Could Pennant numbers be ready at this point? Wouldn't the subs need a overall cleaning up, refurbishment and refit before pennant numbers are assigned? I saw two different subs in the last image @
aliaselin posted (maybe two different Ming versions?).
Here's a link for an article from last December with some information. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at how a pair of obsolete subs (but useful to Bangladesh as first training subs) like the late Ming class could spark high-flying discussion of the Indian navy being 'unsettled'. Of course Indians have an AC group in the area (I forget whether Eastern or Southern command). So much BS and hogwash...
China to Sell Bangladesh 2 Submarines | The Diplomat
I take that comment back - they're the same subs, the inboard one has the top cover on the prow open and is not as loaded (and submerged) as the other one.