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Bangladesh cannot help Rohingya - Prime Minister of Bangladesh

Why dont you answer the question I asked - you decried Hasina as heartless for not taking in the Rohingyas..is Pakistan with its big heart ready to take them in ?

Yes/NO ?

no point in giving a direct reply to your nonsensical question when Pakistan has nothing to do with the situation
Brotherhood doesn't depends on or is represented by one Women or one political party. Its pretty simple isn't it but still being a opportunistic indian you had to take you cheap shot. Really
hypocritical don't you think since you always brag about constructive arguments.
If there is widespead support in favour of rohingyas in bangladesh, I must have missed it. Most people (both awami and bnp supporters) seems to oppose any more rohingyas in the country.
So it is not one woman or one political party talking. Places where rohingyas are settled, local population seems to be angry.
I wonder from if Bangladeshis have for got their old hindu culture of "atithi devo bhav" or they didn not learn from their new culture of honoring and respecting guests from Islam.

Narrated Abu Shuraih Al-Khuza'i: "My ears heard and my heart grasped (the statement which) the Prophet said, "The period for keeping one's guest is three days (and don't forget) his reward." It was asked, "What is his reward?" He said, "In the first night and the day he should be given a high class quality of meals; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should entertain his guest generously; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good (sense) or keep quiet." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq), Volume 8, Book 76, Number 483)"

Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "Anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbor, and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should entertain his guest generously and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet. (i.e. abstain from all kinds of evil and dirty talk). (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab), Volume 8, Book 73, Number 47)"

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As: "Once Allah's Apostle came to me," and then he narrated the whole narration, i.e. your guest has a right on you, and your wife has a right on you. I then asked about the fasting of David. The Prophet replied, "Half of the year," (i.e. he used to fast on every alternate day). (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Fasting, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 195)"

If its the both cases as mentioned above then i wonder how far Bangladeshis are from abyss of God's Wrath.
Bangladesh can't help anyone they don't have the land or resources, the country will be under water in the next 20-30 years. India is building a fence to keep them out.
You being a brainwashed awami idiot should just STFU. Read the comments of Bangladeshis on youtube before lecturing other nationalities you fool. ......... Oh sorry you are the retarded dravidian supremacist racist so nothing will get through you, so don't bother.

Bangladesh Awami League is a Bangladesh originated political party. I have never tried to focus my political views in this forum. Here, I am a member of the Bangladeshi Race. As a member of the Bangladeshi Race, We must not tolerate anything slang about our Prime Minister whoever is the Prime Minister. This post is the pride of the Bangladeshi Race. If you are a real member of the Bangladeshi Race you must have to uphold your Prime Minister internationally. Internally We can criticize Prime Minister in our own style.But this move by the Prime Minister is appreciable as We can't let Myanmar as Rohingya less. Arakan is the land of Rohingyas. We can't allow Myanmar to fulfill the plan. So, No place for any Myanmar people whether Buddhist or Muslims. We may take initiatives to stop the Genocide. This would be the great contribution.
Why dont you answer the question I asked - you decried Hasina as heartless for not taking in the Rohingyas..is Pakistan with its big heart ready to take them in ?

Yes/NO ?

PAKISTAN has always provided refugee for every Muslims from anywhere in the world, Muslims from india(commonly known as Muhajirs, like myself), Bdsh, Afghanistan, Africa, Central Asia, Russia, other Middle East countries, Bosnia, China etc etc are living freely inside Pakistan, not even that in 50's many non-muslim refugees from Poland, Armenia, Greece & Eastern Europe came to Pakistan. recently many Rohingyas also came in Pakistan i heared in the Capital talk News program this Thursday or Wednesday, but problem with them is that their country is too far from Pakistan, the only country near them is Bdsh or india, but still they are welcome if they want to come to Pakistan.

@ topic, fat old lady having hard time finding words to cover her blunder, Europe & America provide your citizens free nationality/immigration/job status on humanitarian grounds, you can't even provide these innocent Rohingyas small area to live for a time being, this is so sad.:angry::cry::tdown:
Bangladesh Awami League is a Bangladesh originated political party. I have never tried to focus my political views in this forum. Here, I am a member of the Bangladeshi Race. As a member of the Bangladeshi Race, We must not tolerate anything slang about our Prime Minister whoever is the Prime Minister. This post is the pride of the Bangladeshi Race. If you are a real member of the Bangladeshi Race you must have to uphold your Prime Minister internationally. Internally We can criticize Prime Minister in our own style.But this move by the Prime Minister is appreciable as We can't let Myanmar as Rohingya less. Arakan is the land of Rohingyas. We can't allow Myanmar to fulfill the plan. So, No place for any Myanmar people whether Buddhist or Muslims. We may take initiatives to stop the Genocide. This would be the great contribution.

First of all BAL is not a bangladeshi oriented party but an indian oriented dalal traitorous organization. You are right ,you don't have any political views but sheer racist blabbering like this $hit load of crap post of yours. I am a muslim first and then comes this race your are so fond of
spouting. And being a muslim I just can't support someone sending my rohingya brothers to
death trap. You can go keep on licking BAL boots but don't expect bangladeshis to go by
your awami crap. If you are a bangladeshi then its a shame that we have such pathetic mentality racist bigots always spouting dravidian aryan crap and on top of that you are a shameless awamileger supporting Rohingya genocide. But that's expected since your are as racist as those Burmese cave monkeys.
no point in giving a direct reply to your nonsensical question when Pakistan has nothing to do with the situation

And what has Bangladesh too got to do with the situation ?

It is the internal matter of Myanmar
First of all BAL is not a bangladeshi oriented party but an indian oriented dalal traitorous organization. You are right ,you don't have any political views but sheer racist blabbering like this $hit load of crap post of yours. I am a muslim first and then comes this race your are so fond of
spouting. And being a muslim I just can't support someone sending my rohingya brothers to
death trap. You can go keep on licking BAL boots but don't expect bangladeshis to go by
your awami crap. If you are a bangladeshi then its a shame that we have such pathetic mentality racist bigots always spouting dravidian aryan crap and on top of that you are a shameless awamileger supporting Rohingya genocide. But that's expected since your are as racist as those Burmese cave monkeys.

Aryan agents may attack the Bangladesh Awami League. It is our duty to purify it. Never blame the others. Blames should be on own part at first. If you want to know my political views you see the following Facebook ID: True Seeker | Facebook which is run by me.

I just tried say about our identity. Aryans are always our enemies whether their religions. We are not a myth. We are the Bangladeshi Race! We are the pure One! We are the seventh Largest Nation of the world. We can't take the responsibility of Myanmar people. But We hate all types of Genocide! We must make peaceful negotiations to resolve all the crisis & that is the final point.
Aryan agents may attack the Bangladesh Awami League. It is our duty to purify it. Never blame the others. Blames should be on own part at first. If you want to know my political views you see the following Facebook ID: True Seeker | Facebook which is run by me.

I just tried say about our identity. Aryans are always our enemies whether their religions. We are not a myth. We are the Bangladeshi Race! We are the pure One! We are the seventh Largest Nation of the world We can't take the responsibility of Myanmar people. But We hate all types of Genocide! We must make peaceful negotiations to resolve all the crisis & that is the final point.

seriously Aryan agents ! :woot: are you for real ? :rofl:
They are refugees not immigrants.Even Turkey allowed Syrian Refugees inside its borders.(No body in his right mind would migrate to Bangladesh for economic benefit).
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