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Bangladesh Hindu Parishad protests vandalism of temple in Pakistan

Im saying Imran Khan took care of mandir situation, so no point in them protesting.

They are protesting against isis Taliban mentality which want to spread butshikan ideology in the world.
They are protesting against isis Taliban mentality which want to spread butshikan ideology in the world.

Bangladeshi Hindus already have a lot of rights in Bangladesh.

Pakistan took care of Mandir situation. Arrested everyone and promised to rebuild.
They are not crazy . They have the might of 1.4 billion Hindus right next door standing poised with a sledgehammer ready to strike.
Hindus look after each other globally

Hindus are the biggest cowards... They can't fight.

They lynch each other over caste.... Dalits getting the worst treatment...
Hindus are the biggest cowards... They can't fight.

They lynch each other over caste.... Dalits getting the worst treatment...
Are you unaware of events of 1971 ?
श्रीमान जी बुतशिकन मंसिक्ता पूरे विश्व में छाया हुआ है । बुतशिकन मंसिक्ता की विजय इंडोनेसिया में देखें जहां बुत के अवशेष तो हैं परंतु कोई पुजारी नहीं । वो धरती पूर्व युग में सनातनी धर्म के मान्ने वालों से आबाद थी ।
कबीरजी का दोहा ।
दुर्लभ मानुष जन्म है, देह न बारम्बार,
तरुवर ज्यों पत्ता झड़े, बहुरि न लागे डार।
Activists protest in Dhaka against persecution of minorities by authorities in Pakistan

Activists protest in Dhaka against persecution of minorities by authorities in Pakistan

08January, 2021by ANI

Dhaka [Bangladesh], January 8 (ANI): In the wake of Pakistani authorities attacking religious minorities in the country, activists staged a protest in the Bangladeshi capital on Friday.

The protesters included Sumon Kumar Roy, president of Bangladesh Hindu Bar Association; Kapil Krishna Mandal, general secretary of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Bangladesh Branch and Subir Kanti Saha, convener of Hindu Parishad.

These protests come in the backdrop of a temple that had been set on fire and was vandalised in the Karak district of Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. On December 30, a mob of over a hundred people led by local Muslim clerics had destroyed and set on fire a Hindu temple in the Karak district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. A viral video clip on social media showed a violent mob destroying the walls and roof of the temple.

This act against the Hindu minority community has been widely condemned by human rights activists based in Pakistan and other parts of the world.

"Although the Hindus of Pakistan are outraged by this incident, Imran Khan's administration has not yet taken any action. Hindus in the area could not protest due to fear. Pakistan is now slowly becoming a hell for the people of the Hindu community," VHP general secretary Kapil Krishna Mandal said.

Dipankar Sikder Dipu, one of the members of Hindu Parishad, hit out at the Imran Khan-led Pakistan government for playing the role of a mere spectator despite knowing the reality of the situation.

"Hindus living in Sindh province were subjected to severe torture by fundamentalists and women were forcibly taken away and raped.

After abduction of minors and young women, they were converted and married off forcibly.

Imran Khan's administration is fully aware of these incidents but continues to play the role of a silent spectator," Dipu said.

Subir Saha said that at least 1,000 minors are raped and converted by force every year. Saha added, "The trend has been exacerbated by the recent epidemic, with the US State Department listing Pakistan as a country of special concern for religious freedom violations earlier this month."

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom reports that minors from Pakistan's Hindu, Christian and Sikh communities were forcibly abducted to convert to Islam and forced into marriage and raped, for which no action has yet been taken.

Sumon Kumar Roy, president of Bangladesh Hindu Bar Association, said that Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan have to live as second class citizens and are discriminated against in every step of life to get accommodation, job, government facilities.

"Many members of the Pakistani Hindu community feel that many Hindu families are now being forced to convert to Islam because they cannot tolerate inhumane treatment and torture," Roy added.

Members of the European Parliament have recently issued a scathing report on the extreme misery and persecution of religious minorities in Pakistan, according to Christians, Sikhs, Hindus or Ahmadis. They have shown one example after another from real life, showing how women and children from minority communities are being raped and abducted. They are constantly being threatened with death, Roy pointed out.

The President of Bangladesh Hindu Bar Association called for all donor agencies, including the European Union, to suspend all financial assistance to Pakistan if the persecution and human rights violations against religious minorities are not stopped, and to ensure equal rights in all areas, including the enactment of the Minority Protection Act in Pakistan.

The International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) also called on the Imran Khan administration to conduct a thorough investigation into all these incidents and ensure that the perpetrators are punished severely under the country's customary law. (ANI)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the authors' and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this publishing house

Hinduism is our 2nd religion.... PM haseena Wajid
Are these Bangladeshi Hindus crazy??? ... In Pakistan the Indian sponsored proxies that tear down temples are rebuilt by Pakistani government and people... In India you have state sponsored Babri Masjid
They aren't common Hindus. They are the terrorists of proxy war of sanghis .

Priya Saha the traitor (who intentionally alleged Bangladesh to oppress Hindus )was one of them.
What is the first religion?
Islam and it's state religion. However in Indonesia they recognise 5 religion , as far I know and they are the largest Muslim nation.
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They are protesting against isis Taliban mentality which want to spread butshikan ideology in the world.
How do you know that huh ? They aren't mainstream Hindus . I am not saying vandalism in Hindu Mandir is good thing , but tbh , these protests aren't by Hindus , but hindutva scums.
What is the first religion?

Bang sanskriti
How do you know that huh ? They aren't mainstream Hindus . I am not saying vandalism in Hindu Mandir is good thing , but tbh , these protests aren't by Hindus , but hindutva scums.

They are supporting the right cause. they know first hand how all bangalis were treated in 1971.
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