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Japan eager to sign FTA with Bangladesh
FE Report | Published: January 25, 2019 12:19:25 | Updated: January 25, 2019 13:10:22


Japan has shown interest to sign free trade agreement (FTA) with Bangladesh, officials said on Thursday.

Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh Hiroyasu Izumi expressed his interest when he met Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal at the latter's secretariat office in Dhaka on Wednesday evening.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Chief Representative in Bangladesh Hitoshi Hirata and high officials of the Japanese Embassy and JICA office in Dhaka were also present at the meeting.

During the meeting, Mr Kamal urged the delegates to boost Japanese investments in Bangladesh saying, "This is high time for any global investors to invest in Bangladesh."

The finance minister thanked Japan for extending its economic and financial cooperation especially in infrastructure development work.

The Japanese envoy assured the minister of helping Bangladesh reform the tax management system and develop solid waste management system, said a statement of the finance ministry on Thursday.

Mr Izumi also informed him that Japan is now providing some Yen 200 billion worth of loans for six projects including MRT-6 line construction work.

The loan package will be increased for Bangladesh's different projects in the future, he said, adding that Japanese people are very much friendly to Bangladesh as Tokyo is providing assistance from taxes the people are paying.



Saudis plan big investment in Bangladesh
*High-powered team arriving next month *Fertilizer, cement, power plants target
Friday, January 25, 2019

Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is planning to make a big investment in Bangladesh along with further expanding bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries, officials said on Thursday.
They said a high-powered Saudi delegation is scheduled to arrive next month to explore Riyadh's investment opportunities in Bangladesh.
During the visit, the delegation will hold meetings with senior government officials, relevant state agencies and trade body leaders to discuss their planned investment in Bangladesh.
"The team is expected to place multi billion dollars investment proposal during its visit to Bangladesh," a senior Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) official told The New Nation yesterday, on condition of anonymity.
He said the oil rich Gulf nation is keen to invest commercially viable projects in Bangladesh focusing on fertilizer, cement and power plants and physical infrastructure.
The Prime Minister's Office earlier directed the BIDA to coordinate and monitor Saudi investment related issues.
BIDA in a recent letter, signed by its Director Ariful Huq, sought a list of proposed investment projects under all the Ministries so that Saudi investment can be channelised there. Â
The letter reads, "Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had a fruitful discussion with the Saudi government about investing in various projects in Bangladesh during her four-day visit to Saudi Arabia in October 2018.
During the visit, Hasina called for more Saudi investment and to explore business opportunities in Bangladesh. She also offered a special economic zone out of 100 special economic zones to Saudi investors.
In continuation of this, Saudi Arabia's Ministers for Commerce and Investment and Economy and representatives of Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) and the Saudi Fund for Development (SDF) will visit Bangladesh on 10-11 February.
The letter also reads, "There has been a preparatory meeting on January 9 where all government Ministries and agencies have been given guidelines over materializing Saudi investment in prospective sectors."
Officials said, Bangladesh has already selected a number of prospective sectors expecting a large volume of investment from the KSA.
The sectors are: petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, services, telecommunications, ICT, power and energy, physical infrastructure, agro processing and shipbuilding.  Â
BIDA on Wednesday convened a meeting to discuss the possible areas of the KSA's investment in Bangladesh, with its Executive Chairman Kazi M Aminul Islam in the chair.
Concerned government officials attended the meeting with full list of proposed foreign aided projects under all Ministries.
"We have already identified prospective sectors expecting considerable amount of investment from Saudi Arabia. But, we will leave it to the delegation as per their investment preferences," BIDA Executive Chairman Kazi M Aminul Islam told The New Nation.
He said Riyadh is eager to set up a fertilizer factory, oil refinery and cement manufacturing plant as part of its planned investment in Bangladesh.
"We are hopeful of having a fruitful discussion with the high-powered Saudi delegation. During the discussion, the Saudi delegation will be informed about the recent economic development of Bangladesh looking at new areas of engagement covering trade and investment promotion."
When asked, Kazi M Aminul Islam said, "We are expecting big Saudi investment banking on expanded bilateral trade and investment cooperation between Riyadh and Dhaka.  A major breakthrough in this regard is expected to come following the visit of Saudi delegation."
 Earlier, the embassy of Saudi Arabia in Dhaka in a letter to the Ministry of Commerce said businessmen of the Kingdom were keen to expand investment in Bangladesh and requested the Ministry to inform it about the areas where Bangladesh expect investment.
Saudi Arabia also sought information on big infrastructure projects undertaken by the government of Bangladesh.
"All the information will be sent to Riyadh soon aiming at expanding new areas of economic cooperation," said BIDA Executive Chairman.
More than one and a half million Bangladeshi professionals and workers are living in the KSA, making it Bangladesh's single largest source of remittance earnings.
Bangladeshi expatriates living in the Kingdom sent US$2.59 billion remittance in the last fiscal (2017-18). The country's total remittance inflow hit US$14.97 billion during the period, according to Bangladesh Bank.
Though trade between the two nations has increased significantly in the recent years, still it remains modest level. Bangladesh exports to the KSA were around $350 million in the last fiscal, whereas Bangladesh's imports from the KSA stood at around $750 million during the period.


Naf Tourism Park: A step in the right direction
Syed Tashfin Chowdhury | Published: January 21, 2019 22:07:44 | Updated: January 22, 2019 22:13:19


The tourism sector of the country was declared an industry in 1992. In recent years, many local and international think-tanks have called it a promising sector that has the potential to rake in millions of dollars every year.

Yet the sector has not taken off and some analysts have blamed the lack of infrastructure in the country for this. They pointed to the lack of communication and accommodation near popular and potential tourist spots. Due to these problems, the sector has not enjoyed substantial investment over the past few decades.

Against this backdrop, it is heartening to learn that significant progress is being made on a proposed tourism park project to be developed on Jaliardwip island in Naf River in Cox's Bazar. Following an agreement signed between Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) and Thai company Siam Siam International Group in September of last year, the first phase of the proposed Naf Tourism Park is expected to be complete by 2021.

The $500 million-park will be developed on 293 acres of land in Jaliardwip. Once all phases are complete, the park will have international standard hotels, a resort, entertainment park, golf club, shopping mall, cable cars, cinema hall, water sports beach and many other facilities.

The potential of this tourism park will be realised by anyone who has visited Genting Highlands in Malaysia or Sentosa Island in Singapore in recent times. The Genting Highlands Resort is an integrated hill resort in Malaysia that got started in 1965. In 2016, the hill resort received 20.2 million visitors from around the world. The profit of Genting Highlands was around US $ 700.2 million in 2016, which saw a 129 per cent growth over its 2015 annual profit of $ 306 million.

Malaysia's neighbour, Singapore has Sentosa Island which was opened in 1975. Constant improvements and additions to the park have turned it into one of the top tourist destinations in the world. The nearly five square kilometre island houses 14 hotels, Universal Studios Singapore, the Merlion, two golf courses, Fort Siloso (a World War II museum), a casino and numerous other attractions. The operating profit before working capital changes of Sentosa was $ 67.11 million in 2018, up from $ 41.75 million in 2017.

The Naf Tourisn Park is no doubt a step in the right direction. It is very likely to reinforce the tourism potential of Cox's Bazar as well. Once it becomes operational, chances are high that investors from both home and abroad may find similar ventures rewarding. The government, too, may seek foreign investment in similar tourism projects in other areas of the country like Bandarban, Kuakata, Sylhet, Rajshahi etc.


Above is a photograph of a village primary school and our little sons and daughters with beautiful school dress, sandals/shoes, and rucksacks are running towards it. BD has to do many million other development works, but the picture shows how our standard of living has already improved.
To the people of our generations, a good looking primary school building with a beautiful roof, walls, and verandah floor could only be a dream. And this is a village school. And we never thought of the existence of any school dress let alone the rucksack. We carried books on hands. In some respect, Bangladesh is progressing.

@Nilgiri, your comments, please!! Do not you think we are progressing well?
Padma bridge: 900metres now visible with installation of 6th span


Around 900metres of the much-awaited Padma bridge is now visible as the sixth span (superstructure) of the 6.15-km bridge was installed at Jazira point in Shariatpur today.

The span, F-6, was placed on the pillars 36 and 37 of the bridge at 10:00 am, reports our Munshiganj correspondent.

After the installation of the 3,140 tonne-span, around 150 metre is visible from the Mawa point today, reports our correspondent.


When the construction of the Padma Bridge is completed, the capital will be directly connected with 21 southern districts through road and railways.

The first span of the bridge was laid on pillars 37 and 38 on September 30, 2017. The second span was placed on January 28, 2018. The third span was laid on March 11, the fourth was placed on May 13 and the fifth span was installed on June 29, the same year.


Two major components of the project are main bridge and river training. Of them, 59 percent work of the main bridge and 36.5 percent work of river training have been completed.

The project is running behind schedule as the World Bank withdrew its $1.2 billion loan in 2012 over allegations of corruption conspiracies. The government then moved to build the bridge with its own funds.


Above is a photograph of a village primary school and our little sons and daughters with beautiful school dress, sandals/shoes, and rucksacks are running towards it. BD has to do many million other development works, but the picture shows how our standard of living has already improved.
To the people of our generations, a good looking primary school building with a beautiful roof, walls, and verandah floor could only be a dream. And this is a village school. And we never thought of the existence of any school dress let alone the rucksack. We carried books on hands. In some respect, Bangladesh is progressing.

@Nilgiri, your comments, please!! Do not you think we are progressing well?

It looks very nice. Excellent job if this is the average in BD...it means BD future in 10 - 20 years is going to be great when they join the workforce. @Joe Shearer
Awami league is very lucky that it has got the supports of technology to show its future plans in beautiful animation.

The timing of the starting of the rapid worldwide technology and internet availability and adoption, and the AL's forming of government in 2007/2008 is indeed a matter of luck.
Awami league is very lucky that it has got the supports of technology to show its future plans in beautiful animation.

The timing of the starting of the rapid worldwide technology and internet availability and adoption, and the AL's forming of government in 2007/2008 is indeed a matter of luck.

Bhai, AL had nothing to do with these animations, they were the work of independent architects who received contract from LGED. Not all citizens or govt. employees are diehard AL supporters.

That said, animations and CGI skills of local consultants is of very high quality.

When (I said not IF but WHEN) BNP has a rebirth they can use these same architects to show their projects.
Exclusive Chattogram City Outer Ring Road Project

The Chittagong City Outer Ring Road which is a four lane coastal road will be inaugurated for vehicular traffic in March 2019. The construction work of the project is going on in full swing. The traffic congestion of Chattogram City will decrease after completion of the coastal road which is around 30 meters high of sea level, from Patenga to Sagrika Stadium. This outer ring road will protect the city from natural disasters such as cyclone. It will also attract lots of tourists. Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) is implementing the whole project.

The cost of the 15.7 kilometer long outer ring road is BDT 2,424 Crores. The Bangladesh government is paying BDT 1,720 Crore and Japan's donor JICA is paying the rest BDT 706 Crore. CDA Chairman Abdus Salam said, "The traffic congestion of the city will reduce a lot after completion of the Chattogram city Outer Ring Road project." This road can be used as an alternative for going to Chittagong seaport and airport. The project director of City Outer Ring Road, Kazi Hasan Bin Shams, said, "The carpeting work of eight kilometers of the whole road-work is already finished. The approximate time of the Road traffic to be open is on month of March 2019.

The duration of completion for the work has set to end before 2020 but it will open early. The outer ring road of Chittagong is an inevitable part of the city; all the people of Chittagong will get the huge benefits. The prosperity will come in the local as well as national business and in communication system. A total 113.65 acres of land has been acquired for this project. The whole work is going on in three parts. At present, the work of main road is 15.7 kilometers long. The width of this section is 20.5 to 24.5 meters, which is about 30 meters high above the sea level.

Besides, the construction of the branch road (feeder) along the side of the Sagorika stadium is also going on. Under the project, construction work of 11 sluice gates has been completed and 10 foot over bridges for pedestrian crossing will be built. Bangladeshi Spectra Engineers Limited and Indian Company KNR Limited are jointly constructing the project. In different places of Patenga area work of the soil filling for road construction is on-going. The bridges are being built. Road carpeting work from Muslimabad to Anandabazar has been completed. Here road divider for four lane road is ongoing. Road blocks are being placed at the bottom of the road.

Already different types of vehicles such as auto-rickshaw, microbus, and trucks are using this road. On the other hand, the construction of the resistance wall is going on which is nearly five and a half kilometer long above the sea level of Patenga beach area. The construction of two kilometer walkway in the beach area has been completed. The crowds are gathering in the afternoon in the beach area. According to CDA sources, the multi-dimensional benefits will met when the project is implemented.

Simultaneously, residents of North Pahartali, North Kattoli, Gosaildanga, North-Middle Halishahar, South-Medium Halishahar, South Halishahar, North Patenga Ward will be safe from cyclone and soil breakdown and it will provide approach road for the Karnafuli tunnel.

In fact, based on the survey of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), in January 2009, CDA took the initiative to implement this exclusive project. The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) approved the project of BDT 856 crore in 2011. The work was not started at that time. In August 2013 ECNEC approved a revised budget for this project of Taka 1,496 crore. But the second phase amendment was completed by fixing the cost of the project, Taka 2,424 crore, and finished the work.

After fully completion the Chittagong City Outer Ring Road project, important installations like Shah Amanat International Airport, Chittagong Port's various installations, private ICD, Chittagong EPZ, Karnaphuli EPZ, Eastern Refinery, State-owned oil companies, installation of naval and air force, silo jetty, food ware, and Eastern Cables factory Will be safe from various sea disasters.


Above is a photograph of a village primary school and our little sons and daughters with beautiful school dress, sandals/shoes, and rucksacks are running towards it. BD has to do many million other development works, but the picture shows how our standard of living has already improved.
To the people of our generations, a good looking primary school building with a beautiful roof, walls, and verandah floor could only be a dream. And this is a village school. And we never thought of the existence of any school dress let alone the rucksack. We carried books on hands. In some respect, Bangladesh is progressing.

@Nilgiri, your comments, please!! Do not you think we are progressing well?

If this is our average in India, we are not doing too shabbily either @Skies @Mage @Atlas @Joe Shearer :p:

Harald gives pretty frank opinion on lot of stuff he saw in India (and countries he goes to in general)....great channel. Hope he visits BD too.
The Japanese envoy assured the minister of helping Bangladesh reform the tax management system and develop solid waste management system, said a statement of the finance ministry on Thursday.
The entire country has become a fithy waste dumping ground. So, not FTA, but I find this part very forward-looking. Japan has developed a system to recycle its millions of tons of daily waste (Gomi in Japanese). The system is as follows:

1) There are pre-determined small places (about 6m2 to 8 m2) for each small area/block or an apartment block to dump (not just throwing BD style) the garbages in POLYTHENE bags. The dumping area for raw kitchen garbage is covered with thread nets. Raise a side of the net and place the polythene bags with raw garbage/combustibles inside it so that crows or cats cannot spread it.
2) Garbage is divided into combustible/raw, plastics, glass bottles, plastic bottles etc. Separate rectangular boxes are there for dumping the latter non-combustible items.
3) Small polythene shopping bags are usually used by households. The eateries have to use large 10liter or 20l polythene bags bought in the stores.
4) Days are fixed to collect different items by the dump trucks. For example, Monday to collect raw garbage, Tuesday to collect plastics, etc.
5) There are incineration plants for a certain large area. For example, two plants in each UpaZilla.

@UKBengali's $1600 per capita GDP is good mostly for the top people without any virtual effects at the bottom. But, introducing an efficient garbage collection system will raise the standard of living for both him and a poor guy like me.
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