so you are u trying to imply these are different things and and your army doesnt owes allegiance to your country? so your army will never fight an other islamic army if it invades your country?
the job is army anywhere in the world is to protect its country from external agrression so that civilian leadership can continue with its job of civillian welfare. It is as simple as that.
you have got a nice country with functional institutions, why are you so keen to change their character and destroy them.Religion is to be practised in our private lives , in our conduct and not as a tool to bowbeat our opponents.
Democracy has returned to your country and people have overwhelmingly reposed their trust in it. Doubting the elections will weaken the institutions of your country.and this will only harm Bangladesh.The strength of the country lies in the trust the people have in its institutions(not only military but others like judiciary election commission, police).It's time to strengthen your institutions to make them a model in this region and not doubt and destroy them
The situations of Muslims in the world has gotten so bad that no Muslim Army of the state would fight ever fight another Muslim Army of another state. They think "sab se pehley Islam".