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Bangladesh executes Mujib killers

what abt destruction of babri mosque in bombay india??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Even after being a muslim, you don't have the basic knowledge about babri mosque. but but but but but but but

use it as an weapon to defame India.

Just a weapon, but you don't know how to operate it :sniper:
telescope said:
'Babri mosque in Bombay'......? Wah, ustad, hats off to your general knowledge skills!
Maybe its not your fault, maybe the Geography teacher in your Madrassah misled you, who knows.......
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Even after being a muslim, you don't have the basic knowledge about babri mosque. but but but but but but but

It not necessary to know the location of Babri mosjid as we are not debating geography however it is a established fact that you terrorist hindu did break an ancient masjid that was evidence of glorious islamic past in hindustan. You clearly humilated your minority muslim population. You would not break taj, kutub minar or lal qillah because that bring you money. You pethetic double standard bharatis for sure. :agree:
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So you welcome the killing of pregnant women and children? No need for rhetorical sophistry, a simple yes or no will do.

PS - I find it hilariously ironic that you, while living in the US, bemoan the troubles faced by your nation. If you're so patriotic, why don't you leave the US and come back to live in Bangladesh?

Indian BSF killed much more than this. Did the Indian dalal inside the
country ever speak against it ?
lol al-zakir - you really need to read up on history and the Babri masjid dispute.
You see that piece of land is holy to Hindus, but there is no justification for mosque destruction. Maybe a better solution could have been found.
Shukrana munajat held across country
Star Online Report

Shukrana munajat was offered in all mosques across the country after Jum’a prayers on Friday expressing gratitude to the Almighty Allah following the execution of the death sentence of five Bangabandhu killers.

Special prayers were also offered in other worship places of the country at their convenient times, ATN Bangla reports.

Of Thursday, the Ministry of Religious Affairs urged all concerned to arrange the special doa and shukrana munajat seeking divine blessings for salvation of those assassinated on August 15, 1975.

Five convicted killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were hanged at Dhaka Central Jail early Thursday.

What are you munafiqs trying to proof here? One hand you are planning to reinstate Hindu constitution, banning all Islamic party and demise Islamic education in school while portraying yourself as Muslims by giving prayers. How long will you munafiq use Islam to play with people sentiment?

Why does mujib or al need Islamic prayer when he and Al always work against Islam and Muslim?
Indian BSF killed much more than this. Did the Indian dalal inside the
country ever speak against it ?

No they do not because this will hurt their hindu pay masters feeling. These dalals mother is ma kali hasina. We have some sons of pure dalals here as well that never condemn BSF illegal killing in BSF killing bangladeshi civilian thread instead they try to put blame on poor bangaldeshi farmers.

As I have said before that our main enemy is dalal awami munafiq. bharat has no balls to attack us directly. We need to wipe out awami dalals in order to establish peace and prosperity. :sniper:
Bitter legacy of Bangladeshi hero's killing

By Mark Dummett
BBC News, Dhaka

In the end, in the dead of night, it all happened very quickly.

Five former soldiers, convicted of the killing of Bangladesh's independence leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, were hanged just after midnight, hours after the Supreme Court had rejected their final appeal.

Their relatives were called in to Dhaka Central Jail for a last, rushed visit before the executions.

Later, they were allowed to collect the corpses and take them home in ambulances.

As the vehicles drove through the crowds, they were pelted with shoes, and some shouted that the bodies should not be buried on Bangladeshi soil.

Emotions are high. The supporters and surviving family members of the country's first prime minister, popularly known as Mujib, have had to wait a long time for this moment.

Life's mission

The coup leaders, a group of disillusioned, arrogant and ambitious junior officers, had him gunned down just before dawn on 15 August 1975.

They also killed his wife, three sons, two daughters-in-law and about 20 other relatives and supporters to prevent any of them from launching a counter-attack.

The military government they installed then gave them indemnity, some were later made diplomats, and the two ring leaders even formed their own political party and contested elections.

But Mujib's two daughters were out of the country at the time of the massacre and one of them, Sheikh Hasina, made it her life's mission to avenge the deaths.

She took on the reins of her father's Awami League party, and then became prime minister herself in 1996.

She had the killers living in Bangladesh arrested and put on trial. Six others remain in hiding abroad.

The men were found guilty of Mujib's murder, but Hasina lost the next elections.

And the next government, led by the party which had ultimately benefitted from the coup, did little to pursue the case.

The Awami League, still led by Hasina, returned to power in 2009, and kick-started the appeals process, which finally ended this week.

For many Bangladeshis, who remain loyal to the memory of the man who won the country's independence from Pakistan in 1971, the guilty verdict, and these executions, correct a massive injustice.

"I am satisfied that at the end of the day justice has been delivered," Anisul Haq, the state's main lawyer in the case told the BBC.

"This gives us the assurance that whatever be the crime, and whoever be the criminal, justice will prevail."

History rewritten

This case, however, is to do with a lot more than justice. It has also to do with how Bangladesh's history is remembered and who can claim legitimacy to govern it in the future.

While Mujib's killers walked free, his role as the independence leader was steadily downplayed, and he was almost written out of the history text books.

Bangladesh's other main party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, instead promoted its founder, Zia Rahman, as the genuine father of the nation.

He was number two in the army when Mujib was killed and later took over as dictator, before he too was assassinated.

His widow, Khaleda Zia, now leads the BNP.

As prime minister she, provocatively, would hold public celebrations for her birthday on 15 August, the day of Mujib's killing.

So, with the Awami League now back in power, the pendulum has swung and this time it is Zia's role which is under attack.

The text books have been rewritten and the Supreme Court ruled that no-one should contest that it was Mujib, rather than Zia, who declared independence.

Sections of the National Museum which dealt with Zia and the liberation war, in which he fought with distinction, were closed.

A mural of him at the main sports stadium was defaced, and the government announced plans to rename Dhaka's Zia International Airport.

Awami League supporters say that they are simply setting the record straight and that Mujib, who they call Bangabandhu - meaning friend of the Bengalis - is only now receiving the honours he deserved.

But this winner-takes-all approach means there is little room for a frank and honest debate of the past.

Divided culture

There is no mention, in public at least, of the fact that Mujib's government had become unpopular by the time of his death; accused of nepotism, corruption and tyranny.

Only those alive at the time remember those things, but most Bangladeshis were born afterwards and they get their history from whichever government is in power.

They certainly do not get it from the newspapers, which are close to the parties, and the best accounts of the period are now out of print and only available in the second-hand book market.

Most Bangladeshis under the age of 40 are shockingly ill-informed about their country's past.

The coup plotters felt that Mujib had betrayed his people, but by killing him and his family they made things much worse.

The massacre plunged Bangladesh into a terrible cycle of coup and counter-coup which lasted for five years, and left the army in power until 1990.

It is partly thanks to them that Bangladesh has, to this day, such a poisonous and divided political culture.

So the execution of the five former officers might seem final, but the legacy of their appalling crimes remains very much alive today.
after court order in last night if she forgive them i think she will be more famus in pablic and more better infront of ALLAH.forgive is best then every thing .if you forgive others ALLAH will forgive you.
after court order in last night if she forgive them i think she will be more famus in pablic and more better infront of ALLAH.forgive is best then every thing .if you forgive others ALLAH will forgive you.

You are right. Clemency from death sentence was more appropriate considering the long delay of the case. But our politics is far more dirtier than you expect. If she forgave them then people like Al-Zakir would had come out and said that she did that with Saudi or Pakistani or some Martian pressure.:D
You are right. Clemency from death sentence was more appropriate considering the long delay of the case. But our politics is far more dirtier than you expect. If she forgave them then people like Al-Zakir would had come out and said that she did that with Saudi or Pakistani or some Martian pressure.:D

its not saudi or pakistani but islamic think.remember prophit mohmmad PBUH after winning the makkah ? he forgive messrsa who was killer of syed amir hamza in uhud war.the killer of loving uncle of PROPHIT PBUH. same like this many others who even make much much problims with PROPHIT MOHMMAD PBUH. she follow chankya way not islamic way.:rolleyes:
i am not just talking but its my life experince killer of my cazen he stil alive and we forgive him in court .
after court order in last night if she forgive them i think she will be more famus in pablic and more better infront of ALLAH.forgive is best then every thing .if you forgive others ALLAH will forgive you.


It is kind & large hearted of you to feel this way. Also you appear to be devout man.

However, in this case there is no way killing of children, ladies and Mujib can be condoned. It obviously was a pre meditated, cold blooded act carried out with complete knowledge of what was being done and by people fully aware of the law of the land -not to mention the motives and rewards the perpetrators got for it.

Lastly, you cannot kill a man for whatever reason and not expect the consquences.It does not matter if the man is a Prince or a pauper.
its humen think bro every one think difrent but as i say we have here tribe and islaminc velues difrent .you know who baloch forgive in many cases if killer's wife or mother go to victam faimly and bege from them the life of killer most of ppl forgive here when killers small kids and wife come to home of victam and crying for forgive.its true go southren panjab or balochistan.
No they do not because this will hurt their hindu pay masters feeling. These dalals mother is ma kali hasina. We have some sons of pure dalals here as well that never condemn BSF illegal killing in BSF killing bangladeshi civilian thread instead they try to put blame on poor bangaldeshi farmers.

As I have said before that our main enemy is dalal awami munafiq. bharat has no balls to attack us directly. We need to wipe out awami dalals in order to establish peace and prosperity. :sniper:

You are Al-Shams / Al-Badr and hate Bangladesh and Bengali Muslims. Also look them down as third class people this is the reason of your venom.

Long live brother Bangladesh, May the all merciful the one and only Allah bless Bangladesh with all of his blessings.
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