 ft. It looks like a hill. Vehicles can run on the top of it. The dam is 10 Km long. It checks all the rivers flowing down to India. Yet another dam with the same height and length has been built in the East along the border of Sarlahi district. The dam runs parallel to the border.


The Indians have built a dam in the no-man’s land at Kunauli of Saptari. About two Kilometer of the no-man’s land from Rampura Malhaniya to Tilathi VDC has been inundated. The dam forcibly constructed by India, protects Kunauli area, but it inundates some 15-20 villages of Saptari district. The inundation has caused losses to the tune of thousands of millions of rupees to Nepal unilaterally. The dams built across the Koshi & Mahuli Rivers have directed the flow of water towards west instead of South or towards Nepal. Many people there have been turned homeless.


Marchbar lies in the central – southern part Rupandehi district. The Tinau River originating from the Mahabharat range of Nepal flows downward to this region. India built the Khurdlotan dam in fiscal year 2001-2002. The dam caused inundation of 18 VDCs including the Lumbini area enlisted in the world heritage.


The Rapti river forms through the merger of various rivers originating from the mid-hills. This is an important river jutting out of the Mahabharat range. The Laxmanpur Barrage has been built across this river in Baharaich district near the Nepal border. The high dam across the river has formed a reservoir. The dam has submerged 2,412 bighas of the most fertile land yielding three cropping a year in Banki district. More over 16,000 people of the 2600 house holds in 33 villages of five VDCs have been forced to leave their houses and the farmland and are to living as refugees.


This bundh is located in the Bundhganga River bordering Kapilbastu district. This dam was constructed during British regime which did not harm any part of Nepal. But to these days India heightened the dam. Over 500 hectares of land, in two VDCs Rampur and Parsaiya of Nepal is under water. Nepali land is being as the reservoir to irrigate Indian farmland.


At a short distance from Mahalisagar, India has now converted a British regime causeway in to a dam which stores water in Nepal over hundreds of hectares of land of Pipra & Baluwa VDCs which can irrigate 1000 hectares of Indian soil by the Jamuwar rivulet flowing from Nepal.


Siwa Sagar dam is the third side in Kapilbastu district which drowns whole of Hathiwah VDC. Even Nepali farmers bribe the Indian dam operator to lower the check gates of the dam for the sake of protecting their standing crops for a short period. It is a mere display of muscles by a strong vagabond of South Asia i.e. India to a weaker nation like Nepal who being so rich in water resources is on her knees due to her corrupt politicians.


The water released from the Lohiya power house of India empties in to the Jogbudha River in Kanchanpur district of Nepal. The release of water could be controlled by the human hands but it is done intentionally. This results in the destruction of crops so the farmers go hungry. Their farmland turns in to wasteland due to cutting of the River.


The neighbouring countries which include Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Bhutan & Pakistan think that India alone can not take decision on natural resources of other countries but unless they unite to make a forum to stand against the water terrorism caused by India nothing will stop her to continue a silver aggression.

The actions of India are totally against the international laws, against the accepted behavior and against morality and thus amounting to naked interference in sovereign, independent state of Nepal. On IST April 1990, that at that point of time when Indian Foreign Secretary put a draft proposed to the late King Birendra to have a similar power like the King of Bhutan. King Birendra strongly rejected the proposal saying that “IT IS PREFERABLE TO BE A POWERLESS KING THAN A POWERFUL KING UNDER INDIAN DOMINATION”.

Great thinking! As well, we can stop taking Bharati power whenever we want - last time I checked they have not imposed any unreasonable terms & conditions on this one. So nothing to worry about. In fact, we are already reciprocating by allowing transit of power plant machineries to Tripura through our territory.

To Indo-BD Friendship.:cheers:

Finally a member with some logic in his comments.
please post from credible sources Idune, posting from blogs and country specific websites wont help your cause.
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