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Bangladesh executes Mujib killers


Jul 6, 2009
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BBC News - Bangladesh executes Mujib killers

Bangladesh has begun executing the ex-army officers convicted of killing the country's independence leader in 1975.

Five men killed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the president's wife, three sons, two daughters-in-law and approximately 20 others as part of a military coup.

Only hours earlier the Bangladeshi law minister had announced that they would be executed by Sunday but could be "hanged at any moment".

Two were executed on Wednesday. All five had not denied their crimes.

"Two of the killers are already dead and three others will be put to gallows in a while," a prison official told reporters, according to Reuters news agency.

The five men, who had been in prison in the capital, Dhaka, did not deny their role in the death of Mr Rahman, but had said they should be tried in a military rather than a civilian court.

The Supreme Court had dismissed their appeals to commute the sentence, paving the way for a date to be set for execution, AFP reported earlier.

Mr Rahman was killed in 1975, just four years after leading Bangladesh to independence from Pakistan.

Six fellow plotters, on the run abroad, have also been sentenced to death. A seventh man also found guilty in absentia is thought to have died abroad.

The government the majors helped install passed a law indemnifying their actions and until 1998 they were free men.

But by then Sheikh Hasina, Mr Rahman's daughter, had herself become prime minister and the accused were put on trial, found guilty and sentenced to death.

She lost the following elections, and the next government, led by the party which ultimately benefited from the coup, slowed the process down.

But Sheikh Hasina returned to power earlier this year, and made the conclusion of the trial one of her top priorities.
The Bangladeshi government seems to be in a hurry to executing these people. Do they fear reprisals?
The Bangladeshi government seems to be in a hurry to executing these people. Do they fear reprisals?

Not really.. 31st January is the final day for the execution set by lower court. Also there is no point on lingering the execution, but I thought they would do that tomorrow.
The Bangladeshi government seems to be in a hurry to executing these people. Do they fear reprisals?

Its 35 years now to his murder, and as per i know they were in jails from years.

If 35 yrs is hurry then what would be late buddy ? =D
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi'raji'oon

5 brave souls has put in to rest while Ehsaan faramosh nation watch. They forgot the hell living condition under sworn enemy of Islam, malaun loving mujib. They forgot that Bangladesh would be like sikkim if these mujahid did not take out the faraun. They forgot that whole nation said "Alhumdulilah" with the death of faraun.

Take my lal salam the heros of 75. You gave us freedom and saved our nation from faraun mujib. We are Muslim today because you initiated the Jihad. We promised to continue until the end. 5 of you Shaheed today but 5 thousand shall rise insh'allah. My Allah reward you to heaven.
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Hindu knows about hell and heaven before many religions born.

Yeah right.

you keep your mouth shut and never tell me to shut up.you are calling murderers of 'your father of nation' hero

Who the hell is father of nation. He was father of awami and rest of the mushrik groups.

I do not need no bharatis approval to greet them as hero. They were hero then, now and will be so long we are around.
What a Hindu knows about hell or heaven? Keep your mouth shut about our hero. We not need no bharati endorsement here. No different between bharati Hindu and awami.

Please do not believe that non-muslims will not be given the tenancy of paradise and hell. All humans are equal in the eyes of Allah, and only He knows who will be sent where.

By the way, I used to believe that these murderers did the killing to free the country from the further future influence of India. We always heard that Sk. Mujib was going to make a very important announcement on BD-India relationship at Dhaka University on 15th August, 1975.

But, the lawyers of the defenders at the trial were found not to come with any such complaints with or without proofs. So, I am of opinion that all those garbages thrown against Sk. Mujib were only to impress upon the population and were false.

I would not support any killings, but I must admit that the AL govt of that time totally failed in its mission to build a new country out of the ruins of a devastating war. AL leaders, except Sk. Mujib, were all full of greed, corruption and inefficiency. And Sk. Mujib and his family had to get the punishments for their misdeeds.

Sk. Mujib must be given credit to release the Bangali Muslims from the yoke of Pakistani slavery that we suffered for 23 years. Why are you such a miser not to give this credit to him?
5 brave souls has put in to rest while Ehsaan faramosh nation watch. They forgot the hell living condition under sworn enemy of Islam, malaun loving mujib. They forgot that Bangladesh would be like sikkim if these mujahid did not take out the faraun. They forgot that whole nation said "Alhumdulilah" with the death of faraun.

Take my lal salam the heros of 75. You gave us freedom and saved our nation from faraun mujib. We are Muslim today because you initiated the Jihad. We promised to continue until the end. 5 of you Shaheed today but 5 thousand shall rise insh'allah. My Allah reward you to heaven.

Killing women and children. How heroic of them.
How can killers who did no spare women or children including a twelve year old and a pregnant woman and killed people without any trial or hearing or proof be considered heroes of Islam? Do their relatives deserve punishment for crimes committed by some one else? Even if they were guilty, Islam does not allow for extra judicial killings, where was the courts and the Qazis, that looked at the evidence before pronouncing weather the allegations were true or false? Their action was an insult to muslims worldwide and completely against Islam. Infact, I woudl doubt very much that any self-respecting Bangladeshi would consider them heroes.

These are fasadis and their punishment in accordance with Quran is death unless the relatives of those killed agree to forgive the killers.
The SC has upheld the Constitution and closed the chapter of fasadis.

In fact, if we are to believe the investigative reporter Lawrence Lifschultz, these plotters were actually working with CIA allegedly under Kissinger purview to get rid of Mujib and put in "their men" back in power. So some would say that these "plotters" were nothing more than those who begged the CIA and Americans to make Bangladesh a client state, just so that they can became dictators and rule the country through a dictatorship. (Which Zia did eventually) Don't look like even patriotic citizens now do they, let alone heroes...

Maybe its time to read up and get a real perspective than some made up stories.

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 434: The long shadow of the August 1975 coup
The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 435: Mustaque group approached US embassy in Dhaka
The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 436: Nixon and Kissinger know everything, said Mustaque
Heres what I think I know about leadership.

Leaders are only as good as the flock they lead, including those who despise them.
Go figure.

Sheikh Mujib was a good man, betrayed by the people he trusted. Justice finally caught up with the betrayers. Period.
Now that's a good thing, aint it?

Rest assured, Heaven and Hell, these are just concepts, figments of imagination of creative minds, arising out of belief or faith in one or the other form of religion.
In fact, if we are to believe the investigative reporter Lawrence Lifschultz, these plotters were actually working with CIA allegedly under Kissinger purview to get rid of Mujib and put in "their men" back in power. So some would say that these "plotters" were nothing more than those who begged the CIA and Americans to make Bangladesh a client state, just so that they can became dictators and rule the country through a dictatorship. (Which Zia did eventually) Don't look like even patriotic citizens now do they, let alone heroes...
President Zia should not be blamed for any of the killings because he was not a part of the conspiracy. He was forced to take over as a result of some events that unrolled during November 3 to 7. He was under house arrest by Brigadier Khaled Musharraf who staged the coup on 3rd nov. The army jawans released him and staged a counter-coup. This is how he came to power. Khaled Musharraf was killed in a gun battle.

About dictatorship, what do you expect in a newly born Muslim majority country where people are unrully and like fasads in every opportunity. The country could not have survived a real democracy at that time.

But, Gen. Zia was elected a President at a later time. People usually trusted him more than the AL thieves in those days. Many of these thieves are still alive, but are not at the center of power.
no leader was perfect. that includes all great leaders i.e. Gandhi, Jinha,Mujib,Lincon. but does that mean we should forget their great deeds.

Leave Jinnah out of the list you have produced. He never did any thing that was illegal or against humanity.
The Bangladeshi government seems to be in a hurry to executing these people. Do they fear reprisals?

it took 35 years to finally execute the killers! are you serious?! in a hurry?! I hope you are not being sarcastic.
beside the law in Bangladesh says after the sentence has been given by the Supreme Court, the execution must be carried out within 21 days to 28 days (I think so). It had been 24 days already. So it was done in the most usual way abiding by the law of the country.
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