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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Leon, today is March 23rd. Do you have any specific reason to post March 2nd, 3 weeks old news?
It was on Bdnews24,didn't check the date.I thought it was fresh news.Hold on I am checking it again.

I have checked other major newspapers and there were no news of 38 BDR men arrested on March 21st or around that date.

bdnews24 posted the news on March 21st but news dated March 2nd. It can be safely concluded bdnews24 is playing someone game.
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153 mutiny suspects sent to jail

One hundred and fifty-three Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) mutiny suspects were sent to jail today in connection with the BDR carnage case.

The move was taken when Criminal Investigation Department (CID) police produced the 153 BDR jawans before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate’s (CMM) Court, Dhaka around 5:30pm and prayed to shown them arrested in the mutiny case.

Metropolitan Magistrate Faisal Atiq Bin Kader granted the petition for showing them arrested in the case and sent them to jail, as the CID did not seek any remand for them.

The case was filed with the Lalbagh Police Station.

Meantime, Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) also detained 14 more border guards for their alleged involvement with the killings and lootings at the BDR Pilkhana headquarters on February 25-26.

Rab said they collected important information on the BDR carnage from the arrestees.

The arrestees were handed over to Lalbagh police for taking next legal actions against them.

The same court also placed sepoys Gofran Mallick and Gausul Azam on a three-day remand each and Abdul Latif on a seven-day remand when CID senior Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Abdul Kahar Akand produced them before the court and sought remand against them.

CID is also interrogating 34 taking them in the custody.

CID has so far showed a total 328 BDR mutiny suspects arrested in the case.

The Daily Star - Details News


This one is today's news.
I hear that a leaflet has been circulated in the cantonment in the name of some Islamic front threatening officers that their children will be kidnapped if sent to school. Does anyone know about this? If this is true then this is a serious escalation and clearly the Islamic angle is a ploy.
I hear that a leaflet has been circulated in the cantonment in the name of some Islamic front threatening officers that their children will be kidnapped if sent to school. Does anyone know about this? If this is true then this is a serious escalation and clearly the Islamic angle is a ploy.

Not sure about it but many English medium schools have been threatened I heard,claiming they will bomb when there are classes going on.Point to be noted,many officer's children study in these English medium schools.Moreover,pahela Baishakh is coming on.So won't be surprised if something actually happens or made to happen.
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I hear that a leaflet has been circulated in the cantonment in the name of some Islamic front threatening officers that their children will be kidnapped if sent to school. Does anyone know about this? If this is true then this is a serious escalation and clearly the Islamic angle is a ploy.

The English Medium schools ( i guess 108 schools) in Dhaka last week held a meeting and asked for increasing security although there was no such news about circulation of any such leaflet. Now if this has happend after a week of that meeting then indeed Bangladeshis should be carefull someone is also trying to create another Islamic monster in BD just to carry on their international agenda of WoT.
Agreed Leon. In her finite wisdom she choose to solve this thing by negotiation, which i believe would have seemed fair had this incident ended up calm. In hindsight we and you know that those butchers were simply buying time. But was she in a position to know the intention of the mutineer's.

None the less, How does all this make my country a suspect?

Q 1= But was she in a position to know the intention of the mutineer's?
Yes--from all available news report, she must have known, though she always acted as if not. When RAB & Police personnel knew by late morning 25th Feb 09 that killing has taken place, which must have reached top-brass within minutes, [see The daily Star 26th Feb 09 edition in net] and PM at top does not know---it can not happen. If it does happen, she is simply incapable. Please accept this as fact.

Q 2= How does all this make my country a suspect ?
Through circumstantial evidence and simply by association. Entering the barn, if you find substantial chunk of hays have clearly been eaten up, and there were only a cow and a dog inside---whom do you implicate ? If BAL or SH is implicated, India comes in smooth as silk----remotely or physically involved : that is a matter proof.

India and BAL are becoming each other's liability (not asset any more), and India---otherwise on the path of progress---showing here arrogantly a 'loser’s' attitude which you should correct.

I am sure you will refrain from the embarassing attempt with that 'out-of-mileage' immediate next question (as has been noted in this forum) : How come you elected BAL with a record mandate ?---and now talking this & that.


Democracy is made workable & perfect---not automatically but---by people and by good or bad actions of other powers that live within the mass and, also, very close across the border, and some away, too, with remote-control capability.

While very simple-minded people of Bangladesh wanted this democracy to work for them, powers of vested interest within and outside of Bangladesh played on the contrary. Yet, our people---with every failure---getting smarter, and will continue the struggle to root-out those who always put the wrong leaders---but belonging to them---when we run democracy.

Bangladesh people--just liberated, and with limited education & progress--is feeding 160 m people in a small boundary, its 1st Generation businessmen leading the world-wide market of RMG, its tiny Army is praised for UNPK role, and, in addition, health & life expectancy and literacy have improved dramatically, General & Child mortality have reduced significantly, Infrastructure & Industry sector have shown marked development, and Bangladesh can look eye-to-eye be it Padua or Bay of Bengal.

Irrespective of getting heartless pinching or smiling encouragement from others, we shall proceed ahead---please be assured---and are resolved to go the end---and will remove the wrong Govt. sooner, and try to put an improved one---despite continued negative roles of vested-interest-network, and no matter how many times we fail in choosing the right or fall in traps.

We are getting smarter with every fault----that matters most to us.
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Suspicion list is way different from convicted list,so don't feel bad yet.We feel kind of same,when there is Bomb blast in India and "BD terrorists" are suspected,but it turns out to be someone else.

1.India is in suspicion list because India is a net gainer of the overall situation,don't ask for details,by now you probably memorized those.

2.The action of "pro-Indian" govt. in BD is very suspicious.That makes normal people like me wonder,"are they acting under the supervision of India?"

3.Some interesting facts,which just don't add up.Like Indian media knowing "Inside-out" of the rebellion and more.

Just wait for the Military investigation report to come out.Inshallah it will be the correct one,the Govt. one can never be impartial,so don't trust it.Especially the JMB thing.JMB was under severe check of RAB.After AL govt. came to power,many JMB members were arrested by RAB,thus making it weaker(it was already weak when its top brass was arrested and executed).So it sounds absurd that it can conduct such massive operation.

There is a big difference. India has blamed HUJI for quite a few of terror acts. Acts of terror killing innocents in my country. But here you have your own paramilitary forces involved in the killings of your own armed forces. And yet some members are having blast of time cooking up conspiracy theories to blame india without even waiting for some investigation to finish.
Just wait for the Military investigation report to come out. Inshallah it will be the correct one,the Govt. one can never be impartial,so don't trust it.

Do you really believe that Military I/Report will 'come out' ? I am apprehenisve that it will not see any day-light---even if completed under duress. I wish you prove to be correct.
showing here arrogantly a 'loser’s' attitude which you should correct.

Through circumstantial evidence and simply by association. Entering the barn, if you find substantial chunk of hays have clearly been eaten up, and there were only a cow and a dog inside---whom do you implicate ? If BAL or SH is implicated, India comes in smooth as silk----remotely or physically involved : that is a matter proof.

Straight, maybe next time you will like to stick to the question on hand. We simply don't care about how you guys are growing up smarter and smarter day by day. And similarly you need not worry about my country's attitude.

Coming to the only decent line in your whole rant, Circumstantial evidence needs decent amount of corroborative evidence to support it. In absence of which, your so called "Circumstantial Evidence" becomes a defunct Theory.

The only corroborative evidence as per your post is India's relationship with Hassina? That is your best bet?
Straight, maybe next time you will like to stick to the question on hand. We simply don't care about how you guys are growing up smarter and smarter day by day. And similarly you need not worry about my country's attitude.

Should I really respond to your 1st part ?

In case you are really seeking the truth---not picking a fight---you may start First with The India Doctrine by Barrister MBI Munshi, and read other posts by regular Bangladeshi members.
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