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Bangladesh Economy: News & Updates

Any updates on Cox's Bazar airport's upgrading work to an international airport and HSIA's Terminal 3?
When I went at Bangladesh airport for the first time,it was very clean.
Recently it is very dirty and dead mosquito everywhere!!
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OK - a neat little tidbit, recent entrant to the vibrant civil aviation scene, R&R Aviation is involved in corporate transport and air-ambulance services.



ADB raises growth forecast

Economic growth is expected to accelerate 6.7pc this fiscal year


ADB Country Director Kazuhiko Higuchi speaks at a media briefing at the bank's Dhaka office yesterday. Photo: Star

Star Business Report

The Asian Development Bank is bullish over Bangladesh's economic prospects this fiscal year, upgrading its growth forecasts while downgrading those for the rest of Asia Pacific save for Vietnam and Fiji.

The Manila-based multilateral lender tipped Bangladesh's gross domestic product to grow at 6.7 percent in fiscal 2015-16, up from its earlier prediction of 6.4 percent in its flagship annual economic publication, Asian Development Outlook that came out in March.

The optimism comes after the country outperformed ADB's growth forecast of 6.1 percent for fiscal 2014-15 in spite of political turmoil in the first quarter of 2015 that adversely affected transport services, exports and private investment.

Growth held up well because of brisk domestic demand, boosted by higher remittances, private sector wages and public investment, said Kazuhiko Higuchi, country director of ADB, while unveiling the updated version of March's report yesterday at the lender's office in Dhaka.

Mohammed Parvez Imdad, principal country specialist of ADB's Bangladesh office, presented the Bangladesh chapter of the report at the event.


The GDP growth forecast has been revised upwards upon expectations that exports will grow with the continued economic recovery in the US and the Eurozone and remittance will soar further, which, in turn, will boost consumption demand.

ADB also expects the private and public investment to pick up as the business climate improves in a stable political situation and spending to increase under the annual development programme, both of which will have a positive impact on GDP growth.

ADB praised the country's macroeconomic management, which, it said, has helped reduce inflation to 6.4 percent in fiscal 2014-15 from 7.4 percent a year earlier.

“This was a very good achievement,” Higuchi said.

Provided that normal weather prevails and prices remain favourable, agriculture growth is projected to move up to 3.2 percent this fiscal year from 3 percent last year.

Industrial growth is expected to strengthen but modestly to 9.8 percent from 9.6 percent last fiscal year on the back of better performance in readymade exports, manufacturing for domestic market and construction.

Growth in services is expected to increase to 6 percent from 5.8 percent as agriculture and industry expand.

Export growth is expected to increase to 6 percent this year, up from 3.3 percent a year ago.

Imports are projected to increase by 13 percent, from 11.2 percent the previous year, mainly in capital goods, industrial raw materials and food grains.


Remittance inflows are likely to grow 9 percent in fiscal 2015-16 from 7.7 percent a year earlier as the government steps up efforts to place workers overseas. Several risks could derail the projections, and foremost among them is political instability.

Failure to attain the revenue target without matching expenditure adjustments would create inflationary pressure as the government borrowed from the banks and so undermine macroeconomic stability.

Likewise, inadequate foreign investments would limit spending through the development plan on infrastructure, and thereby curtail growth.

Meanwhile, softer growth prospects for China and India, and a slow recovery in the major industrial economies will combine to push growth in Asia for 2015 and 2016 below previous projections, according to the ADB report. ADB now sees GDP growth for the region coming in at 5.8 percent in 2015 and 6 percent in 2016 -- below the March forecasts of 6.3 percent in both years.

China -- the world's second largest economy -- has seen growth moderate due to a slowdown in investment and weak exports in the first eight months of 2015. Growth is now seen at 6.8 percent in 2015, down from 7.2 percent projected earlier, and below the 7.2 percent posted in 2014.

External demand weaknesses and a slower-than-expected pace of enacting key reforms are holding back India's growth acceleration, with the pace in 2015 now seen at 7.4 percent, down from 7.8 percent forecast earlier.

Southeast Asia, meanwhile, is bearing the brunt of the slowdown in China -- one of its key markets -- as well as subdued demand from industrial countries, with growth in 2015 now seen at 4.4 percent, before bouncing back to 4.9 percent in 2016.

source: ADB raises growth forecast | The Daily Star

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ADB always predict 0.5% shy of what the prospective GDP would be.
So we will be breaking the 7% mark this year 6.7+0.5 = 7.2%


Ami tomar shathey 100% ekmot. Amader export basket portfolio arektoo diversify korley (shipbuilding, leather etc.) 7.5% exceed kora oshombhob na.
The best thing about BD is that development work is fairly well distributed to the whole country rather than concentrating in and around some big cities unlike a particular neighbouring country. From my personal observation, our village road infrastructure is better then the road condition in Dhaka specially the by-lanes. In Sylhet city where I am currently residing, one can rarely find pot-holed road while in Dhaka it is numerous.

So those who are mocking Dhaka, Chittagong for not having metro rail and other city centric costly infrastructure project should look at the mirror and start pondering about the massive discrimination towards village peoples, poorer states and other disadvantaged groups in their country.

যারা এইসব নিয়া লাফায় তাদের কথা চিন্তা কইরা লাভ নাই। ওদের দেশের লোক সবাই খারাপ না। কিছু লোক এমনিতেই পরের ভাল দেখতে পারে না।

বাঙ্গাল যারা এখান থেকে চলে গেছে তাদের বাংলাদেশ-এর উপর কোন কারণে অনেক রাগ।

আমাদের এখানে যেগুলি troll সেগুলি বেশির ভাগ বাঙ্গাল।

ওদের অবস্থা আমাদের থেকেও একশ গুন খারাপ ছিল। আমাদের পরিবার-এর-লোকেরা মাসে মাসে ঐ দেশে যাইতো। সবাইর সবকিছু দেখা আছে। ওই দেশে গু-এর গন্ধে গারি থেকে নামা যাইতো না। একটা উদাহরন দেই - খোদ দিল্লি বিমান বন্দর-এ boarding bridge ছিল না - আমাদের ঢাকাতে ঠিক boarding bridge ছিল। আমরা তখন তাদের কে নিচু চোখে দেখি নাই। বেশি না - পনের বছর আগের কথা....

আজকাল ঢাকায় লোকজন বাড়াতে হযবরল একটু বেশি হয়ে গেছে, আবার ঠিক হয়ে যাবে।

শুধু সময়ের ব্যাপার। ওদের দিন আজকাল ভাল - আমাদের দিন-ও আসবে। চিন্তা কইরো না।
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Bangladesh ranked 107th in global competitiveness index

DHAKA, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- Bangladesh's competitiveness among global economies has slightly improved to 107 out of 109 in rankings published yearly by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The country ranked 107 this year, from last year's position 109, among 140 countries in the world, the report of World Economic Forum said.

Bangladesh's leading think-tank Centro for Policy Dialogue (CPD) disclosed this year's ranking on behalf of the Geneva-based body at a press conference in Dhaka Wednesday.

The report says that the list of top 10 countries including Switzerland, Singapore, the United States, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, China's Hong Kong, Finland, Sweden and Britain remain unchanged but rankings of a few countries have changed.

In Europe, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France have made significant strides in bolstering competitiveness.

Among the larger emerging markets, according to the report, the trend is for the most part of one of decline or stagnation.

Among BRICS countries, it said three economies including Russia (45th) South Africa (49th)and India (55th) advanced, while China remained in last year's position (28th) and Brazil (75th) decelerated.

"China's new normal is an issue of concern despite having strong economic foundation," Khandaker Golam Moazzem, additional research director of CPD, said while launching the report.

He said competitiveness dynamics across Asia is bright but mixed in Southeast Asia.

Among other South Asian countries, according to the report, Sri Lanka performs well. It has achieved improvement by five notches and attained the 68th position in GCR-2015 compared to the 73rd last year.

In South Asia, Pakistan ranked 126th in 2015, Nepal 100th, and Bhutan 105th.

Regarding Bangladesh, the report says the country has advanced mainly due to better performance in "basic requirements" but at the cost of weakening "efficiency enhancers".

It says major improvements discerned in case of macroeconomic stability, infrastructure and market size.

"Governance and institutions are still in weak state and are cause for growing concern for businesses in medium to long term."

Apart from this, it said "major problematic factors like infrastructure, corruption and weak management remain the same."

Unless the needed reforms in financial sector, governance, education are undertaken, Moazzem in his concluding remarks said, "it will be difficult for Bangladesh to move forward in a highly competitive world."

Bangladesh is playing too safe. Our debt to GDP ratio is only 18% compared to India/Pakistan which is around 65% range.

We should invest in infrastructure at much higher rate than at present.

In the previous post - this is evident in our global competitive index which is pretty low compared to India/Pakistan.

Of course governance is a major issue as well. But that can be attributed to external interference - can't do anything about that until regime change occurs....
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A little dated - but the trend of China businesses transferring low-cost manufacturing to Bangladesh continues and has started snowballing now, no stopping it.....

A good news for densely populated Bangladesh :-)

নিঝুমদ্বীপের দক্ষিণে জাগছে বিশাল চর

27 Oct, 2015
মেঘনা বেষ্টিত হাতিয়া উপজেলার বর্তমান আয়তন একটি জেলার আয়তনের সমান। হাতিয়া উপজেলার দক্ষিণ পশ্চিমে অবস্থিত প্রকৃতির অপরূপ লীলাভূমি নিঝুমদ্বীপ ইউনিয়নের দক্ষিণ ও পূর্বে বিশাল আয়তনের ভূমি জাগছে। উল্লেখ্য, হাতিয়া উপজেলার আয়তন দেশের ২১টি জেলার আয়তনের চাইতে বড়, বিশ্বের ১৪টি দেশের আয়তনের চেয়ে বড় এবং সিঙ্গাপুরের আয়তনের তিনগুণ বেশী। হাতিয়া মূল ভূখ- ছাড়াও এর চতুর্দিকে ছোটবড় মিলিয়ে বর্তমানে ৫০টি চর জেড়ে উঠেছে। এগুলোর ১০টিতে জনসাধারণের বসবাস ও চাষাবাদ চলছে। অপরদিকে হাতিয়া উপজেলার নিঝুমদ্বীপ ইউনিয়নের দক্ষিণ ও পূর্বদিকে যে পরিমাণ ভূমি জাগছে তাতে করে আগামী দেড় দশকে আরো একটি জেলার আয়তনের সমান জেগে উঠার সম্ভবনা রয়েছে। হাতিয়া জাহাজমারা ইউনিয়নের দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম পার্শ্বে মেঘনা বেষ্টিত নিঝুমদ্বীপ ভ্রমণ বিলাসীদের জন্য দর্শনীয় স্থান। দেশ-বিদেশে এর ব্যাপক পরিচিতি রয়েছে। এছাড়া নিঝুমদ্বীপের দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব পার্শ্বে মেঘনা বেষ্টিত ত্রিশ বর্গকিলোমিটার আয়তনের দমার চর নামক চরটিতে বর্তমানে কুড়ি হাজার অধিবাসীর বসবাস। নিঝুমদ্বীপ ও দমার চরের মধ্যবর্তী এলাকাসহ দক্ষিণ ও পূর্বদিকে মেঘনার বুকচিরে বিশাল আয়তনের চর জাগছে।জাহাজমারা ইউনিয়নের দক্ষিণ পশ্চিমে বিগত ষাটের দশকে মেঘনার বুক চিরে এক খ- ভূমি জেগে ওঠে। ১৯৬৫ সাল থেকে হাতিয়া মূলভূখ- থেকে কিছু অধিবাসী উক্ত চরে শস্য মৌসুমে চাষাবাদ শুরু করে। তখন উক্ত চরের নাম ছিল বালুয়ার চর। পরবর্তীতে কমলার চর থেকে বর্তমানে এটি নিঝুমদ্বীপ ইউনিয়ন হিসেবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত। ১৯৭০ দশকের ভয়াবহ জলোচ্ছ্বাসে চরটির দুই শতাধিক কৃষক নিহত হয়। এদের মধ্যে ভাগ্যক্রমে মাত্র একজন প্রাণে রক্ষা পান। শুষ্ক মৌসুমে নদীতে জোয়ার কম থাকায় বিশাল এলাকায় ডুবোচর দেখা যায়। জানা গেছে, জাহাজমারা চ্যানেল অতিক্রম করে দক্ষিণে অন্তত একশ’ কিলোমিটার নৌপথ অতিক্রম করার সময় পানির গভীরতা কোথাও কোথাও ৫/৬ মিটার আবার কোথাও কোথাও ৮/১০ মিটারের মধ্যে এসে দাঁড়িয়েছে। একশ’ কিলোমিটার পথ অতিক্রম করার সময় পানির গভীরতা ১০/১২ মিটার দেখা গেছে। অর্থাৎ দক্ষিণ ও পূর্বদিকে সাগরে ক্রমান্বয়ে পলিমাটি ভরাট হচ্ছে। স্যাটেলাইট থেকে সংগৃহীত ছবিতে দেখা গেছে নিঝুমদ্বীপের দক্ষিণ ও পূর্বপাশে সাগর ক্রমান্বয়ে সাদা পলিমাটিতে ভরে যাচ্ছে। আগামী ৪/৫ বছরে এ বিশাল এলাকা ডুবোচর জেগে ওঠার পাশাপাশি এক দশকের মধ্যে জনবসতি গড়ে উঠবে।উল্লেখ্য, ১৯৯১ সালের সংঘঠিত ঝড় জলোচ্ছ্বাসের সময় সাগর থেকে জোয়ারের সাথে কোটি কোটি টন পলিমাটি এসে এখানকার নদনদী ভরাট করে। এতে বেশ কয়েকটি চরাঞ্চলের সৃষ্টি হয়। এরমধ্যে হাতিয়ার হরনী ইউনিয়ন, চানন্দী ইউনিয়ন, টেঙ্গারচর, সূর্যমুখী খালের পূর্বাংশ, দমারচর উল্লেখযোগ্য। এছাড়া প্রতি বছর বর্ষা মৌসুমে বঙ্গোপসাগর থেকে জোয়ারের সাথে কোটি কোটি টন পলিমাটি দক্ষিণাঞ্চলের নদনদীতে এসে থাকে। এতে করে ৪/৫ বছরের মধ্যে অসংখ্য ডুবোচর জেগে উঠছে। জানা গেছে, মেঘনা বেষ্টিত হাতিয়া উপজেলার বর্তমান আয়তন দেশের ২১ জেলার আয়তনের চেয়েও বড়। অপরদিকে নিঝুমদ্বীপের দক্ষিণ ও পূর্বদিকে যেহারে চর জাগছে তাতে করে আগামী দেড় দশকে আরো একটি জেলার আয়তনের সমান আরো ভূমি জেগে উঠার উজ্জ্বল সম্ভাবনা

উৎসঃ ইনকিলাব
Wealth of the people of Bangladesh has trebled in 15 years: Report
News Desk, bdnews24.com Published: 2015-10-15

People’s wealth in Bangladesh has increased threefold in the past 15 years, while that of adult citizens has doubled.

This has been revealed by a research done by the international financial service organisation, Credit Suisse.

A report released by it says global inequality is on the rise with half the world’s resources concentrated in the hands of one percent of the world’s population.

According to Credit Suisse data, Bangladesh's adult population was 70.2 million in 2000, which grew to 100.7 million by the middle of 2015.

Correspondingly, the wealth the people of Bangladesh possessed in 2000 was $78 billion, which increased to $237 bn in 2015.

The people of the US, the world’s richest country, commanded a wealth of $85,901 billion, the highest among all nations.

People of India, which is a rising economy, have wealth to the tune of $3,447 billion.

Of the other South Asian countries, the people of Pakistan have $495 bn, Sri Lanka $73 billion, and Nepal $37 bn.

The per capita wealth of Bangladesh’s adult population has increased from $1,069 to $2,201 over the past 15 years.

In this, the amount of economic wealth has risen from $441 to $795, and the quantum of immovable wealth from $652 to $1,470.

But debts too have grown alongside wealth. At present Bangladeshis carry a debt burden of $64 each, which was $24 fifteen years ago.

Credit Suisse estimates Bangladesh’s population to be 170.5 million at present.

The per capita wealth in the hands of 97.7 percent of the adult population is said to be $10,000 or a little less than Tk 780,000.

Credit Suisse has identified 1.2 million Bangladeshis as members of the middle class, who are said to have wealth amounting to at least $17,886 each.

Despite the growth in people’s wealth, Bangladesh’s position has not changed much in the global perspective.

One percent owns 50 percent of world wealth

The Guardian says in a report quoting Credit Suisse that the world’s middle class is becoming increasingly smaller, though China’s middle class (100.9 million) has left that of the US (90.2 million) behind.

Credit Suisse CEO Thidjane Thiam said the economic progress of the world’s middle class had been steady before the economic downturn.

After recovery, the wealth of the rich increased by leaps and bounds but the middle class made only a very slow progress.

A person possessing $3,210 can be considered to be within 50 percent of the world’s rich people. But to enter the club of the top 10 percent, one must have $68,800.

And each of those in the top one percent of the list own at least $759,900.

In calculating the wealth volume of the rich, Credit Suisse took into account their market investments besides their movable and immovable assets.

It says 70 percent of the world population or about 3.4bn people have a per capita wealth of less than $10,000, while the wealth of one billion people ranges from $10,000 to $100,000.

Eight percent of the people (383 million) have wealth amounting to over $100,000 each. Of them, 34 million are US residents, of whom 45,000 possess wealth over $100 million each.

The report says the wealth disparity is becoming more pronounced since 2008 with one percent of the world’s people owning 50.4 percent of the global wealth.

If this trend persists, Credit Suisse feels the number of millionaires in the world will increase to 40.4 million.

Earlier, an Oxfam report estimated that by 2016 the world’s top one percent people would possess wealth exceeding the amount owned by the rest 99 percent.

After the Credit Suisse report, Oxfam official Mark Goldberg said it looked as if this was going to come true. He said the extremely poor were slipping out of their reach.

Goldberg said, though the UN had adopted sustainable development goals to eradicate poverty, he doubted if the world leaders were serious about reducing inequality.

According to the Credit Suisse study, the total world wealth in 2015 was $250 trillion, 12.4 percent less than that of the previous year.

This was the first time the wealth value fell after 2008.

The Credit Suisse report attributes this to a fall in the value of the US dollar.

Wealth of the people of Bangladesh has trebled in 15 years: Report -

7th 5-yr Plan for sustainable Bangladesh

7th 5-yr Plan for sustainable Bangladesh
Diplomatic Correspondent
DHAKA: Among South Asian countries, Bangladesh has experienced the steepest increase in urbanization over the last 50 years.

Between 2000 and 2030, the total population of Bangladesh is expected to grow from 129 to 206 million, with two thirds of this increase occurring in urban areas.

Further, United Nations projections indicate that 50 percent or more of the total population will be classified as urban by the year 2045. By 2050, it is projected that the number of people living in cities will have tripled, while the rural population will have fallen by 30 percent.

Growth trends in Bangladesh are characterized by an uneven pattern of regional growth. Urban poor suffer disproportionately from the impacts of hazards arising from rapid and poorly managed urbanization.

Prioritizing the issue evolved through urbanization, the Planning Commission and Bangladesh Urban Forum (BUF) Secretariat with support from UNDP organized a stakeholder’s consultation meeting to seek insights on the draft 7th FYP from key policy leaders, urbanization experts from Bangladesh, NGOs/CSOs and development partners towards building consensus, and develop action points to be included in urban policy initiatives through five year plan.

The draft plan was discussed in a consultation meeting on May 16 at BICC in presence of Dr Mashiur Rahman, Adviser to the Honourable Prime Minister on Economic Affairs as the Chief Guest.

The meeting was also attended by Professor Nazrul Islam, Ms Pauline Tamesis, Country Director, UNDP, Mohammad Shafiqul Azam, Secretary, Planning Divison, Ministry of Planning and Mohammed Moinuddin Abdulah, Secretary, MoH&PW.

The meeting was chaired by Professor Shamsul Alam, Member (Senior Secretary), GED of Planning Commission, says a press release issued by UNDP Country office in Bangladesh.

The draft 7th FYP opted for four strategies to ensure country’s future urbanization in a planned way that offers basic urban services to its urbanites and transforms cities and towns work for all.

The strategies are -- urban governance strategies, urban housing strategies, urban transportation strategies and strategies for reduction of urban poverty.
Eminent urban expert Professor Nazrul Islam in his opening remarks shared about the urban sector’s stake to the GDP that is higher than the agriculture as urban inhabitants contribute approximately 60 percent to the national GDP and it is the high time that a national policy on urbanization should be taken.

UNDP Country Director Ms Pauline Tamesis suggested three steps for Bangladesh Future Urbanization - formulating of an urban vision, drafting urban city plan and crafting policies that are designed for people.

Dr Mashiur Rahman talked about the need of land use plan for all city and towns as the uncontrolled urbanization has a root to the country’s historical complex land management system. He also emphasized on proper decentralization utilizing local resources.

The draft plan was discussed by the sectoral experts Dr. Hossain Zilllur Rahman, Executive Chairman, PPRC; Dr. Roxana Hafiz, Professor, URP, BUET; Advocate Azmatullah Khan, Adviser, Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB); Ar. Iqbal Habib, Joint Secretary, BAPA and Mr Naved Chowdhury, Advisor, DFID & Chair, BUF Urban Policy & Governance Cluster.

The experts found that the scale, complexity and challenges associated with urbanization in Bangladesh render it one of the most pressing development issues of our time.

BDST: 2213 HRS, MAY 16, 2015

সপ্তম পঞ্চবার্ষিকী পরিকল্পনা (২০১৬ ২০২০) | Internal Resources Division-Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh | অভ্যন্তরীণ সম্পদ বিভাগ-গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার


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