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'Bangladesh-model govt in Pakistan'


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'Bangladesh-model govt in Pakistan'

'Bangladesh-model govt in Pakistan' | World | bdnews24.com

Fri, Oct 5th, 2012 10:59 pm BdST

Dhaka, Oct 5, (bdnews24.com)—Pakistan's deposed Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said an undeclared government modelled on Bangladesh is functioning in Pakistan.

He suggested the parliaments in both countries were "worthless" in that they have no say in decision-making.

His statement on Thursday came months after he was unseated by the Supreme Court, which later also disqualified 11 federal and provincial lawmakers for dual nationality.

"An unannounced Bangladesh-model government is functioning in the country as decisions are taken somewhere else and Parliament is worthless. The opposition also wants such a government," the Hindustan Times quoted Gilani as saying.

The paper further said through the statement Gilani also indirectly referred to the Supreme Court's growing influence in Pakistan.

Bangladesh is also having a problem over which organ of the State -Judiciary or Parliament- is superior and expecting an order from the Appellate Division to settle the debate this Sunday.

"When I was declared disqualified for upholding the Constitution of Pakistan, Parliament did not put its weight behind me. And now it is shedding tears at the disqualification of other Parliamentarians with dual nationality, which is of no use now," the Hindustan Times quoted Gilani telling reporters at Lahore airport.

Gilani was overthrown by a Supreme Court that convicted him of contempt and subsequently disqualified him over not reviving graft cases against President Asif Ali Zardari, who heads the ruling Pakistan People's Party.

The Indian newspaper also reported on its website about Gilani regretting Parliament's failure to assert its rights.

"The Pakistani Parliament should have risen to the occasion when its boss (Prime Minister) was shown the door by the Supreme Court for protecting the Constitution," Gilani reportedly said.

WHo the hell is Gilani to say this?? He knows nothing about Govt anyways
There are three branches of a government: Parliament, Executive Branch and Judiciary Branch of which only the Parliament is the supreme and soverign body. Other two Branches are also sovereign but are not supreme. Parliament enacts laws and Judiciary acts and gives verdicts based on these laws. Executive Branch, although independent, has to follow the directives of and decisions taken in the Prliament. A decision taken by the Cabinet must also be endorsed by the Parliament.

But, in case of Bangladesh and Pakistan Judiciary has taken the front seat. It was Pakistan that initiated this untenable and illogical situation. Remember the case in Pakistan whereby a SC Judge was reinstated by the Executive Branch. BD judiciary followed Pakistani examples. Ruling party in BD also saw in this system an opportunity to safeguard its interests when the Judiciary is given the power to outperform the Parliament in some special cases.

The ruling party influences the Court to give a verdict on certain political issues. It then uses this verdict to strengthen its position vis-a-vis the opposition. Caretaker govt system is such an example.

This is how the Judiciary is getting upper hand in both the countries. An unelected 4 or 8 member Bench of Judiciary has been bestowed with power to stop a decision taken by the elected 300-member Parliament in Bangladesh. It is a pure example of 'The tail of a dog controlling its body.'
^^^ Judiciary in India is trying to eat away the powers of parliament too but most people do not know difference between democracy and politics, in their mindless hatred against politicians, people help destroy democracy.

Policy formulation is the priviledge of parliament, off late judiciary seems to be dabbling in it.

Specific to bangladesh, caretaker govt is undemocratic, one should be able to condict free and fair election under a elected regime.
In case of BD the judiciary is completely controlled by BAL dalals not the other way around but as far as I know PAK judiciary is very much independent so much so that they can kick out an elected PM. SO what's the similarity here?
In case of BD the judiciary is completely controlled by BAL dalals not the other way around but as far as I know PAK judiciary is very much independent so much so that they can kick out an elected PM. SO what's the similarity here?

NO. More importantly, how did an elective representative came into a firefight with the Supreme Court Judges is relevant !!

Guilani thought that supreme court will be unable to do anything hence he was adamant in not initiating anti-corruption charges against Zardari.

He banked on the above thing so much so that Supreme COurt had no other option but to press ganged him into submission.

Btw, in pure objective terms, Supreme Court Is the highest authority vis-a-vis constitution. It can remove any elected govt from office by terming it as unconstitutional.
1) Guilani thought that supreme court will be unable to do anything hence he was adamant in not initiating anti-corruption charges against Zardari. He banked on the above thing so much so that Supreme COurt had no other option but to press ganged him into submission.

2) Btw, in pure objective terms, Supreme Court Is the highest authority vis-a-vis constitution. It can remove any elected govt from office by terming it as unconstitutional.

1) SC of a country may send its recommendation to the govt of that country if the matter is purely the authority of the Executive Branch. However, SC has no authority to execute it. Only the Parliament can do it. Any anti-corruption charge against the President of a Republic must be discussed and debated in the Parliament of the country before it is enacted by it.

It will be a kind of impeachment and only with the authority given by the Parliament the Chief of Executive Branch (PM Guilani) can move to execute the wish of the Parliament. However, not only that the SC ordered the PM to execute and then the same SC also declared him out of office. This is ridiculus.

2) Yes, SC is the highest authority on the Constitution when a certain clause interfere with the substance of another clause. A SC Bench consisting of highly knowing Judges will look into the discrepancy and give its verdict. But, surely it cannot declare a govt unconstitutional for the sake of saying so.

Opposition or someone must file a complaint, and before considering the matter the Judges will first take into consideration all the judicial points stated by the complaintants. In case of inconsistencies the complaints will be declared unfit for trial and will be rejected.
In case of BD the judiciary is completely controlled by BAL dalals not the other way around but as far as I know PAK judiciary is very much independent so much so that they can kick out an elected PM. SO what's the similarity here?

It's actually controlled by executive/admin not BAL... any govt. ascends controls judiciary in BD. As currently BAL is there, they are controlling it now, BNP does the same. Both BAL/BNP have their manifesto every time before election to make all 3 of these independent of each other. It never gets materialized because BAL/BNP thugs association know well that they can't run more than 6/8 months if judiciary is independent. Moreover, all thugs (including Hasina/Khaleda) will be hanged undressed by verdict of SC. Recently Pakistan made its judiciary independent which is causing trouble for thug leaders to run corrupt admin and this happened to the fate of thug Gilani which is appreciable and great example too. There's no similarity with BD because here in BD no ruling party thugs/killers have to face any judiciary as long as they are on power, let alone PM. Gilani along with his son (forgot the name) failing to loot more just lost balance a bit. However, he pointed out some valid points too for both Pakistan and BD.
Some jamaati/BNP claims that BD govt. runs by RAW, :woot:do they want the same? :cheesy:
Sh!t.. guilani just nailed it.. they think their democracy has degraded to BD level... Dunno he has lost it or it's a shame for BD :woot:
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