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Bangladesh Navy

Great news!

1st step : Padma Class OPVs
2nd step : Durjoy Class LPCs
3rd step : Shadhinata Class Stealth Heavy Corvettes
4th step : Excited?

4th step : Stealth Heavy Frigate w/ToT (most probably 3000~3500 ton class, reduced size 054x). By that time electronics will have shrunk so much that the masts will have changed shape quite a bit.....

The navy chief said the construction of submarines has already been completed and they will arrive in Bangladesh by this year.
I wonder about the true meaning of the word "Construction." Can I presume that 2 units of submarines are being constructed newly in a Chinese dockyard the design of which is that of Ming class, and these are not the old and used ones?
. .
I wonder about the true meaning of the word "Construction." Can I presume that 2 units of submarines are being constructed newly in a Chinese dockyard the design of which is that of Ming class, and these are not the old and used ones?

He meant 'construction of submarine tugs' have started and (by now) completed (two).

The submarine base is also being built (well under way).
He meant 'construction of submarine tugs' have started and (by now) completed (two).

The submarine base is also being built (well under way).
Where will be the base located? Is it in Maheshkhali?
. . .
This is a de-classified Guide on Chinese Naval Power. I posted it here for the benefit of Bangladeshi members since there is a lot of interest in Chinese Navy vessels, especially subs.
Maybe @Penguin bhai can comment on the validity on some of this information below about Chinese subs, which seems a bit dated anyhow.

Nuclear deterrence
The mainstay of Chinese nuclear deterrence is land based mobile ICBMs, but the PLAN has long harbored the desire to carry its load of the burden. The first ballistic missile submarine was a sole Golf class diesel boat built with Russian assistance. The boat never became operational, instead being a testing boat for subsequent designs.

The Golf class boat was widely reported inactive but has recently be refitted, probably to assist in the JL-2 ballistic missile program. Due to its limited endurance and stealth the boat is unsuitable for operational employment except from Chinese waters from where, with JL-2s, it could hit Australia, Japan, Taiwan and some Russian and US overseas/Alaskan targets, but not mainland US. Compared to modern SSBNs to golf only carries two missiles verses a more typical load of 16.

The Golf was superseded by the altogether more modern Type-092 Xia class, with nuclear power and a hull form not unlike contemporary British and French SSBNs. The Xia class was comparatively unreliable and rarely ventured out of Chinese waters, it’s relatively short ranged JL-1 missiles not posing a serious threat relative to other SSBNs of the 1980s. Two boats were launched but one was lost and only one remains. This was reported out of service but has recently been refitted, repainted and as far as we can tell, returned to service possibly with upgraded missiles. The remaining Xia Class boat is ported near Qingdao:

Reports that the Xia class boat has been converted to a cruise missile carrier are interesting but unconfirmed.

The follow-on to the Xia class is the Type-094 Jin class SSBN. Compared to the Xia class these are of a similar design but significantly longer with the missiles placed further aft, and general improvements. The boats are overall comparable to Western SSBNs such as the French Le Triomphant class, although a notable characteristic is the older-generation conventional screw propulsion rather than the increasingly common pump-jet arrangement.

At least two boats have been commissioned with a total of 5 expected. Armed with just 12 SLBMs the Jin’s continue to carry fewer missiles than their western and Russian contemporaries, but the reported 8,000km range of the JL-2 is very formidable. It is unconfirmed as to whether they have MIRVs.

8,000km is not far enough however to hit mainland US from Chinese waters.

In order to threaten mainland US targets the Jin would have to make it past the formidable submarine tracking assets of US forces in the region (we can speculate bases in Guam, the tip of Alaska and Hawaii) and other ‘western’ allies such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and Taiwan. In essence the Chinese naval bases are every bit as ‘encircled’ by Western forces as the Soviets were, however unlike the Russians they cannot escape under the ice of the North Pole. China’s natural “bastion” is the Bohai Gulf to the west of Dalian, where we can reason that Chinese subs are relatively safe, but this does not offer the range advantage inherent of ocean-going submarine operations.

Perhaps a more likely operational patrol might be sailing south into the deep water of the South China Sea, or carefully sneaking into the Gulf of Thailand or Java Sea to target India from another less predictable angle, perhaps circumventing India’s growing anti-ballistic missile defences. There are reports of Type-094 SSBNs porting at the new submarine base on Hainan in southern China which lends itself to this latter scenario.


3. Submarines
As well as the modest force of SSBNs described above, PLAN has a relatively large and increasingly modern submarine fleet of both nuclear and conventional attack boats. These are of both Chinese and Russian designs and all could be modified to carry land attack cruise missiles, which China almost certainly has the technology for, if desired. Since around 2000 China has built several new submarine bases to accommodate the enhanced fleet.

3.1 Nuclear Attack Submarines (SSN)

5 x Type-091 ‘Han’ Class
2 + (est 5) x Type-093 ‘Shang’ class

The primary SSNs of the PLAN are the Type-093 Shang Class boats. These are generally thought to be equivalent of early Los Angeles class American SSNs and pose a serious threat to even the most modern adversary, especially with recent years of neglect in ASW circles. The PLAN has been using its submarines more aggressively, or rather more confidently, lately with high-profile incidents such as trailing US carrier battle groups. In this game, the Shang’s are China’s most potent submarines. Specifications and armament are not known but probably includes supercavitating torpedoes(Russian VA-111 Shkval-E) and anti-ship missiles, and possibly land attack cruise missiles. All torpedo tubes are mounted in the bow.

The Shangs are supported by 4 aging Han class. These were China’s first generation SSNs and share much in common with the Type-092 Xia class SSBN. A 5th Han has been retired as the newer Shangs join the line. The Hans are 1970s designs but remain a credible threat and satellite imagery confirms at least one boat undergoing refit recently which may include unknown upgrades.

3.2 Conventional attack submarines (SSK)

4+ x Type-041A/B Yuan class
10 x Type 636 ‘Kilo’ class
2 x Type 877-EKM ‘Kilo’ class
16 x Type-039/G/G1 Song class
10-15 Type-035 Ming class (retiring/reserve?)
5-8 Type-033 ‘Romeo’ class (retiring)

The most formidable SSK in Chinese service is the indigenous Type-041 Yuan class boat, which is clearly based on the Russian Kilo class but with extensive modifications similar to Russia’s own Kilo follow-on, the Lada class. The Yuan differs most noticeably in sail-mount hydroplanes and more conventional tail. The Yuan is also reported to have an air-independent propulsion system similar to those on the latest western SSKs for quieter running. There are two distinct models, -A & -B, with future boats expected to feature pump-jet propulsion.

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The Yuans serve along side a large fleet of Russian designed Kilo class submarines.

The Kilos are known to carry Shkval rocket-torpedoes and Club anti-ship cruise missiles, and represent a very potent striking force within the confines of Chinese littorals. The main base for PLAN Kilos is near the town of Qiangtouzhen south of Shanghai.

The other modern SSKs of the PLAN are the Type-039 and Type-039G/G1 Song Class. These were built in the mid 1990s to present and show French influence, but also some characteristics of the older Romeo and Ming class boats.

The original Songs featured a stepped sail similar to the Mings, but more recent boats of the ‘G’ and ‘G1’ variants have a more conventional sail to reduce noise.

China also operates a number of Ming and Romeo class diesel boats. The Mings are improved Romeo class produced in China but from a modern perspective are virtually inseparable. Most of the Romeos have now been retired and the Mings may be following suit.


China is not reported to employ any midget submarines but they cannot be ruled out. There were some midget submarines in the past, possibly prototypes, and one sub may be visible in Google Earth.

4. Missile Boat Menace

4.1 Type-022 stealth

China maintains the world’s largest fleet of missile boats, rivaled numerically only by Iran. The backbone of the PLAN missile boat flotillas is the extremely modern, and potent, Type-022 ‘Houbei’ class stealth catamaran.

The biggest deal about the Type-022 is not its stealth, or its innovative wave-piercing catamaran hull, or its powerful anti-ship punch; it’s that there are around 70 of these boats in service!

The Type-022 has program has maintained relative secrecy with no official figures of the number of boats ordered, and most observer’s estimates are around 40 hulls. My analysis suggests a figure higher still. The Type-022s rarely have hull numbers painted on them, but the Chinese have inadvertently assisted the most dedicated amateur analysts by painting each in a unique camouflage scheme – no two boats are painted the same! So someone with a enough patience could filter through the masses of photos of these boats and catalogue the ‘signature’ camouflage, thus allowing a reasoned estimate of force strength. I am that sad, although I gave up after the first few hundred photos! I’ve identified 64 distinct profiles.

We can speculate that the USN could use similar analysis of the upper deck camouflage to use satellites to automatically identify and track each of the class.

Errors, such as double-counting a hull, repainting of hulls etc, are probably cancelled out by the fact that I stopped my analysis without studying every available photo, and that there are boats out there which I simply haven’t seen. 70 is pretty reasonable, and whatever the figure it amounts to a huge fleet and reflects incredible resource dedication and industrial capacity given that it has amassed over just 5-6 years!

The hull of the boat is based on wave-piercing catamaran technology transferred to China from Australian firm AMD Marine Consulting (not Austal!) for fast ferries. A very similar AMD design shows the characteristic twin hull form:

Civilian models are powered by diesels and can achieve 35-40kts, typical of missile boats. The large exhausts of the Type-022, which vent between the hulls to reduce infrared signature, suggest gas turbines, potentially increasing top speed and acceleration. There are several related designs in Chinese civilian service as ferries or rescue boats.

The program started at least in 2000 when satellite imagery of the lead yard, Jiangnan in Shanghai, shows a slightly smaller catamaran design in civilian colours. In 2004 production Type-022s started to be turned out at Jiangnan. The Type-022s are significantly larger than the “prototype” or proof-of-concept hull at about 45m length. Production was extended to other yards to meet demand. By 2008 building of Type-022s at Jiangnan had slowed to a trickle or ceased completely, and the yard is now being redeveloped. It is not clear whether construction ius continuing elsewhere but it appears that the bulk of the fleet has been built.

The boats were also produced in Guangzhou starting in 2005/6.

Each Type-022 boat carries 8 x JY-83 anti-ship missiles. These have a range of about 200km with external targeting, or about 18-25km when relying on the boat’s onboard radar for targeting (depending on size of target. Calculation using http://radarproblems.com/calculators/horizon.htm)
External targeting is more probable, certainly in optimal employment, and the Type-022 has various sensors including a stealthy fold-down datalink antenna. Variants of this missile are generally claimed to have been responsible for the striking of Israel’s corvette Ahi Hanit off the Lebanese coast in July 2006, although that was possibly a much smaller missile.


Operationally the Type-022 appears to operate using pack tactics with four or more boats. With each boat carrying 8 missiles, that equates to up to 32 anti-ship missiles per attack. Saturation attacks have long been discussed but are obviously hard to pull-off and have never been employed in a real war. Type-022 appears to be built and operated with such attacks in mind. A typical Type-022 base has at least 8 boats based there, such as this one:

The Type-022 compares favorably to other missile boats in many respects. Of particular relevance is the new Kuang Hua IV class of the Taiwanese navy. On paper these are also stealthy, though less so than the Type-022. Stealth is such a large part of Type-022’s design that even small details like the windows have RCS reducing saw-tooth edges.The Kuang Hua is significantly smaller, particularly in internal volume, and less well armed in both anti-ship missiles (4 x HF-II) and guns (1-2 crewed 20mm guns or more commonly 2 crewed .50cal machine guns).

Although the 30mm AK-630 CIWS is reasonably effective against aircraft and missiles at point range, it has a limited arc of fire the Type-022 lacks any air-defences at the rear:

Generally there is a school of thought that missile boats are not a serious threat to ‘real’ navies. One popular theory propagated by the Royal Navy is that the missile boats would be easily sunk by shipboard helicopters before they could get within range of launching their missiles. This is a valid argument for a RN frigate operating in the Arabian Sea, approached by Iranian boats. Indeed RN Lynx helicopters armed with Sea Skua missiles proved very effective in both the Falklands and Gulf wars. But this argument appears less convincing when the Type-022 is taken as the adversary. It is relatively stealthy, operating in littorals, employing data links to achieve long range targeting and deployed in huge quantities. It’s also worth remembering that in a scenario where China was facing a major navy (even Taiwan’s) the opposing helicopter force would be subject to distraction of submarine hunting, and quite possibly air-supremacy. Most countries do not equip their shipboard helicopters with anti-ship missiles anyway.

Regardless of the above assessment, many observers regard the Type-022 as a doctrinal dinosaur, a hang-over from the PLAN’s Soviet influenced strategies of the past and that PLAN should only be spending on blue-water assets. An interesting perspective worth thinking about.

4.2 Other missile boats

In the 1990s many observers expected the Type 520T HOUJIAN class (aka Type-037-II) missile boats to be the next major production FAC (Fast Attack Craft) of the PLAN. Only 5 were eventually built, of which one was nearly sunk in a collision and had to be extensively rebuilt. These boats are larger than previous PLAN missile boats and carried 6 YJ-8 series anti-ship missiles (probably YJ-82). The vessels also have heavier anti-air weaponry than previous designs with two twin 30mm AAA and one twin 37mm gun.

One vessel was fitted with a Russian AK-176 76mm gun, and another tested the FL-2000 SAM system. The vessels are based in Hong Kong and Guangzhou on rotation.

The PLAN also operates a large fleet of Type 037-IG (Houxin Class) Missile Corvettes which are essentially Type-037I (Haijiu class) sub-chasers with YJ-8 series anti-ship missiles bolted onto the stern. The Type-037I was produced in much larger quantities than the more advanced but contemporary Type-037-II described above, with 18 in service with the PLAN. All are serving with the Southern fleet.

The PLAN also has a large number of obsolete Soviet-era Osa class missile boats (locally produced as Type 021 Huangfeng) and Type-024 Houku class boats (based on Soviet Komar class). All are retired or in reserve and do not pose a credible threat in today’s battlefield.
China is not reported to employ any midget submarines but they cannot be ruled out. There were some midget submarines in the past, possibly prototypes, and one sub may be visible in Google Earth.

Seems to be an outdated article. China does operate at least one 35 meter special operations midget submarine, similar in size to North Korea's Sang-O class.


As well as operating several classes of swimmer delivery vehicles, also classified as midget submarines.




China is not reported to employ any midget submarines but they cannot be ruled out. There were some midget submarines in the past, possibly prototypes, and one sub may be visible in Google Earth.


This is the midget submarine in the photo above, it's clearly different from the other shot I posted.



China currently operates at least one midget submarine alongside several classes of swimmer delivery vehicle, and the above has been retired.
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Seems to be an outdated article. China does operate at least one 35 meter special operations midget submarine, similar in size to North Korea's Sang-O class.

As well as operating several classes of swimmer delivery vehicles, also classified as midget submarines.


This is the midget submarine in the photo above, it's clearly different from the other shot I posted.


Thanks for the very informative post!

Midget subs are fascinating for special ops such as harbor warfare however I do not know if such ops play a large part in Chinese naval doctrine.

Yes - the article is dated (2010) however there is a lot of interest in Bangladesh Navy circles on 'real' Sub purchases past the two refurb Mings for training already bought. These will possibly be variants of the KILO/S20 but won't be ballistic missile carriers (obviously) like the confirmed Pakistani S26/S30 models.

More details about Pakistani S26/S30 project.


Pakistan Navy's Project S-26/Type 032 Qing-Class & Project S-30/Type 032 Qing-Class Submarines

China’s R & D programme to develop the double-hulled Project S-26/Type 032 Qing-class and Project S-30/Type 032 Qing-class SSK submarines—all to be powered by China-developed Stirling Engine air-independent propulsion systems—was begun in January 2005.

The first and only S-26 was launched at Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan in September 2010, and it completed its harbour-trials by September 2012. Its sea-trials commenced on October 16, 2012 in the Bohai Sea. The S-26 has a length of 92.6 metres, width of 10 metres, hydroplane width of 13 metres and a height of 17.2 metres. It has a draught of 6.85 metres when surfaced with a displacement of 3,797 tons. It operates at a submerged depth of 160 metres, but can dive as deep as 200 metres. Maximum surfaced speed is 10 Knots and maximum submerged speed is 14 Knots. It can operate with a crew of 88 for 30 days without resupply, or 200 crewmen for three days.

The S-30 will have a submerged displacement of 6,628 tons, and will be armed with four vertically-launched Babur long-range land-attack cruise missiles and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM), most likely the upgraded JL-1 SLBM. Construction of the first S-30 is presently underway at Wuhan. Deliveries, however, will not commence until 2020 at best.

The S-26 and S-30 submarines are being developed by China solely for the Pakistan Navy, and they will not enter service with the PLA Navy. The Pakistan Navy will procure four S-26s and four S-30s. China will also supply Pakistan with a submarine rebuild centre (SRC) that will be located at Ormara, and a VLF communications facility that will be located at Turbat. Deliveries of the S-26 submarines will begin by 2017.

Guys we don't know the actual location.

I hope we can agree that the less discussion on this - the better. :-)

In this age of satellite no classified information remains secret to an enemy country. Quite a deep sea is needed near the base. I guess, Paira cannot be built for a base because the sea there is not that deep. Unlike the surface ships, the submarines go out of or come back to the base under the water. A submarine surfaces up when it is inside the base. Maheshkhali, Cox's Bazaar area may be suitable for a base. Some of the sea islands may also be suitable.
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