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Bangladesh bans Maududi's books in mosques

Having read the portion below , we should not have any doubt about the true nature of Moududism regardless what the apologists claim. He obviously preached violent aggressive form of politics in the quest of a global dominance carefully disguised in an Islamic template. The apologists forget that it takes much more study to ban something than to preach it. Many of these apologists might have read a few pamphlets of Moududi only if nothing at all.

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Politics and religion two different things. Politics involves ruling the nation whereas religion is following a certain faith like Hinduism, Islam or Christianity.
Religion should be kept away from politics. The seers, saints who preach religion should not involve themselves in politics. Religion helps man lead a better life. It brings peace of mind.
Politics is means for the country's administration and for the people's welfare and public facilities like housing problems, food, education, employment.
Having read the portion below , we should not have any doubt about the true nature of Moududism regardless what the apologists claim. He obviously preached violent aggressive form of politics in the quest of a global dominance carefully disguised in an Islamic template. The apologists forget that it takes much more study to ban something than to preach it. Many of these apologists might have read a few pamphlets of Moududi only if nothing at all.


Some of the comments he made about Pakistan are absolutely infuriating, he aliked Muslim nationalism to 'chaste prostitute', I present some of his comments for you:

” Who are the Muslims you are claiming to be a separate nation? Here, the crowd called Muslims is full of all sorts of rabble. There are as many types of characters in this as in any (other) heathen people”. (Vol. III, P.166)

“If you survey this so-called Muslim society, you will come across multifarious types of Muslims, of countless categories. This is a zoo with a collection of crows, kites, vultures, partridges and thousands of other types of birds. Every one of them is a ‘sparrow’. (Ibid. P.31)

“In no Muslim League resolution, or in a speech by a responsible leader of the League it has it been made clear that their final goal is of establishing an Islamic system of government. Those who believe that by freeing Muslim majority areas rule of Hindu majority, an Islamic government will be established here in a democratic set up, are wrong. In fact what will be achieved will be a heretical government by Muslims, indeed worse than that.” (Ibid. P.130-32)

Here comes the more infuriating stuff:

“The establishment and birth of Pakistan is equivalent to the birth of a beast.”

“Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s place is not on the throne of leadership. He deserves to face trial as a traitor.”

” There were three actors in the partition of India. Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s performance proved to be most unsuccessful”.

“It is haraam to vote for the Muslim League.”

“Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of fool’s paradise.”

“Pakistan is a fool’s paradise and an infidel state of Muslims.”

“Pakistan is filled with millions of robbers, thieves, murderers, adulterers and uncouth wrongdoers.”

“An election campaign is a race of hounds.”

“The Muslim League is an unrighteous and immoral party that has made our collective environment filthier than the lavatory.”

”The Mohajirs are deserters and cowards, who fought a national battle, but when the time came to pay the price, they took the path of escape.”
Message of peace and tolerance from Maududi:-

Human relations and associations are so integrated that no state can have complete freedom of action within its own principles, unless those same principles are in force in a neighboring country. Therefore, Muslim groups will not be content with the establishment of an Islamic state in one area alone. Depending on their resources, they should try to expand in all directions. On the one hand, they will spread their ideology and on the other they will invite people of all nations to accept their creed, for salvation lies only in it. If their Islamic state has power and resources it will fight and destroy non Islamic governments and establish Islamic states in their place.

[Maulana Maududi: Haqiqat-i-Jihad (Lahore: Taj Company Ltd, 1964), 64]

---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

Dawn's Editorial :

Maududi ban
Dawn Editorial
Sunday, 18 Jul, 2010

The Bangladesh government has ordered mosques and libraries to be purged of all books written by Abul Ala Maududi. The chief of the state-funded Islamic Foundation has said the late Jamaat-i-Islami founder’s books encourage “militancy and terrorism”. He added that the decision was taken as Maulana Maududi’s works are “against the peaceful ideology of Islam”.

It appears there is a political angle to the Awami League government’s decision. Observers have said the government wants to keep a check on the activities of the Bangladesh Jamaat-i-Islami allied with the Awami League’s arch-rival, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Maulana Maududi’s works have influenced the ideology of the various chapters of the Jamaat in the subcontinent. Bangladesh’s state minister for religious affairs told parliament the other day that the government would withdraw books written by persons ‘identified’ as having been involved in ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ during the 1971 war.

Banning books is a perilous proposition. Democracy and tolerance demand that opposing viewpoints and ideologies be heard, as long as they don’t promote hatred and violence. Though many people may not agree with Maulana Maududi’s politics or his worldview, banning his works does not seem prudent. All shades of opinion must be represented in public discourse and debates about the subjects the Jamaat founder has written on — politics, religion and their intertwining — must continue. While it may be true that Abul Ala Maududi’s writings have contributed to increasing conservatism in society, to say they encourage terrorism is debatable. The Jamaat believes and participates in parliamentary democracy both in Pakistan and Bangladesh, while religious extremists have no qualms about violently overthrowing such a system. It can be safely assumed that Al Qaeda, the Taliban and similar extremist movements power their ideological engines by exploiting geopolitical issues and narrowly interpreting religious texts, not studying Maulana Maududi’s works.
Message of peace and tolerance from Maududi:-

All shades of opinion must be represented in public discourse and debates about the subjects the Jamaat founder has written on — politics, religion and their intertwining — must continue. While it may be true that Abul Ala Maududi’s writings have contributed to increasing conservatism in society, to say they encourage terrorism is debatable. [/B]The Jamaat believes and participates in parliamentary democracy both in Pakistan and Bangladesh, while religious extremists have no qualms about violently overthrowing such a system. It can be safely assumed that Al Qaeda, the Taliban and similar extremist movements power their ideological engines by exploiting geopolitical issues and narrowly interpreting religious texts, not studying Maulana Maududi’s works.

The same principle will not apply if I want to preach secularism and I will be declared as a Murtad with couple of millions of Rupees bounty for my head. These shameless religious bigots use democracy and human rights selectively whenever it suits them and they kill democracy in seconds at the very first available opportunity.
M_Saint and EgoBoy

What will you call of a person who wrongly quote references? And not once but multiple times in various books. It cant be a mistake if its done multiple times.

The book that you mentioned Khilafat u Mulokiyat is a book I have read and personally found shocking. And so I actually went to the references that he quoted. The books of history like Ibne Kabir and Ibne Kasir. These books are freely availble in Saudi Arabia where I was at that time and I found that he had wrongly quoted in atleast a few serious charges against various Sahaba.

In the technical field, when a person publishing a paper or books quotes wrongly in his references then all his works are considered doubtful even though some of them might well be accurate. Hope you get my meaning.

You owe it to yourself to go through that book and see the references for yourself and realise this. I have given the info to you, now its your responsibility.

And again I don't understand why Maulana Ilyas and Tablighi movement is coming into this discussion? Is it only because I have an Indian flag? I am not discussing about it because its offtopic, even though as far as I know what you have written is completely untrue. And for all your talk of Quran and Sunnah, you forgot that there is no caste system in Islam, how unfortunate...

What you call your news readers of "Times India", "Durdarshan" etc., who repeteadly dissminate lie, damn lie and wrong statistics about Pakistan? I say that they multiply their mistakes by staying in conspirator's pay roll but not willing/knowingly; Do you see science and logic in my citation? Similarly Janab Maududi made some mistakes probably by wrong influence of SHIA scholar's written books (According to very close person of him). BTW, even the smartest creatures like Einstein, Hawkins and Marks weren't flawless that too proved "To err is human" but none of "Doi paisar Deobondi Mullahs" intellect could come to close to write even one let alone 40 books of his type. I chose not to response your other gibberish but you insisted me again, so wait for the ripe time.

For some Pakistani Fans of Maudoodi

Sorry to those members who can't read Urdu

LOL there are many things he predicted were true like Pakistan Zani lutaru etc etc say bhara hai. :) National Assembly of Pakistan ;)

Intakhabi muhim shikari kutu ki dhoor hai. PPP, PML(N) PML(Q) :)

His remarks on Muslim League is so true :) If u do not agree with it watch the NA session on TV:chilli:

What you call your news readers of "Times India", "Durdarshan" etc., who repeteadly dissminate lie, damn lie and wrong statistics about Pakistan? I say that they multiply their mistakes by staying in conspirator's pay roll but not willing/knowingly; Do you see science and logic in my citation? Similarly Janab Maududi made some mistakes probably by wrong influence of SHIA scholar's written books (According to very close person of him). BTW, even the smartest creatures like Einstein, Hawkins and Marks weren't flawless that too proved "To err is human" but none of "Doi paisar Deobondi Mullahs" intellect could come to close to write even one let alone 40 books of his type. I chose not to response your other gibberish but you insisted me again, so wait for the ripe time.

You are comparing media channels with books on the Prophetand his companions? Even I don't trust everything shownon media and print until I am convinced. Thats what I think of credibility of all media. But this is completely different.

But when someone, particularly a muslim, is writing about the Prophet and his sahaba and raises dangerous allegations and wrongly quotes multiple times and then says I am just criticising the sahaba because no one is above criticism, there is something wrong here. Atleast if the references were correct then I could have understood that.

People who write about such sensitive topics are very careful and checkand doublecheck their references. You seem to be unwilling to face reality and noware justifying him in such an incredibly important issue by bringing Indian media and Einstein and what not and sidestepping the issue.
You are comparing media channels with books on the Prophetand his companions? Even I don't trust everything shownon media and print until I am convinced. Thats what I think of credibility of all media. But this is completely different.

But when someone, particularly a muslim, is writing about the Prophet and his sahaba and raises dangerous allegations and wrongly quotes multiple times and then says I am just criticising the sahaba because no one is above criticism, there is something wrong here. Atleast if the references were correct then I could have understood that.

People who write about such sensitive topics are very careful and checkand doublecheck their references. You seem to be unwilling to face reality and noware justifying him in such an incredibly important issue by bringing Indian media and Einstein and what not and sidestepping the issue.
Taking an example 'word for word' but not getting zest out of it also demonstrated the level of so-called Indian Muslim's understang here. The thesis statement lies under such readymade example is bias/weakness of human minds. BTW so-called progressive Christians in Hollywood shows Jusus having sex whilest Felwell or Robertson make him hollier than others to wage war. Moududi certainly didn't go to any of that extreme, right? Obviously there were wrongs in his writings, although it never passed my judgement to make a human above criticism but anyone would probably make mistakes if he were to produce such volumous write-ups IMO.
BTW so-called progressive Christians in Hollywood shows Jusus having sex whilest Felwell or Robertson make him hollier than others to wage war. Moududi certainly didn't go to any of that extreme, right? Obviously there were wrongs in his writings, although it never passed my judgement to make a human above criticism but anyone would probably make mistakes if he were to produce such voluminous write-ups IMO.

If there is problem then ban two or four or six books, why every book? It seems like a personally forced decision without proper judgment by AL.
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Good job Bangladesh! I wish Pakistan would follow and ban Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan.
Truth About Syed Abul Ala Maududi

Last Rare Interview - Syed Abul Ala Maududi

& watch what Tariq Jameel Said about 'Syed Abul Ala Maududi'

Please Don't Talk if you have no proves !
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