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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Bangladesh authors says anti-freedom, anti-India forces involved in mutiny

Agra (PTI): As Bangladesh comes to terms with the bloody mutiny by its border guards, leading authors from the country on Saturday said they do not have any doubt about involvement of anti-India forces and elements opposed to the liberation movement in the mayhem.

Renowned authors, attending the SAARC festival of literature here, were also unanimous in pointing finger at "a country opposed to Bangladesh's liberation in fanning violence" as part of a "big conspiracy" to destabilise the Sheikh Hasina-led government.

"I think elements opposed to India and opposed to creation of Bangladesh were behind the conspiracy," Mr. Khondakar Ashraf Hossain, a popular literary figure in Bangladesh, said without naming Pakistan.

Known as one of the finest voices on the literary horizon of the country, Ashraf alleged that "Pakistani ISI is working in Bangladesh" and there were reports that "crores of rupees have been given to common jawans to rise in rebellion."

"The big plan was to plunge the country into total chaos," he further alleged.

Asked about the Bangla author's view, Pakistani writer Zahid Nawaz said the allegations were not acceptable. "We do not accept what has been said. We should live in peace and work for a peaceful environment around us," he said.

Over 70 army officers were killed in the revolt at the headquarters of the Bangladesh Rifles last month.
aha, "The Hindu" another propaganda manufacturing plant. Good to know who are the people like Khondakar Ashraf Hossain in Indian payroll.
What nonsense speculation. You people talk like everybody is on "payroll" of someone or another.

If you cannot see plain truth. You try to protect from truth by twisting your head. Like school ke bache.
aha, "The Hindu" another propaganda manufacturing plant. Good to know who are the people like Khondakar Ashraf Hossain in Indian payroll.

Learn before you speak. "The Hindu" is one of the best respected newspapers in India.

You look at Bangladesh newspaper pathatic quality. They publish speculation nonsense and use dirty language.
Learn before you speak. "The Hindu" is one of the best respected newspapers in India.

You look at Bangladesh newspaper pathatic quality. They publish speculation nonsense and use dirty language.

support your statement with proof.Don't just blabber.:blah:
This is the leaflet.

Probably Hijbut Tahrir will get banned in Bangladesh.

The writing is too small but it seems to accuse India for the mutiny. From the title it suggests only to protest against the government. Can this really be described as sedition? Is there arrest not a violation of freedom of speech. I do not agree with a great deal of what Hizbut Tahrir says about religion but unless they overtly act against the government to seek its overthrow they cannot be banned.
Proof of this came during a closed-door meeting of a motley group of about 50 Congress leaders hailing from different states earlier this week. Addressing them in the capital’s Mavalankar Hall, foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee disclosed a conspiracy was afoot to destabilise the elected governments in Bangladesh and Pakistan. He let out a hitherto unknown fact to the audience: "I had to go out of my way to issue a stern warning to those trying to destabilise the Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh that if they continued with their attempts, then India would not sit idle." In other words, New Delhi had conveyed it was willing to take counter-measures in the Great Game, including the possibility of direct intervention.
A senior diplomat told Outlook that New Delhi advised Hasina and the Bangladesh army to tread cautiously and avoid creating a 1975-like situation, when most members of the country’s founder Mujibur Rahman’s family were gunned down. That was perhaps the reason why Hasina announced general amnesty to secure the surrender of BDR mutineers.

The Hidden Emirate Of Anarchistan : outlookindia.com

Who India and Indian FM issued the threat to?
Did Hasina led Awami League govt outsourced its protection details to India?
What understanding India has with Hasina govt for its protection?
Under what mandate and jurisdiction India would intervene in Bangladesh?
Who in Bangladesh army Indian rendered advice of caution?

Obvious answer to these questions (already given by Indian FM) will lead further strengthening the fact there was and is great deal of Indian capital invested in installing Awami League govt in power.

Questionable election winning aside, Awami League “din bodol” slogan had been designed to dupe young population. This Indian threat and influencing Hasina’s (as PM of Bangladesh) decision on sensitive internal security matter should serve as another rude awakening to these voters that their trust for “din bodol” or change has been sold out to India. Unless they wake up and raise their voice their “din bodol” will live under the thumb of Indian wishes.

And for those who are in armed forces lost so much lately, can not be oblivion to the fact that since 1/11 of 2007 some of their top brass had sold out national and their own interest. As Indian diplomat indicated India had advised army and PM to act cautiously which led to prolong amnesty discussion and decision. As surviving army officers repeatedly stated delay and blanket amnesty was most damaging factor for loss of majority of those officers life. If there was early army action most of these officers massacred could have been saved.

Moeen U Ahmed, chief of Army was in meeting with PM at the time of these “cautious” amnesty discussions. Was that Moeen U Ahmed who received advice and threat from Indian foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee? Whose interest was and is important to Moeen U Ahmed and Hasina Wazed, PM of Bangladesh? Is it the fact Indian pressure of caution and amnesty was to create safe passage for Indian commandos who carried out the massacre as some news article published last week? From course of action Hasina had taken, it is obvious that Indian interest of keeping Awami League govt in power was more important than life of army officers and defense of Bangladesh.
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aha, "The Hindu" another propaganda manufacturing plant. Good to know who are the people like Khondakar Ashraf Hossain in Indian payroll.

What makes you think 'THE HINDU' is propaganda manufacturing plant, is it the name that made you feel so.

How come anybody who doesnt tow your line automatically land in Indian payroll ???
Who India and Indian FM issued the threat to?
Did Hasina led Awami League govt outsourced its protection details to India?
What understanding India has with Hasina govt for its protection?
Under what mandate and jurisdiction India would intervene in Bangladesh?
Who in Bangladesh army Indian rendered advice of caution?

Obvious answer to these questions (already given by Indian FM) will lead further strengthening the fact there was and is great deal of Indian capital invested in installing Awami League govt in power.

Questionable election winning aside, Awami League “din bodol” slogan had been designed to dupe young population. This Indian threat and influencing Hasina’s (as PM of Bangladesh) decision on sensitive internal security matter should serve as another rude awakening to these voters that their trust for “din bodol” or change has been sold out to India. Unless they wake up and raise their voice their “din bodol” will live under the thumb of Indian wishes.

And for those who are in armed forces lost so much lately, can not be oblivion to the fact that since 1/11 of 2007 some of their top brass had sold out national and their own interest. As Indian diplomat indicated India had advised army and PM to act cautiously which led to prolong amnesty discussion and decision. As surviving army officers repeatedly stated delay and blanket amnesty was most damaging factor for loss of majority of those officers life. If there was early army action most of these officers massacred could have been saved.

Moeen U Ahmed, chief of Army was in meeting with PM at the time of these “cautious” amnesty discussions. Was that Moeen U Ahmed who received advice and threat from Indian foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee? Whose interest was and is important to Moeen U Ahmed and Hasina Wazed, PM of Bangladesh? Is it the fact Indian pressure of caution and amnesty was to create safe passage for Indian commandos who carried out the massacre as some news article published last week? From course of action Hasina had taken, it is obvious that Indian interest of keeping Awami League govt in power was more important than life of army officers and defense of Bangladesh.

You post an article that say India issued warning to B'desh that India wont sit idle if efforts are made to unsettle Hasina and India advised Hasina to deal cautiously during BDR mutiny. That being the case why would India be behind BDR? As BDR mutiny looks like an effort to destabilise Bangladesh.
That being the case why would India be behind BDR?

My post clearly stated India had invested heavy capital to install Awami govt in power. Now India is out to save their stooge asset. Both India and Awami League sees Bangladesh armed forces and defense institution as obstacle to their political and strategic agenda.

India and its nefarious intel agency RAW had been acting against Bangladesh since independence. When Indian prime plot to destroy Bangladesh defense institution, obstacle to its agenda, was in progress India threatened to intervene if their killing mission was stopped. All were done under disguise of "caution" and "amnesty".

Threat of intervening in Bangladesh internal security matter not only implicate Indian involvement in BDR massacre but also make India an enemy state to Bangladesh.
The writing is too small but it seems to accuse India for the mutiny. From the title it suggests only to protest against the government. Can this really be described as sedition? Is there arrest not a violation of freedom of speech. I do not agree with a great deal of what Hizbut Tahrir says about religion but unless they overtly act against the government to seek its overthrow they cannot be banned.

Save it and then zoom it to read.It criticises the AL govt. for its role during the entire situation.
And at last asking to join Khilafat to prevent "US-British-Indian" conspiracy as they always do.That's why the sedition charge I believe.

Bangladesh is one of the few which have not yet banned HT,but looks like their time is running out first.
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