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Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

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They have chosen the right time if they really wish to attack.But we should not underestimate Myanmar's capabilities,they probably buys their military hardware from China and most important from black market.Their defence expenditure is more than Bangladesh,though most of it goes into the pockets of their generals.

Myanmar had started to train its sailors again extensively after last years stand off.So saying they are weak after cyclone Nargis is not wise.
We can't afford an war,but if they attack us we will have no choice.USA would be more than happy to help us I believe,for its own interest.
China will remain silent,probably will sell arms to both parties like Iraq-Iran war.But they can help us if there are talks with Junta.
Guys check this out and realize the Burmese are an inch closer to commit suicide...

You people know the term "hustler"?Its a slang for people who hides his abilities and raises the stakes in games,and then pulls it off.
The article could be fake,I mean untrue.The reason is to give Bangladesh a surprise during war,as we will be underestimating their capabilities.So better leave these things on the Intelligence guys.
BDR stays alert on Myanmar border
Frontier people panicked by troops build-up
Staff Correspondent

Bangladesh border guards stay alert on Myanmar-Bangladesh borders following the neighbouring country's move to erect barbed-wire fences on its side of 200-kilometre land borders with Bangladesh.

"We are aware of the matter. Everything remains normal," Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) Director General Brig Gen Moinul Islam told The Daily Star yesterday.

He ruled out the rumour that no senior BDR official is on the borders and said there was nothing to panic for the people living on Bangladesh side.

Foreign Secretary Touhid Hossain told The Daily Star on Monday that Bangladesh has no problem if Myanmar erects fences on its territory.

Our Bandarban correspondent reports: People living in the bordering areas got panicked following deployment of huge number of Myanmar troops along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border.

Of the 200-kilometre border between the two countries, 173 km is along Bandarban. There are 11 border outposts in Naikkhangchhari upazila and eight in Thanchi upazila.

Earlier, initiatives were taken to increase the number of BOPs on Bangladesh side but it was not materialised.

When contacted, acting Bandarban Deputy Commissioner Satyajit Karmakar said the situation in bordering areas remain completely normal.

Dochhari Union Parishad (UP) Chairman Habibullah Khan told The Daily Star over telephone that although the BDR members have been put on alert, no high official of the paramilitary force was there since the February 25-26 mutiny at the BDR headquarters.

Dipak Barua, UP chairman of Ghumdhum Ghat, close to the Myanmar border, said they failed to find any BDR official to enquire about the border situation.

He said assistant police super of Lama Circle in Bandarban sometimes comes there to supervise the BDR men.

The Daily Star - Details News


BDR men have one chance to improve their reputation now.Its ironic that we are relying on them again as our first line of defence.
Myanmar is under military embargo, with limited resources how much can they add on. They might have enough foot soldiers, but assets i dont think so.

Myanmar would be inviting trouble by attacking Bangladesh which is a democratic country.
well yes I think us being a democracy is a plus point.Plus Hasina's in the seat,who apart from renaming some stuff after her father,has been making some liberal changes.Politically yes we have an advantage.
But militarily I am not sure.Arms embargo don't work usually you know.and they have trained with IDF air force units I read somewhere.

We can't afford an war,but if they attack us we will have no choice.USA would be more than happy to help us I believe,for its own interest.
China will remain silent,probably will sell arms to both parties like Iraq-Iran war.But they can help us if there are talks with Junta.
when **** hits the fan only then we will find out what's the reality,I mean who will help us.I concur with you.Underestimating anyone is stupid.

On the Other hand if they are just erecting fences inside their territory they are most welcome.We should do our own now it's becoming absolutely imperative.
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when **** hits the fan only then we will find out what's the reality,I mean who will help us.I concur with you.Underestimating anyone is stupid.

On the Other hand if they are just erecting fences inside their territory they are most welcome.We should do our own now it's becoming absolutely imperative.

Well for now they seem to be doing exactly that and we don't have any problem with it.But bringing their navy close to border is suspicious,probably another attempt to intrude our territory.Our troops are on high alert for that.
Why not send couple of missile boad with C-802??? we can even hit Rangoon with them ... :enjoy:
This lastest move actually does not pose any real threat but designed to intimidate and distract Bangladesh defense forces. I would ask folks here to look deeper you will get the clue.
Myanmar moving to fence border

Dipu Moni keeps mum on barbed-wire fencing of border by Myanmar

bdnews24.com, Dhaka

Defying a bilateral accord, Myanmar has started fencing along the Bangladesh border, according to government officials in Dhaka.
The officials say some 200 "troops" have also been stationed just on the other side of the demarcation line.

"Officials of the coast guard and the deputy commissioner of Cox's Bazar have told me that a new contingent of troops has mobilised across the Naaf river," home secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikder told bdnews24.com Monday night.

"But this is nothing serious," he added. According to a bilateral agreement, neither Bangladesh nor Myanmar can fence along the border or mobilise troops along the line without cause. On Mar 15, according to the Bangladesh officials, , Myanmar's border force Na Sa Ka began deploying necessary equipment for fencing in the village Kyin Gun just across the bordering river Naaf.

"We have gathered they will construct a fence along Maungdaw township to Paletwa township," one senior official told bdnews24.com Monday. The official insisted he not be named.

A foreign ministry official claimed that the Myanmar ambassador in Dhaka met the foreign secretary at his office and informed the latter of the fencing plan last week. The foreign secretary, Md Touhid Hossain, denied having discussed any such thing with the Yangon diplomat.

"We talked about the Rohingya problem," Touhid Hossain told bdnews24.com Monday night. "He did not tell me anything about fencing."

UNB adds:

Foreign Minister Dipu Moni preferred to keep mum on the reported barbed-wire fencing along Bangladesh border by Myanmar with the backing of its troops.

"I don't like to give any opinion…We'll firm up our stance considering the situation," he told reporters Tuesday at the Foreign Ministry when her comments were sought on the reported border fencing and mobilization of troops by Myanmar.

Asked whether the government is concerned over the situation along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, she said if any situation of concern takes place along the country's frontier, "we will be concerned".

UNB Cox's Bazar correspondent Tofael Ahmed on Tuesday reported that the Myanmar authorities with the support of their border-force Nasaka and the army kept erecting fences on their territory along the Bangladesh border for the last two days.

Sources on the Myanmar side said the barbed-wire fencing is designed to stop acts of sabotage in Myanmar by Myanmar insurgent groups operating from Bangladesh territories, an allegation always denied by the Bangladesh government.

The sources said the fencing was also aimed at halting the smuggling of prawn cultivated on the Myanmar side.

In another development, the Myanmar authorities are trying to construct a dam on the Dabfari Khal on the Myanmar side opposite to Ulubunia frontier in Hoaikong union of Teknaf upazila. In 2001, they also made a similar attempt but later retreated in the face of stiff protest by BDR personnel. Teknaf OC Jamal Uddin Chowdhury said BDR patrol has been strengthened in the area.

leading news
They seem to be only erectiong a fence on their side so far .

It that a problem ?
Just a clue,

Dhaka-Delhi maritime boundary talks begin today

Dhaka and Delhi are scheduled to sit for a two-day meeting in the Indian capital from March 17 to discuss maritime delimitation.

The two neighbours are yet to resolve their overlapping claims over exclusive economic zone for extraction of marine resources in the Bay of Bengal.

Just a clue,

Is there a diff between a maritime & land boundry ? Are there any disputed areas between Burma / BD ?

If not then what is the prob if Burma fences ?
That's not a problem,but they also mobilised navy ships,that's something to worry about.

Ships etc are mere postulating. They are possibly smarting after they had to back down last time.
Sorry for my ignorance -
What is exactly the problem that is causing tensions between BD & Myanmar? I mean, whats the central issue for which both countries can have a war?
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