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Bangladesh cricket team to join anti-war criminals protest.

there is a law by fifa that you cant mix football with politics not sure icc has it. If this is true what an utter travesty!
Bangladesh cricket team is national symbol and does not belong to Awami League or in political arena. Like every Bangladeshi institution Awami League is politicizing national cricket team would not reflect any achievement but highlight bankrupt and divisible agenda against Bangladesh. Some blog article said they "may" come but Hammer-fist and his indian employers are already doing Awami thug campaign, playing with reputation of the national symbol.
A friend of mine has made a great proposition as they will be voters in the next election they'll vow to never vote any Jamat or anyone who openly has any connection to Jamaat.They should be shown that they are unwanted in this country.And that is how we can win over them.

Well said.

I also believe in the power of du'a, and when I went on Hajj last year Oct-Nov 2012 I made du'a against Jamat in the prophet's mosque.

These traitors with their 2 seats out of 300 seats in the parliament even the "workers party" has 2 and another leftist party has 3 seats, will hopefully see their 4.6% of their vote go down to 0.46%.

Also we need to do the following against Jamati traitors.

- Educate people about Maudoodi how he was against the creation of Pakistan, whereas Mujib and Suhrawardy both worked to create Pakistan.

- Educate Maudoodi and his condemnation by mainstream Islamic scholars including disrespectful comments about some of the companions of the prophet 'alaihis salam.

- Commission Gulf Arab PR firms to promote educational material on the true history of the 1971 war.

- Highlight the extremist nature of Jamat e.g. Sayeedi has been banned from the UK due to his anti-Hindu comments.

See this webpage on Sayeedi: http://www.drishtipat.org/blog/wp-content/Sayeedi.pdf

It doesn't mention the UK ban but does mention a US no-fly ban, but he is banned from Britain.

But to be honest what I have found the most powerful and useful of all in life is du'a (supplication).

In the protests against war criminals, at least a portion of the crowd, if not the whole crowd should make a du'a to Allah for the end of Jamat forever.

I have found du'a to be of huge benefit in my life.
To Pakistanis such as @SHAMK9
You need to understand that this sub-forum does not accurately reflect the reality of Bangladesh. Many "Bangladeshi" posters here come from one particular party, Jamat i Islami (who represent 4.6% of votes and only have 2 MPs out of 300 in the Bangladeshi parliament
Ugh, you dont need to explain anything, we have jamat in Pakistan too, all they do is go around telling women to wear burqas and spread hatred, banning jamat in Bangladesh would be a great step, it will secure Bangladesh's future from religious violence. As for 1971 topic, don't want to go there, I don't have any information about it :partay:
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Bangladesh cricket team is national symbol and does not belong to Awami League or in political arena. Like every Bangladeshi institution Awami League is politicizing national cricket team would not reflect any achievement but highlight bankrupt and divisible agenda against Bangladesh. Some blog article said they "may" come but Hammer-fist and his indian employers are already doing Awami thug campaign, playing with reputation of the national symbol.

malaunic digital awami deception :)
Athletes are literally being held at gunpoint, if they don't go into politics then they wont be selected. All the doing of Lotus Kamal.

there seems to be a witch-hunt going on in Dhaka.....anyone saying anything positive about Pakistan or Jamaat would be thrown in prison. While we take no offense nor care much, it's quite "curious" to be seeing what is happening.

it only serves indian agenda...i hope Bengalis realize this sooner or later who was their real enemy and who really abuses them.
Athletes are literally being held at gunpoint, if they don't go into politics then they wont be selected. All the doing of Lotus Kamal.

Same way Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Mujib son did by holding gun on Dhaka Mohammedan player(s) to let Abahoni win.
there seems to be a witch-hunt going on in Dhaka.....anyone saying anything positive about Pakistan or Jamaat would be thrown in prison. While we take no offense nor care much, it's quite "curious" to be seeing what is happening.

it only serves indian agenda...i hope Bengalis realize this sooner or later who was their real enemy and who really abuses them.

The witch hunt is going on here as well, as you can see. Anyone who is anti-India is automatically labelled a Jamati or Rezakar.
there seems to be a witch-hunt going on in Dhaka.....anyone saying anything positive about Pakistan or Jamaat would be thrown in prison. While we take no offense nor care much, it's quite "curious" to be seeing what is happening.

it only serves indian agenda...i hope Bengalis realize this sooner or later who was their real enemy and who really abuses them.

No,no body is being hunted for saying anything good about Pakistan.This is not about Pakistan.This is about traitors who helped during a genocide.
No,no body is being hunted for saying anything good about Pakistan.This is not about Pakistan.This is about traitors who helped during a genocide.

You know, Khan is Pathan. Their original home is border of Afghan-Pakistan. So if you are a Khan then you are telling us that you have some Pathan blood in you and your Khan forefather migrated from Afghan/Pakistan. So it's safe to say that your Grandfather, father or at least some one from your tribe was helping Pakistan army(good number of them were Khan) out of Khani brotherhood. Most conservative or foreign rooted Bangladeshi/East Pakistani Muslims were part of muslim league, hence Pakistan army. So are you calling your self traitor and demanding your own death by hang.

So, tell us are you really a Pathan or adopting pathan(fake)?
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