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Bangladesh obtains 2nd position in sanitation coverage in South Asia: UNICE

I am wondering when LaBong will come out with his usual per capita GDP crap to prove that Indians are richer and, therefore, they have a better sanitation and their GDP value of open defecation is higher than that of Bangladeshis. These GDP craps are valueless because it does not reflect the life style of an average Indian.

It does reflect this way by WHO:


with 626 million people who practice open defecation, has more than twice the number of the next 18 countries combined;
accounts for 90 per cent of the 692 million people in South Asia who practice open defecation;
accounts for 59 per cent of the 1.1 billion people in the world who practice open defecation;
has 97 million people without access to improved sources of drinking water, second only to China.

Countries that account for almost three-quarters of the people who practice open defecation:

India (626 million)
Indonesia (63 million)
Pakistan (40 million)
Ethiopia (38 million)
Nigeria (34 million)
Sudan (19 million)
Nepal (15 million)
China (14 million)
Niger (12 million)
Burkina Faso (9.7 million)
Mozambique (9.5 million)
Cambodia (8.6 million).

WHO | Fast facts
It does reflect this way by WHO:


with 626 million people who practice open defecation, has more than twice the number of the next 18 countries combined;
accounts for 90 per cent of the 692 million people in South Asia who practice open defecation;
accounts for 59 per cent of the 1.1 billion people in the world who practice open defecation;
has 97 million people without access to improved sources of drinking water, second only to China.

Countries that account for almost three-quarters of the people who practice open defecation:

India (626 million)
Indonesia (63 million)
Pakistan (40 million)
Ethiopia (38 million)
Nigeria (34 million)
Sudan (19 million)
Nepal (15 million)
China (14 million)
Niger (12 million)
Burkina Faso (9.7 million)
Mozambique (9.5 million)
Cambodia (8.6 million).

WHO | Fast facts

Human Rights Watch says Bangladesh pursuing discriminatory family laws which fuel female poverty



Bangladesh is an interesting puzzle. It is representative of the contemporary postmodern condition when nothing is clear-cut. It is at once both highly developed as well as underdeveloped. Bangladesh is a country that is economically backward and politically quite advanced. Many political and social scientists have often equated democracy with development and capitalism with political freedom. Bangladesh belies both these assumptions. It is a reasonably free society while being one of the world’s poorest economies. Even the Freedom House ratings, which are quite biased against non-Western societies in their measurements, rate Bangladesh as a reasonably free state.

In July of this year, the present government of the Awami League party with Sheikh Hasina Wajid as Prime Minister will complete one full electoral cycle. For a nation that has existed for only 30 years this is quite an achievement. In fact, if one were to compare the Bangladeshi democracy with the American democracy at the age of thirty, the nation of Bengalis will come out quite favorably. In 200 years, the US has yet to allow a woman to run the state.

Bangladesh has already had two women heads of state and the present head of the government, Sheikh Hasina, and the leader of the opposition party, Begum Zia, are both women. It is amazing that this country of a hundred million Muslims looks like a matriarchical society, belying another myth that associates patriarchy with Muslim culture. Bangladesh apparently is destined to destroy widely held myths. First by its very origins it has exploded the myth of Islamic unity. By breaking away from Pakistan, Bangladesh has shown that asabiyyah (Ibn Khaldun’s term for ethnic solidarity) can at times overwhelm Islamic unity. Perhaps the rupture of the united Pakistan is more a commentary on the lip service given to Islamic brotherhood by Muslim leaders than the relative powers of Islam and ethnicity. Nonetheless, the very existence of Bangladesh is a blow to the rhetoric of Islamic unity that most Muslims like to crow about. The present day Muslims of Bangladesh live in greater harmony with its 11% Hindu minority than they did with Muslims of non-Bengali origins.

Bangladesh is not the only case where interests other than Islamic unity have proven more powerful. The quick disintegration of the United Arab Republic, a union of Syria and Egypt that combined Islam, asabiyyah (Arab nationalism) and external threat (from Israel), is another case of Islamic entities splitting for interests other than Islam.

The second myth that Bangladesh has exposed is the claim by some Muslims and many westerners that Islam and democracy are incompatible. Bangladesh while not exactly an exemplary democracy or an advertisement for Islamic governance has nevertheless succeeded in demonstrating that a community dominated by Muslims can have Islam as the state religion and still provide democratic rights to its citizens and freedom of religion to its minorities.

Yes, there are cases of religious discrimination and harassment of minorities in Bangladesh. For example in 1992, when the Babri Masjid was destroyed in India by Hindu nationalists nearly 80 Hindu temples were desecrated in Bangladesh as an act of revenge. If what the Hindus did was a travesty, then what the Bangladeshi Muslims did was 80 times worse. Also in April, unknown miscreants blew a Roman Catholic Church. But these infrequent tragedies apart, Bangladesh is striving to be a good state that treats all its citizens justly.

Its constitution at least is determined to do justice to all. It recognizes the primacy of Islam (Article 2A) but guarantees the freedom of religion of all communities (Article 41). Article 11 of the constitution asserts that the Republic will be a democracy that respects all the human rights and freedoms of all its citizens. Article 39 specifically protects the freedom of speech and expression of every citizen (39a) and 39b guarantees the freedom of the press.

Cynics, especially those who neither understand nor respect democratic principles, maybe tempted to underestimate the importance of their constitution. However, the key is their implementation. In the era of globalization and global interdependence, having these rights enshrined in the constitution is an important first step. International pressure, especially from NGOs and human rights activists has a greater impact on states that already claim to respect these rights. Often moving court in cases of human rights violations provides effective remedy. But in states whose constitutions do not already enshrine human rights; states can continue to violate their own citizens with impunity leaving no recourse to domestic as well as international human rights activists.

As already discussed above Bangladeshis have also shown that Muslim societies allow women more opportunities for self-expression in the public arena than they are given credit for. Bangladeshi women are not only well integrated into the political arena but are also quite active in the economic sphere. The micro-enterprise project (Grameen Bank) initiated by Dr. Muhammad Yunus has shown that empowering women is an important strategy to fight poverty and underdevelopment. Bangladeshi women have shown that while remaining within the moral sphere of Islamic values, women can play an important role in the economic well being of their immediate families and the political well being of their nation.

Yes, indeed Bangladesh is a highly developed state in political terms. But sadly it exposes an American myth that prosperity follows freedom. Bangladesh is a “poor democracy”. Its per capita income is less than $500 a year. 36% of the population is below poverty level and nearly 35% of the population is unemployed. Annually a large section of the country is submerged in floods and as sea levels rise with global warming Bangladesh will face more drastic environmental threats with devastating economic implications.

Lack of industrialization, poor infrastructures, and untapped human resources will continue to challenge Bangladesh in its quest for economic well being. Poverty and disasters will continue to test the moral and political fiber of the nation. There are no shortcuts out of the environmental and economic troubles of Bangladesh. But we must remember that in spite of all its difficulties, Bangladeshis have found a way to live in freedom, respect each other’s dignity and remain connected with God.
I am wondering when LaBong will come out with his usual per capita GDP crap to prove that Indians are richer and, therefore, they have a better sanitation and their GDP value of open defecation is higher than that of Bangladeshis. These GDP craps are valueless because it does not reflect the life style of an average Indian.

Sanitation is just one aspect of life style, there are other metrics too. For example BD is the worst performer in South Asia in food security.

Anyway don't know about rest of India but West Bengal has reached total sanitation way back at 2008.

UNICEF India - Water, environment and sanitation - Low-cost toilets help Bengal target total sanitation
This is what has been written about Shared Toilet at page 26... It has been accepted as a global phenomena specially in cities.

Whatever it might be but it isn't considered as improved sanitation. 56% of Bangladesh has access to improve sanitation, stop spinning it around like your Awami minister did in his typical digital deception.

Although I agree this shared toilet thing is better than no toilet.
no, its just heartening to see BD dragging India's case of open defecation to celebrate their position.. no doubt they are piss poor though..

i am not justifying the discrimination towards women in our country.actually it should be put to a halt everywhere but its just that you are not in a place to show us our record.you Indians are always nosey, maybe if you pay more attention to your internal affairs than wandering around here, you can actually contribute to your society :rofl:
and its funny how you say that we are poor but fail to see that our poverty rate is way less than yours.the hypocrisy hurts :sick:
Anyway I have heard about sore losers but Bangladeshis fit the description of sore winners which goes hand in hand with their typical peevish, petulant personas. They can't even celebrate an achievement without bringing Indians to it. Typical Bangladeshis "give us attention we exist too" attitude.

i am not justifying the discrimination towards women in our country.actually it should be put to a halt everywhere but its just that you are not in a place to show us our record.you Indians are always nosey, maybe if you pay more attention to your internal affairs than wandering around here, you can actually contribute to your society :rofl:
and its funny how you say that we are poor but fail to see that our poverty rate is way less than yours.the hypocrisy hurts :sick:

Your poverty rate is not lower than us but you only use different poverty line than us. I guess you are too thick to understand it(expected from a Bangladeshi) or are you another account of Sami(considering you jumped on India bashing right from the start of your PDF journey without even introducing yourself).
Anyway I have heard about sore losers but Bangladeshis fit the description of sore winners which goes hand in hand with their typical peevish, petulant personas. They can't even celebrate an achievement without bringing Indians to it. Typical Bangladeshis "give us attention we exist too" attitude.

ironically, its you guys who are invading the Bangladeshi threads to show your Indian superiority :hitwall:
i am not justifying the discrimination towards women in our country.actually it should be put to a halt everywhere but its just that you are not in a place to show us our record.you Indians are always nosey, maybe if you pay more attention to your internal affairs than wandering around here, you can actually contribute to your society :rofl:
and its funny how you say that we are poor but fail to see that our poverty rate is way less than yours.the hypocrisy hurts :sick:

36 % of BD is under poverty while its 29% for India.. Also, GDP per capita is no way comparable.. your GDP per capita is worse than zimbabwe..
ironically, its you guys who are invading the Bangladeshi threads to show your Indian superiority :hitwall:

It's because you guys can't discuss a topic without bringing India to it. Not sure why this India obsession runs so deep in you guys.

Let alone saying congratulation I was expecting at least some appreciation by the Indian member for the achievement of Bangladesh. :lol:

Always good day come on the next day or some other day. Dnt be sad. Keep up your hard work. Within a decade I am sure India will reach what Bangladesh has achieved in this regard so far :).

Just look at this post, they are so attention seeking that it spins my head. I wonder if an Indian took his bone in the morning.
Your poverty rate is not lower than us but you only use different poverty line than us. I guess you are too thick to understand it(expected from a Bangladeshi) or are you another account of Sami(considering you jumped on India bashing right from the start of your PDF journey without even introducing yourself).
It IS lower than yours.anyway, i am happy both country's are improving it :cool:
and sorry, didn't notice the introduction thread, may i be linked to that part of the forum? :) and no i have no idea of any sami :P oh and trust me i didn't start Indian bashing first, its some indian guy who just went on getting personal for no reason at all.comparing to him, i am being pretty civil
so our target was cent % by this year. 6 months already passed, what is the progress?
I'm sure our brethren from the East will help us in that regard, no wonder they send millions of poor homeless fellow countrymen for this very reason ! Now I get it what do they do after crossing the border here :eek:

You figured out our secret.The people for whom we cannot provide sanitation are sent to India.
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