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Bangladesh being a puppet state


Nov 25, 2011
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After Awami League came to power, as days, months, years passes by I see from the news that Bangladesh going under India's clout. Our foreign relationship with countries particularly with China is going down. Everything is corrupted from food to transportation to safety of local people. Awami League and its leader Sheikh Hasina, now, no doubt working for indian interest. Sheikh Hasina, who always takes his father's name always, now create doubt in my mind. How much is islam and bangladesh is to the sheikh family. Is bangladesh then became a puppet state of India? If so why? What benefit Awami League will gain by this? I do not myself support any of political parties of bangladesh. I am just an well wisher of bangladesh.
After Awami League came to power, as days, months, years passes by I see from the news that Bangladesh going under India's clout.

That's the intended direction.

Our foreign relationship with countries particularly with China is going down.

And the Middle Eastern countries.

Everything is corrupted from food to transportation to safety of local people.

1 KG of garlic costs Tk. 180 :confused:

Awami League and its leader Sheikh Hasina, now, no doubt working for indian interest. Sheikh Hasina, who always takes his father's name always, now create doubt in my mind.

She's mad. She cannot force Bangladeshis to worship Sheikh Mujib. And they are misusing the past for their own benefit.

Of-course, the old fools at New Delhi always make misinformed decisions as usual in regards to Bangladesh.

This AL regime is bound to fail to provide the key deliverables desired by New Delhi. The AL are too disorganized, uneducated, minds clouded by sheer avarice and arrogance.

The Indians are just wasting their money and efforts on the AL.

How much is islam and bangladesh is to the sheikh family.

AL people generally never pray.

And the AL 'Bengali Secular Socialist' ideology itself is a failed one. I am not saying that it'd be better for Bangladesh to be a theocracy, it's just that they failed to uphold any values whatsoever.

Is bangladesh then became a puppet state of India? If so why? What benefit Awami League will gain by this?

Avarice lead by the minds of pathetic little men. The Indians? Well, they are simply reckless really. I just pray to God that those old fools don't anything stupid.

I do not myself support any of political parties of bangladesh. I am just an well wisher of bangladesh.

Good to know.
I don't know about the real Bangladeshis but the online Bangladeshis seriously need to get rid of this inferiority complex.

That is the reality.

Visit Bangladesh and try to talk to an AL MP or minister and see for yourself.
I don't know about the real Bangladeshis but the online Bangladeshis seriously need to get rid of this inferiority complex.

Didn't your own PM Manmohan Singh say that large portion of Bangladeshis are anti-Indian?
That is the reality.

Visit Bangladesh and try to talk to an AL MP or minister and see for yourself.

Look let's be honest.

Bangladesh is surrounded almost on all sides by India, its lifeline of rivers all come from India and out of the two political parties if one is sympathetic to Pakistan/Islamist cause then naturally the other will be seen as more tolerant and conducive to India and by extension will get the biggest power's (India) support.

That is the reality of all small,relatively weak states surrounded by big powers. Bangladesh is no exception to this regard. It's smartness lies in how it utilizes that relation to develop itself and the life standards of its citizens. Trying to fight off the bigger power or engaging in shadowy hostile acts will get it nowhere.

The sooner the people understand this the better for everyone.

Didn't your own PM Manmohan Singh say that large portion of Bangladeshis are anti-Indian?

So ?
Look let's be honest.

Bangladesh is surrounded almost on all sides by India, its lifeline of rivers all come from India and out of the two political parties if one is sympathetic to Pakistan/Islamist cause then naturally the other will be seen as more tolerant and conducive to India and by extension will get the biggest power's (India) support.

That is the reality of all small,relatively weak states surrounded by big powers. Bangladesh is no exception to this regard. It's smartness lies in how it utilizes that relation to develop itself and the life standards of its citizens. Trying to fight off the bigger power or engaging in shadowy hostile acts will get it nowhere.

The sooner the people understand this the better for everyone.

Yeah, Farakka didn't work out too well for us :lol: But we can do just fine without being spoonfed with given conditions :lol:

And just what has Pakistan have to do with this? Since when did Jamaat threaten India with terrorism?

The problems faced by Pakistan and that by Bangladesh are completely different and unique. Jamaat isn't that popular in Bangladesh due to its controversial stance.

However, I can guarantee you that this AL regime is bound to fail in its political goals. This is not my opinion, but fact.

India is merely working against very petty things in Bangladesh. And refuses to see the whole picture. And sadly, that's going to fail as well.
Yeah, Farakka didn't work out too well for us. But we can do just fine without being spoonfed with given conditions.

And just what has Pakistan have to do with this? Since when did Jamaat threaten India with terrorism?

The problems faced by Pakistan and that by Bangladesh are completely different and unique. Jamaat isn't that popular in Bangladesh due to its controversial stance.

However, I can guarantee you that this AL regime is bound to fail in its political goals. This is not my opinion, but fact.

India is merely working against very petty things in Bangladesh. And refuses to see the whole picture. And sadly, that's going to fail as well.

No one is spoon feeding anything to anyone. Just because some paranoid Bangadeshis see an Indian hand in everything doesn't mean it is true. It's just like some Pakistanis blaming CIA-RAW-Mossad-Blackwater for all their shortcomings.

Correcting things first needs a correct assessment of the problem. You internet Bangladeshis are failing at the first step of assessing the problem itself.

When I said Pakistan I meant BNP being more sympathetic/inclined towards Pakistani/Islamist cause than AL. You misunderstood everytihng.
No one is spoon feeding anything to anyone.

The AL partly survives on India.

Just because some paranoid Bangadeshis see an Indian hand in everything doesn't mean it is true. It's just like some Pakistanis blaming CIA-RAW-Mossad-Blackwater for all their shortcomings.

"Some" paranoid Bangladeshis? What? Did you carry out a survey or something? :lol:

Correcting things first needs a correct assessment of the problem. You internet Bangladeshis are failing at the first step of assessing the problem itself.

Us "Internet Bangladeshis"? As if PDF is the entire world :lol:

As far as the political problems in Bangladesh go, the problem is Hasina.

When I said Pakistan I meant BNP being more sympathetic/inclined towards Pakistani/Islamist cause than AL.

So? People elect the government. No?

Or are you implying that it must suit Indian interests, and therefore India must interfere in Bangladesh such that the incompetent AL is always in power?

Not to worry, most of the BNP candidates now are the very same fatcats who were the very reason of the BNP's downfall. Are people going to support them? Maybe not.

Similarly can be said about the AL.

Seems like another 1/11 on the horizon.

You misunderstood everytihng.

Only if you were more informed. Pity :rolleyes:
^^^Yeah why not!? It's a fantastic idea! Bomb us back to the stone age :lol:
^^^Yeah why not!? It's a fantastic idea! Bomb us back to the stone age :lol:

Lol, is your girl avatar name Kat Von familarily ? What a confusion mind. :lol:

what a brotherly and islamic suggestion!

Please Bangladeshis shouldn't complain about India now, accept it today. There is no things between Pakistan and Bangladesh brotherhood or Islamic related.
Lol, is your girl avatar name Kat Von familarily ? What a confusion mind. :lol:

Please Bangladeshis shouldn't complain about India now, accept it today. There is no things between Pakistan and Bangladesh brotherhood or Islamic related.
Damn! The thread is not related to Pakistan.... So wat the reason behind creating mess?
Lol, is your girl avatar name Kat Von familarily? What a confusion mind. :lol:

Yeah nice try, but incorrect :lol: Now, who has the confused mind now?

I hope you are not here to troll.

Oh by the way, how did your petition to replace Bangladesh defense with Afghan defense go?

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------

Damn! The thread is not related to Pakistan.... So wat the reason behind creating mess?

This particular RaptorRX707 doesn't seem to be too happy about the Bangladesh defense being here :lol:
the bangla people should be thankful to indian gov for helping them during 1971

and indian people should be thankful to bangladeshis because to save our interest your interest was also served. Now you don't have to look both side of your country and sleep at night peacefully
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