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Water taxi from Dhaka's Dhanmondi Lake to Gulshan


Shahed Shafiq
01 December 2020, 13:00

Hatirjheel water taxi

The canal occupied on the existing road in the capital Panthapath will be restored. Through this, city dwellers will be able to reach Gulshan-Baridhara from Dhanmondi Lake by boat or water taxi via Hatirjheel. The Capital Development Authority (RAJUK) has taken such an initiative. The long-distance navigable route will be constructed by restoring the evicted capital's Panthapath canal and connecting Dhanmondi Lake and Hatirjheel.

It is known that this Panthapath road was a canal even in the 1960s. There were at least 15 km more canals including this one. Where the road is currently paved through a box culvert. As a result, the canals have lost their original existence.

The canals in the capital Dhaka are mainly owned by the Dhaka district administration. But in the eighties Dhaka WASA got the responsibility of maintaining the canal. In 2001, WASA filled most of the canals and undertook the project of constructing box culverts in them. This does not reduce water retention but increases it. As the project failed, on 15 June 2017, ECNEC decided to open the box culvert from the canals in Dhaka. Dhaka WASA, RAJUK and City Corporation were then instructed to restore the canal.

In this situation, RAJUK has taken initiative to rescue Panthapath canal. Dhanmondi Lake will be connected to Hatirjheel through canal. RAJUK will finance the rescue of the canal. If Hatirjheel Lake is connected with Dhanmondi Lake, an uninterrupted waterway system of about eleven kilometers from Baridhara to Dhanmondi will be established.

According to the decision of the board meeting of the Capital Development Authority (RAJUK), the company will rehabilitate the Panthapath canal and develop the canal area to connect Hatirjheel Lake and Dhanmondi Lake by water. The resolution in the board meeting said that there is no alternative to protect the reservoirs by ensuring proper livability of Dhaka metropolis. However, due to various illegal occupations, the canals, ponds and floodplains of this city are getting filled up. In order to remedy this situation, on the one hand, it is necessary to conduct strict surveillance and eviction operations, on the other hand, it is equally important to take initiative to restore the reservoirs.

It further said that the two notable reservoirs of Dhaka metropolis are Hatirjheel Lake and Dhanmondi Lake. If it is possible to restore the Panthapath canal, a waterway connection will be established between these two large reservoirs. This will increase the amount of reservoirs on the one hand and improve the drainage system of Dhanmondi, Shukrabad, Kawran Bazar etc. on the other hand. The flood trend in the city will decrease. The chances of groundwater recharge will increase. Above all, the livability of the area will be improved. The civic amenities of the area can be created by providing simple linear parks, walkways, jogging lanes, bicycle lanes, rest areas etc. in the canals and canal adjoining areas.

It further said that since Hatirjheel Lake is connected with Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara Lake. In that case, if the connection between Hatirjheel Lake and Dhanmondi Lake is established through the restoration of Panthapath canal, an uninterrupted waterway system of about eleven kilometers from Baridhara to Dhanmondi will be established. Which will play an effective role in reducing traffic congestion in Dhaka city.

It is learned that the feasibility study of the project, completion of detailed physical survey and cost estimate of the Detailed Action Area Plan for canal rescue and development of the canal area were approved at the board meeting of RAJUK. Sends letters seeking directions from the Ministry of Housing and Public Works to take the cost of conducting the feasibility study from government sources. Later, the Ministry of Housing and Public Works issued a letter on July 15 instructing that the project could be implemented with RAJUK's own funds.

According to RAJUK sources, there are 15 km of box culverts in the capital Dhaka at present. 8 km south of the city corporation. These include Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel from Russell Square via Green Road, Motaleb Plaza in Hatirpul to Sonargaon Hotel, Panthapath to Paribagh, Ibrahimpur Bazar to Mirpur Baunia Khal, Segunbagicha to Arambagh, some more roads to Bangladesh Bank, Khilgaon to Khilgaon. There are. Almost the entire Panthapath from Russell Square to SAARC Fountain is on the Box Culvert.

Ashraful Islam, project director of the Detailed Area Plan (DAP), said steps have been taken to restore the canal from Russell Square in Dhanmondi to Hatirjheel. We will assign BUET to conduct a feasibility study on the matter.

He added that there is no canal. There is a box culvert in place of the canal. There is also a road up top. We will open the channel. It will connect Hatirjheel with Dhanmondi.

He said there is a road. What will be the traffic impact in the vicinity? No matter how many canals the drainage capacity will be fine. Besides, there are buildings in the vicinity. In this reality, how wide should the canal be? We will send a proposal to BUET for a feasibility study on these overall issues.

Besides, after the regular cabinet meeting at the Secretariat on July 31, 2016, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina instructed the Local Government Minister to rescue the canal in the capital in an unscheduled discussion. He said the box culverts should also be opened if necessary. A small overpass can be built over the box culvert for traffic.

(Translated for report in Bengali - pardon any mistakes)


হাতিরঝিলের ওয়াটার ট্যাক্সি

রাজধানী পান্থপথের বিদ্যমান রাস্তায় দখল হওয়া খালটি পুনরুদ্ধার করা হবে। এর মাধ্যমে ধানমন্ডি লেক থেকে নৌকা বা ওয়াটার ট্যাক্সিতে হাতিরঝিল হয়ে গুলশান-বারিধারায় যেতে পারবেন নগরবাসী। এমনই একটি উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে রাজধানী উন্নয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষ (রাজউক)। বেদখল হয়ে যাওয়া রাজধানীর পান্থপথ খালটি পুনরুদ্ধার করে ধানমন্ডি লেক ও হাতিরঝিলকে যুক্ত করে তৈরি করা হবে দীর্ঘ এ নৌ-রুট।

জানা গেছে, ১৯৮০-এর দশকেও এই পান্থপথ সড়কটি ছিল খাল। এই খালটিসহ আরও অন্তত ১৫ কিলোমিটার খাল বিদ্যমান ছিল। যেখানে বর্তমানে বক্স কালভার্টের মাধ্যমে সড়ক করে দেওয়া হয়েছে। ফলে খালগুলো মূল অস্তিত্ব হারিয়েছে।

রাজধানী ঢাকার খালগুলোর মালিক মূলত ঢাকা জেলা প্রশাসন। কিন্তু আশির দশকে খালের রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের দায়িত্ব পায় ঢাকা ওয়াসা। ২০০১ সালের দিকে অধিকাংশ খাল ভরাট করে তাতে বক্স কালভার্ট নির্মাণের প্রকল্প হাতে নেয় ওয়াসা। এতে জলাবদ্ধতা না কমে উল্টো বেড়ে যায়। প্রকল্পটি ব্যর্থ হওয়ায় ২০১৬ সালের ১৫ জুন একনেকে ঢাকার খালগুলো থেকে বক্স কালভার্ট তুলে উন্মুক্ত করে দেওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত আসে। তখন খালের আগের রূপ ফিরিয়ে আনতে ঢাকা ওয়াসা, রাজউক ও সিটি করপোরেশনকে নির্দেশনা দেওয়া হয়।

এ অবস্থায় পান্থপথ খালটি উদ্ধারের উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে রাজউক। খালের মাধ্যমে হাতিরঝিলের সঙ্গে যুক্ত করা হবে ধানমন্ডি লেককে। খাল উদ্ধারে অর্থায়ন করবে রাজউক। হাতিরঝিল লেক ধানমন্ডি লেকের সঙ্গে যুক্ত হলে বারিধারা হতে ধানমন্ডি পর্যন্ত প্রায় এগারো কিলোমিটার অবিচ্ছিন্ন জলপথ ব্যবস্থা প্রতিষ্ঠিত হবে।

রাজধানী উন্নয়ন কর্তৃপক্ষের (রাজউক) বোর্ড সভার সিদ্ধান্ত অনুযায়ী হাতিরঝিল লেক এবং ধানমন্ডি লেকের মধ্যে জলপথে সংযোগ স্থাপনের লক্ষ্যে পান্থপথ খাল পুনরুদ্ধার ও খাল এলাকার উন্নয়ন করবে সংস্থাটি। বোর্ডসভায় রেজুলেশনে বলা হয়, ঢাকা মহানগরীর যথাযথ বসবাসযোগ্যতা নিশ্চিত করে জলাধারগুলো রক্ষার বিকল্প নেই। অথচ ক্রমান্বয়ে বিভিন্ন অবৈধ দখলের কারণে এই শহরের খাল, পুকুর, বন্যা প্রবাহ এলাকাগুলো ভরাট হয়ে যাচ্ছে। এ অবস্থার প্রতিকারে একদিকে যেমন শক্ত নজরদারি ও উচ্ছেদ অভিযান পরিচালনা করা জরুরি, অন্যদিকে জলাধারগুলো পুনরুদ্ধারের উদ্যোগ নেওয়াটাও সমভাবে জরুরি।

এতে আরও বলা হয়, ঢাকা মহানগরীর দুইটি উল্লেখযোগ্য জলাধার হলো—হাতিরঝিল লেক এবং ধানমন্ডি লেক। পান্থপথ খাল পুনরুদ্ধার করা সম্ভব হলে এই বৃহৎ জলাধার দুটির মধ্যে জলপথে সংযোগ স্থাপিত হবে। এতে একদিকে যেমন জলাধারের পরিমাণ বাড়বে অন্যদিকে ধানমন্ডি, শুক্রাবাদ, কাওরান বাজার প্রভৃতি এলাকার ড্রেনেজ ব্যবস্থার উন্নতি হবে। শহরে বন্যা প্রবণতা হ্রাস পাবে। ভূগর্ভস্থ পানি রিচার্জের সুযোগ বৃদ্ধি পাবে। সর্বোপরি উক্ত এলাকার বসবাসযোগ্যতার উন্নতি হবে। খাল ও খাল সংলগ্ন এলাকায় সরল রৈখিক পার্ক, ওয়াকওয়ে, জগিং লেন, বাইসাইকেল লেন, বিশ্রামের স্থান প্রভৃতির সংস্থান করে উক্ত এলাকার নাগরিক সুবিধাদি সৃজন করা যাবে।

এতে আরও বলা হয়, হাতিরঝিল লেক যেহেতু গুলশান-বনানী-বারিধারা লেকের সঙ্গে সংযুক্ত। সেক্ষেত্রে পান্থপথ খাল পুনরুদ্ধারের মাধ্যমে হাতিরঝিল লেক ও ধানমন্ডি লেকের মধ্যে সংযোগ স্থাপিত হলে এক্ষেত্রে বারিধারা থেকে ধানমন্ডি পর্যন্ত প্রায় এগারো কিলোমিটার অবিচ্ছিন্ন জলপথ ব্যবস্থা প্রতিষ্ঠিত হবে। যা ঢাকা শহরের যানজট নিরসনে কার্যকর ভূমিকা রাখবে।

জানা যায়, খাল উদ্ধার ও খাল এলাকার উন্নয়নের নিমিত্তে উক্ত প্রকল্পের ফিজিবিলিটি স্টাডি, বিস্তারিত ভৌত জরিপ সম্পাদন এবং ডিটেইলড অ্যাকশন এরিয়া প্ল্যান এর ব্যয় প্রাক্কলন রাজউকের বোর্ড সভায় অনুমোদন করা হয়। ফিজিবিলিটি স্টাডি সম্পাদনের ব্যয়ভার সরকারি উৎস থেকে গ্রহণ করার নিমিত্তে গৃহায়ন ও গণপূর্ত মন্ত্রণালয়ের অনুশাসন চেয়ে পত্র প্রেরণ করে। পরবর্তীতে গৃহায়ন ও গণপূর্ত মন্ত্রণালয় গত ১৫ জুলাই এক পত্রে প্রকল্পটি রাজউকের নিজস্ব অর্থে বাস্তবায়ন করা যেতে পারে মর্মে নির্দেশনা প্রদান করে।

রাজউক সূত্র জানিয়েছে, বর্তমানে রাজধানী ঢাকায় ১৫ কিলোমিটারের মতো বক্স কালভার্ট রয়েছে। এর ৮ কিলোমিটার দক্ষিণ সিটি করপোরেশনের। এর মধ্যে রয়েছে রাসেল স্কয়ার থেকে গ্রিন রোড হয়ে প্যান প্যাসিফিক সোনারগাঁও হোটেল, হাতিরপুলের মোতালেব প্লাজা থেকে সোনারগাঁও হোটেল, পান্থপথ থেকে পরীবাগ, ইব্রাহিমপুর বাজার থেকে মিরপুর বাউনিয়া খাল, সেগুনবাগিচা থেকে আরামবাগ হয়ে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক, খিলগাঁও থেকে তিলপাপাড়া পর্যন্তসহ আরও কয়েকটি স্থানে স্বল্পদৈর্ঘ্যের বক্স কালভার্ট সড়ক রয়েছে। রাসেল স্কয়ার থেকে সার্ক ফোয়ারা পর্যন্ত পান্থপথের প্রায় পুরো রাস্তাই পড়েছে বক্স কালভার্টের ওপর।

এ বিষয়ে ডিটেইলড এরিয়া প্ল্যানের (ড্যাপ) প্রকল্প পরিচালক আশরাফুল ইসলাম বলেন, ধানমন্ডির রাসেল স্কয়ার থেকে হাতিরঝিল পর্যন্ত যে খালটি ছিল তা পুনরুদ্ধারের উদ্যোগ নেওয়া হয়েছে। আমরা বিষয়টির ফিজিবিলিটি স্টাডির জন্য বুয়েটকে দায়িত্ব দেবো।

তিনি আরও বলেন, খাল নেই। খালের জায়গায় বক্স কালভার্ট রয়েছে। ওপরে রাস্তাও রয়েছে। আমরা চ্যানেলটা ওপেন করে দেবো। এটি ধানমন্ডির সঙ্গে হাতিরঝিল সংযুক্ত করবে।

তিনি বলেন, সেখানে একটি রাস্তা রয়েছে। এর আশেপাশের ট্রাফিক ইমপ্যাক্ট কেমন হবে। কতোটুকু খাল হলে ড্রেনেজ ক্যাপাসিটি ঠিক থাকবে। এছাড়া আশেপাশে ভবন হয়ে গেছে। এ বাস্তবতায় খাল কতটুকু প্রশস্ত হওয়া উচিত। এসব সামগ্রিক বিষয় নিয়ে ফিজিবিলিটি স্টাডির জন্য আমরা বুয়েটকে একটি প্রস্তাব পাঠাবো।

এছাড়া ২০১৭ সালের ৩১ জুলাই সচিবালয়ে মন্ত্রিসভার নিয়মিত বৈঠক শেষে অনির্ধারিত আলোচনায় স্থানীয় সরকার মন্ত্রীকে রাজধানীর খাল উদ্ধার করার জন্য নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা। তিনি বলেন, প্রয়োজনে বক্স কালভার্টগুলোকেও উন্মুক্ত করে দিতে হবে। যান চলাচলের জন্য বক্স কালভার্টের ওপরে ছোট আকৃতির ওভারপাস তৈরি করা যেতে পারে।
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1st 45 story tower starts construction in Dhaka. Because of soil conditions, such a building will cost twice as much in piling and foundation cost of equivalent height buildings in either Karachi or Mumbai. Bedrock in Bangladesh is at extreme depth.

Navana Silverwood, Baridhara

9 storied apartment building with 3425 sq. ft. units, swimming pool, gym and community hall








Outfall Children Playground and Community Centre is a dot of a place nestled inside the Government Housing Quarter in Maniknagar, Dhaka. The project stemmed from one primary intention of looking at a neighbourhood and thinking of something that adds a positive value for the community and overlapping generations. Designed by Salauddin Ahmed and his Atelier Robin Architects team, the place builds a sense of a community for the people residing in the area.
Architect Column - SHOWCASE MAGAZINE

The 11600 sqft (approx) size of the project does not justify in any way for the large residence of the housing blocks. For a total of 140 families, the scale of the project offered little rooms for all the young, restless boys and girls, who crave for an open playground within the compound. “Luckily, Golapbagh playground is not too far from the housing compound. Hence, there is a sense of relief; but truth is, Dhaka needs one too many public spaces and playgrounds for her inhabitants, especially the young generation. May they be large or small in scale, every inch of public space addition is a blessing in disguise. Without balanced public and private spaces, a city can turn its back toward her citizens and in the long run, can make the city a difficult place to be. Dhaka is very much on that negative zoning luck of no public spaces and growing to be a difficult landscape to grasp,” explains Ar Salauddin.
Architect Column - SHOWCASE MAGAZINE

To relief this pressure on ‘not haves’, the Outfall Children Playground gives a glimmer of hope for many residence children within the compound. In both the playground and the community building, the design approach was simple and straightforward. In addition, a proposal for a Community Plaza, a Library for the young minds, Girls’ Friendly spaces and a rooftop Butterfly Garden was made. These residual spaces support the main space with a positive note and offer rooms to those who did not ask for them. The place stands for the hope of sustaining with tenacity and perseverance and offering a sense of place for the residence and its communities beyond.

If one takes a walk around its playground, a serpent-like mosaic will lead the person to discover all its offered variety.
Architect Column - SHOWCASE MAGAZINE

The structure and the materials that put together the building are conventional ones, comprising posts and columns. Walls as skin are made out of locally handmade bricks. There are no attempts to bring unnecessary architectural tactics or languages for the end-users. Its simple white walls and clear lines are as symbolic as it can be to reflect an imbedded meaning of truth and simplicity. Large windows as opening allow natural light and air to ventilate the building and establish with assurance its sustainability and environmental accountability. If one takes a walk around its playground, a serpent-like mosaic will lead the person to discover all its offered variety. In some ways, the architecture of the building guide the users and allow them to discover at their leisure and convenience. The construction period of the project extended from January 2018 to December 2019.
Architect Column - SHOWCASE MAGAZINE

Sharing his experience in designing the Outfall, Ar Salauddin enthused, “To design and execute this project as governmental work, has been a learning curve.
To relief this pressure on ‘not haves’, the Outfall Children Playground gives a glimmer of hope for many residence children within the compound.
Architect Column - SHOWCASE MAGAZINE

To my surprise, the bureaucratic process and at times antithetical views to do good for the society at large from the government side, I was happy to be a part of the whole process of design and construction. I did not expect but the project got what it wished for. So, the lesson to be shared with the rest would be- be at it and never take things for granted. You just have to work hard and believe you can do it. Rest is perhaps luck”.
Its simple white walls and clear lines are as symbolic as it can be to reflect an imbedded meaning of truth and simplicity.
Architect Profile


Ar. Salauddin Ahmed
Ar. Salauddin Ahmed is a contemporary architect in Bangladesh. He is the founder of Atelier Robin Architects, a renowned architectural firm in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He holds the Principal Architect’s position in the practice and has been the driving force in running a 12 person’s office since 2001. Some of his notable projects include Karim Residence in Bashundhara, Ishtiaq Residence in Nikunja, Head Office of Concern Worldwide in Gulshan, Cafe Mango etc. Salauddin Ahmed is also the director of Curatorial and Design Program at Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscapes and Settlements.

Source: Showcase Magazine

A Tropical Oasis – My Interior Life
Photo of Tasmiah Chowdhury
Tasmiah Chowdhury

May, 2020


A copious tropical terrace highlights the design of the couple’s Khandkar Nayemul Hassan and Alveena Tasneem dream abode. The home provides a tranquil environment that liberates both the body and mind and a place to let emotions take root. The overall space is characterized by concise and simplistic design languages – not restricted by styles or labels, the design team of Syed Kushol Architects rethinks what home means for the client.

Located in the restful Gulshan residential area, the renovation of the 11200 square-feet residence takes shape from the idea of utilizing the leftover space of the terrace. From the architect, terrace remains a significant feature in tropical architecture. Taking this into account, the designer team started to design a vibrant tropical landscape in the terrace with semi-shaded outdoor space in parts. The whole landscape design was created with potted plants covered with MS sheet. The landscape element was disconnected with the roof surface for better drainage and thus reducing the possibilities of damping the floor below. Initially, as the building construction lack in waterproofing, the client refused the idea of landscaping due to their previous bad experience of dampness on the lower floor. To resolve this issue, the design team came out with the idea of placing the landscape without touching the roof surface. A steel framework is designed that is lifted above the ground and 22 inches plastic basket has been used for the flower bed. More than a hundred baskets are used as a planter box, to which steel sheet was clad to hide the basket; favouring a seamless landscape garden.
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Selection of the plant was limited to create unity and harmony in the design. The planted plants are easy to maintain and renders a tropical essence by every means. Birds of paradise and fern are used to enhance the effect of green, while the dark grey colour in the wall and MS frames complements the green contrast. “Residents can alternatively head up to the home’s outdoor terrace for the unspoilt vistas of Dhaka city. Outdoor seating is specially designed for gathering and family parties. A couple of benches have been arranged with MS and WPC material which adds elegance to the surrounding. The steel pergola gives a semi-shaded section, and the steel as a material gives a slick contemporary aesthetics. The lighting elements have been creatively designed to create a playfulness character in the terrace at night. The light fixtures are custom made with steel framework and opaque acrylic cover and LED strip light inside. Liner light bellow the planter box gives a spatial feeling at night in the outdoor environment. Putting all together, the views of sky, surrounding nature and the terrace perform as magisterial gestures towards this house,” expresses Syed Abu Sufian Kushol, principal architect of the firm.

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(continued from above)

The client’s wish was to create a serene space, a place where they would not feel overwhelmed by decorative information and whereas much of the original features could be celebrated. Keeping that in mind, the design is fully devoted to the functional necessity with minimalist aesthetic, and any sort of ornamentation is avoided. Grey and white are used mostly in the house. Apart from this, brown colour opts for the bedroom and toilet areas. The living room is adorned with black and white colour scheme with minimum furniture for a lofty experience. White and Black marble used to differentiate circulation space and living area. Hi-gloss white finish is used for the furniture. “I urged for a place in the living area for setting the home-theater and space for a friendly gathering. The light installing is, therefore, carefully done to avoid direct light. The ceiling has been coloured dark grey for a better experience of the home theater. I enjoy my time in my place, watching my favourite shows with the family. No matter whichever place I visit or stay, I get my pace back here; sitting in my couch, binging to TV-shows and overlooking the vibrant green tropical terrace. For me, the best design pursues to serve the mind – that is austere yet profound, simple yet lasting, and that permits to put the body and mind in a comfortable state,” conveys owner Khandkar Hassan. For the bedrooms, a brown colour scheme in floor and wall is chosen with rounding off white furniture. To maximize the floor height, false ceiling is scaled down, while the closet panel embedded with mirror makes the space bigger spatially.
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Each space has been designed specifically for its functionality and ambience. The rooftop which was left unused has now been utilized as a gymnasium and indoor and outdoor play area for kids. A structure is made with steel and glass fulfills as a gymnasium and indoor play area. The transparent glass in all sides allow the changing sunlight to enter through the passing of each day, and freeing the urban view.
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Architecture can change the living pattern and lifestyle. The designer designed each space specific for its functionality and ambience. From the owners, their home offers a wonderful experience of living and gathering of family and friends. Each member has their own space and also, they have their common space for sharing. This project of a total transformation of an apartment could be like a change of life.

Serene Modern Villa- Jinat Batika
Photo of Abesh Mehjabeen
Abesh Mehjabeen

April, 2021

3 Points Consultant thoughtfully designed the whole scheme of Jinat Batika, a modern villa standing amid lush green lawn and a water body with a sense of tranquility, in Chittagong. The villa with a pond view makes for a vacation house of dreams to any family, and a safe haven to get away to.

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The highlight of Jinat Batika has to be the pond, which one has always associated with the simplicity of village life: peaceful and quiet. Hence, it doesn’t get better than having a pond with a modern villa, to spend a vacation. The pond comes with two ghats, one which is directly linked to the villa and is for private use, the other one is at the opposite end of the pond, for public use.
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The walkway of the pond prepares one to be led into the villa.

In the day time, be ready to behold the play of light and shadow around the villa. It is positioned at north-south orientation to get maximum benefits of natural light and cross ventilation. The abode is surrounded by lush green grass and a small decorative pool on one side. The very openness of it is like a welcoming gesture.
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Upon entering the villa, one can find that the lower level living room is at the south, and the dining is in the north with a double-height space. The carefully planned positioning allows fluidity of the space with the presence of lots of natural light sipping in and air to move through freely. The villa is filled with several picture windows, some of which have wall-to-to wall height, which is not only energy-efficient but also lights up the rooms naturally. The big volume and large openings enhance the indoor-outdoor relations.

The upper floor is connected with an internal stair alongside the double-height wall. Hence, the duplex opening creates a scope for better interaction. Family living is extended with a balcony, down to green verandah looking upon the surroundings. The upper floor contains rooms that give away the mesmerizing landscape through the openings and attached verandah.
Moving forward, the rooftop comprises a small meeting room with an open terrace. The rest of the roof is kept spacious with a seating facility and vegetation. The Pergolas placed above the roof minimizes heat; casting beautiful play of light and shadow.

Interior architecture was kept minimum and simple for the project. The soft golden glow of the West sun on the outdoor staircase wall, waterbody, lush lawn, and ghats invite to spend more time outdoor. These features help to tie up the whole complex together. Reflection of the building on the pond is like a relationship between a body and soul, truly a sight to behold.
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With a unique character that expresses itself in the overall aesthetics of the structure, its surroundings and the interior, Jinat Batika is one of a kind.
Architect Profile

3 points consultant- an architecture design firm was formed in March 2012. The young but promising firm is now involved with various types of projects such as residential, commercial, industrial, garments and interior design and execution. Principal architect, Tapon Kanti Sarker, himself is the founder of this firm. He is a BUET graduate and also MIAB. He has over five years of job experience under some renowned consultancy firms of Dhaka city. Over the years, he has been involved with over 20 projects of various scales. As of now, he and his team, Ar. Tanveer Hasan Tonmoi, Ar. Md. Mithu Hossain, Jr. Ar. Enamul Haque, are fully involved with 3 points and working for better design and environment.

@Indos brother, these are the single family homes I was talking about.

Link: https://www.showcase.com.bd/architect-column/serene-modern-villa-jinat-batika/

Robust yet Subtle – Indoor Stadium
Photo of Tasmiah Chowdhury Tasmiah ChowdhuryFebruary, 2021
The Indoor Stadium in Munshiganj district is robust in structure but delicately blends with the surrounding context. The complex designed by architecture firm Artek, emphasizes the characters of solidarity and hospitality with its clean, slender, and subtle architectural impressions segmented throughout the design.

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Artek team believes the beauty of refurbishment in architecture takes place when new construction and existing infrastructure blend into one composition. With this perspective, the design team took the challenge to amalgamate the previous architectural elements to the present scene to let the structure not arouse something as a visual shock to locale and the surrounding. Covering 2.23 acres of land, the complex is divided into two functional programs: a playground and swimming pool. “The challenge of the project was to make a definite structure beside the old swimming pool. Our goal was to make a complex which is simple and clean, that is not overpowering to the eye”, says Arif Anowar, chief architect of Artek. “As the site is dominated by agricultural fields, woodlands and few suburban dwellings, we primarily chose a muted colour scheme on the exterior of the structure with a pop of yellow at the entrance of the stadium. The muted colour with the pop of yellow seamlessly blends with the countryside locale aesthetic”.
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The subtle awning of the complex combined with the tilted structure on the roof gives an impression of lightness to the whole structure. Besides, the polished muted colour of the ACP on the exterior enhances the lighter feel eventually.

The roof consists of a heavy cover tray at the bottom and a tilted tray at the top. This arrangement allows indirect sunlight on the lawn, avoiding grey areas on the ground and thus the risk of frost in winter. Another design concern was to avoid the direct sunlight which was achieved through full-height tilted windows featuring louvre at the upper-half, and yellow coated lining walls in-between the windows. This façade treatment breaks the monotonous structure of the rectangle shape and brings a visual-interest among visitors passing by it while moving towards the swimming pool.
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The design consists two courts of indoor-games and transforms the site into a new state-of-the-art venue by introducing double-height indoor stadium, having audiences’ facilities, a swimming pool on the outside of the complex, upgraded parking facilities, exclusive seating for audience and a raised spectator levelled stairs inside the main building to observe the games more clearly. The indoor stadium also includes a pro shop, lounge, expansive high-end locker rooms including toilets, meeting spaces and hard paved garden areas.
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The indoor area features wooden pave and the player’s seating area is given a yellow backdrop; representing the yellow-themed aesthetic of the entrance in the stadium. The stadium equips proper lighting for the day and night games both at indoor and outdoor respectively, by all means. The project creates a place such that sportspeople feel spirited and motivated while the audience enjoys being part of the fantastic game and the overall experience of the Indoor Stadium.

Company Profile:
Artek – one of the emerging architecture consultancy firms is making its place by creating a definite position through architecture and interior design since 2011. The dream of the company is ‘to make a space in peoples mind’. Whether in architecture or in interior, its goal is giving a smart and cheerful art of sense in their design evolution. The team of Artek always tries to build a new look in every other project so people have different feelings and options to know better and more. The Artek team accomplished many potential big scale projects like Syed Nazrul Islam National Swimming Complex, Munshiganj Indoor Stadium, Grameen Trust Office, Peyala Café, Hotel Asia, Sami residence, etc.

Buriganga River demarcation pillar and walkway project update - includes Aminbazaar and Diabari Jetty construction. River water clean up continues. Kudos to the two Dhaka mayors.


6 lane Madani Avenue Update (Purbachal to Baridhara connector - 7 km)

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Some nice places for Iftar around Dhaka, when lockdown ends.

The Reincarnation of Cafe Mango
Photo of Naila Binte Zakaria
Naila Binte Zakaria

In the vein of its previous locales, the much revered Cafe Mango has been built on the idea of ‘presence of absence’ in its newest address in Gulshan 1. Instigated with simplicity and contrast by owner and architect Salauddin Ahmed Palash, the place reveals the honesty it possesses in each layer of its design.

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Cafe Mango had emerged as an attempt to bring forth public living rooms in Dhaka, a city that thrives on untold complexities. “It started as a small, tiny public living room that I designed to share with the rest on the idea of possibility in a city that craves for validation. You cannot bring every friend to your own domestic front, yet at the same time, it’s wonderful to spend time with them. And Dhaka, despite having culturally balanced living rooms, did not welcome a variety. Cafe Mango was a mere attempt to fill that void,” shares Salauddin Ahmed. In its 20 years of journey, Cafe Mango moved around from one leftover corner of the city to the next and always bathed with love and affection from its deserving crowd. “In this venture, I have always been extremely careful to not follow typical footsteps of quick success and hence, in a way, Cafe Mango has always remained an outsider, away from the high streets and perhaps the marker of new ideas”, he adds.
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Salauddin Ahmed considers designing Cafe Mango a creative discovery rather than a creative journey and thus, has never shied away from discovering neglected pieces of the city, full of potent possibilities and untapped beauty.

Similarly, his recent intervention is situated in one of the darkest corners of Gulshan, historically. Instead of changing the course of history, he wanted to reinterpret the idea of the location and aspire the neighbours to come out. The design process of the place was quite organic, as it was the feedback of the context, environment and desire of the place. “I do recycle many things but there is always some fresh ideas being inserted that are unique to the space. So, it is always a risk, to reintroduce the same wine in a new bottle. And in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the place has had its difficulties to establish,” Salauddin Ahmed says about the new establishment.
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Customizing new design elements and recycling and repurposing some old, Cafe Mango instils a sense of place where one can indulge, heal the mind and body, and discover the blend of both old and new.
The 2400 sqft double-height space had an abundance of scope to be innovatively explored. Before one enters the space, a solid black steel door inflicts an element of surprise. Small glimpses of the interior can be viewed from the sideways but one has to come inside to fully unravel what the place holds. Upon entrance, the place has a welcoming yet intimate undertone where one can breathe in, not breathe out. A myriad of seating arrangement can accommodate around 100 people. Tufted sofas, bar stools, long tables etc. can cater to different crowds. The handcrafted long bar table on the ground floor takes inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting ‘The Last Supper’. The live kitchen gives diners a sense of anticipation by showcasing a preview of the food that’s about to be served.
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