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Bangladesh cancels on-arrival visas for Turkey

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You are one of the biggest troll in this BD foroum...So donot start blaming others when your shirt is dirty...As long as India bashing and India comes into the thread....we will come into the picture...So if you donot like us to come here...then stop referring India in every thread that you guys are creating every day...

Here the indan deception comes off...nothing better can be expected from indians than trolling. Its too depressing the way things are happening in india.
Here the indan deception comes off...nothing better can be expected from indians than trolling. Its too depressing the way things are happening in india.

Of course...we are going through a transitory phases...but we donot just go on blaming America,Russia or China who are the existing superpowers to blame for everything that happens in my country unlike some section of BD posters here....You are right...we are too depressing...but at least i have the sane mind to admit it and am trying to fix it...
I am not going to talk about Pakistan, India, racism amongst Muslims or other issues and talk about this issue.

1. This sub-forum is called the "Bangladeshi sub-forum". The administration, with credit to them have created it. However this sub-forum is not representative of Bangladesh but is dominated by razakars and Jamatis, who though not the majority on this forum are the most vocal and work as a gang to silence anyone who disagrees with them by:

- Swearing at them.

- Lying about them.

- Insulting them.

I do not want any foreigner be they Chinese, Japanese, South Korean (these 3 countries are a true allies and not our so-called "Muslim brothers), westerner, Indian or anyone else to think that Jamatis/razakars represent Bangladesh.

Razakars/Jamatis do not represent Bangladesh.

In every election that is held in Bangladesh they do very poorly and at most they can be a junior coalition partner holding unimportant seats. The razakars/Jamatis on this forum seem to be bitter at this fact so in order to compensate for their failure in the real world they shout loudly here and consider this sub-forum to be their "turf" where they will silence any non-razakar Bangladeshi.

We are a Muslim country with millions of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians and will stay so. Hindus will remain in our country. Many Hindus in Bangladesh are more Bangladeshi than me as they have lived in the country all their life. I regard pro-Bangladesh patriot and Hindu, Avishek (a poster here) as more Bangladeshi than me.

Hindu citizens are an integral part of our country.

No razakar, no Jamati, no terrorist can ever change that fact.

2. Gul/Erdogan regime's disrespect of Bangladesh.

We have no problem with Turkey, which we consider a friendly nation. We do not blame 70 million Turks for this recent violation of Bangladeshi sovereignty and disrespect of our nationhood.

However the Gul/Erdogan regime must apologize as they apologized to India.

The Americans are suspected of involvement in this and encouraging their AKP proteges to carry out this.

Our foreign ministry officials when they speak to Dan Mozena, the American ambassador in Bangladesh, must indirectly hint at his involvement by subtly raising this issue in discussions with him e.g. "Mr Mozena, just to let you know and keep you informed Gul of Turkey has been disrespecting Bangladesh recently, your opinions on that?"


Dan Mozena, second from the left.

If the Gul/Erdogan regime do not apologize for this or if they continue this sort of behaviour e.g if Davutoglu even dares of thinking of assigning an "envoy" to monitor this issue then I suggest the following.

a: A one million man protest outside the Turkish embassy in Dhaka to protest against this violation of our sovereignty and diplomatic aggression.

b: If the undercover fundamentalist AKP regime of Gul and Erdogan still not desist from hostile behaviour, then Bangladesh should expel the AKP ambassador (note I do not say "Turkish" ambassador, as our problem is with the AKP undercover fundamentalist regime and not Turkey, the country) and close the embassy.


AKP ambassador to Bangladesh, Vakur Erkul, who was party to the sneaking in of 14 pro-fundamentalist "Turks" to Bangladesh to help fellow fundamentalists and radicals of the Al-Qaeda associated, Jamat e Islami.

We cannot compromise our national dignity, national honour and national sovereignty.

Those countries who regard national honour as sancrosanct are ones who progress.

- Post-revolutionary Iran defied the US and now Iran is technologically arguably the most advanced country in the Muslim world with a space programme, huge numbers of phds and so on.

- China is a proud country and has shot down US spie planes and is soon going to become the most powerful country on earth.

We do not need Turkey and it is in real terms a very unimportant country for us.

China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia are the real friends of Bangladesh.

3. Dealing with the razakar threat to Bangladesh.

Razakars have been a threat to Bangladesh, before, during and after its creation.

- They opposed the creation of the country and worked with Yahya Khan's regime to mass murder Muslim Bengalis. I do not want to make this a Pakistani v Bangladeshi issue and will point out that even Pakistanis like Asma Jahangir protested against Yahya Khan's 1971 genocide, whilst Razakars were working to murder, torture and rape Muslim Bengalis.


Pakistani politician, Asma Jahangir who protested against the 1971 Yahya Khan junta genocide in East Pakistan.

After Bangladesh was created, Gul and Erdogan's hero, Ghulam Azam was abroad in Pakistan and the middle east and UK. Whilst abroad he lobbied against the recognition of Bangladesh. He tried to strangle the newborn country in its cradle at its very birth.


Ghulam Azam, a suspected war criminal and an enemy of Bangladesh who opposed its independence and worked hard to destroy the country.

He then later on in his life around the 80s still worked to make Bangladesh a subordinate semi-colony of Pakistan once again.

The question is how can we Bangladeshis deal with the razakar/terrorist threat?

a: The corrupt and stupid Awami League regime have ruined the war crimes process and it is widely regarded as unfair even by neutral organizations such as Human Rights Watch (which protests BSF shootings of Bangladeshis).

b: Ghulam Azam will most probably be not executed and even I do not support his execution.

This extremist is 90 years old and will probably die soon and executing him will just make him a martyr to his hate-filled terrorist supporters.

So what can we do, if we can't execute Jamati thugs or even imprison them? What is the solution.

Bangladesh's revenge against razakars.

My answer is this.

Razakars hate Bangladesh. Their blood boils with pain and anger at the very idea of an independent Bangladesh.

They hate the Bangladeshi people.

They insult and belittle Bangladesh day and night and try to make it look like a failure (as they do in this forum).

We should not execute razakars but take revenge against them by continuing to make our country successful.

Razakars who read what I am going to write next may explode with pain and even smash their laptops out of razakar rage .

- Bangladesh has the 5th highest rate of economic growth in the world since 2008.

- Bangladesh has the largest NGO in the world, BRAC which is run by a former pro-Mukhti, Fazle Hasan i Abed.

BRAC is in Pakistan.


- Bangladesh has the largest number of UN peacekeepers, building clinics, schools and mosques around the world including in Africa.

- Bangladesh has the biggest Islamic gathering in the world, around 6 million + in Dhaka (the Bishor ijtima which I myself have attended).

- Bangladesh is building ships, motorbikes, laptops, DVD players and a nascent space programme.

Ghulam Azam and other jamatis/razakars/terrorists hate Bangladesh from the very bottom of their hearts. I do not believe we should, or can execute them but like our great friend Japan we should rise from destruction (as they did post-Nagasaki) and build a great nation. I end this post by posting pictures of our great friend, Japan whose example we should follow.


Japanese investors in Bangladesh.


Japanese businessmen in Dhaka look at a Bangladeshi-made WALTON BD motorbike.

America supported genocide in Bangladesh in 1971 and now they are supporting their proxies, AKP thugs, Gul and Erdogan to harass Bangladesh. They also carried out war crimes in Japan. However just like our Asian brothers, the Japanese, we too shall rise from American-inflicted destruction and become a great nation once again.


American regime nukes Hiroshima, a war crime. Japan a country in ruins.

Japan arises to now have one of the most powerful economies.

Let us forget backwards fundamentalists, terrorists, Turkish cavemen like Gul and Erdogan, American thugs like Mozena and work with our fellow Asians, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans to build a great Bangladesh.

- Hammer
@Hammer-fist, was my reply that offensive compared to all sorts of ramblings & tags U are giving people going against your opinion? Civilized responses requires civilized behavior.

Coming to the point of discussion- No one is really trying to understand the opinion of thread poster. His intention and resentment is not about people of Turkey or not about dislike of Islam....rather it isjust a issue where any foreign nation try to influence something that is completely internal issue to BD gov only.....This is ofcourse an bad incident....Now India haters in this foroum will argue that what will happen when India is interfering in BD issues everyday? Then my reaction would be same...You should take firm stand against India too...Guys someone is trying to make something good then at least try to respect him...

Since U are a typical ignorant outsider who should't butt his/her nose, I will still ask U to go to this link first:


The whole thing is BAL manufactured blunder even if U leave out the whole sham going on in the name of "Internationa" tribunal. The turkish team couldn't have meet all the top officials without getting permission. The whole fuss these awami thugs made after they peacefully left send the wrong message to the Intl community. They did this for cheap political point scoring.

Btw this is an "international" trail (according to BAL) where there isn't any intl monitoring. None of the accused are allowed to have Intl lawyers to consult & the top judge recently resigned upon the Skype controversy. Witnesses of the defence have been kidnapped & from the beginning the whole method of the trail was in controversy.All the 9 people undergoing this farce trail R opposition top leaders who have been elected plenty times as MP. Not a single member of BAL (have plenty of renowned razakars) R in the list. Turkish showing of concern is thus valid as the Intl Human rights org, US & EU all questioned the credibility of this trail. A sham trail to political & judicial killing will only deepen the scar of the Nation which I think is favored by Awami dalals & their Indian masters.

Btw the whole issue of war crime trail was settled by Shiek Mujib Himself back in 73-74. 700 collaborators were found guilty of war crimes & guess what, this does not include a single one of the 9 people undergoing trail currently. They weren't even charged in 73 collaborators act.

Trying war crimes in Bangladesh: The trial of the birth of a nation | The Economist

Turkey is historically a brotherly country, so comparing them with India is like comparing apples & oranges. Who R U to give us advice on patriotism ,nationalism & forgien "intervention" based on some clueless harping by a naive British Bangladeshi who most likely haven't ever been to BD. Why do U lot care? I Have never seen Indian harping on turkish or PAK internal political affairs thread.
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I am not going to talk about Pakistan, India, racism amongst Muslims or other issues and talk about this issue.

1. This sub-forum is called the "Bangladeshi sub-forum". The administration, with credit to them have created it. However this sub-forum is not representative of Bangladesh but is dominated by razakars and Jamatis, who though not the majority on this forum are the most vocal and work as a gang to silence anyone who disagrees with them by:

- Swearing at them.

- Lying about them.

- Insulting them.

I do not want any foreigner be they Chinese, Japanese, South Korean (these 3 countries are a true allies and not our so-called "Muslim brothers), westerner, Indian or anyone else to think that Jamatis/razakars represent Bangladesh.

Razakars/Jamatis do not represent Bangladesh.

In every election that is held in Bangladesh they do very poorly and at most they can be a junior coalition partner holding unimportant seats. The razakars/Jamatis on this forum seem to be bitter at this fact so in order to compensate for their failure in the real world they shout loudly here and consider this sub-forum to be their "turf" where they will silence any non-razakar Bangladeshi.

We are a Muslim country with millions of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians and will stay so. Hindus will remain in our country. Many Hindus in Bangladesh are more Bangladeshi than me as they have lived in the country all their life. I regard pro-Bangladesh patriot and Hindu, Avishek (a poster here) as more Bangladeshi than me.

Hindu citizens are an integral part of our country.

No razakar, no Jamati, no terrorist can ever change that fact.

2. Gul/Erdogan regime's disrespect of Bangladesh.

We have no problem with Turkey, which we consider a friendly nation. We do not blame 70 million Turks for this recent violation of Bangladeshi sovereignty and disrespect of our nationhood.

However the Gul/Erdogan regime must apologize as they apologized to India.

The Americans are suspected of involvement in this and encouraging their AKP proteges to carry out this.

Our foreign ministry officials when they speak to Dan Mozena, the American ambassador in Bangladesh, must indirectly hint at his involvement by subtly raising this issue in discussions with him e.g. "Mr Mozena, just to let you know and keep you informed Gul of Turkey has been disrespecting Bangladesh recently, your opinions on that?"


Dan Mozena, second from the left.

If the Gul/Erdogan regime do not apologize for this or if they continue this sort of behaviour e.g if Davutoglu even dares of thinking of assigning an "envoy" to monitor this issue then I suggest the following.

a: A one million man protest outside the Turkish embassy in Dhaka to protest against this violation of our sovereignty and diplomatic aggression.

b: If the undercover fundamentalist AKP regime of Gul and Erdogan still not desist from hostile behaviour, then Bangladesh should expel the AKP ambassador (note I do not say "Turkish" ambassador, as our problem is with the AKP undercover fundamentalist regime and not Turkey, the country) and close the embassy.


AKP ambassador to Bangladesh, Vakur Erkul, who was party to the sneaking in of 14 pro-fundamentalist "Turks" to Bangladesh to help fellow fundamentalists and radicals of the Al-Qaeda associated, Jamat e Islami.

We cannot compromise our national dignity, national honour and national sovereignty.

Those countries who regard national honour as sancrosanct are ones who progress.

- Post-revolutionary Iran defied the US and now Iran is technologically arguably the most advanced country in the Muslim world with a space programme, huge numbers of phds and so on.

- China is a proud country and has shot down US spie planes and is soon going to become the most powerful country on earth.

We do not need Turkey and it is in real terms a very unimportant country for us.

China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia are the real friends of Bangladesh.

3. Dealing with the razakar threat to Bangladesh.

Razakars have been a threat to Bangladesh, before, during and after its creation.

- They opposed the creation of the country and worked with Yahya Khan's regime to mass murder Muslim Bengalis. I do not want to make this a Pakistani v Bangladeshi issue and will point out that even Pakistanis like Asma Jahangir protested against Yahya Khan's 1971 genocide, whilst Razakars were working to murder, torture and rape Muslim Bengalis.


Pakistani politician, Asma Jahangir who protested against the 1971 Yahya Khan junta genocide in East Pakistan.

After Bangladesh was created, Gul and Erdogan's hero, Ghulam Azam was abroad in Pakistan and the middle east and UK. Whilst abroad he lobbied against the recognition of Bangladesh. He tried to strangle the newborn country in its cradle at its very birth.


Ghulam Azam, a suspected war criminal and an enemy of Bangladesh who opposed its independence and worked hard to destroy the country.

He then later on in his life around the 80s still worked to make Bangladesh a subordinate semi-colony of Pakistan once again.

The question is how can we Bangladeshis deal with the razakar/terrorist threat?

a: The corrupt and stupid Awami League regime have ruined the war crimes process and it is widely regarded as unfair even by neutral organizations such as Human Rights Watch (which protests BSF shootings of Bangladeshis).

b: Ghulam Azam will most probably be not executed and even I do not support his execution.

This extremist is 90 years old and will probably die soon and executing him will just make him a martyr to his hate-filled terrorist supporters.

So what can we do, if we can't execute Jamati thugs or even imprison them? What is the solution.

Bangladesh's revenge against razakars.

My answer is this.

Razakars hate Bangladesh. Their blood boils with pain and anger at the very idea of an independent Bangladesh.

They hate the Bangladeshi people.

They insult and belittle Bangladesh day and night and try to make it look like a failure (as they do in this forum).

We should not execute razakars but take revenge against them by continuing to make our country successful.

Razakars who read what I am going to write next may explode with pain and even smash their laptops out of razakar rage .

- Bangladesh has the 5th highest rate of economic growth in the world since 2008.

- Bangladesh has the largest NGO in the world, BRAC which is run by a former pro-Mukhti, Fazle Hasan i Abed.

BRAC is in Pakistan.


- Bangladesh has the largest number of UN peacekeepers, building clinics, schools and mosques around the world including in Africa.

- Bangladesh has the biggest Islamic gathering in the world, around 6 million + in Dhaka (the Bishor ijtima which I myself have attended).

- Bangladesh is building ships, motorbikes, laptops, DVD players and a nascent space programme.

Ghulam Azam and other jamatis/razakars/terrorists hate Bangladesh from the very bottom of their hearts. I do not believe we should, or can execute them but like our great friend Japan we should rise from destruction (as they did post-Nagasaki) and build a great nation. I end this post by posting pictures of our great friend, Japan whose example we should follow.


Japanese investors in Bangladesh.


Japanese businessmen in Dhaka look at a Bangladeshi-made WALTON BD motorbike.

America supported genocide in Bangladesh in 1971 and now they are supporting their proxies, AKP thugs, Gul and Erdogan to harass Bangladesh. They also carried out war crimes in Japan. However just like our Asian brothers, the Japanese, we too shall rise from American-inflicted destruction and become a great nation once again.


American regime nukes Hiroshima, a war crime. Japan a country in ruins.

Japan arises to now have one of the most powerful economies.

Let us forget backwards fundamentalists, terrorists, Turkish cavemen like Gul and Erdogan, American thugs like Mozena and work with our fellow Asians, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans to build a great Bangladesh.

- Hammer

Most of the Expatriats here including Hammer fist who cant read or Write Bengali dont Represent Bangladesh Society, Rather its we born and Bred on the heart of Bangladesh... represent Bangladesh
Someone give this dude some professional help, please. Next thing you know, he will go to bomb Maloon Obama. Extremist Terrorists like you are a threat to the whole world.
And just for the sake of it, go to wikipedia and search for liberation war. You'd get the summary of the whole situation, bimbo. If your sister or mother was the victim of your PAK bros then you wouldn't have been full of crap.

atleats we didn't put you in all that trouble that we had to face after liberating from the british india ...since our liberation we had faced three wars with them...lost dont know how many soldiers and civilians ....even during migration after independence thousands of muslims were killed....if we would have hate towards bangladesh we would have never supported any collaboration of Pakistan in developing bangladeshi army or equipping them...in this scenario its like india supplying defense equipment to Pakistan

We didn't had any grudge or whatsoever if we would have we would have waged a war with you like india did with us and took the hell out of you to be honest you wouldn't have any answer to that coz militarily you still lack far behind but we never did so and always collaborated .... Listen liberations donot come like a piece of cake .....you have to sacrifice ..what do you think there is no sarcasm and racism in bangladesh? tell me any country which doesnot face this may it be US, india, afghanistan you name it... Pakistan was not an exception .... what about if your city or province wants you to liberate them ....will you do that ? will it be so easy for you? and what about if meanwhile they get violent or rebel ; would not your army take an action against them? would not their be killings in the process from both sides , why it is so hard for you to understand

n btw the country that is talking big about helping you to liberate coz of so called the oppression you faced ...if they have such soft hearts about the ones being oppressed why dont they liberate kashmir and other states that want liberation? why they are carrying out operations , why so many indian army is stationed in kashmir... is it so hard for you to understand that it was just a political move by india to break Pakistan same way like they are doing in balochistan now

Even the preachers of peace and democracy cant let their states liberate with ease ;even britain amd ireland had skirmishes and conflicts but they came to negotiations table and are now living in peace ...coz they didnt had neighbor like india to manipulate the situation and people like mujib who got sold for the sake of power

about history you can change all the fckng content or manipulate it as you like....what do u think awami league or mujeeb were so dumb to portray the exact history that will put black marks on their character?

Hell give me power and i will show you how history can be changed to one's benefit
I am not going to talk about Pakistan, India, racism amongst Muslims or other issues and talk about this issue.

1. This sub-forum is called the "Bangladeshi sub-forum". The administration, with credit to them have created it. However this sub-forum is not representative of Bangladesh but is dominated by razakars and Jamatis, who though not the majority on this forum are the most vocal and work as a gang to silence anyone who disagrees with them by:

- Swearing at them.

- Lying about them.

- Insulting them.

I do not want any foreigner be they Chinese, Japanese, South Korean (these 3 countries are a true allies and not our so-called "Muslim brothers), westerner, Indian or anyone else to think that Jamatis/razakars represent Bangladesh.

Razakars/Jamatis do not represent Bangladesh.

In every election that is held in Bangladesh they do very poorly and at most they can be a junior coalition partner holding unimportant seats. The razakars/Jamatis on this forum seem to be bitter at this fact so in order to compensate for their failure in the real world they shout loudly here and consider this sub-forum to be their "turf" where they will silence any non-razakar Bangladeshi.

We are a Muslim country with millions of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians and will stay so. Hindus will remain in our country. Many Hindus in Bangladesh are more Bangladeshi than me as they have lived in the country all their life. I regard pro-Bangladesh patriot and Hindu, Avishek (a poster here) as more Bangladeshi than me.

Hindu citizens are an integral part of our country.

No razakar, no Jamati, no terrorist can ever change that fact.

2. Gul/Erdogan regime's disrespect of Bangladesh.

We have no problem with Turkey, which we consider a friendly nation. We do not blame 70 million Turks for this recent violation of Bangladeshi sovereignty and disrespect of our nationhood.

However the Gul/Erdogan regime must apologize as they apologized to India.

The Americans are suspected of involvement in this and encouraging their AKP proteges to carry out this.

Our foreign ministry officials when they speak to Dan Mozena, the American ambassador in Bangladesh, must indirectly hint at his involvement by subtly raising this issue in discussions with him e.g. "Mr Mozena, just to let you know and keep you informed Gul of Turkey has been disrespecting Bangladesh recently, your opinions on that?"


Dan Mozena, second from the left.

If the Gul/Erdogan regime do not apologize for this or if they continue this sort of behaviour e.g if Davutoglu even dares of thinking of assigning an "envoy" to monitor this issue then I suggest the following.

a: A one million man protest outside the Turkish embassy in Dhaka to protest against this violation of our sovereignty and diplomatic aggression.

b: If the undercover fundamentalist AKP regime of Gul and Erdogan still not desist from hostile behaviour, then Bangladesh should expel the AKP ambassador (note I do not say "Turkish" ambassador, as our problem is with the AKP undercover fundamentalist regime and not Turkey, the country) and close the embassy.


AKP ambassador to Bangladesh, Vakur Erkul, who was party to the sneaking in of 14 pro-fundamentalist "Turks" to Bangladesh to help fellow fundamentalists and radicals of the Al-Qaeda associated, Jamat e Islami.

We cannot compromise our national dignity, national honour and national sovereignty.

Those countries who regard national honour as sancrosanct are ones who progress.

- Post-revolutionary Iran defied the US and now Iran is technologically arguably the most advanced country in the Muslim world with a space programme, huge numbers of phds and so on.

- China is a proud country and has shot down US spie planes and is soon going to become the most powerful country on earth.

We do not need Turkey and it is in real terms a very unimportant country for us.

China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia are the real friends of Bangladesh.

3. Dealing with the razakar threat to Bangladesh.

Razakars have been a threat to Bangladesh, before, during and after its creation.

- They opposed the creation of the country and worked with Yahya Khan's regime to mass murder Muslim Bengalis. I do not want to make this a Pakistani v Bangladeshi issue and will point out that even Pakistanis like Asma Jahangir protested against Yahya Khan's 1971 genocide, whilst Razakars were working to murder, torture and rape Muslim Bengalis.


Pakistani politician, Asma Jahangir who protested against the 1971 Yahya Khan junta genocide in East Pakistan.

After Bangladesh was created, Gul and Erdogan's hero, Ghulam Azam was abroad in Pakistan and the middle east and UK. Whilst abroad he lobbied against the recognition of Bangladesh. He tried to strangle the newborn country in its cradle at its very birth.


Ghulam Azam, a suspected war criminal and an enemy of Bangladesh who opposed its independence and worked hard to destroy the country.

He then later on in his life around the 80s still worked to make Bangladesh a subordinate semi-colony of Pakistan once again.

The question is how can we Bangladeshis deal with the razakar/terrorist threat?

a: The corrupt and stupid Awami League regime have ruined the war crimes process and it is widely regarded as unfair even by neutral organizations such as Human Rights Watch (which protests BSF shootings of Bangladeshis).

b: Ghulam Azam will most probably be not executed and even I do not support his execution.

This extremist is 90 years old and will probably die soon and executing him will just make him a martyr to his hate-filled terrorist supporters.

So what can we do, if we can't execute Jamati thugs or even imprison them? What is the solution.

Bangladesh's revenge against razakars.

My answer is this.

Razakars hate Bangladesh. Their blood boils with pain and anger at the very idea of an independent Bangladesh.

They hate the Bangladeshi people.

They insult and belittle Bangladesh day and night and try to make it look like a failure (as they do in this forum).

We should not execute razakars but take revenge against them by continuing to make our country successful.

Razakars who read what I am going to write next may explode with pain and even smash their laptops out of razakar rage .

- Bangladesh has the 5th highest rate of economic growth in the world since 2008.

- Bangladesh has the largest NGO in the world, BRAC which is run by a former pro-Mukhti, Fazle Hasan i Abed.

BRAC is in Pakistan.


- Bangladesh has the largest number of UN peacekeepers, building clinics, schools and mosques around the world including in Africa.

- Bangladesh has the biggest Islamic gathering in the world, around 6 million + in Dhaka (the Bishor ijtima which I myself have attended).

- Bangladesh is building ships, motorbikes, laptops, DVD players and a nascent space programme.

Ghulam Azam and other jamatis/razakars/terrorists hate Bangladesh from the very bottom of their hearts. I do not believe we should, or can execute them but like our great friend Japan we should rise from destruction (as they did post-Nagasaki) and build a great nation. I end this post by posting pictures of our great friend, Japan whose example we should follow.


Japanese investors in Bangladesh.


Japanese businessmen in Dhaka look at a Bangladeshi-made WALTON BD motorbike.

America supported genocide in Bangladesh in 1971 and now they are supporting their proxies, AKP thugs, Gul and Erdogan to harass Bangladesh. They also carried out war crimes in Japan. However just like our Asian brothers, the Japanese, we too shall rise from American-inflicted destruction and become a great nation once again.


American regime nukes Hiroshima, a war crime. Japan a country in ruins.

Japan arises to now have one of the most powerful economies.

Let us forget backwards fundamentalists, terrorists, Turkish cavemen like Gul and Erdogan, American thugs like Mozena and work with our fellow Asians, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans to build a great Bangladesh.

- Hammer

What BRAC, Motorcycle production, Hiroshima has to do with anything. This is pure mental case mixed with Awami bosti thug chapabazi calling anyone under the sun "razakar" "terrorist" etc. And if Awami bosti thug wish to lecture US and Turkish ambassador go write them or call them, this is not the place to convey Awami thuggish threat to them or anyone else for that matter.
Dhaka urges int'l community not to favour war criminals


Dipu Moni

Star Online Report

Dhaka Sunday called upon the international community not to make any request in favour of the war crimes accused who are now under trial in the International Crimes Tribunal.

“Bangladesh wants nobody to make any request or recommendation for the persons who are accused of war crimes or who will be convicted in trial,” said Foreign Minister Dipu Moni, talking to media at her office yesterday.

Referring to a letter to President Zillur Rahman from his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul calling for "clemency" to the accused, the minister said Dhaka has made it very clear that it is not possible to keep any request from any one for clemency to any war criminals.

The foreign minister mentioned Ankara had officially informed that it had no intention at all to interfere in any internal affair of Bangladesh.

And, the Turkish foreign ministry had told Bangladesh ambassador in Ankara that it was just a letter from the president of a friendly country to the president of another.

But Dipu Moni said it would not be possible for the government to take the matter lightly as the ongoing trial is “very important and highly sensitive” for Bangladesh.

The December 23 letter has created a stir in Bangladesh because, she said, the people have been waiting for last 40 years for the trial of those accused of crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War, 1971.

“It is the expectation of the people of Bangladesh that nobody should recommend in favour of the persons who have been accused or who might be convicted for war crimes.”

According to sources, the Turkish president in his one-page letter also requested Zillur Rahman not to give death sentence to Ghulam Azam and other Jamaat leaders who are behind bars on war crimes charges.

On this issue, the foreign minister noted different countries in the world, including Turkey, had awarded death sentences to war criminals.

Replying to a question whether a diplomatic tension has been created between the two countries, she said no.

On a recent visit of an NGO team from Turkey, Dipu Moni said that Ankara had clearly stated that it was not any official delegation.

The government was inquiring further into the matter, she added.

The visit of a 14-member team of Turkish NGO Cansuyu Aid and Solidarity Association from December 20 to 24 hiding their identity and misusing “on-arrival visa” facilities and its inappropriate activities have reportedly made Dhaka unhappy.

Dhaka urges int'l community not to favour war criminals

1. It is quite clear the Bangladeshi government is absolutely furious with the Gul/Erdogan regime.

2. This speech by the Bangladeshi foreign minister might be an indirect attack against the American regime and a warning for it to keep out of internal Bangladeshi affairs.

The Bangladeshi government went absolutely livid with anger last month with the American regime and our politicians were literally physically banging on desks supporting our agriculture minister's attack on the American regime and thug Dan Mozena for interfering in our affairs.

Matia blasts US embassy

Staff Correspondent

Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury yesterday in parliament blasted the US Embassy in Dhaka for what she called the mission's siding with the Jamaat-e-Islami by urging the government for a dialogue with the anti-liberation force.

Terming the Jamaat an anti-Liberation War organisation and attackers of police across the country, Matia said: “I strongly protest against and criticise those who urge us to sit with the attackers of police.”

Immediately after Matia, another senior Awami League leader Tofail Ahmed, MP, criticised the US Embassy's call for a dialogue. The embassy on November 15 expressed deep concern over the recent countrywide violence and urged a dialogue to resolve the differences.

Speaking on a point of order, Tofail said: “I was surprised how the country [the USA] that launches drone attacks to kill militants and terrorists in Pakistan could urge [the government] to sit with a militant organisation like the Jamaat.”

Launching a blistering attack on US Ambassador Dan W Mozena, Matia during the unscheduled discussion said: “Would his [Mozena's] country sit for a 'love talk' with a force had it attacked their law enforcers?

“This is nothing but hypocrisy. Urging a dialogue with the attackers will only inspire them,” an indignant Matia said amid a thumping of desks by lawmakers.

She also said it was impossible to make anyone agree to do anything by dint of power. “They [the US] observed this once in 1971 and will see it again at present

Matia blasts US embassy


Bangladeshi agriculture minister Matia Chowdhury who blasted the American regime last month. No doubt seeing her face (a woman) will incense the backwards and primitive cavemen razakars/jamatis who believe a woman should be "at home cooking" and not in public life.

Also it seems the Gul/Erdogan regime is somewhat backing down from its harassment of Bangladesh from what we can read in Dipu Moni's talk to the press.

If they back down and stop supporting thugs, fundamentalists, cavemens, bigots (who hate millions of our Hindu citizens), barbarians known as Jamatis/razakars then once again Bangladesh-Turkish relations will be excellent as they are 99.999% of the time.
We are a Muslim country with millions of Hindus and Buddhists and Christians and will stay so. Hindus will remain in our country. Many Hindus in Bangladesh are more Bangladeshi than me as they have lived in the country all their life. I regard pro-Bangladesh patriot and Hindu, Avishek (a poster here) as more Bangladeshi than me.

This is how Awami thuugish deception start, making something communal when they dont have any plece to hide. Awami League thugs use Hindus and Buddhist as human and communal shield to escape with their terror activities. This discussion has nothing to do with Hindus or Buddhist but hemmer fist being typical Awami league communal thug, he is using that as shield for spreading Awami terror mantra.

Biswajit Murder by Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) on 09-Dec-2012 - YouTube
What BRAC, Motorcycle production, Hiroshima has to do with anything. This is pure mental case mixed with Awami bosti thug chapabazi calling anyone under the sun "razakar" "terrorist" etc. And if Awami bosti thug wish to lecture US and Turkish ambassador go write them or call them, this is not the place to convey Awami thuggish threat to them or anyone else for that matter.

Not surprising at ALL, fascists call Bangabir Kader Siddiqui Razakar too just because he speaks truth


is AL gone nuts ,why they are spoiling relations with every other country ? have they started to consider bangladesh a super power or are high on drugs ? yesterday we have news of an awami league official calling bangladeshi muslims better than other..... do they know how bangladesh looks like on a map ? and it will not harm any country to leave you guys...rather you will be on suffering side .....

AL is trying everything to alienate bangladesh
Its baffling when people like hammer-fist say they had right of freedom and liberation so they did what they did back in 1971 but now they themselves cant bear even minor of criticism from their own country mates ....even they are against all those people who support other party and tag them as razakars or traitors and demand for action against them by the same logic mr hammer-fist you and your AL was too traitor back in 1971 so why you cry then for the actions when you deserved that as rebellions...isn't what you are showing called hypocrisy?
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