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Bangladesh Military prepares to defend motherland in the face of Myanmar aggression .


May 8, 2017
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United Kingdom
The Bangladesh military is preparing for war as Myanmar refuses to withdraw from the sovereign territory of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Navy has already deployed five warships, while the fleet has been put on alert. The Bangladesh Air Force is also preparing according to sources within the organisation. Bangladeshi's from all walks of life have condemned the aggression by the neighbouring country ruled by an oppressive regime.

Tension is mounting over the intrusion of Myanmar vessels into Bangladesh territorial waters after Myanmar Tuesday said it will continue exploration of oil and gas in deep-sea blocks in the Bay of Bengal.

Bangladesh on Sunday and Monday twice summoned the Myanmar envoy in Dhaka and lodged strong protest asking to stop exploration in Bangladesh territorial waters.

Foreign Adviser Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury yesterday told newsman that a high-level delegation to Myanmar, led by Foreign Secretary M Touhid Hossain, will try to defuse the current situation.

He said more substantive discussions on maritime boundary will take place on November 16 and 17 when a delegation from Myanmar, to be headed by a Deputy Minister, will come to Bangladesh.

The Foreign Adviser said, "It will be our endeavour to settle the issue diplomatically, for Bangladesh is a peace-loving country. But let it also be understood that we will do all that it takes to protect our sovereignty."

He said Bangladesh has so far refrained from energy exploration in disputed waters. "It is our hope Myanmar will do the same."

The World Bulletin, an online news source, referring Reuters news agency reported that Myanmar will press ahead with oil and gas exploration in deep-sea blocks in the Bay of Bengal despite Bangladesh's claim to the disputed area.

"We have no reason to stop the exploration activities since these blocks are located in our exclusive economic zone. We will go ahead with it," a senior official from Myanmar's Foreign Ministry told Reuters.

"We summoned the Bangladeshi Ambassador to the Foreign Ministry on November 2 and lodged a complaint against the intrusion of their naval ships into our territory, and told them to leave," the official told the news agency, declining to be named.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh and Myanmar overnight mobilized more war ships in the Bay of Bengal as diplomatic efforts were underway to resolve the row over the Yangon's attempt to explore hydrocarbon in disputed maritime boundary.
you gay pig, this is old... and you always open a thread with this news... wtf
kill yourself wasteman
BD obviously did a great job back then in doing what it promised and that's why 150,000 soon to be 300,000 rohingya have NOT recently flooded into BD after SHW said she would take no more in anymore (to add to the 500,000 already returned in the last exodus waves).

BD also promised there would be no more airspace violations by MM after the first one, and this clearly prevented MM from violating said airspace 16 more times at least.

Bangladesh everyone! Give them a slow clap.;)
So what ? i didn't invited u over here .

And mind ur bloody language ...
Do not falsify the events and do not rape this forum. The way you talk, you are not welcome here. You must apologize for your misbehavior.
its time to build strong military relationship with Turkey & Iran. but now BD in the Saudi Islamic coalition, in this present situation it is easy to build up relation with them. becoz we know so many BD people working in the Saudi Arab. time to break this barrier.
So what ? i didn't invited u over here .

And mind ur bloody language ...
I won't. Especially when you constantly copy paste the same news from 8 years back even after repeated notice.

its time to build strong military relationship with Turkey & Iran. but now BD in the Saudi Islamic coalition, in this present situation it is easy to build up relation with them. becoz we know so many BD people working in the Saudi Arab. time to break this barrier.
Saudi coalition is a joke.
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stop opening up thread useless one when there is one to post already

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