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Bangladesh bans film over villain's dress sense

MBI Munshi,

I do not remember to have responded to your posts earlier, but after going through many of them, including this one with Tiki Tam Tam, I assume you to be a bitter man, bitter for not having BNP or a more radical political party, ready to confront India in whatever just/unjust reasons you deem correct. All I can tell you is, we all, as citizen of one country or another are at times bitter about the ruling elites, however, we also should consider one's own democratic powers that one can utilize to oust a government, if found at incongruity to the nation's supreme interest. Above all, individual bitterness apart, one whould shed every iota of bitterness one has unreasonably nourished for his/her nation state. To this I find you onerously culpable.

Aside: Even I'm not a Bangladeshi by citizenry, but would not desist from ripping apart any insidious allegation, comparing BD to those freaking M.Eastern nutcases.

Even I would like to add that the present UPA govt. is considered the most corrupt govt. in India by many Indians but we know that we elected them and we have the power to boot them out in 2014.
The fact that we can throw out any Govt is an indicator of a vibrant democracy. A Nation of Free People.

And we can never be in the same league as those reprehensible dictatorships of the Middle East.

Such a day will never come!
MBI Munshi,

I do not remember to have responded to your posts earlier, but after going through many of them, including this one with Tiki Tam Tam, I assume you to be a bitter man, bitter for not having BNP or a more radical political party, ready to confront India in whatever just/unjust reasons you deem correct. All I can tell you is, we all, as citizen of one country or another are at times bitter about the ruling elites, however, we also should consider one's own democratic powers that one can utilize to oust a government, if found at incongruity to the nation's supreme interest. Above all, individual bitterness apart, one whould shed every iota of bitterness one has unreasonably nourished for his/her nation state. To this I find you onerously culpable.

Aside: Even I'm not a Bangladeshi by citizenry, but would not desist from ripping apart any insidious allegation, comparing BD to those freaking M.Eastern nutcases.

Another argument of convenience...........
Above all, what socialist, without flushing with shame, maintains he is not a revolutionary? We say: none!

Likewise, what citizen, without flushing with shame by letting his country down, maintains he is not a patriot? We say: none.
Above all, what socialist, without flushing with shame, maintains he is not a revolutionary? We say: none!

Likewise, what citizen, without flushing with shame by letting his country down, maintains he is not a patriot? We say: none.

But you do know Sheikh Mujib declared a one party system which puts him on a par with Saddam Hussein and Mubarek, if not worse? This sheikh hasina is the seed of this brutal, ruthless dictator, who luckily escaped the bloody coup her entire family had to suffer. There are many writers who claim that the man made famine created by mujib killed more people than the Pakistani army did in the war.
BNP is greedy, thieves and morons, but awami league is a cynical bully who wants to avenge the death of their leader Mujib. CHeck out how the hartals were during the BNP regime. HOw top leaders awami league committed atrocities on day light. I remember how four top awami league leaders were on tv, carrying guns and shooting at an anti hartal rally carried by mirza abbas. look up joynal hazari, shamim osman, and all the other mp's during the 1996 regime and how many goons awami league created since they again grabbed power. Mind you, this are goons from the streets who are now awami league leaders and ministers.
I know BNP has its faults as all of them are just greedy bastards, but comparing them with the awami league is just straight up criminal.
But you do know Sheikh Mujib declared a one party system which puts him on a par with Saddam Hussein and Mubarek, if not worse? This sheikh hasina is the seed of this brutal, ruthless dictator, who luckily escaped the bloody coup her entire family had to suffer. There are many writers who claim that the man made famine created by mujib killed more people than the Pakistani army did in the war.
BNP is greedy, thieves and morons, but awami league is a cynical bully who wants to avenge the death of their leader Mujib. CHeck out how the hartals were during the BNP regime. HOw top leaders awami league committed atrocities on day light. I remember how four top awami league leaders were on tv, carrying guns and shooting at an anti hartal rally carried by mirza abbas. look up joynal hazari, shamim osman, and all the other mp's during the 1996 regime and how many goons awami league created since they again grabbed power. Mind you, this are goons from the streets who are now awami league leaders and ministers.
I know BNP has its faults as all of them are just greedy bastards, but comparing them with the awami league is just straight up criminal.

That Hasina is undoubtedly suffering from some form of mental illness :crazy:

I don't think they are cynical. In fact, a good politician is always cynical. The AL axis of leadership suffers from a form of mental disease that is incurable.

I think she lost her mind after her family was massacred. She basically learned nothing from it.

Joy happens to be a strange mutated version of Hasina. Wonder if parents ever thought of their kids that way.....:blink:
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