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Bangladesh General Election : 2018

@MUSTAKSHAF , the name of the old retard ( picture no 3) is Abdul Moyeen Khan . I am not denying that this time he is lying .
But this man once said that Bangladeshi peoples do not want food , but want the right of vote .
Right of vote is fine , but do not want food but prefer democratic right ? It's insane ,isn't it ?
That's the reason peoples have no sympathy on those crazy peoples .
Here read this news .
People in Bangladesh want freedom of speech, not food, says BNP leader Moyeen Khan .
He said it just after the final year petrol bomb ( 2015) terrorism of BNP jamat . So that was democratic movement .

So tell them man , if such thing happened in Pakistan by opposition and opposition leader says that you guys do not want food , but want voting right , what would you do when they were being beaten like dogs by Govt force ?
Can a mentally sane person say such thing ? Or if a mentally sane person can say like this , would you not consider it as mockery ?
Freedom of speech is very good thing , but if it cost the food of poor, how many peoples will want such freedom of speech ?
This beghairat should get beaten by hungry peoples , not only by opposition .
You can't understand the position from where he is saying.
Absolute power is always destruction.We all know what her father did till his death.
5 more years of Hasina to give butt-hurts like you more burn.

Why not 10 or 50?
ROFL Free and Fair Elections going on in Bangladesh,

A military convoy on its way towards Opposition party's head office to support Govt. forces house arrest of its major members.

Hustle and bustle in Dhaka city on election eve. A vehicle ban has been imposed in City Centre and most of the city on Election Day (Sunday)


Media showing Sh; Hasina party playing the victim continues in absence of any response by the opposition to even deny the accusations. Reports of police being attacked and showing vehiclkes in Dahak damaged when most of the opposition is not even allowed on the roads.

Fundamental rights completely eroded in Bangladesh by this terror mata Sh. hasina nasreen and on this Banglas brag rofl.
We all know what her father did till his death.
Well it varies person to person . I was born 10 years after Baksal , so I have not seen this regime . I saw 2001-2006 regime of BNP . My motherland Bangladesh was dying that time . You can not understand that condition, and that's fine , I won't blame you . As no one even mistakenly understand the pain of victims . Peoples only understand it when they are victims .It's not any weakness , but it's human nature, I know that.
Well it varies person to person . I was born 10 years after Baksal , so I have not seen this regime . I saw 2001-2006 regime of BNP . My motherland Bangladesh was dying that time . You can not understand that condition, and that's fine , I won't blame you . As no one even mistakenly understand the pain of victims . Peoples only understand it when they are victims .It's not any weakness , but it's human nature, I know that.
Many people's did thought on same lines when Mubarak,Hafeez, Kim Il Sung and idi amin did took over their respective states.
The way Hasina is building false narrative around everything that's mind boggling.

Until now, this is the worst election in the history of Bangladesh.

If you speak a word in the street, you are arrested.

Zero Freedom here.

I just wish if BNP/Okkio Front can win somehow....
Bulls would gave milk that day.
This member derailed my thread and built his own to defend its sham joke elections. it looks like the mod.s like to ignore certain members and only check on Pakistani posts.

My post was about comparison of Bangladeshi police state with Pakistani elections recently. Which Banglas have tried to divert and I've responded to their attacks with relevance. The stats they are putting up they have been attacking also like US travel advisory. Thes eBanglas using talking points from their masters US and india ehich even they themselves question when they do the same on Bangladesh.
Bangladeshis have used this forum to display their fudged inflated economy as comparison to PAkistan, so once you show them the mirror they resort to whataboutery, personal attacks and name calling to protect their authoritarian failed state. This fake hype of economic growth where Bangladesh HDI 2018 and per capita is lower than Pakistaneven after this fake 30% growth figure on one sector only, the income inequality is the worst in the region and poor Bengalis are still living like slaves fed on propaganda.

This forum will be used to not report ground reality of the internet ban, opposition workers arrests or the mobile service blockage so I'd refrain from posting in this fake forum.

hmm... you do not have a big big big gap in progress and development in relation to Bangladesh...so the Awami league people here are teasing you everyday....and you will have to bear it unfortunately..........

you made mistake by joining WoT, and not working in export, education and rural socio-economic development ..... what Imran Khan is talking today (education, women workforce, export, tree plantation, corruption), BD worked on these policies long time ago, even before 2000...and today the gap between BD and PK is very narrow and even Pk lags behind in some areas...

However, while Pakistan has democracy, BD has zero democracy....
Pakistan is independent and BD is subservient of India.

Bangladesh is a good case for study on how a country can be totally controlled (by India) without any physical attack and by exploiting the emotions (71) of people..... So Pakistan is doing great by working on its security which BD did not work and now the whole country is suffering....
The BNP, which boycotted the 2014 election, says its supporters have been deliberately targeted in a a bid to deter them from voting and rig the election in Hasina's favour.
Many people think that BNP supporters are not that strong in the street fighting, but BAL/BCL people are. BNP people remain almost quite, but silently go to the polling stations to cast their votes. This time they will go and vote for the combined Oikyofront candidates.

Jamaat-e-Islami registration has been canceled. But, BNP has nominated quite a few (is it 37?) of the former Jamaat leaders to contest under its banner. Percentage of Jamaati voters may be a low 7%, but it is most possible that these voters will almost entirely vote for the candidates nominated by Oikkyofront all over the country.

This 7% vote is very important because even one vote this or that way causes a candidate to win or lose. However, no one really knows the result until the cover is opened after the voting. Let us hope no chaos during voting and no bullying or killing after the result.
12:00 AM, December 30, 2018 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:51 AM, December 30, 2018
PARTICIPATORY polls, for sure
Country to know if it's free or fair at end of the day, today
Shakhawat Liton

After ten years, Bangladesh is back to a participatory election of sorts. Parties of all hue and colour are contesting the polls that is going to be held today. But the buck stops here.

Beyond the jacket of all those weighty words, Bangladesh is also going to see a very different kind of election where the main opposition parties were hardly visible in campaigns, their leaders and activists harassed, harried and attacked, and the police extended their long tenuous arm to arrest thousands of opposition men.

Elections have become mostly festive affairs for Bangladesh when even the person at the lowest rung of the society suddenly feels important as candidates go from house to house, seeking their votes. But this time that spirit has faced a damp squib as only the ruling party was visible in campaigns, that too with a much lower enthusiasm.

Also for the first time, a participatory election is going to be held without parliament being dissolved (it was not dissolved in 2014 too but the BNP-led alliance and other opposition parties boycotted the election) and with a party government in office since 1991, when a system was developed for conducting national elections under a neutral administration.

The incumbent government has been in power for about 10 years now and in all through this time, many have found it becoming increasingly intolerant where dissenting voices are muffled with strong-arm tactics and civil space has shrunk. All this time, the rise of the law enforcing agencies to emasculate opposing views has been remarkable and even awe-inspiring.

But above these words, there is another story too, perhaps burning bright in the cap of Awami League. It has charted the country through a development phase never witnessed before. The economy has grown by over 6 percent and crossed over the magical 7 percent mark of late. Huge infrastructure projects have been taken up, waiting to yield results in near future. The pillar for industrial development has been hammered in with power plants being set up at a breakneck speed, with a huge 2,400 MW nuclear plant fast being constructed, a hundred special economic zones are being readied and Bangladesh today has caught the attention of world investors, who are finding it a next stage, after China and India, for growth.

Despite its many gains on economic fronts, however, Bangladesh has fallen behind most of its neighbours in the Forbes' list of “Best Countries for Business” for 2019.

Awami League's election campaign has focused much on this shinning streak. To get growth, you need this party in power again is how it has formulated its communication strategy.


But the growth story has its dark shadow as well. Inequality has increased. Corruption is visible. Intuitions have weakened. Governance has not improved. And freedom of speech and expression has waned with the passing of new draconian laws, and the rise of abasement against pluralism is spectacular.

So it was natural that when the opposition BNP formed an unlikely alliance, Jatiya Oikyafront, with old political hand like Dr Kamal Hossain to launch a united comeback battle against an incumbent power, their main slogan was to righting the wrong and to go for a waft of reforms that aims at building institutions and strengthening governance.

But their battle is poised on an uneven ground.

First came the extraordinary wave of cancellation of their candidacies, apparently on trivial grounds. Then the subduing tactic of attacks on the opposition.

Motorcades and campaigns of more than 50 BNP and Oikyafront candidates, including that of BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, have come under attack across the country. Bangladesh's politics has turned violent sometimes, but never before have so many candidates come under attack on campaign trail.

In the last 10 years, cases piled against the opposition leaders and activists, many of whom face over 100 cases each from long before when the BNP had waged a violent anti-government movement in 2014 in demand for an election-time caretaker government, scrapped by the Awami League government in 2011.

But many more new cases had later been filed against unnamed persons and those unnamed persons are now appearing as the opposition members.

Candidates have been arrested and at least 17 of them taken to jail -- six of them after announcement of election date. The BNP and its allies find themselves confined to their houses, their party and camp offices are empty and frequently attacked. The BNP does not have its own candidates in 17 seats as their candidacies were cancelled following court orders.

The party, which formed government thrice since restoration of democracy in 1991, finds itself especially handicapped with its leader Khaleda Zia in jail in a corruption case. She has been disqualified to run.

But that has not derailed the BNP from taking part in the election and it stayed the course despite all odds. It had no choice too because boycotting this one would have completely routed the party with the cancellation of its registration.

Its only hope today is that voters would turn out in great numbers and vote it on their reform agenda. The Awami League is also confident that voters, in whatever numbers they walked in, would choose it again for all the good things it did.
After 11 years of her dictatorship and no space in media or public, most of the opposition isn jail rofl Is there even anyone left to be butthurt?

Hilarious you can't defend her non-democratic actions with this stupidity even Kim Jong Il's subordinates ever say

Still better than army giving order to the civilian government that they have selected as their puppet. :enjoy:

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