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Bangladesh Navy

খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে সর্বাধুনিক প্রযুক্তির ল্যান্ডিং ক্র্যাফট ট্যাঙ্ক নির্মাণ​

খুলনা ব্যুরো
প্রকাশ: ১৫ জুন ২২ । ২২:৫৪ | আপডেট: ১৫ জুন ২২ । ২২:৫৪


খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড লিমিটেড বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য তিনটি ল্যান্ডিং ক্র্যাফট ট্যাঙ্ক (এলসিটি) নির্মাণ করবে। এগুলো হবে এখন পর্যন্ত দেশে নির্মিত সর্ববৃহৎ এলসিটি।

বুধবার দুপুরে খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড চত্বরে এর নির্মাণকাজ উদ্বোধন করা হয়। অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথি ছিলেন খুলনা নৌ-অঞ্চলের কমান্ডার রিয়ার অ্যাডমিরাল মোহাম্মদ আনোয়ার হোসেন।

অনুষ্ঠানে জানানো হয়, নৌবাহিনীর জন্য নির্মিতব্য তিনটি ল্যান্ডিং ক্র্যাফট ট্যাঙ্ক দেশের সর্ববৃহৎ দৈর্ঘ্যের (৭০ মিটার) এবং সর্বাধুনিক প্রযুক্তিসমৃদ্ধ। এতে অত্যাধুনিক যন্ত্রপাতি সংযোজন করা হবে। জাহাজ তিনটি আন্তর্জাতিক সমুদ্রসীমা এবং দেশের অভ্যন্তরের নদীগুলোতে অভিযানে সক্ষম। প্রতিটি জাহাজে একই সঙ্গে ছয়টি মাঝারি মানের ট্যাঙ্ক পরিবহন করা যাবে। এ ছাড়াও ছয়টি মাঝারি মানের ট্যাঙ্কের পরিবর্তে প্রতিটি জাহাজ পাঁচটি মিডিয়াম আর্টিলারি গান ভেহিকেল অথবা ১২টি এপিসি অথবা ১৮টি মিলিটারি ট্রাক পরিবহনে সক্ষম।

এলসিটিগুলোর প্রাথমিক কাজ হবে যুদ্ধকালীন বাংলাদেশের উপকূলীয় অঞ্চলের উভচর অভিযান পরিচালনা এবং ট্যাঙ্ক, এপিসিসহ সাপোর্ট ইউনিট ও ল্যান্ডিং ফোর্স পরিবহন করা। তাছাড়া শান্তিকালীন এলসিটির মিশন হবে লজিস্টিক শিপের ভূমিকা পালনের পাশাপাশি বঙ্গোপসাগর ও তৎসংলগ্ন উপকূলীয় এলাকায় মানবিক সহায়তা দেওয়া এবং ত্রাণসামগ্রী ও কর্মী পরিবহন করা। দেশে নির্মিত প্রথম ল্যান্ডিং ক্র্যাফট হিসেবে এটা দেশের জাহাজ নির্মাণ শিল্পে মাইলফলক হিসেবে বিবেচিত হবে। জাহাজ তিনটি আন্তর্জাতিক ক্ল্যাসিফিকেশন সোসাইটি লয়েডস রেজিস্ট্রারের (ইংল্যান্ড) নীতিমালা অনুসরণ করে নির্মিত হবে।

অনুষ্ঠানে প্রধান অতিথি রিয়ার অ্যাডমিরাল মোহাম্মদ আনোয়ার হোসেন তার বক্তৃতায় বলেন, বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডের জাহাজ নির্মাণ এটাই প্রথম নয়। আগেও এ প্রতিষ্ঠান নৌবাহিনীর জন্য পাঁচটি প্যাট্রল ক্র্যাফট, দুটি লার্জ প্যাট্রল ক্র্যাফট, দুটি টাগ বোট এবং ছয়টি ল্যান্ডিং ক্র্যাফট ইউটিলিটি সফলভাবে নির্মাণ করে হস্তান্তর করেছে। আর এখন সর্ববৃহৎ দৈর্ঘ্যের এলসিটি নির্মাণ করছে। কেবল নৌবাহিনীর জন্য নয়; কোস্টগার্ড, মোংলা বন্দর, পায়রা বন্দর, মৎস্য অধিদপ্তরসহ বিভিন্ন প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্য আন্তর্জাতিক মানের জাহাজ নির্মাণ করে খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড দেশের সামগ্রিক অর্থনীতিতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা রাখছে। খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড জাহাজ নির্মাণ করে অচিরেই বিদেশে রপ্তানিতে সক্ষম হবে উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, এ প্রতিষ্ঠান তার হূত গৌরব পুনরুদ্ধার করেছে এবং লাভজনক প্রতিষ্ঠানে পরিণত হয়েছে।
খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডের ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক কমডোর এম সামছুল আজীজের সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠানে শিপইয়ার্ডের ঊর্ধ্বতন সামরিক-অসামরিক কর্মকর্তা এবং গণ্যমান্য ব্যক্তিরা উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

Khulna Shipyard Limited will build three Landing Craft Tanks (LCTs) for the Bangladesh Navy. These will be the largest LCTs built in the country so far.

The construction work was inaugurated at Khulna Shipyard premises on Wednesday afternoon. Commander of Khulna Naval Area Rear Admiral Mohammad Anwar Hossain was the chief guest on the occasion.

It was informed at the ceremony that the three landing craft tanks to be constructed for the Navy have the longest length (60 meters) in the country and are equipped with the latest technology. Sophisticated equipment will be added to it. The ship is capable of navigating three international seas and inland rivers. Each ship can transport six medium quality tanks simultaneously. In addition, instead of six medium quality tanks, each ship is capable of carrying five medium artillery gun vehicles or 12 APCs or 16 military trucks.

The primary task of LCTs will be to conduct amphibious operations in the coastal areas of wartime Bangladesh and to transport support units and landing forces including tanks, APCs. In addition, the mission of the peacetime LCT will be to play the role of a logistic ship as well as to provide humanitarian assistance and transport relief and personnel to the Bay of Bengal and adjoining coastal areas. As the first landing craft built in the country, it will be considered as a milestone in the shipbuilding industry of the country. The ship will be built following the policies of the three international classification societies Lloyds Registrar (England).

Rear Admiral Mohammad Anwar Hossain, who was the chief guest on the occasion, said in his speech that this is not the first time that the Khulna Shipyard has built a ship for the Bangladesh Navy. Earlier, the company had successfully constructed and handed over five patrol craft, two large patrol craft, two tug boats and six landing craft utilities for the Navy. And now it is building the longest LCT. Not just for the Navy; Khulna Shipyard is playing an important role in the overall economy of the country by constructing international standard ships for various organizations including Coast Guard, Mongla Port, Pigeon Port, Fisheries Department. Mentioning that Khulna Shipyard will soon be able to build ships and export them abroad, he said the company has restored its glory and has become a profitable company.

Khulna Shipyard Managing Director Commodore M Shamsul Aziz presided over the function, which was attended by senior military and civilian officials of the shipyard and dignitaries.

The similar Damen Ship built for Nigeria Navy is about 45% bigger at 100m length (LST-100) and is being built at Damen-AlBwardy yards in Sharjah. But design is almost identical. KSY may be using a scaled down Damen design.



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Navy is one area we had an advantage over the Burmese. But they have been closing the gap rapidly.

It is second half of 2022 and not even a partner for the 6 next-gen frigates has been announced!

The original timetable in 2017 was the first one would be launched by this year.

I am afraid the BN is looking like it is turning into another BAF with a lots of talk and no action.

Always had my doubts why they kept buying so much second hand frigates and it looks like we now know the answer.

The BA is the only force that is actually still buying modern and powerful weapons systems with the 18 TRG-300 MLRS that were delivered this year.

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It is second half of 2022 and not even a partner for the 6 next-gen frigates has been announced!

The original timetable in 2017 was the first one would be launched by this year.

I am afraid the BN is looking like it is turning into another BAF with a lots of talk and no action.

Always had my doubts why they kept buying so much second hand frigates and it looks like we now know the answer.

The BA is the only force that is actually stil buying modern and powerful weapons systems with the 18 TRG-300 MLRS that were delivered this year.


I am sorry to say.

But Bangladesh is just not serious about its military.

This is what happens when your country is run by a woman, moreover a grandmother.

Are there no fookin men in Bangladesh?

What kind of effeminate society is this?

The country got b*tch slapped by its primitive neighbor just a few years ago and yet there is no serious effort to make things better.

And on top of that, the country caters to its larger neighbor who calls its people "termites".

It's embarrasing man.

Forces Goal 2030 my a33.
I am sorry to say.

But Bangladesh is just not serious about its military.

This is what happens when your country is run by a woman, moreover a grandmother.

Are there no fookin men in Bangladesh?

What kind of effeminate society is this?

The country got b*tch slapped by its primitive neighbor just a few years ago and yet there is no serious effort to make things better.

And on top of that, the country caters to its larger neighbor who calls its people "termites".

It's embarrasing man.

Forces Goal 2030 my a33.

I don't think you can blame Hasina for BN.

With BAF I agree as it has been known for years they are useless.

BN seems to have made stupid mistakes like buying too many second hand ships like frigates etc. Subs were fine though.

They needed to be 100% focused on the next-gen frigate programme from 2017 but for some unknown reason kept buying multiple 2nd hand Chinese frigates.

Myanmar Navy was absolutely no threat and Indian Navy was far too powerful for these ships to make any difference.

Training of an enlarged Navy could have been done on rotation basis on the current vessels and then final training done when the new-build ships were launched and trails started.

What you do not do is have more 2nd hand ships than new-build! No navy in the world does this and there is a very good reason for this.

Anyway it will take many many years for this new potent Myanmar frigate to get into service but when it does(2025?) it will be one seriously powerful ship with latest Chinese sensors and weapons systems. Even then BN will still overall be a better and more powerful force but not by much.

BN really needs to select a partner this year and aim to try to get the first build ship in the water by 2025 but at this time I do not have much hope for this !
I don't think you can blame Hasina for BN.

With BAF I agree as it has been known for years they are useless.

BN seems to have made stupid mistakes like buying too many second hand ships like frigates etc. Subs were fine though.

They needed to be 100% focused on the next-gen frigate programme from 2017 but for some unknown reason kept buying multiple 2nd hand Chinese frigates.

Myanmar Navy was absolutely no threat and Indian Navy was far too powerful for these ships to make any difference.

Training of an enlarged Navy could have been done on rotation basis on the current vessels and then final training done when the new-build ships were launched and trails started.

What you do not do is have more 2nd hand ships than new-build! No navy in the world does this and there is a very good reason for this.

Anyway it will take many many years for this new potent Myanmar frigate to get into service but when it does(2025?) it will be one seriously powerful ship with latest Chinese sensors and weapons systems. Even then BN will still overall be a better and more powerful force but not by much.

BN really needs to select a partner this year and aim to try to get the first build ship in the water by 2025 but at this time I do not have much hope for this !

Listen man, I dunno who is running the show there.

There just doesnt seem to be a coherent strategy.

I know there are alot of shifting variables geo politically.

But other nations are navigating it just fine.

Bangladesh is just not serious about its military capability.
Listen man, I dunno who is running the show there.

There just doesnt seem to be a coherent strategy.

I know there are alot of shifting variables geo politically.

But other nations are navigating it just fine.

Bangladesh is just not serious about its military capability.

That is the problem right there!

It seems to be each service for itself and they fight each other for whatever the leaders thinks benefits them.

With BA at least they are buying new stuff and modernising in line with the available budget.

BN was doing ok but really let go of the ball in the last few years - why they are taking so long to select a partner for next-gen frigate programme is a mystery.

BAF has always been interested in other things than building up their fighter fleet since AL came into power

I do not buy that India has any influence over BD military purchases as BN brought 2 Ming-class submarines that are actually a really serious threat to their Navy and also the 18 TRG-300 MLRS that would do more damage to them in a war than 1-2 squadrons of modern fighters.

In essence, BD government does not think having a strong military is necessary even after being bitched-slapped in 2017 by an impoverished hole called Myanmar.

Hasina and AL leadership do not have enough self-respect it seems to have changed their thinking after 2017.
That is the problem right there!

It seems to be each service for itself and they fight each other for whatever the leaders thinks benefits them.

With BA at least they are buying new stuff and modernising in line with the available budget.

BN was doing ok but really let go of the ball in the last few years - why they are taking so long to select a partner for next-gen frigate programme is a mystery.

BAF has always been interested in other things than building up their fighter fleet since AL came into power

I do not buy that India has any influence over BD military purchases as BN brought 2 Ming-class submarines that are actually a really serious threat to their Navy and also the 18 TRG-300 MLRS that would do more damage to them in a war than 1-2 squadrons of modern fighters.

In essence, BD government does not think having a strong military is necessary even after being bitched-slapped in 2017 by an impoverished hole called Myanmar.

Hasina and AL leadership do not have enough self-respect it seems to have changed their thinking after 2017.

I agree.

And this is what is so infuriateing.

Lack of self respect.

It is EMBARASSING at this point if you are a Bengali/Bangladeshi.

Either Bangladesh gets its act together.

Or it's a colony of India and ultimately it is at the mercy of the goodwill of other nations.

What's gonna happen next time Burma acts up?

Cry to the UN?

Have you not seen how NO ONE cares.

Pathetic nation.
I agree.

And this is what is so infuriateing.

Lack of self respect.

It is EMBARASSING at this point if you are a Bengali/Bangladeshi.

Either Bangladesh gets its act together.

Or it's a colony of India and ultimately it is at the mercy of the goodwill of other nations.

What's gonna happen next time Burma acts up?

Cry to the UN?

Have you not seen how NO ONE cares.

Pathetic nation.

No idea why Hasina has totally changed her tune with respect to the military.

When she was in power between 19996-2001 BD wanted to buy 27 F-16s but the US turned it down as BD was too poor - that was the official reason anyway.

Then Hasina went to Russia and signed a contract for 16 Mig-29s with options for 16 more.

Still have fantasies of BAF flying those 27 F-16s and totally dominating MAF and so the savages would never dare mess with BD.

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I agree.

And this is what is so infuriateing.

Lack of self respect.

It is EMBARASSING at this point if you are a Bengali/Bangladeshi.

Either Bangladesh gets its act together.

Or it's a colony of India and ultimately it is at the mercy of the goodwill of other nations.

What's gonna happen next time Burma acts up?

Cry to the UN?

Have you not seen how NO ONE cares.

Pathetic nation.

The forces goal 2030 will not be realized, it's a bitter pill we have to swallow. Firstly in the absence of pressure from the civilian leadership on the military leadership to upgrade the military, the military would indulge in making money through other means instead of focusing on defense. Secondly the civilian leadership needs to have an understanding of the need for strong defense and then pursue a goal of building strong defense.

The civilian leadership has two problems IMO:

1. The leadership is old and do not understand the importance of defense.

- The leadership has spent most of their political career during a time when they were running a country that needed to be fed, nothing else was important. Their election agendas were always about 10 taka/kg rice, building of infra, reducing infant mortality, achieving high rate of vaccination for the children, rise of literacy rate and the likes. In their minds that is what politics is about, that is what delivering as a government was about and they didn't know any better. This situation is not changing because the oldies are not able to understand the new paradigm in the 21st century, that's why they still pledge 10 taka/kg rice even though they know it's not possible, clearly demonstrating what they understand to be good leadership and governance, clearly demonstrates what they consider running well a country.

2. The leadership has been dominated by females for far too long.

The defense forces have been in a steady decline sine 1990 when democracy was restored and female leaders ruled ever since.

I am not misogynistic but you have to understand the mentality of a female. A female of any country doesn't fight back if they are cat called on the street or threatened with molestation. They tend to scream to attract attention of others to help her or try to run away. This is 100 times true for Bengali women who are normally raised as home bound mothers or sisters.
On the other hand men try to fight back to the best of their abilities. We need men, not the effeminate and thief ones like Sajib Wajed or Tarek chora. I can tell you if a jamati rajakar variety comes to power he will rapidly upgrade the military and give befitting response to bullies, cause they are the Islamic variety as well as men. However, that's not a good option for us as they come with numerous other baggage and the cons far outweigh the pros. We just have to wait and see when we can get a male leader. BD didn't behave like this during the time of Mujib or Zia, even Moin-Foka government acted assertively.
I am not misogynistic but you have to understand the mentality of a female. A female of any country doesn't fight back if they are cat called on the street or threatened with molestation. They tend to scream to attract attention of others to help her or try to run away.
This is not always true.
Benazir Bhutto went to North Korea and brought Missile designs.

So Women have the courage to serve their country.
This is not always true.
Benazir Bhutto went to North Korea and brought Missile designs.

So Women have the courage to serve their country.

We are not talking about outliers, we are talking about the general trend. Besides Benazir was not in actual control, no Pakistani PM has ever been in actual control, Pak military was.
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We are not talking about outliers, we are talking about the general trend. Besides Benazir was not in actual control, no Pakistani PM has ever been in actual control, Pak military was.

Not strictly true as see what happened during first Hasina term from 1996-2001.

AL brought Mig-29s after F-16 request was rejected and there was the border skirmish with India where BD hammered the Indians.
Not strictly true as see what happened during first Hasina term from 1996-2001.

AL brought Mig-29s after F-16 request was rejected and there was the border skirmish with India where BD hammered the Indians.

That one action of mig and frigate procurement can't be shown as Hasina understanding importance of defense. The Roumari issue was also the doing of the BDR and it's commanding officer back then who was later rebuked by Hasina government for doing what he did. Hasina has ruled the country for a total of 18 years and except for mig and frigate procurement she basically did nothing else for defense. Actions during majority of her rule shows what she is, not an isolated procurement.
The forces goal 2030 will not be realized, it's a bitter pill we have to swallow. Firstly in the absence of pressure from the civilian leadership on the military leadership to upgrade the military, the military would indulge in making money through other means instead of focusing on defense. Secondly the civilian leadership needs to have an understanding of the need for strong defense and then pursue a goal of building strong defense.

The civilian leadership has two problems IMO:

1. The leadership is old and do not understand the importance of defense.

- The leadership has spent most of their political career during a time when they were running a country that needed to be fed, nothing else was important. Their election agendas were always about 10 taka/kg rice, building of infra, reducing infant mortality, achieving high rate of vaccination for the children, rise of literacy rate and the likes. In their minds that is what politics is about, that is what delivering as a government was about and they didn't know any better. This situation is not changing because the oldies are not able to understand the new paradigm in the 21st century, that's why they still pledge 10 taka/kg rice even though they know it's not possible, clearly demonstrating what they understand to be good leadership and governance, clearly demonstrates what they consider running well a country.

2. The leadership has been dominated by females for far too long.

The defense forces have been in a steady decline sine 1990 when democracy was restored and female leaders ruled ever since.

I am not misogynistic but you have to understand the mentality of a female. A female of any country doesn't fight back if they are cat called on the street or threatened with molestation. They tend to scream to attract attention of others to help her or try to run away. This is 100 times true for Bengali women who are normally raised as home bound mothers or sisters.
On the other hand men try to fight back to the best of their abilities. We need men, not the effeminate and thief ones like Sajib Wajed or Tarek chora. I can tell you if a jamati rajakar variety comes to power he will rapidly upgrade the military and give befitting response to bullies, cause they are the Islamic variety as well as men. However, that's not a good option for us as they come with numerous other baggage and the cons far outweigh the pros. We just have to wait and see when we can get a male leader. BD didn't behave like this during the time of Mujib or Zia, even Moin-Foka government acted assertively.

Absolutely fantastic post.
That one action of mig and frigate procurement can't be shown as Hasina understanding importance of defense. The Roumari issue was also the doing of the BDR and it's commanding officer back then who was later rebuked by Hasina government for doing what he did. Hasina has ruled the country for a total of 18 years and except for mig and frigate procurement she basically did nothing else for defense. Actions during majority of her rule shows what she is, not an isolated procurement.

That was not what I meant - one of the issues when communicating by typing on a forum.

When you combine both the Mig-29(16 + 16 option order) and frigate purchase then we can see that at least in terms of hardware, AL were serious about defence during 1996-2001. Ok, policy when it comes to robust defence posture may have been different and as the commanders on the ground at the time were not all picked for loyalty then BD military had more freedom to act away from the direct orders of the government.

In 14 years with current AL administration the only modern and capable hardware I can think of are the 4 Type-056 corvettes and the 18 TRG-300 MLRS. That is frankly pathetic for a country that is much more wealthy than between 1996-2001.

The 18 TRG-300 MLRS are an anomaly as they are offensive and modern weapons and in my opinion really put paid to the theory India "clears" what BD buys. Those systems could really hit Indian targets like airbases and ports hard if it ever came to war.

My take is that Hasina does not really see defence as important but she is not strictly saying no to BAF and other branches buying expensive cutting-edge hardware like fighters and frigates. The reason they are not doing so is that the leadership of these branches are corrupt and/or incompetents who are more interested in lining their own pockets than upgrading BD military capability.
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