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Bangladesh is in a violent phase and India must do all it can to see a friendly regime return to pow

Mozena as a person is not in question here. Principal matter is US policy and how india hijacked that policy to interfere and coerce Bangladesh. All these indian news reports of US-india difference is largely for public consumption because

1) US Ambassador exposed india riding on US shoulder in wide open space and indians wants to mask that desperately.

2) US-India strategic understanding by which india intrude, coerce and label Bangladeshis as "fundamentalist" are still there. And under part of that same understanding US appointed indian descent Nisha Desai. Expectation that Nisha Desai to act JUST as bureaucrat is just as good as expectation she does not have indian DNA.

By the way, there is news in the air Mrs. Desai can't wait to get to Bangladesh and get her hand dirty.

As Bangladesh level US policy are set at her level, india hijacking US policy has now wide open scope than before. Unless, US make unequivocal policy proclamation of Bangladesh policy separation and there are evidence in US action to suggest such separation, press report and/Mozena as person is irrelevant in terms of policy. Just looking favorably on BNP is not such unequivocal policy proclamation of Indian separation.

This policy separation should be a FOBANA lobbying project from Bangladeshi-American community.
Is he Indian or Bangladeshi?

It's not the one that works for BBC. That's is some other guy who lives in Culcutta.

Could even be a moniker. Never heard of any Sumir Baumik. No photos, nothing. And for good reason I believe :azn:
It's not the one that works for BBC. That's is some other guy who lives in Culcutta.

Could even be a moniker. Never heard of any Sumir Baumik. No photos, nothing. And for good reason I believe :azn:

Please read the second article you posted, I think its the same guy.

Before him, Subir Bhaumik, the former BBC bureau chief for Eastern India, recently joined Bangladesh's first internet-only newspaper as a senior editor.
He has 32 years experience in journalism- 17 years at the BBC. He now writes regularly for Al Jazeera, BBC, The Times of India, Telegraph and many other publications.
Author of two well acclaimed books 'Insurgent Crossfire' and 'Troubled Periphery: Crisis of India's Northeast', Bhaumik is a former Queen Elizabeth House Fellow at Oxford University and a Eurasian Fellow at Frankfurt University.
It should be noted how Indians infiltrated into Bangladeshi newspaper and then calling India to intervene in Bangladesh. More importantly who are these people facilitated Indian infiltration in media, in business and in Bangladeshi establishment. This should raise alarm in all media and establishment. But virtually no noise among Indo-Awami sushils and among talk show regulars? These people should not be forgiven and not their beneficiaries either.
India had been intervening in Bangladesh directly since 1/11 regime and that provides Bangladesh with unfettered license to intervene in North East or any other place in India. Not a good credit for Bangladesh for future use.
Bangladeshis and their smear campaign :rolleyes:

Smear campaign or not, it's funny to see an Indian being hosted in Bangladesh, and asking his country to military intervene his host in case things don't go to his liking. lolz.... 
It should be noted how Indians infiltrated into Bangladeshi newspaper and then calling India to intervene in Bangladesh. More importantly who are these people facilitated Indian infiltration in media, in business and in Bangladeshi establishment. This should raise alarm in all media and establishment. But virtually no noise among Indo-Awami sushils and among talk show regulars? These people should not be forgiven and not their beneficiaries either.

One name: Salman F. Rahman.
Smear campaign or not, it's funny to see an Indian being hosted in Bangladesh, and asking his country to military intervene his host in case things don't go to his liking. lolz....

Mind pointing out where has he asked his country to militarily intervene in Bangladesh? :what:

The issue is simple, US wants a naval base in Bangladesh, and the BNP and Jamaatis seem to have struck a deal with the Americans. Essentially doing what Musharraf did with Pakistan, selling the country out for small gains.

Its a tricky situation, a US naval base in Bay of Bengal will not only tick the Chinese off, it will affect India too in the longer run. Remember the report in the Indian media about the US base in Chittagong? that wasn't out of the blue and it was deliberately leaked by the Indian authorities to the media. This is the exact reason why India is not voicing its concerns about Chinese deep sea port in Sonadia, anymore. Cause a Chinese sponsored deep sea port and US naval base can't exist next to each other. It all adds up.

India could get the AL to agree to US demand for a base in Bangladesh, and get US on the AL bandwagon, but then, a US naval base in the neighborhood is in no ones interest, other than the US itself! As I said earlier its not in India's long term interests.

Dangerous game all this, brought to you by America's pivot to Asia. :enjoy:
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Mind pointing out where has he asked his country to militarily intervene in Bangladesh? :what:

As Bangladesh slides into a violent imbroglio, India appears nervous over the future of its east and northeast which are afflicted by violent statehood movements and insurgencies. It cannot afford a hostile government in Dhaka. This, in a way, revives the pre-1971 scenario where a similar situation forced India to back the Bengali insurrection and militarily intervene in East Pakistan, braving threats of a US naval intervention.

That implies it.

The issue is simple, US wants a naval base in Bangladesh, and the BNP and Jamaatis seem to have struck a deal with the Americans. Essentially doing what Musharraf did with Pakistan, selling the country out for small gains.

Its a tricky situation, a US naval base in Bay of Bengal will not only tick the Chinese off, it will affect India too in the longer run. Remember the report in the Indian media about the US base in Chittagong? that wasn't out of the blue and it was deliberately leaked by the Indian authorities to the media. This is the exact reason why India is not voicing its concerns about Chinese deep sea port in Sonadia, anymore. It all adds up

India could get the AL to agree to US demand for a base in Bangladesh, and get US on the AL bandwagon, but as I said earlier, a US naval base in the neighborhood is in no ones interest, other than the US itself. But as I said earlier its not in India's long term interests.

Dangerous game all this, all brought to you by America's pivot to Asia. :enjoy:

Again, a fictional military base in Chittagong.

Oh boy, here we go again.
That implies it.

Oh so now "he implies it", not the same as calling for an intervention is it?

If the Government in Bangladesh will get itself involved in anti India shenanigans India will obviously hit back, covertly and overtly.

Again, a fictional military base in Chittagong.

Oh boy, here we go again.

You don't have to believe what I say, just like I don't believe majority of the tripe that gets posted here by BNP and Jamaat fanboys.

You ll see it all unfold right in front of your eyes in the next few years. :wave:
Another report manufactured by TheCrusaders100. We will see many more in the coming days.

That makes sense. TheCrusaders100 makes the false flag cases behind the scenes, RAB arrests them and then RAW asset media's publish them to make them as international news items. This is how any desired image is manufactured for Bangladesh.
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