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Bangladesh minister says Islam is not our state religion, will revert back to 1972 constitution

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1971 was a blessing.......for Pakistan.
Otherwise with such a large population of Bangladesh, their atheism would have been imposed on us.
Thanks Mujeeb and Bhutto for your greedy infighting for power, which caused the death of millions and separated Bangladesh from "Islamic Republic of Pakistan ". Loud and proud Islamic Republic.

Bangladesh is not a Muslim country. It is secular country where 'Bengali Muslims' are majority. You might say why I quoted Bengali Muslim word.

Bengali Muslim and other Muslims are not same types. You have Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloachis, Pashtuns these 4 major language group but you whole heartedly accepted Arabic scripts for your language but Bengali Muslims refused Arabic script for Bengali. For Bengalis anything written in Arabic script is Arabic. We don't know what are Urdu or Farsi alphabets.

Bengali literature mainly developed by Hindu pandits, preists, landlords such as Rabindranath Tagore who is the author of national anthem of Bangladesh. Muslim contribution in Bengali literature very small compared to Hindu contribution. There are Muslim novelists but most Bengali Muslim novelists are atheists such as Muhammad Zafar Iqbal. His name is Mohd. but he is a atheist and a Hindu sympathisers.

Bengali Muslims could not get the meaning of Qur'an. A Hindu preist first translated Qur'an for Bengali Muslims. Bengali Muslims initially almost totally dependent on Hindu teachers for education as there were extremely few Muslim teachers in Bengal. Hindu philosophies run in the veils of educated Bengali Muslim intelectuals who are just cultural Muslims by name only due to upbringing.

There was an acclaimed Bengali Muslim film maker Tareq Masud. He was raised and educated in resedential Madrasah. He was tortured by Muslim teachers in madrasahs. He showed it in his film. He showed Islamic teachers are barbarous and against music, social mixing, against Bengali cultural festivals etc. It is shown in his film Matir Moyna.

1971 war genocides increased number of atheists in the country. They think Bangladeshi freedom fighters whom you call "Mukti terrorists" fought a war against radical Islam in 1971. That's one main reason why many Bangladeshis are just cultural Muslims.
Believe me, Bangladesh is secular country. Our ethnic cultural identity is Hinduism but our religious identity is Islam. As a nation we are not Islamic at all. We are Hindu by culture but Muslim by faith.
Won't be the first time Bangladesh has betrayed their religion. Once a traitor always a traitor.
STFU dude weren't you the idiot opening up threads looking for ways to die for Islam

I suggest use your nearest fan if you are really itching for it...
I feel you are ea false flagger
^^^^ don't quote me traitor. I don't speak with self hating traitors. Traitor.
While in Indonesia


Jakarta, 02/06/2017 MoF - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati participated in Pekan Pancasila held in
the Ministry of Finance on Thursday (01/06), after attending the ceremony with the President and the Vice President. According to the Minister, "Saya Pancasila" or I am Pancasila, is an emphasis on self-concerned related to the values of Pancasila.

"For me, Saya Indonesia, Saya Pancasila is to emphasize and to assure that we have the soul of being Indonesian and the spirit of Pancasila. I am not from another nation, I am Indonesian, with Pancasila as the principle. That's what I want to say," she stated.

Pancasila or the five moral principles contained a meaning to be implemented in everyday life. The first principle is the belief in the one supreme God. The second principle is just and civilized humanity, which the minister believed that humanity would not distinguish one's origin. "It doesn’t mention that the person should be Indonesia, he or she must be Javanese, the religion must be Islam. It means that we must be just and civilized," she conveyed.

The third is the unity of Indonesia which means every action, expression, and behavior should aim to strengthen unity. "If we decide public policy, we must also mean to keep the solid unity of Indonesia," she added. The fourth principle is democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations among representatives, which is about responsible democracy and consensus basis decisions that represented the people.

The last is social justice for all Indonesians. "It relates to us in the Ministry of Finance, because we will concern about what we decide, we design in the state budget, the taxes, the expenditures. Will it bring us closer to social justice for all Indonesian people," explained the Minister. (as/rsa)

While in Indonesia

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Jakarta, 02/06/2017 MoF - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati participated in Pekan Pancasila held in
the Ministry of Finance on Thursday (01/06), after attending the ceremony with the President and the Vice President. According to the Minister, "Saya Pancasila" or I am Pancasila, is an emphasis on self-concerned related to the values of Pancasila.

"For me, Saya Indonesia, Saya Pancasila is to emphasize and to assure that we have the soul of being Indonesian and the spirit of Pancasila. I am not from another nation, I am Indonesian, with Pancasila as the principle. That's what I want to say," she stated.

Pancasila or the five moral principles contained a meaning to be implemented in everyday life. The first principle is the belief in the one supreme God. The second principle is just and civilized humanity, which the minister believed that humanity would not distinguish one's origin. "It doesn’t mention that the person should be Indonesia, he or she must be Javanese, the religion must be Islam. It means that we must be just and civilized," she conveyed.

The third is the unity of Indonesia which means every action, expression, and behavior should aim to strengthen unity. "If we decide public policy, we must also mean to keep the solid unity of Indonesia," she added. The fourth principle is democracy led by the wisdom of deliberations among representatives, which is about responsible democracy and consensus basis decisions that represented the people.

The last is social justice for all Indonesians. "It relates to us in the Ministry of Finance, because we will concern about what we decide, we design in the state budget, the taxes, the expenditures. Will it bring us closer to social justice for all Indonesian people," explained the Minister. (as/rsa)

The general beliefs and practices of Agama Hindu Dharma are a mixture of ancient traditions and contemporary pressures placed by Indonesian laws that permit only monotheist belief under the national ideology of panca sila.[26][66] Traditionally, Hinduism in Indonesia had a pantheon of deities and that tradition of belief continues in practice; further, Hinduism in Indonesia granted freedom and flexibility to Hindus as to when, how and where to pray. However, officially, Indonesian government considers and advertises Indonesian Hinduism as a monotheistic religion with certain officially recognized beliefs that comply with its national ideology.[26][67][68]

Pancasila is indeed very ISLAMIC
Believe me, Bangladesh is secular country. Our ethnic cultural identity is Hinduism but our religious identity is Islam. As a nation we are not Islamic at all. We are Hindu by culture but Muslim by faith.

This pretty much it, even though I may be downvoted.
if he had said that a state should have no religion but islam is the dominant religion hence islamic traditions have to be respected then we could argue.

BUT this minister is a hindutvadi. Mentioning islam by name and targetting it proves it.

I would love to ask this hindutvadi if he refutes the two nation theory. If bangladesh refutes the 2 nation theory, the state of bangladesh cannot exist.
This is a false statement, if the state of Nepal exists then definitely Bangladesh can also exist.
Noting can replace good governance, if you don't take care of your own countrymen then they will rebel. Pakistan loosing Bangladesh is it's own doing, following a common religion does not mean you can ignore good governance. Eg...Even brothers will kill each other if they don't get their equal share in family property.
Is Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) more power than a prophet ISA (a.s) ?

Grave of Hazrat Bilal. Does anyone go worship, do Sajda to his grave? Or for ask for help from him?

Abu Harariah (radillahu anhu) reported the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalaam) said, "At the time of the Fajr prayer the Prophet asked Bilal, "Tell me of the best deed you did after embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise." Bilal replied, "I did not do anything worth mentioning except that whenever I performed ablution during the day or night, I prayed after that ablution as much as was written for me."

If was in power, I would have pass the ruling that state will look after Mazhars in Pakistan. Government will be responsible for collecting money to keep up of those facilities and stop all un Islamic activities. No grave worshiping, or kissing the grave or doing Sajad to the grave, people can only read Fatiha/Dua from 6 feet away.

Honestly I don't have the knowledge to answer your first question. I assume that the Prophet Isa (as) has been given more power and significance than any awliya. Those who suggest otherwise are in dangerous territory in my opinion, but my opinion carries no weight. I won't argue a point either way in something I have no knowledge of.

Secondly I don't deny that the pir etc we see and the acts we see at the mazars include unislamic acts including those which could be deemed shirk based on the intention/knowledge of people who commit them. I agree with your suggestion - these places have become money making factories and are run by thugs and charlatans.

I went to khari Sharif in my last trip to Pakistan and was very uncomfortable with what I saw. Too much ritual and no studying.

Any sunni alim with an ounce of decency will condemn the wrong acts committed by individuals. However these wrong acts are not condoned or encouraged by the books of Ahmed Raza Khan nor are they encouraged by our ulema.

I agree with your suggestion that these places should be owned by the state - these fake pir have blackened the name of islam and caused so much harm to society.

My problem with your statement is that you condemn all barelvis for the incorrect acts of a few. Ultimately we take our deen from the hanafi fiqh, same as anyone else in our part of the world.

The differences lie in fringe arguements and understanding and the approach you take puts that stuff in focus and makes it important when ultimately its not. This is the way of our jahil mullahs of the subcontinent who have got our religious state into the gutter and it needs to be condemned.

You ask 1000 people on the street if Allah swt can lie and you might get a huge difference of answers. Whether deobandi, barelvi, wahhabi, Shia whatever people have not studied this ridiculous theological question, people likely don't know the answer and it really doesn't matter. However in our part of the world stupid arguements like this are being used regularly by mullahs to spread discord amongst the population.
Well done. Keeping state and religion separate is one of the keys to success of Bangladesh in building a more tolerant, inclusive, and progressive society. On the other hand there is us, going deeper into the rabbit hole with each passing day. Na independence per yeh maulviyon nai chora tha, pakistan ko bech kay hee sans lengay mullah log
Brother, which molvi become PM in Pakistan?. Also please tell me what non molvi did to our country? Don't put blame on other when you own the mistake
The idiotic dictators should have never inserted religion into the constitution in the first place. Most backward, secterian hellholes on the planet are plagued by the toxic mixture of politics and religion.
It does not take a genious to figure out that the most peaceful and progressive nations are truly secular (not referring to parody secular states like India).

Having said all that, BAL should stay away from making any changes to the constitution in this regard. The BD population is too backward, ill-informed and emotional to think clearly on this topic. It is not worth triggering suicide bombings just for the sake of virtue signalling to non-Muslims.
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Bangladesh has the option to opt for an ethnic identity. We in West Pakistan don't. Until a new identity based on the Indus Civilization is established, Pakistan will have to make Islam a part of it's peoples' identity.
State Minister for Information Dr. Murad Hasan says to press meet that Islam is not our state religion. We will revert back to 1972 constitution soon offered by our father of the nation Bangabandhu.

Minister Dr. Murad Hasan also says if Mullahs start shouting we will not listen to them. They keep their fraudulence by giving reference to some Ayats and Suras. They can shout but we will make sure Islam is no longer state religion of this country.

Listen to the video.


Will revert to 1972 constitution; bill to be placed soon: Murad
15 October, 2021, 06:55 pm
Last modified: 15 October, 2021, 06:58 pm

State Minister for Information Murad Hassan has said Bangladesh is a secular nation and will return to its 1972 constitution offered by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Military dictators tried to undermine Bangladesh's core ideal of secularism by declaring Islam as the state religion, he said.

"We'll soon return to the 1972 secular constitution that founding father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave to Bangladesh after independence," he said in a video post, also while visiting a Puja venue last night.

Murad said Islam is not state religion and he does not believe in that. "We'll return to the 1972 constitution. We'll get that bill passed in parliament under the leadership of the Prime Minister (Sheikh Hasina)," he added.

Murad Hassan said they will table a bill soon in Parliament. "I don't think there's anyone in parliament to oppose it."

He came down heavily on former military dictator HM Ershd and Ziaur Rahman for incorporating Islam as state religion in the constitution and lashed out at the BNP-Jamaat for unleashing violence and creating divisions in the country in the name of religion.

Earlier, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the people irrespective of caste, creed and religion celebrate all festivals together in Bangladesh, adding: "Religion is for individuals and festival is for all and we enjoy every festival together."

But there are some cliques who are out to destroy the spirit by staging some communal incidents, she said.

indians should learn from this. writing on preamble is not enough as long as the spirit of the populace is majoratorian.
1971 war genocides increased number of atheists in the country. They think Bangladeshi freedom fighters whom you call "Mukti terrorists" fought a war against radical Islam in 1971. That's one main reason why many Bangladeshis are just cultural Muslims.
So Bengalis have begun deviating from Islam based on fairytales such as the Bangladesh Genocide?
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