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That is why nearly all the rich countries have it.

Shut your butt-hurt crap as BD living standards are proven to be on the rise.

In other, other news:


View attachment 520370

BD inflation is now down to 5% and so in real terms salaries are rising 4-5% a year.

Now go and cry some more.

Given surveyed salaried class in BD is miniscule even for South Asia...what is it around 0.01% of people?...or is that too conservative? Nah....you keep trying. Definitely no relation to minimum wage either (which is a much larger reactionary lever stemming from much more people who have to deal with the mass dumped inflation on them).

There is reason why Intel, Qualcomm and others would laugh if BD is brought up even in a side note....and why Bangladesh consumes energy levels per capita that India and Pakistan did in the 1950s....a large part of BD GDP is just inflation based.....hence why real household income declining AND why BBS keeps delaying (remember you lot kept jumping up and down that it will happen last year....instead it gets delayed just like Walton export target) its GDP re-basing exercise (knowing the impact it will have on loan and credit flows because of the GDP denominator being forced to deflate).

Shoddily run GDDS country with disproportionate amount of corruption (even for its development)....what can one expect?
Of course real household income matters the most. And far important than seeing the amount of rich people rise in the country. It does reflect well on the country to see the super-rich rise in the country however which means there are innovations on the rise which could quite easily benefit the masses. Anyway, as is seen with all South Asian countries, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Demonstrably true in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
The poor are not getting poorer. Where do you think the massive middle class is rising from?
The poor are not growing rich fast enough, though. I'm sure we are long past the days where people used to die to crop failures. Aside from this, with increasing tax collection, governments are creating better infrastructure for everyone.
Given surveyed salaried class in BD is miniscule even for South Asia...what is it around 0.01% of people?...or is that too conservative? Nah....you keep trying. Definitely no relation to minimum wage either (which is a much larger reactionary lever stemming from much more people who have to deal with the mass dumped inflation on them).

There is reason why Intel, Qualcomm and others would laugh if BD is brought up even in a side note....and why Bangladesh consumes energy levels per capita that India and Pakistan did in the 1950s....a large part of BD GDP is just inflation based.....hence why real household income declining AND why BBS keeps delaying (remember you lot kept jumping up and down that it will happen last year....instead it gets delayed just like Walton export target) its GDP re-basing exercise (knowing the impact it will have on loan and credit flows because of the GDP denominator being forced to deflate).

Shoddily run GDDS country with disproportionate amount of corruption (even for its development)....what can one expect?

BD energy consumption is at 1950s level India and Pakistan?


You are one stupid butt-hurt troll!

Why not go back to 1940s when UK ruled India?

BD is at 1970s India now but the difference is that it is growing a lot quicker than India did back then.

In other, other, other news, BD electricity consumption has tripled since AL came into power in 2009.
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Exactly. Since you’re bringing it up. Who’s the beggar here? Pakistanis. Begging Bangladeshis to get views, indirectly by reacting to BD songs.

Not any favourable win here. It’s more of desperation. Needing Bangladeshis to make paisa, without the Bangla viewers no paisa. Shows something Haha!

Do you see BD people react to Pak or Hindi stuffs? No because quite frankly our people are not interested in these reactions to make paisa from others. Definitely not one bit interested in pak stuffs, like films songs.

Whatever you think. The channel is showing Bangladeshi songs actors to thousands of Pakistanis and others through their channel though, No? Who’s gaining here.

LOL at "begging". No need to get all worked up here bud. This channel is just supplying the demand from Bangladeshi's who want this sort of content. If there was such demand from Pakistani's or Indians for Bangladeshi opinion then you would see the channels.

To be very honest, Bangladeshi opinion is not very important to Pakistan, most people in Pakistan not would even be able to point it out on a map. However thank you for the discussion, it went on a bit longer than expected for such a trivial topic.
BD energy consumption is at 1950s level India and Pakistan?

You have to make me keep posting this?


Whenever we look at any actual physical (major input) consumption metric, its similar story (just scale of the lag differs).

Yet thanks to the inflation dumping phenomenon, somehow few cherrypicked macro-tabulations (esp GDP nominal) is the be all end all...and everything else (at base of the calculation) ignored or not relevant anymore....coz a GDDS feelz country sez so (with its own BBS now showing real household income decline but still not publishing it).

BD needs more MA Taslims, and fewer of you "BD STRONK-just believe and it will be ok" kinda ppl.
You have to make me keep posting this?


Whenever we look at any actual physical (major input) consumption metric, its similar story (just scale of the lag differs).

Yet thanks to the inflation dumping phenomenon, somehow few cherrypicked macro-tabulations (esp GDP nominal) is the be all end all...and everything else (at base of the calculation) ignored or not relevant anymore....coz a GDDS feelz country sez so (with its own BBS now showing real household income decline but still not publishing it).

BD needs more MA Taslims, and fewer of you "BD STRONK-just believe and it will be ok" kinda ppl.

That is 2014 dude. BD has grown in leaps and bounds to 2018 - just last 4 years electricity consumption has jumped 100%.


BD has been growing a LOT quicker this decade than either Pakistan or India did in 1960s or 1970s.
Pakistan and India virtually stagnated in energy consumption in the 1970s.

Not a very bright butt-hurt are you?

Like I say my cranial capacity is far far higher than yours.
That is 2014 dude. BD has grown in leaps and bounds to 2018 - just last 4 years electricity consumption has jumped 100%.


Max generation peak does not equal the total year integral. Why dont you check actual relevant numbers? Too hard for low IQ?


310 kwH in 2014 per capita consumption.

You claim a doubling to 2018 in realised aggregated consumption....so around 600 by now.

Instead it seems to be around 450 kwH in 2017:


(74,700 / 165)

Original source: https://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/e...l-review/bp-stats-review-2018-full-report.pdf

Not to mention the fact electricity is only a small portion of total energy consumption (in oil equivalent).

1 kwH = 0.086 kg of oil equivalent

310 kwH (BD electricity per capita consumption in 2014) = 27 kg of oil equivalent

Its total energy consumption per capita (in 2014) = 222 kg of oil equivalent per capita.

So literally you are making a hue and cry, be all + end all argument over the increases found in what...12% of BD energy consumption profile to begin with?

I think its very clear who has the "low cranial capacity" here. It will be confirmed as usual by the aggregate data when its actually published in world bank etc....its always hillarious when the BD STRONK ego gets deflated right on cue (Walton STRONK exports 1 billion by 2018?........naaaaah give us another 10 years pls...and then give us another 10 years when its 2028 mmmm k?).

@django @Desert Fox @Game.Invade @gslv mk3 @Psychic @Aung Zaya @Chinese-Dragon @Mage @dy1022 @Jlaw
That's not actually true.

Because a random no name sez so!

So you think calling on others to corroborate fake news

World bank data is fake newssssssss.

BBS is the absolute true newwwssss.

one person has a 2.5 trillion dollar business and is growing at 5% per annum
one person has a 250 billion and is growing at 7%
when are they going to become equal?

in which century?

@Nilgiri lend me your calculator

Not to mention that 7% has large amount of inflation inserted into it lol. BD is scared to rebase to a new year for a reason you know.
And let's not resort to fake news as your friend Nigri did.

Literally posting credible + standardized direct data + calculation using that = fake news.

Posting swathes of copy+paste articles, with no understanding (of say how inflation and LDC dependency badly/uselessly boosts GDP nominal for BD compared to say its PPP consumption) and not using one iota of standardisation or logic = REAL news....joy bangla :rofl:

@gslv mk3
The article says that it's not necessary to worry about trade deficit as it will encourage FDI....which is unlikely in BD's case.

We can't hope for more of the same for long either. RMG is not gonna make BD developed country. And other industries are not appearing. And we will need FDI at least initially for other industries to flourish. Economic reforms are necessary that will encourage investments here. But what is being dine here? Ease of doing business rating worse than Afghanistan. Inept bureaucracy is harming BD more than anything. But Biman guys will say otherwise.

GOB is fairly useless, lacks vision and have low implementation capacity.

Trust the private sector and NGOs to pick up the slack.

One Hope's with raising literacy our people will raise themselves up by the boot strap incrementally as has happened since independence.

We require visionary leadership.... I see none on the horizon but have great hope for BDs people. Population has been controlled and economy is in lift off mode...fingers crossed.
one person has a 2.5 trillion dollar business and is growing at 5% per annum
one person has a 250 billion and is growing at 7%
when are they going to become equal?

in which century?

@Nilgiri lend me your calculator

(10x)*1.05^y = x*1.07^y

basically y* log (1.07/1.05) = log 10

y = log 10/ log (1.07/1.05) = 122 (years)

...or if you want to use more generally elsewhere:

time units = log (ratio of current sizes)/ log (ratio of growth rate multipliers per unit time).

Of course per capita also has to be figured in (given different population sizes)...but that is a easy thing to do (just change the ratio of current sizes to reflect that).
So you haven't got a clue how to quote articles? Anyway it seems somehow resorting to ad-hominem is better than actually knowing what you're saying. You're not very bright are you? Stop spreading fantastical stories about India's so-called growth and stick to facts.

Why is it that every reply I've had is met with calling on your buddies in this forum for backup? Is it too much for you when you get a friendly dose of reality or am I just rebutting you too many times that you need to call on others to help you?

You literally just called electricity consumption/total energy consumption analysis as "fake news"....without telling what is fake about it? (it doesnt line up with your feelz is that it?)

Then you complain about ad-hominem lol as though that somehow justfies you calling something "fake news" in first place with no explanation. You are just another indication of what is wrong with BD society (feelz over facts)....too bad.

Literally just a few members in BD section have any actual pragmatic common sense and rational smarts on BD economy...@bluesky is one...@mage as well:


You on the other hand is just another dullard copying pasting (with no understanding) and then crying (FAKE NEWS!!!!) when the feelz get challenged, probably one of those repeat spam accounts making yet another one. Toodles....I will re-engage when you have proven you actually stick around and have made some established contribution.
You're not really engaging with me in a beneficial manner conducive to proper discussion. Just spreading fake news and somehow delivering a speech about how I'm tormenting you with facts over feelings? You serious, dude? Your main contribution was spreading unfathomable Indian wet dreams I've been hearing for the last decade, which haven't been achieved and will never be achieved. Once I wrecked your sorry worldview with facts, you resorted to name-calling, as per usual. It's always like that with the Indians. Give them a dose of reality and what do you get? Name-calling and squirms. I pointed out to you several times on Bangladesh's amazing growth in many capacities relative to other nations in South Asia, you decided to block your ears and cry wolf. What a shame. Well, it's not short of the standard I expect from an Indian propagandist. It will leaps, bounds and even miracles for aspirations you have for India. Bangladesh wasn't expected to do so well, yet it is. With proper government we will surpass South Asian neighbours in many socioeconomics. And even with out that we are already doing it! Now imagine that with a stable government?! Does it get any better?

Good that you quickly found out what a butt-hurt retard that poster is. His whole forum time is spent bad-mouthing BD.

He reads a lot and and thinks that anyone remotely intelligent will believe his copy-paste nonsense. Notice all the people he calls are not really that intelligent and/or are butt-hurt at BD for one reason or another. No-one remotely intelligent has any time for him.
I could already hear their sorrows, and Bangladesh isn't even half way there. Much to achieve, yet we're already getting them worried. No surprise there.

Think of it this way - no BD poster hardly ever posts in their sections but they swarm here like locusts.

The more intelligent ones know that India is destined for disintegration as it is not natural and BD is their greatest fear as it shows why single-ethnic states have always dominated and lasted throughout history.
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