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Bangladesh cancels on-arrival visas for Turkey

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So, without trolling you can't find proper arguments, can you?

As the source you came with says:

They did quote Ahmet Davutoğlu and then they branded it with the same bs "according to officials"
IF Davutoğlu would say something like that, many media organizations in Turkey would bash him. (like Ulusal Kanal -lol- Turkish members should know it)
I did google "Turkey Apologises for Raising Kashmir Issue in UN" and guess what? Almost all of the results are Indian, and the non-Indian websited did quote the Indian propaganda. No Turkish sources whatsoever.
Anyways, unless you come with a proper source, stfu.
This was his statement:
"...Apologize if it has hurt the sentiments of Indians," the Turkish Minister said.
Now if Indian media made up this statement wouldn't Turkish Foreign Ministry have issued a statement saying Ahmet never said any such thing.
No boi..its probably its your butt that is aching from being constantly rejected as equal by the Arabs or Turks, who dont even consider you as their equal or literally because of the fact they kick you around too much.

Oh, I am touched.:cry: So much concern for us poor bangladeshis. Ok I give U certificate of being saints since U are begging so much.:)

Btw Rather than showing concern for us, you should worry about your NE & WB. Dhramic civilization is at stake there. :wave:
Ottomans princess used to marry Nizams of Hyderabad who are darker than us, not Arabs!! This Arabs become rich only 50 years ago. So where was racism then?

Thats because the Nizam was of a Turk blood if I am not wrong. All the Adil Shahi and the Qurb Shahi dynasties..Or was it Persian..? Either way they were not South asians.

Oh my dear Bangladeshi, the racism the Arabs (or Turks or Persians) have towards you does not entirely have to do with money..its about race..even tomorrow some miracle happens and you become thrice as rich as them, they will still see you as inferior convert race that they ruled once. Nothings ever gonna change that fact. You will forever be beneath them in the pecking order..you are the subjects they are born to rule.
lol, non practising muslim. Whats that? You are either muslim or non muslim... Don't bring imaginary class in between!!! Eet er Jobab pathhor e dite Quran e Bole nai. abu lahab er paap er jonn0 abu lahab er natnir kache apology chaite bole nai....

Thats something like self proclaimed Muslim, like sheikh hasina :D kintu abu lahab er natni ra je amader ke doshi dorche, ora je rape ebong killing support korche? ebar ki kora jay? cholen giye 300k Pakistani der mere feli. Then we are even. We are perfectly taking an Islamic approach to this.

Don't judge the car by its driver. No stereotyping please. How are racist Islamic? :undecided: Islamic people & racist are like oil & water. As for racism, well there r plenty of BD's here who still have astronomical hatred for Biharis.Some of my friends have xenophobic toward biharis. Some people breed hatred for royingyas. No to mention apathy toward African skin color. What's are these things based on? Superiro race complex? I don't want to be part of such jahiliya. Lets not be like that "islamic" arab.

Taking it out of context again. It is for battlefield situation and tell how a muslims should defend against aggressors . Taking Quran out of context won't prove your argument.

Has serious geo-political situation involved for PAK. Ek hate to R tali baje na. 41 years of non-stop propaganda against a country breeding hatred & asking for apology don't go hand in hand. Ora koto loker jonno khoma chaibe , 30 lak na 3 lak?

Fair enough. Neither do I. But arabs are not superior races & neither are we. I consider muslims arabs brothers. What's makes U think there aren't arabs like U? ;)

Exactly what i am talking about, even Islamic people in Bangladesh bear hatred towards other race.

Not taking it out of context, just showing you how hypocritical people can be. Thats what i'm saying, how can you try to be friends with people who have already beaten you once? we aren't even yet but are we asking for 300k deaths? no we are just asking for apology. Should a Muslim not have a decency for that? How can they support alcoholic? Sorry, as a sane man i would prefer befriending a non muslim rather than them.

Khoma war er jonno chaibe, rape and murders er jonno chaibe.3 lakh manush ki kom? Apnar bon jodi victim hoto pak army der hate, would you have said that? think about it.

They think of themselves as superior races so why bother, leave them be :lol:
Oh, I am touched. So much concern for us poor bangladeshis. Ok I give U my daily certificate of being saints since U are begging so much.

Im not the one begging Arabs or Turks to accept me as their brothers bangladeshi..that would be you..and they constantly reject the offer..again at you.

Maybe you did not read the edit, I'll requote..I dare you to get one Arab here to say that he considers your race as his equal, that he is your brother and if some Khalifa comes he would not mind if that dude is a Bangladeshi..just one Arab mind you..just one..sirf eik.
This was his statement:

Now if Indian media made up this statement wouldn't Turkish Foreign Ministry have issued a statement saying Ahmet never said any such thing.

Indian, do you think that Foreign Ministry of Turkey gives a damn about some random newspaper in India? I don't think so.
Indian, do you think that Foreign Ministry of Turkey gives a damn about some random newspaper in India? I don't think so.
turkey bird,
Apparently they do and so they gave the apology in minutes after ranting about kashmir.:rofl:
Ottomans princess used to marry Nizams of Hyderabad who are darker than us, not Arabs!! This Arabs become rich only 50 years ago. So where was racism then?
Hyderabad was rich back then, and believe it or not, Ottoman Royal Family was poorer than ordinary Turkish family. All of their assets in Turkey (like their palaces and real estates) have nationalised by Ankara.
This was the reason of the marriages. But the marriages didn't last long. One of them (I don't remember her name) divorced and married with an American businessman, and the other one fleed to her father's house.

turkey bird,
Apparently they do and so they gave the apology in minutes after ranting about kashmir.:rofl:

Don't we have got a rule against trolling? If we don't, there should be.

Again, unless you come with a credible source, stfu. Turkish support to Pakistan is nothing new.
Im no the one begging Arabs or Turks to accept me as their brothers bangladeshi..that would be you..and they constantly reject the offer..again at you.

Then why R u here with your @s burning.:flame:

Maybe you did not read the edit, I'll requote..I dare you to get one Arab here to say that he considers your race as his equal, that he is your brother and if some Khalifa comes he would not mind if that dude is a Bangladeshi..just one Arab mind you..just one..sirf eik.

Like I give two woot about certificate from no name arabs. Allah(swt)'s Quran & his greatest messenger , our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave us the certificate of being equals. And as such rants from nose-poking no name indians R irrelevant.

Now answer my Qs. Why is does @ss burn about Arab-S.asian relation? :argh:
Then why R u here with your @s burning.

Trying to knock in some sense of self-respect into you..till now in vain.

I give two woot about certificate from no name arabs. Allah(swt)'s Quran & his greatest messenger , our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave us the certificate of being equals. And as such rants from nose-poking no name indians R irrelevant.

You are either so naive or soo brainwashed. Cant really decide which...

I again repeat, can you get just one Arab to say what I said..in your heart you know you cant..yet the mind of the identity crisis stricken..always wanting to be accepted by their idealogical masters as their equal..always looking for approval..always that vain hope that someday he will be considered their brother..sad.
Hyderabad was rich back then, and believe it or not, Ottoman Royal Family was poorer than ordinary Turkish family. All of their assets in Turkey (like their palaces and real estates) have nationalised by Ankara.
This was the reason of the marriages. But the marriages didn't last long. One of them (I don't remember her name) divorced and married with an American businessman, and the other one fleed to her father's house.

Don't we have got a rule against trolling? If we don't, there should be.

Again, unless you come with a credible source, stfu. Turkish support to Pakistan is nothing new.

where? Princess Durru Shehvar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trying to knock in some sense of self-respect into you..till now in vain.

You are either so naive or soo brainwashed. Cant really decide which...

I again repeat, can you get just one Arab to say what I said..in your heart you know you cant..yet the mind of the identity crisis stricken..always wanting to be accepted by their idealogical masters as their equal..always looking for approval..always that vain hope that someday he will be considered their brother..sad.

KS, Why are ignoring the thread? This thread is about Turkish President Trying to save his Bengali brother going beyond his limit. Why are you bringing off topic racism which is an opposite topic of the current thread?
Amstrong , Since when have you become so hot tempered ?
You I thought used to be among the more relaxed ones.
Why haven't we kicked them out yet ? :undecided:

Those Bengalis (like Nurul Amin) who choose Pakistan in '71 are more deserving of this country than anyone else but the illegal immigrants - Kick them out ! Instead bring back the Biharis we threw to the dogs in '71 & ran with our tails tucked between our legs - They deserve Pakistan more than anyone else.

P.S Kick the Afghans out to !
Trying to knock in some sense of self-respect into you..till now in vain.

U failed to answer my Qs. Why do U care how Arabs treats us. Why does your @ss burn about our self-respect? Or is it that U are begging us Bangladeshis to consider U brothers.:lol: If so U should have told me earlier.:cry: I give U "brother to Bangladesh" certificate. :)

You are either so naive or soo brainwashed. Cant really decide which...

Hail Arabia

Btw U just called my belief in ISLAM brainwashed. Now your islamophobic bigoted agenda with which U are in this thread is clear to everyone.
Again, unless you come with a credible source, stfu. Turkish support to Pakistan is nothing new.
Unless you come with a source which says Turkey didn't apologize STFU or go back to your nest,Turkey.
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