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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

But danger and crisis is Awami League govt with help and direction from Indian destroying BD armed forces piece by piece. That is happening as we speak.

Its not only commerce minister, today all of Awami govt in sync with Indian propaganda line to paint Bangladesh and Bangladesh armed forces in fundamentalist light. Finance minister Muhit yesterday created another story line against domestic investment (lifeline of economic growth) using Indian originated fundamentalist lie.

Like mother like son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy started the destruction and his mother administration completing that destruction of Bangladesh.
But danger and crisis is Awami League govt with help and direction from Indian destroying BD armed forces piece by piece. That is happening as we speak.

Its not only commerce minister, today all of Awami govt in sync with Indian propaganda line to paint Bangladesh and Bangladesh armed forces in fundamentalist light. Finance minister Muhit yesterday created another story line against domestic investment (lifeline of economic growth) using Indian originated fundamentalist lie.

Like mother like son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy started the destruction and his mother administration completing that destruction of Bangladesh.

She must not forget what happened to her family 30+ years ago. Her father tried to dissolve the army and we all know what was the outcome. BD army may be discipline force but when comes to their own existence than some of them may just lose cool and that will be end of Awami Dalals and MUA.
Just a wild thought comes to my mind,Sheikh Hasina has grudge against the army.The reason is personal.Her whole family was killed by the army.Is it possible she is trying to take revenge on the army?
Sounds weird but it just came to my mind.

You have a hell of a thought there. It’s doubtful that she would want commit suicide however nothing is impossible. If she has any thing to do with that and army find out than accident can happen but I think it was done by her master for being obedient and complete suck up to their interest. It’s a reward for being a good slave.

Think about it for a min and it's does make sense.....
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Just a wild thought ......Sounds weird.....

Raquib Leon, dont you think then the situation…….
MBI Munshi Not weird at all. I heard……..
Al-zakir You have a hell of a thought there………

….Hmm!! I will not be surprised at what all 4 of you have indicated in above posts. You have lots of sorrow and concern, though, in your thought process.

Only there is at least one dissimilarity: Father fell down from much higher strata; Daughter yet could not climb that high. On the other hand, perhaps she (along with the Grand kid) has already crossed the 'danger' limit even without climbing that high.

After returning from various rural fronts of freedom struggle, I was just preparing to return to my university in early January 1972 when Father arrived Dhaka. Many co-villagers and I were listening to the running commentary, and all of us where had been weeping like children. Was it due to too much happiness of getting him back, yet compounded with grief & sense of loss of those we are now missing around---I never knew.

In 1973, I found the rickshaw-puller declined to carry his passengers as he overheard them criticizing some of Father’s fault : These are the days of Jashad, and unruly days of Father’s 2 sons and wild ‘chatachaties’ of BAL members and heinous Rakkhi bahini.

In 1974, some even asked me “So, there is no Allah ?” Shaken---I asked “How come you are asking in such rude way ?” Reply was : “If there would be any, HE must have interfered by now against so much of tyranny.” I remember my reply—without much thought & analysis “ HE is there. HIS intervention is certain when there is a tyranny. Only we human beings do not know the timing and manner HE will intervene. HIS ways are always shrouded with mystery. Just wait, and you will see”

Father was escalated so high---none can imagine. Before demise, the door of ‘rijque’ was opened for him so wide that any best produce found anywhere in Bangladesh had to come to him---be it a big Chital fish trapped in a haor, or a bunch of Raja koi from a beel in Jessore, or best milk-based sweet in Natore or kataribhog rice in Dinajpur. If any thing extra-ordinary food could be found, BAL stalwarts would promulgate a “No Sale” order on such exhibit food items in any point of origin, and they would simply say “This will go to Neta”.

Yet Neta was personally really simple---but could not or did not want to be tough with his BAL cronies and their ‘chatachati’, BAKSAL theory, inefficiency & corruption-leading-to famine, wild tyranny. Neta was a leader that history hardly makes in 100 years---but was a captive of his own limitations in vision, administration & justice and of his own ‘highness’ and the destructive pride that always comes with it, and yet not willing to abdicate for the appropriate. In short---a leader---not a statesman---who failed time & again to steer him on the right path.

Then suddenly HE dropped the curtain---so sudden & horrendous---the whole Bangladesh was stunned, so stunned that 100% Bangladesh (including BAL) forgot to say Innalillah when they realized what happened.

Well, if what transpired over last few days implicate SH &/or her BAL cronies and still she attempts to dodge the truth & justice, then resultantly, when all these sins of perpetrating so many deaths & injustice against BDR, Army and now Islam, and then the people will get compounded with any further faults & failures and thus attain a ‘critical mass’----I will not hesitate to say---your apprehensions will come true. Again: “Just wait, and you will see”

I also must be clear that the word ‘people’ above, I am not counting-in those elements---of JMB/JI or BNP in this---who have their own scores of deals to settle with, too---willingly or un-willingly in the same or separate process.
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wow... could you please elaborate??

I heard from inside sources that when she heard about the killing that she was smiling and enjoying hearing the news. She seems to have a taste for the sadistic and watches violent and sick type movies.
A command performance?

Hafiz Shamsheer

The cat is out of the bag. By recourse to what a daily newspaper described as hour-by-hour running commentary on the inquiry into the 25 - 26 February BDR butchery, retired Lieutenant Colonel Faruk Khan has come up with a brash revelation that investigators have found evidence of some JMB connections in it. In so doing, he has clearly mucked up the investigation and thus has done more harm to the nation than good. Why was he in such a hurry to sell some names to the media? Why didn't he let the investigation finish? Mysterious though, but nobody knows.

Imposed as the chief coordinator of the two enquiry committees that are neutral and non-political per se, the politician commerce minister with a past military background has already put the cart before the horse. He has obliquely told all and sundry that they must forget about a neutral conclusion of the committees. Instead, they must expect a coordinated report that is tailored to the political expediency of the ruling party.

Open to question

More than 70 people died when rank-and-file border guards turned on their superiors, killing at least 56 senior army officers, during a 33-hour bloody revolt in Dhaka on February 25 and 26 last. The events shocked the entire nation because those killed were precious sons of the soil. Two teams of investigators are currently at work to unfold the causes of this brutal massacre, though the impartial frame of mind of the ones headed by a retired civilian bureaucrat is open to question.

The insertion of a political coordinator, blessed by a political government to poke his snout into the investigation, is a half-baked farce commandeered by the ruling party whose primary aim, to put it mildly, lies far afield of full disclosure.

No football match

The committees are still halfway through their investigations into the February carnage. And any individual with minimum element of sanity will agree that the findings must be shrouded in confidentiality until they are finished. An investigation like this is no football match in the Bangabandhu stadium. Secrecy must be its essence. But the military officer-turned-politician, foisted in the task with a veiled party agenda, doesn't think so. He believes that the whole exercise of investigation must be a goldfish bowl with a line dictated by him, because that's where the interest of his party lies. And hence his daily - or hourly - expos� of the findings. It's a barefaced design to put words into the investigators' mouth, almost tantamount to forcing them to take the cue from his words.

He said a week ago that the investigators had found clues of the involvement of Jumatul Mujahedeen Bangladesh (JMB) in the massacre.

Nobody rules out the possibility of JMB involvement. By the same token, nobody yet agrees that JMB was really behind it, because the investigation report is not yet out. But why this rush on the part of Col Faruk? Who is pressurising him to be in such a hurry?

Oblique caveat

He repeated his assertion a week later and, to make it more juicy from his party's standpoint, said proofs of some civilians with links to JMB had also been found. Most political analysts perceive it as an oblique caveat, an attempt to fudge an honest and truthful investigation, and, if one may, to let the real culprits off the hook.

Even his colleagues in the government, as well as the chief investigator, have publicly distanced themselves from Col Faruk's views. Both the LGRD Minister Syed Ashraful Islam and Law Minister Barrister Shafiq Ahmed have said it would be premature to point finger at anyone until the probes are complete. Chief Investigator Abdul Quahhar Akhond said nothing could be assumed on who was or were behind the carnage until the last piece of evidence was examined. In an enquiry like this, implications and ramifications may emerge at the last moment. And the last moment has not yet arrived.

Partisan coordinator

The analysts also question the need to have a coordinator at all, and that too in the person of a highly partisan politician. As many as five independent agencies conducted investigation into Mumbai massacre on 27 November 2008. But there was no coordinator, not to speak at all of a political coordinator.

Three agencies - FEMA, NIST and FBI - worked separately to get to the bottom of the WTC collapse in New York on 11 September, 2001. But there was no coordinator, not to speak of a political coordinator. Neither was any politician involved in any of those investigations. The tasks were left entirely to the specialists. Why then do you need a coordinator unless the intention is to prejudice the investigation?

Fudging the probe

Analysts cite three reasons for the apparition of the political coordinator. The first is to fudge the investigation in a way that benefits the ruling party and to shield forces the government would not like to be implicated, although conjectures would not rule out their direct benefit from such attempted emasculation of Bangladesh military.

The second is to keep the investigators away from the basic question of why the entire intelligence network failed? The third is perhaps to discourage the investigators from delving deep into some nitty-gritty of the 25 February incident. Why did Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina start negotiations with the rebels exactly at a time when the slaughter of the army officers was going on inside the BDR headquarters?


Why did the government not let the army follow its basic military manual and move in soon after the mutiny broke out? Who is the beneficiary of this decision? Why did the government allow more than 24 hours to let the rebels flee with arms and ammunitions and the properties they looted from the army officer's quarters? These are tough questions, and they will continue to beg answers for God knows how many light years. But the immediate job of the coordinator is to see that the investigators don't spend too much time on it.

The fourth and the fifth aim of the coordination is perhaps most interesting. The fourth is to see if the entire incident could be exploited to catch some political rivals with charges of their involvement in the carnage. Should it succeed, the physical annihilation of the BNP and Jamaat will start. This is a great opportunity to bring the BAKSAL era back.

Barmy politics

The game plan is there. The blue print is there. On the question of whether it will ultimately work, only time can answer. The only fear is that the real culprits may go at large and come back with even more ferocious attacks if this welter of barmy politics is not at once dispensed with.


Bangladesh government influencing report of BDR Massacre
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury One of the most influential members of the ruling party as well as Commerce Minister in Bangladesh, Lieutenant Colonel [Retired] Faruk Khan told reporters on Thursday that there were hands of banned Islamist militancy group named Jamaatul Mujahedin Bangladesh [JMB] behind the massacre, that took place inside the headquarters of Bangladesh Riffles [BDR] on February 25 & 26.

He said some of the border troops rounded up for alleged role in the bloody mutiny are found to have connections with JMB, the banned Islamist outfit responsible for terrorist attacks including the near-simultaneous countrywide blasts in 2005.

Faruk, who has lately been tasked with coordinating the probes into February 25-26 bloodbath at Pilkhana, was talking to reporters at his secretariat office around noon."We have gathered that a number of BDR jawans arrested in the mutiny case were involved in JMB somehow or other."

This comment from the top figure who has been assigned by the government to coordinate the investigation process is very significant. But at the same time, this comment will surely influence the investigation report, especially of those non-army bodies and more precisely of Criminal Investigation Department [which is controlled by the Home Ministry] in exclusively alleging JMB behind the entire massacre, thus excluding many of the potential culprits who belong to the ruling party as well the opposition quearters.

Now, let us also examine some of the comments by the Commerce Minister, Lt. Colonel [Retired] Faruk Khan on the massacre:He said, "Some links of Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh [to the rebellion] have been found, it will be cleared once the investigation is completed."

Here is the question! If the matter is still under investigation, why the minister belonging to the ruling party felt extra-zealed in disclosing portional facts of the investigation? Just to give an impression that his party had no hands behind this notorious murders and brutalities?

Why Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Mirza Azam and the Home Minister Sahara Khatun should not be interrogated by the army investigation team as to why they allowed the 14-member team of the killers to enter the residence of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for a close-door meeting without registering their names and designations in the register book? Who helped these men in keeping their identities suppressed?

Why the government sent Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Mirza Azam to handle this extremely important case, while they had many other senior leaders like Tofael Ahmed, Suranjit Sen Gupta or even Syed Ashraful Islam? There are evidences that Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Azam were active during October 2006 broad-day-light murder of people on the streets of Dhaka in the name of political agitation. Some of the government leaders try to justify saying both Nanak and Azam were ´courageous peope´ and ´experienced in tacking such situation´. What kind of experience do they have? Experience to instigate and provoke?

The entire nation is willing to see a very neutral investigation into the murders and brutalities inside the BDR headquarters during February 25 and 26. Killers and conspirators, whoever they may be, should be brought into book and accorded stern punishment. Any influenced investigation will bring virtually no result in this case. Members of each of the investigation teams should remember this point for the sake of their own image and credibility. There is no room for anyone to show minimum sympathy to the killers and their instigators and patrons.

There is another bad news already by now centering the BDR massacre. A leader of the ruling party has already been arrested for his involvement behind this massacre. It is learnt that a significant volume of arms, ammunitions and grenades were already smuggled out of the BDR headquarters by the fleeing jawans of the Bangladesh Riffles. It is even reported that, some of the pro-ruling party terrorists are already possessing such arms, ammunitions and grenades and even some of them are already trading in such looted items. Investigators should also keep close-eyes on this matter.

And, finally a small scoop. A Captain of Bangladesh Army was murdered inside a residential hotel owned by an Awami League leader in the city. This murder mystery is yet to be unearthed by the members of the law enforcing agencies. Since February 25, 2009, we are witnessing death of several army officers in Bangladesh from BDR massacre to hotel murder to helicopter mystery. Each of the incidents should be properly investigated for the sake of independence and sovereignty of this nation. No one should be accorded minimum opportunity of playing foul with the patriotic members of our armed forces. This is a noble responsibility to each of the patriotic citizen of Bangladesh.

American Chronicle | Bangladesh government influencing report of BDR Massacre

survivor, r u a bangladeshi or pakistani?!:crazy:
ur posts seem to suggest u r bangladeshi while ur profile indicates u r from pakistan and u live in pakistan!. well if u r bangladeshi then y do u carry pakistani identity?:S or if u r pakistani then why do u talk like u r a bangladeshi? i am just confused bro.

See the 2 reports--by curtsey of MBI Munshi---posted elsewhere:

1st Report

United Nations [UN] has been asked to send back members of Bangladesh Armed Forces and police from the United Nations Peace Keeping Forces [UNPKF].

According to information, one Susan Ramgopalan sent letters to the Secretary General and other officials of United Nations on March 15, 2009 titled ‘Islamist inside UN Peace Keeping Force’, where she referring to the recent statement by Bangladeshi Commerce Minister, Lt. Col. [Retired] Faruk Khan, requested the UN Secretary General to send back all the participating members of Bangladesh Armed Forces and Police in the UNPKF for possible militancy connections.

For detials, see Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh

2nd Report
Foreign Minister's faux pas may affect relation with Malaysia

.....She has embarrassed the country by making uninformed and irresponsible comment about Malaysia. She said that Malaysia's decision to revoke visas of the Bangladeshi workers was linked to Kuala Lumpur's opposition to Bangladesh putting the war criminals to trial.........

Dipu Moni has caused irreversible damage to bilateral ties between Malaysia and Bangladesh with her ill judged statement. Malaysia has strong financial, political and diplomatic clout with world capitals. Bangladesh may have to lose the Malaysian labour market because of such indiscretion.

For details, see HOLIDAY > FRONT PAGE
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3 important policy-makers of the current Govt came to know about impending BDR mutiny well before 25th February. Some leading villains of the BDR mutiny met and informed them on this. These meetings were held in their residences and private offices. “Yet why did they not undertake any step to stop it ?” “At whose indication they suppressed the news and let it happen ?”---the fact yet remains unclear---though the members of various probe teams have by now learnt about these leads. Several activists of BDR rebellion worked to get one of them elected in the recent election, and they were promised that he will work hard to redress some of their demands.----learnt from relevant sources. The sources further revealed: “Exciting confessions have been made as regards to these sensitive issues by Sepoy Kajol, Sepoy Selim, and Zakir---son of Naik Subedar Kanchon & associate of top-terror Leather Liton (son of BAL Leader Torab Ali)---as reported by Special Correspondent of The Naya Diganta (20th March 2009).

See for details: ::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::

May anyone corroborate the above ?
survivor, r u a Bangladeshi or Pakistani?!:crazy:
ur posts seem to suggest u r bangladeshi while ur profile indicates u r from pakistan and u live in pakistan!. well if u r bangladeshi then y do u carry pakistani identity?:S or if u r pakistani then why do u talk like u r a bangladeshi? i am just confused bro.

off topic but it's need to be address....
So out of all relevant issues, you decided to picked on survivor with irrelevant questions because he contribute positively to this thread. Who are you and what's your point anyway? Why can't you think outside the box if you are really a Bangladeshi though I have doubt and what different does it make whether he is Pakistani or Bangladeshi. He feel close to Bangladesh and pay closer attention to bd's affair just like some of us also worry about Pakistan. Maybe you forgot that Bangladesh was part of Pakistan on time in the history. Either contribute positively or be invisible from the thread. :tsk:
Probe taking time, but trial will be fast: Faruq

Dhaka, Mar 20 (bdnews24.com) – The government probe into the BDR mutiny needs more time, but "realistic steps" will be taken to bring the accused to justice as fast as possible, says the minister in charge of coordinating all post-mutiny affairs.

"The report of a neutral and transparent investigation will be published soon, making clear who were behind the incident and how they carried out it," Faruq Khan told reporters Friday.

Asked why the government probe body had not submitted its report by the Thursday (Mar 19) deadline, the minister said: "The committee is taking time, as the BDR incident was not a small one".

Faruq did not comment when pressed on whether the accused would be tried under military law.

A US-based rights group urged the Bangladesh government the day before to try the BDR mutiny case in the country's regular courts or by special tribunal, rather than military court.

Asked to comment, Faruq said. "Anyone can express their opinions in a democratic country."

"But the government will take realistic steps in the speediest time to bring the accused to justice."

A government-formed committee was originally given seven days to submit its findings on the mutiny; the time was later extended to Mar 19.

Commerce minister Faruq Khan was speaking to reporters after attending a programme at Shishu Academy to mark the World Children's Theatre Day.

Probe taking time, but trial will be fast: Faruq :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::
Today I was going thru all the available pictures of BDR mutiny days. I can not erase from the heart the below 2 questions:

1. Why 57 officers had to die with so much fire-power and charging valiant soldiers only 100 m away ?
2. How long the army will be made to cry ?...3 pictures of army personnel crying--besides others of their families & friends---are truly heart-rending.
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survivor, r u a bangladeshi or pakistani?!:crazy:
ur posts seem to suggest u r bangladeshi while ur profile indicates u r from pakistan and u live in pakistan!. well if u r bangladeshi then y do u carry pakistani identity?:S or if u r pakistani then why do u talk like u r a bangladeshi? i am just confused bro.

Having interest about Bangladeshi matter does not make one Bangladeshi.If that was the case then we are probably Pakistani,Chinese,Russian,American,Indian and what more.As we have interest on their matter.

You have to respect the identity one shows here.
I heard from inside sources that when she heard about the killing that she was smiling and enjoying hearing the news. She seems to have a taste for the sadistic and watches violent and sick type movies.

I don't know if your source is true or not,but if that's the case then her favourite movies must include Saw and Hostel:crazy:;)
Again if this is true,I must ask,is she mentally stable?:undecided:
I mean seriously when you lose all your family members its really hard for one to remain mentally strong.

P.S.(No offence,I hope I don't get a death threat for it:confused:)
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