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Bangladesh India tensions & Awami League


Sep 7, 2008
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Right before the Awami Leagues victory in Bangladesh, the relations soured a bit. The BNP is caliming massive fraud in the elections and maintains that the BNP was prevented from taking power in Bangladesh becuase the pro-Indians wanted to ensure an Awami League victory.

The AL will surely improve relations with Bangladesh. Shaih Mujib Ur Rehman had actually signed a Treaty of Freinship with Bangladesh wich would have paved the way for the absorption of the Muslim country into India. On 14th August 1975 Banagladeshi patriots assassinated Mr. Mujib and left his corpse to rot in the street for days. This was a signal to India that Bangladesh did not want to be part of India.

Recently the Indians have blamed Bangladeshis for terror in india and for massive immigration into the bordering states.

Ms. Hasina Mujib will be able to navigate the Bangladeshi ship through some rough waters balancing the sovreignty of the Muslim Nation with the demands of India. It will be a tight rope with the Bangladeshi army watching each and every move very carefully.

A new generation of Bangladeshi leaders is now emerging, untainted by the events of 1971.

DHAKA, Dec 27: Bangladesh summoned India’s ambassador on Saturday to protest exploration work by Indian ships in gas-rich waters claimed by both the neighbours, officials said.

Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Touhid Hossain summoned Indian High Commissioner Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty to his office and handed over a written protest urging an immediate cessation of survey activities, a foreign ministry spokesman said.

The complaint came after naval personnel spotted an Indian survey ship and two support vessels late on Thursday in territory claimed by Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal.

Bangladesh says the area in question is part of its deep-sea gas block number 14, which analysts say is rich in hydrocarbon.

Crew members on the Bangladeshi vessel asked their Indian counterparts to exit the waters but were told they were in their own waters, a foreign ministry statement said.

In a separate written statement, Foreign Minister Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury urged New Delhi to “postpone the survey” until a settlement was reached on the territorial dispute.

“We are confident that peaceful deliberations and diplomatic measures will ultimately lead to a mutually acceptable solution in this regard,” the statement said.

Indian High Commissioner Chakravarty told reporters after the meeting that it was incorrect to call the water disputed but that there was “an overlapping claim” on it by both countries.

“I don’t know exactly what work they are doing there but these are survey ships. They will finish their work and then go,” he told reporters, adding that New Delhi was keen to sort out the dispute through diplomacy and had asked Bangladeshi officials to travel to India to discuss the matter.

“They are chartered ships, not Indian Navy ships. Bangladeshi Naval ships, however, are in the area.”

The Bangladeshi foreign secretary said: “We have taken the Indian proposal positively but hope India will remove the survey ships.”

A naval commander told AFP that two Bangladeshi ships had been sent to the region and a third was on its way as reinforcement.

Last month, a similar row between Bangladesh and its eastern neighbour Myanmar flared over another disputed stretch in the bay. Bangladesh deployed four ships and put its navy and armed forces on high alert after a South Korean company escorted by Myanmar ships began work in the area. A series of meetings between the two failed to resolve the dispute and it was only after Myanmar removed the ships that it simmered down.-AFP

‘ISI cleared of Mumbai involvement’ Thu, 18 Dec 2008 10:13:35 GMT

The FBI has cleared Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of any involvement in last month’s terror attack on India’s financial hub.

After interrogating the sole surviving gunman, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concluded that the ISI was cleared of any involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks on November 26, Pakistani daily The Dawn quoted diplomatic sources as saying on Thursday.

The ISI was accused of being involved in the Mumbai attacks due to its past associations with the LeT, which received CIA and ISI support to fight the soviet-backed government in Afghanistan.

The CIA had built extensive bases for the LeT in Pakistan and Afghanistan to train thousands of guerrilla fighters, according to Frontline magazine.Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has repeated asked India for concrete proof implicating the LeT in the attack, as tension between the two neighbors intensifies.The nuclear-armed nations already have a history of three wars since independence from Britain in 1947.
whose heart beats for a country more?
someone who sits thousand of miles away and has nothing to do with the country or someone whose families gave their blood for it. AL has won a victory and a massive one in an election which the world applauds and you are calling them anti-national? An elected party is called anti-national by foreigners.
Why Indian's are Celebrating of if AL won. Don't worry my indian friends Hasina batter not mingle too much with India. If so she will have the same fate like her father. Remember Bangladeshi Military is Islamic Military not secular or pro-indian.........
It's only in your imagination that believes that India is celebrating AL's win.

We deal with whoever rules Bangladesh, in the same way we deal with whoever rules Russia or US.Relations between natins are based upon commom interests .

Your choice of words is interesting "Bangladesh Army is Islamic"
I believe Bangladesh Army would prefer to describe itself as nationalist.
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Why Indian's are Celebrating of if AL won.
What makes you think Indians even knew electinos were being held in Bangladesh

FYI no news channel here had Bangladesh News anything prior to the 3-4th item to be reported

The only reason it evoke some sparks of interest here was because of the Bangladeshi citizens rescued by the Indian Coast Guard recently so close to the election time

A good healthy democracy with pro-Bangladeshi governance is what you should be asking for

A strong foreign policy can be formulated only after the home policy is set in order

India, quite frankly remained indifferent to elections held in Bangladesh
It's only in your imagination that believes that India is celebrating AL's win.

We deal with whoever rules Bangladesh, in the same way we deal with whoever rules Russia or US.Relations between natins are based upon commom interests .

Your choice of words is interesting "Bangladesh Army is Islamic"
I believe Bangladesh Army would prefer to describe itself as nationalist.

Check out this video and tell me if it's islamic or nationalist.........

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The BNP is caliming massive fraud in the elections and maintains that the BNP was prevented from taking power in Bangladesh becuase the pro-Indians wanted to ensure an Awami League victor

It does not matter what India wants or not want. If it would had been matter, AL would have ruled for the whole time. The same is true for India as well, as any BD govt would want congress or any secular party should rule India. Will that stop BJP not taking over the power?

The AL will surely improve relations with Bangladesh. Shaih Mujib Ur Rehman had actually signed a Treaty of Freinship with Bangladesh wich would have paved the way for the absorption of the Muslim country into India. On 14th August 1975 Banagladeshi patriots assassinated Mr. Mujib and left his corpse to rot in the street for days. This was a signal to India that Bangladesh did not want to be part of India.

His name was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

On 14th August 1975 Banagladeshi patriots assassinated Mr. Mujib and left his corpse to rot in the street for days. This was a signal to India that Bangladesh did not want to be part of India.

Mr. Mujib was assasinated on 15th of August and not 14th and he was buried the same day (by the Army chief himself). He was killed inside his own home, so no question of street here.

Ms. Hasina Mujib will be able to navigate the Bangladeshi ship through some rough waters balancing the sovreignty of the Muslim Nation with the demands of India. It will be a tight rope with the Bangladeshi army watching each and every move very carefully.

Her name is Mrs. Sheikh Hasina Wajed
Indian High Commissioner Chakravarty told reporters after the meeting that it was incorrect to call the water disputed but that there was “an overlapping claim” on it by both countries.

He is right on his comment. These are overlapping territory and very common in sea boundary. He also said, Bangladesh has its right on this territory as well as India has their own. Good response.. that is what BD want which Myanmar was unwilling to accept. India did withdrew their ship the following day the official protest sent to Delhi.

Seems like the author of this article has a very crude knowledge regarding BD history, politics and international relationship. People should refrain from posting these kind of articles in the forum which will only mislead the readers..
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Check out this video and tell me if it's islamic or nationalist.........


so you are u trying to imply these are different things and and your army doesnt owes allegiance to your country? so your army will never fight an other islamic army if it invades your country?
the job is army anywhere in the world is to protect its country from external agrression so that civilian leadership can continue with its job of civillian welfare. It is as simple as that.

you have got a nice country with functional institutions, why are you so keen to change their character and destroy them.Religion is to be practised in our private lives , in our conduct and not as a tool to bowbeat our opponents.

Democracy has returned to your country and people have overwhelmingly reposed their trust in it. Doubting the elections will weaken the institutions of your country.and this will only harm Bangladesh.The strength of the country lies in the trust the people have in its institutions(not only military but others like judiciary election commission, police).It's time to strengthen your institutions to make them a model in this region and not doubt and destroy them
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so you are u trying to imply these are different things and and your army doesnt owes allegiance to your country? so your army will never fight an other islamic army if it invades your country?
the job is army anywhere in the world is to protect its country from external agrression so that civilian leadership can continue with its job of civillian welfare. It is as simple as that.

you have got a nice country with functional institutions, why are you so keen to change their character and destroy them.Religion is to be practised in our private lives , in our conduct and not as a tool to bowbeat our opponents.

Democracy has returned to your country and people have overwhelmingly reposed their trust in it. Doubting the elections will weaken the institutions of your country.and this will only harm Bangladesh.The strength of the country lies in the trust the people have in its institutions(not only military but others like judiciary election commission, police).It's time to strengthen your institutions to make them a model in this region and not doubt and destroy them

The BD army itself born with the philosophy of secularism. If you look at our civil society the most progressive force of Bangladesh, you will see retired army officers' overwhelming presence in there who continuously advocating for democracy and liberty. Most of our senior generals in army are also western educated and very enlightened.

There were a policy in BD army which which were inherited from PK legacy of teaching the soldiers of some Islamic Myrtyrism to make them brave in the battle field. I am not sure whether they still practice that or not. But this has nothing to do with Islamic army philosophy.
I entirely agree with you an thanks for sharing knowledge with me

When I was in school, during 1996 - I had went to watch a function commerating the 25 th year of Bangladeshi Independence, at Maidan ground in Kolkata.There the whole story of the Bangladeshi freedom movement was narrated, there were speeches of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman ,the language movement, clippings of that period, the chants of Jai Bangla and the war of 1971. There were some retired army officers of Bangladesh who had fought in the war and shared their personal experiences.It was quite a touching experience.
Your choice of words is interesting "Bangladesh Army is Islamic"
I believe Bangladesh Army would prefer to describe itself as nationalist.

You are right.I have seen many top ranking officers like Maj. General belonging to Hindu religion and also some Chakma officers.
A new generation of Bangladeshi leaders is now emerging, untainted by the events of 1971.

You got that right, we were independent for too long to let anyone f*** with our sovereignty. We bow to only Allah (SWT) and no other foreign government. Bangladeshis want good relations with India; the Indian people and Bangladeshi people get along great they have no grudges with each other. However, the actions of the Indian federal government toward Bangladesh is what makes Bangladeshis hate India.
It's only in your imagination that believes that India is celebrating AL's win.

We deal with whoever rules Bangladesh, in the same way we deal with whoever rules Russia or US.Relations between natins are based upon commom interests .

Your choice of words is interesting "Bangladesh Army is Islamic"
I believe Bangladesh Army would prefer to describe itself as nationalist.

Well it's in the news that India congratulated AL's leader Sheik Hasina. Did they do that in 2001 when BNP's leader Khaleda Zia won?
It's only in your imagination that believes that India is celebrating AL's win.

We deal with whoever rules Bangladesh, in the same way we deal with whoever rules Russia or US.Relations between natins are based upon commom interests .

Your choice of words is interesting "Bangladesh Army is Islamic"
I believe Bangladesh Army would prefer to describe itself as nationalist.

You really don't know Bangladesh's Army do you? Bangladeshi military are patriots, not nationalists. And yes they are Islamic. My cousin is a 2nd Lt. in the Army branch of the Bangladesh's Army, and they wake him up 6:00 AM sharp in the morning to read fajr namaaz (morning prayer for Muslims). Doing prayers is mandatory for Bangladeshi soldiers, is that Islamic enough for you?
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